just keep swimming


It was a nice day today, having the sun shine on the waters creating a glittery sight. Yewon always loved to roam the waters, wanting to encounter all the unique animals. Even if Sojung specifically told her not to. According to the older mermaid, it was dangerous to go out but to Yewon it was just another adventure, unknown waters to be searched. Of course, Yewon had to be cautious. She didn't know what kind of predators would be out here, ready for a meal though being  one of the fastest swimmers, other than Yuna, made her a little carefree.
Flicking her tail through the water, Yewon giggled as she swam next to dolphins, occasionally flying up and out of the waters for a refreshing breeze. Dolphins were one of her favorite animals. Every time she saw the aquatic animals, it seemed as if they understood her, which they did but understood her feelings. Not just talking and such. She could connect with them.

Soon enough, the waters became dark. Night had come quicker than she thought and Yewon didn't work well in darkness. Sticking her head above the water, Yewon grimaced as a cold wind hissed at her cheeks. A storm was coming. A big one. The changing colors in the sky reflected the madness that was coming, clouds grey with chaos. The biggest one yet. Perhaps this was why Sojung told her not to swim away from home, considering that it'd take a while to get back. But it shouldn't hurt, right? I mean, even if the storm did come it wasn't like Yewon was going to be above water.
Sinking back down into the abyss, Yewon yelped as a loud thunder echoed the sea. Okay, maybe this was a bad idea. Rain trickled on the water, slowly falling faster and faster. A flash of fear washed through Yewon, webbing through her veins like lightning. Her tail moved fast and eyes squinting to see in the darkness.

"Get the life boats!"

Muffled yells were above the water causing Yewon to stop all motions. What was it? Yewon was very much familiar with humans but she never thought for them to be this far out in sea. Curiousity got the best of her, gasping as water rushed down from the clouds and drenched her more than she already was. Her eyes searched around for any sign of humans.

"Hurry hurry!"

Yewon snapped her head towards the voices, eyes widened as she witnessed a large boat, flickering with bright lights, slowly falling into the water. Sailors layed motionless on the water and life boats floated along the sharp rocks. Minding the dead sailors, Yewon rushed towards the boat once she saw signs of life. They were still alive. Some of them at least but they needed saving. Lucky for them, Yewon was there to do just that. Her frenzied tail split through the water and worked fast. Splashes could be heard through the loud rumbling of the sky informing the mermaid that they were jumping in the freezing sea.
Yewon rose above the water and got a good look at one alive sailor, sitting alone on a life boat who was so desperately trying to save others.

"Move you stupid thing!" The sailor called out. A wave crashed over itself, moving fast as it threw itself at the sailor. Yewon froze in fear but all emotions disappeared once the wave vanished and revealed no one. She swam against the waves, wincing every so often as it hit her like a fist to the face. Eyes glowing a low blue, Yewon gasped as her eyes caught the sailor's floating body. Their hair thick like seaweed, moving with the chaotic waves. Though Yewon didn't have the time to admire the sailor's hair and kicked through the sea. Her arms grasped onto the seafarer and swam upwards. Giving the person air, Yewon flinced as her airways became clogged with nothing. She moved the long strands of hair out of the sailor's face only to be revealed as a woman. A dashing woman at that. 
Shaking her head out of her thoughts, Yewon looked around for any signs of land though there was nothing. Time was ticking fast. The only idea in mind was to bring to the shores of Incheon, the closest land possible.

She slipped through the rough waters, bouncing along with the waves to avoid any more damage to the woman. That only proved to make things worse, slowing down her mission to make it the Incheon. Sinking her head underwater, Yewon glided faster and prayed to the sea gods that this sailor wouldn't drown. Every once in a while, Yewon made sure to give the person some air.

Continuing to ripple through the waters, a sinking feeling bestowed upon the mermaid. An enomours wave crashed down at her, giving Yewon no time to react. It hit her like a truck, taking the wind out of her as it carried her farther from the shore. Even with that, she held the woman sailor tighter than ever as adrenaline ran through her tail and veins. The wave was bigger than she thought. Next thing Yewon knew was the sharp pain spreading throughout her body. Her back was sore as it hit the side of a giant rock and everytime she moved her tail it hurt like a stab wound. But that didn't stop her. Even with the unbearing snapping pain, Yewon moved closer to the shore as the waters became shallow. Water moving past her lips, Yewon slowed her swimming as she rose above waters, gasping at the foggy sights. In her arms, the sailor layed stationary. . Did she really do all this for nothing? 

Yewon placed the sailor where the land met the sea. Rocks shielded the area though not where she'd place the woman. It was as if it an entrance to the sea, rocks creating a wall around it. Not to mention the beautiful stone arch it'd made and a small cliff that blocked this shore from sight.
Her tail moved gracefully with the more calmer waves. The storm had died down in the time she was swimming. Which was good for her, considering she still had to get home to Sojung...
Oh no. Sojung was going to absolutely kill her. A part of her didn't want to go back to her home underwater but she had no where else to go. Unless she went above sea but it wasn't like she had the power to change her tail into a pair of human legs.

"Sailor? Wake up please..." Yewon gasped with the little air in her lungs. Though it wasn't completely suffocating. She'd always found herself breathing above water just as fine as underwater but she wasn't used to it. Panick rose in Yewon as there was no response from the woman.

Okay okay... Yewon just calm down.
What did Yuna tell you to do if you found a sailor at sea?

The lesson was oddly specific but Yuna taught her the basics, as if she had the same experience that Yewon was going through.
Yewon looked at her chest, opening in triumph. The human's lungs! Of course. She had to get water out of their throat somehow. Yewon didn't know how she was so slow at figuring it out but the thought was there nevertheless.
Placing her hands on the sailors chest, Yewon pushed softly on their chest. Once she got to the amount she needed, Yewon tilted their head back only to lock their lips together. It felt weirdly satisfying. Yewon never kissed anyone before. But right now she shouldn't be thinking about this stranger taking her first kiss, she needed to focus on saving them.

After a few times of mouth-to-mouth resuscitation, the sailor's eyes snapped open, choking back on the water that she threw up. The woman layed on her side continuing to cough only to have Yewon pat her back in reassurance. 

"Are you okay?" The mermaid croaked, hair sticking to her cheeks and flowing in the water behind her.
The woman woke up in pain, squinting at the sight of a blurry Yewon. Once her vision returned, she turned around towards Yewon only to have her eyes widened. She moved backwards, scrambling away from her, confused as why was she still in the water. Though never in her life she thought to see such a beautiful girl. The sailor's eyes shifted anywhere but at Yewon, observing the unfamiliar land around her.

"Who are you?" She gulped, clutching at her burning throat that was once filled with the water of the sea.

"I'm no one important, now answer my question." Yewon snapped as her eyes roamed the body of the sailor. It was interesting how well the uniform stuck around her body, to her curves to be more specific. As she searched the sailor for any further information and found a washed out name tag. Yewon smiled at the uneven tag, almost laughing to herself. Honestly, how did the thing not fall off?
"You have a beautiful name, Hwang Eunbi." A snarky grin formed on Yewon's lips. Usually, Yewon wouldn't be this teasing but to this human she felt she had to. Just the vibe Hwang Eunbi gave off made her feel this way.

Eunbi was too flustered about the mermaid to even say anything. She only had questions in mind, such as why was Yewon in the freezing water? By this time, Eunbi would've gotten out and back to her cottage but she had no idea where she was. Adding to that, did this mysterious girl just save her? The gears in her mind were not working, stuck at a stopping point. Why was she here again? First of all, she was in Jeju then they went off course and- Oh. That was it... the ship she'd accompanied on slammed into a rock. Yeah that was definitely it. She was trying to get to the main land by ship though she hadn't expected a giant storm to come. And when the ship hit the rock, Eunbi hit her shoulder on the belaying pin causing it to dislocate. , this was always a problem. Right now? it hurt like a pain in the . She held the area softly before standing up in her damp sailor uniform.

"If you don't mind, I have to go now..." Eunbi fought the urge to yawn, not bothered on how Yewon watched her with intent eyes, almost waiting for Eunbi to leave.
"Aren't you going to get out?" A soft giggle came from the mermaid, waving her hand to shoo Eunbi off. She shrugged at the action, turning away and walking from shore to land. Then again, she forgot where she was.

"Ah wait!-"

"This is Incheon." Yewon smiled, flapping her tail in the water though luckily enough Eunbi couldn't see it.
Talking to the girl was easier than she thought. Orginially, Yewon thought humans were scary and intense but Hwang Eunbi seemed far from that. At times she did come off alittle bit scary but not as much those fishermen. Yeesh, just thinking of them made the hairs on Yewon's arm stand up.

"Incheon? Ah... I know someone here! Thank you!" Eunbi clapped. She waved goodbye to Yewon as the girl did the same, giving a soft smile as Hwang Eunbi left her sight. As soon as she did, the mermaid sighed, laying her face down on the sand. She really did want to talk to Eunbi more but she didn't know how. Honestly, the woman would probably be scared once she noticed her giant tail behind her. But it always seemed so pretty. Her tail I mean. The scales were a metallic green, shining in either the sunlight or moonlight giving it a glittery feel. Of course, Yewon wasn't the only one with metallic scales as it ran in the family with her older sister, Sojung. Sojung's was absolutely beautiful, her scales were a bright purple. So maybe... just maybe Eunbi would like her tail, admire it.
Then again, she was a sailor, mostly likely associated with those fishermen.

Yewon looked back up at the land, frowning as her eyes caught the sight of childen running along the beach towards the flickering light house. She'd always wished to go on land at least once in her lifetime but she knew even that wasn't possible. Heaving a deep sigh, Yewon sunk back into the sea where Sojung awaited (to punish her).

"YAH KIM YEWON! WHAT DID I TELL YOU?!" And as she suspected, Sojung was going off on her. An awkward grin formed on Yewon's face, wincing as she swam to the litte crabs laying on the ocean floor. Everything became more dull in her eyes. Yewon saw this sight every day, the same house she lived in and the same Atlantis. Though the lights she never got sick of. She couldn't deny that most of the underwater scenery was amazing. But Hwang Eunbi was better. Yewon shrugged at Sojung's words, massaging her temples as she layed on the soft sand.

"Eonni, please I don't need this right now..."

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU DON'T NEED THIS?!" Sojung yelled as she did the same, rubbing her temples angrily.

Yewon couldn't comprehend any of Sojung's words. Her head was pounding, making her vision bounce as if a subwoofer was right next to her ear. Words going in and out of her ear, Yewon closed her eyes. Something hurt. Terribly. She didn't notice it before but now it did. Everytime she flicked her tail or moved it in general, a sharp pain erupted from the bottom up. A grimace appeared on her face, wincing as she flapped her tail against the sand floor.


"Kim Yewon! Why are you making that face at me?!" Sojung growled and continued to scold her.
There was really no way she was going to get out of this. Sighing heavily but quietly, Yewon turned her back towards her sister and quickly fell asleep.


Yewon woke up to a good morning in the sea, eyes fluttering open as she found herself in an unknown area. Huh? Unknown area? Last time she checked, sge fell asleep in Sojung's bed...? Sitting up slowly, Yewon found herself in a bright room. Multiple shelfs built of coral surrounded her with bottles and flowers filling it up. Oh . She was very much familiar with the underwater infirmary. But Yewon had no idea why she was here.
Trying to move her tail, the mermaid only found it to be useless as it was restricted. Restricted with a splint.


An alarm blared off in Yewon's head, sirens loud and creating a headache in her mind. She looked around for Sojung but her sister was sitting on the seat next to her with a worried face. , Yewon really had no idea how her tail got fractured. That explained why it hurt so much after moving it and why it was so sore after swimming Hwang Eunbi back to shore.

"Yewon-ah!~~ I was so worried! I saw you were whining in your sleep and I thought you were just having a dream until I realize your tail was-"

"Sojung-eonni calm down please! I'm fine, really." The younger had to cut Sojung off short, knowing she could rant for almost a hour straight. And considering the situation Yewon was in, she definitely did not want to waste that time listening to Sojung.

"Okay okay, I'm alittle dramatic but I couldn't help but worry about my little baby~" Sojung cooed, holding Yewon in her arms, squeezing her until the air out of her lungs disappeared. After hugging her for an unusual amount of time, Sojung released her and pressed her forehead against Yewon's. A soft smile cracked on Yewon's face as Sojung touched their foreheads. Though it was abrupt, the act made her heart flutter with love. Whenever the girl did this, Yewon knew she was concerned. It was simple but it felt like the only thing that really could connect the two. Connect as in Yewon could almost feel what Sojung was feeling. Their breathing became less hectic and more calm, taking Yewon into another embrace. Except this time it was way less tighter.

"Eunha said you'll recover in a few weeks short since it's a minor fracture." She broke the comfortable silence as Sojung pulled away from the hug. Now that Yewon looked closer, she could see the redness in Sojung's eyes. The sight made her almost want to cry. Yewon never meant to worry her sister this much.
"So from now on, you'll be suspended from swimming until it heals."

"so from now on, you'll be suspended from swimming until it heals."

Sojung's words echoed in her mind. It bounced around in her skull a few moments before completely processing the information. Not swimming for a few weeks?! It'd be ing hell for her! Yewon basically couldn't move for a few whole weeks. Couldn't it heal faster? Well, she didn't have the answer to that considering she wasn't a doctor and that Eunha, the best doctor around said it. All the girl had to do was believe and fulfill her orders. 
But she couldn't. I mean, Yewon could... but she didn't want to. Swimming was everything to her, literally her whole life. So to not swim? Yeah, not going to happen. And perhaps the thought of visiting the land dweller made her choices stronger. Yes, Hwang Eunbi was stuck in her mind ever since she saved her from the shipwreck. The woman was too beautiful to forget. Yewon had thought out the perfect plan the night before to visit Hwang Eunbi... until she found out her tail was fractured and now held a brace. But that didn't stop her. It can't. She needed to visit Hwang Eunbi. It wasn't just her desire but a lingering feeling in her heart told her to, as cheesy as it sounded. Everytime Hwang Eunbi popped up in her brain, it made her heart beat abnormally fast.

"Oh... okay." Yewon muttered, falling down with a flutter of her lips.

"Yewon I know you're disappointed but please, don't do anything stupid okay? Swimming is everything for a mermaid but right now is not the time to be stubborn, okay?"

Yewon let out a huff. Sojung's tone threatened her not to do anything but it wouldn't stop her.

"I know eonni- and don't you have a date with Eunha-eonni? I'm sure she's waiting for you." Quickly changing the subject, a grin formed on the younger's lips watching Sojung's face become flustered.

"HOW- how did you know about that?!" And of course, Yewon knew how to get the girl.

"Go on! Don't worry about me eonni and worry about your hamburger loving girlfriend!"

Honestly, Yewon loved Sojung very much but right now she needed her to get the hell out. How else was she supposed to execute her perfect plan?

Eunbi layed on the guest bed, lost in her ocean of thoughts. She couldn't get the girl who saved her out of her mind. As Eunbi kept on recalling back to the memory, she found herself forgetting more and more details. But her mind could never forget how beautiful the mystery girl was, even if she wanted to forget (there was no reason for her to neglect the thought anyway). How her hair stuck her to cheeks and that cute smile that seemed to scrunch her nose. Eunbi just wanted to see her again. Despite this mystery girl was weird enough to float in the water even after she left. That wasn't the thing taking up most of thoughts but the fact that this girl saved her. How? And where did she go after that? Definitely suspicious if you were asking me.
And well, Eunbi didn't have time to answer the questions back then as she was too occupied with finding her friend's- or Yerin's house. Which she did, lucky her, but the girl just seemed so comfortable in the water, not cold at all. She was literally freezing after getting out and this girl just seemed so warm in it?

"Eunbi-yah! Come down, breakfast is ready!"

The said girl sighed softly, hopping out of her bed and in the process, hurt her shoulder. . Eunbi had to tell Yerin sooner or later because damn, it hurt like a buttcheek on a stick. Gliding down the cold wooden steps, Eunbi let out a soft yawn as the smell of seasoned eggs. Eggs weren't particulary her favorite food in the mornings but they were something to eat when she was bored.

"morning eonni..." Eunbi waved lazily, plopping herself down on a seat across from the older girl.

"Sleep well?" The usual morning questions came along once Yerin placed the plate of eggs in front of her.

Eunbi gave a small nod, picking at the perfectly cooked food with her fork. She stabbed it aggressively and let the egg be chewed down by her teeth. Honestly, today it tasted better than... well before. Gulping down the food, Eunbi looked up at Yerin who was only looking back at her.

"Aren't you going to eat?"

"I will, once I'm done admiring my girlfriend's beauty." Yerin smiled, curving her eyes into halfmoons as she stared dreamily into Eunbi's. Though the girl had been looking kinda ragedy. There were times where she looked way better than this and yet Yerin didn't pay attention to her at all. It didn't make sense but Eunbi didn't care. Nevertheless, Eunbi's face didn't fail to show her embarrassment, hiding under her arm as they ate in silence. The only sounds in the room were the clinking of forks against the plates and the occasional coughs when the eggs went down the wrong tube.

"So... Eunbi-yah..." Yerin broke the silence and pushed away her empty plate with a satisfied smile,
"Why'd you come here all drenched? I mean I know it was raining but I'd expected you to have an umbrella." Her smile quickly turned into a frown. She placed her hand on top of Eunbi's, sending an electric wave through just one simple touch.
"I don't want you to get sick."

Eunbi's heart grew with love after hearing Yerin's concern for her. How could it not? It really made them feel like a real couple, having Yerin worry and cook breakfast every morning. Just for her. Even with that, Eunbi felt as if she didn't fit in with this relationship and only supposed to be just friends. Well, technically they were it's just that Yerin jokes around a bit and says they're girlfriends but they're really not. So to be honest, the thoughts weren't all that bad. Right? I mean if Yerin really wanted to date her then she could just confess right now. But she didn't so that's that.

"Oh... um... yeah, just forgot one. I didn't check the weather last night..." Something moved in Eunbi's mind, unconsciously, telling her not to tell Yerin about the mystery girl who saved her from the shipwreck. It felt wrong to. As selfish as it sounded, Eunbi wanted to find the girl herself and have only her know about her. Because if this mystery girl really was... let's just say a creature from the sea then she wouldn't want anyone to find out. Especially Yerin. Considering she was connected with a couple of those fishermen who seemed to be up to no good. But Yerin wasn't the type to just turn in a sweet girl who saved her, right? I mean, since Yerin liked her so much then she shouldn't... right? Not that it mattered anyway because Eunbi was planning on not telling her.

"Next time don't forget wifey, can't let you get sick on my watch." A heart racing grin formed on Yerin's face, making Eunbi flush red in her seat. Okay... just sometimes the older girl can be cute.

Nodding, Eunbi stood up, squeaking the chair in progress as she slid her plate towards Yerin. A sudden idea popped in her head to find the mystery girl who saved her. After all, this morning Eunbi couldn't get her out of her mind. So she needed to start somewhere. And that somewhere was at the beach where she was saved. Eunbi got into a running stance towards the stairs upwards and dashed off.



Once Sojung left the infirmary, Yewon quickly swam upwards and out of the place. Though her tail was a bit sore it didn't stop her from swimming fast. The time to Incheon wasn't very long as her home was closer than she thought. She glided through the blue waters, smiling softy as it slided against her skin like silk. It was absolutely heaven. The water never felt cold or hot to her, always the right temperature. Yewon moved instinctly to where Incheon was, not paying attention to the mermaid following behind her trail of bubbles. And of course, the mermaid, being the fastest swimmer, caught up to her. She stopped in front of Yewon causing the girl to bump into her chest with a whine.

"huh- OH-"

"Yewon-ah! I thought Sojung said you were suspended from swimming?" She quirked an eyebrow, eyes trailing down to her said tail and opened in shock,

"Yuna-eonni!~~ Please don't tell Sojung! I'm fine see?" Yewon flapped her tail a couple of times trying to convince the latter that it didn't need a brace for her tail to heal. Well, honestly, it hurt quite a bit but she wasn't going to let that show.


"Eonni...? for me?" Using her cuteness to her advantage, Yewon gave Yuna puppy eyes, pleading her to let her go. However, Yuna was not falling for it this time. Multiple times already Yewon tried to use her beautiful self to convince Yuna to get out of problems. Like this one. And of course, sometimes Yuna did let Yewon off the hook but having her swim with a fractured tail? Yeah, no way.

"That's not going to-" She was wrong. Oh so very wrong. Yuna was an abosolute victim to Yewon's cute tricks. A blush plastered across the girl's face, eyes looking everywhere but her. She was cute alright and Yuna couldn't help her heart from beating incredibly fast. The effect that she had on her was too great, tightening her lips before turning away from her.
"Yewon, if you hurt yourself-"

"Eonni I know. I promise I won't do anything dangerous, you can trust me." Oh god. Whenever Yewon used that voice on her it made her body melt. Yuna felt her whole life being drained out into the vast sea. She gave the stubborn girl a hesitant nod, still looking away. But that seemed to do the trick. In reward, Yewon kissed Yuna's cheek softly before swimming off to her original route to Incheon. Shaking her head, Yuna stared at the girl who slowly disappeared into the water's abyss.

Yewon grinned widely, happy of her achievements as she wasn't too far from the shore where she'd put Hwang Eunbi on. Flying past the rocks and doing small tricks in the water, and in the process hit her tail on a piece of coral. It'd be a lie to say it didn't hurt because that pain stung, stringing through her body like a complicated knot. Slowing her swimming pace, Yewon in a sharp breath and exhaled deeply. Just a breath. Just a breath to keep her swimming. Taking one last deep breath, Yewon continued on her ways. Pain was inevitable for her anyway, considering that she was swimming with a fractured tail so what  was she expecting? Honestly, nothing. Yewon only wanted to get to Hwang Eunbi and talk for a while before getting back to her home with Sojung. Timing was essential and could not be afforded to waste.

The sun was still shining bright though low once Yewon reached the shore. A golden hue washed over the area, making the dark rocks orange and the ocean reflect warm tones off the water. This hour was really the best hour above the sea for Yewon. Never she thought it'd look so beautiful compared to the aquatic, she didn't mind it.

Yewon sung to herself quietly, creating a song in her to which she didn't know the lyrics to but only the melody. One specific sound stuck in her head after meeting Hwang Eunbi. It was as if the song was trying to talk to her. The sound was like a piano, calming and peaceful, beautiful sounding in any way possible but it also contained the melacholy that lingered within the keys of a piano. As sad as it made Yewon feel, it also had a warming effect on her, creating a fuzziness in her stomach.

"You have a beautiful voice."

The latter flinched, eyes staring at the blue sandals that the girl she'd been waiting for wore. Eunbi looked endearing, luring Yewon in with just her looks. A simple white cropped shirt fit tight on her body along with the black shorts that showed off her legs. While a light blue cardigan hung over her shoulders helplessly. Damn, she looked good. Yewon could almost hear the heart beat in her ears. Could Eunbi hear it? The pulsating and how it throbbed against her chest? Maybe, maybe not.

"Thank you; you look nice." Yewon smiled softly, watching as Eunbi walked closer. She squatted down to Yewon's height, watching the sea ripple until it dispersed. Nodding in gratuity, Eunbi leaned her chin on her knee as her eyes shifted down to the mermaid.

"Why're you still in the water?"

, there it is. The magic question. Yewon didn't think this through, she was too excited to meet Hwang Eunbi than to think of her reasoning why she stuck in the sea. Biting her lip softly, Yewon bobbed her head to the side, smile turning into a flustered grin.

"I'll answer your question if you answer mine."


Oh. It was easier than she thought but Yewon still had to ask something of the girl. What would she ask? There were so many possibilities. Going the basic route and asking Eunbi why she ended up stranded on the sea but that'd end up with more questions about her saving the girl... so that's out. Another choice was to ask about her personal life. Yeah. That seemed the easiest and also the one Yewon was most curious about. Did Eunbi have a significant other? Perhaps that's a bit too personal but she had to shoot her shot one way or another, right?

"So... you said you knew someone here, did you find them?" Starting off slow, Yewon raised one eyebrow.

"mhm, her name is Jung Yerin."
Jung Yerin. Curious. Yewon nodded awkwardly as her lips tightened. She  really didn't think this through. Coming off as strange to Eunbi was one thing but making the atmosphere between them stoic and dull? Honestly, that was worse.

"I never got your name."

"Yewon, Kim Yewon." She responded almost too quickly.

"I know you know my name but... Hwang Eunbi. Yep, that's me." The girl chuckled before the sand, playing with the small shells that hid under the water. "So, Kim Yewon. You haven't answered my question yet." Eunbi wasn't going to let it go. This whole thing had been on her mind so to lose her chance to talk to Yewon about the topic would be bad for her brain.

Yewon shifted her eyes away from Eunbi, flapping her tail softly against the water, clearly creating those splashing noises that seemed to miss Eunbi's ears. 
Biting her lip softly, Yewon let out a defeated sigh and was about to show herself. About to. You see, perhaps humans aren't so bad as Eunbi raised up her hand in an apologetic manner.

"If you don't want to tell me it's okay, really. I don't want to pressure a cute girl like you."

Cute girl? I'm cute?

Minding Eunbi's first statement, Yewon could only focus on what she said after that. Cute? She didn't know what to expect when Eunbi first saw her but cute was not the first word to come to mind. A pink tint grew on her cheeks, regardless of her wanting it to show or not, and played with the loose strand of hair. She twirled it around her finger, tightening it for a second before letting it fall lose.

"Isn't it obvious?" Yewon looked up at Eunbi who was only smiling.

"I mean, if you are a mermaid or something that's pretty cool but right now you look like a normal person."

"How else do you think I saved you?" Yewon cocked an eyebrow, leaning closer to Eunbi though she also did the same.

"Dunno, by ship?"

Okay, perhaps Eunbi was a bit daft in the brain but that didn't matter. The situation would get revealed sooner or later so Yewon just decided to do it. Shifting a bit to the side, Yewon flicked her metallic green tail in the water, splashing droplets onto Eunbi's cheek. And honestly, Yewon didn't feel bothered at all. Even less worried. Normally if this was one of those fishermen then she'd definitely be a goner. It wasn't like she'd go up to one of them and say 'oh i'm a mermaid, isn't that cool?' but just the thought made her paranoid.

"Is it real?" The words slipped out of Eunbi's mouth, gulping down the saliva that built up in . She almost forgot to swallow as she was too occupied with staring at Yewon's cute scrunched up nose. Moving down on her knees, Eunbi leaned her body forward, touching the scales delicately as if it were fragile glass that could break with even the slightest touch.

Yewon responded with a curt nod, giggling at the sensation once Eunbi touched her tail. It felt strange to have someone touch her tail, especially Hwang Eunbi who looked so beautiful. Oh, the thought came too naturally. A small blush appeared on her face, hiding herself under her damp strands of hair.
"Be careful, I kinda hurt it when I was swimming..." The girl didn't want to give the exact definition. First of all, not wanting Eunbi to worry and second to not make Eunbi feel like she was at fault.

"Oh sorry! I just touched your tail without your consent!" Eunbi jerked her hand away (much to Yewon's disappointment) and began apologizing like crazy,
"Oh god, I'm sorry you had to save me during that wreck! I don't even know how I got out there and-"

"Eunbi, It's fine. Really. You can calm down."

"Are you sure? I mean-"

Yewon gave the girl a look, immediately stopping her sentence short. Eunbi replaced her nervousness with fluster, turning red underneath the golden light. She tightened her lips and refused to look Yewon in the eyes. To be honest, this kind of talk was unfamiliar to her. Eunbi never found herself talking to a stranger, a mermaid at that, so easily. Quite an introvert really. But with Yewon she felt so... comfortable and at ease, as if she could talk to her about anything. Literally. And Yewon was versatile like that, willing to disobey Sojung just to meet with the land dweller. Yes, perhaps it was a bit risky but she didn't regret the choice.

"But you can't expect me to save you again." A teasing grin marked Yewon's face making Eunbi frown. That grin quickly disappeared once Eunbi placed a finger under her chin, tilting her head upwards to look at her. Eunbi's eyes glowered but in a joking manner, staring down at her with her dark brown eyes that looked like pools of honey in the sun.

"What if I want you to save me?"

It was Yewon's turn to blush, ears burning just at Eunbi's words. She opened wide yet no words came out. Actually, stutters did come out of but they were barely even words. Clearing , Yewon avoided eye contact with Eunbi and smiled softly.
"um... I mean, I was just joking you know?" Yewon laughed only to see a smirk on the sailor's face.
Damn. Eunbi really made her feel all hot and flustered, embarrassed enough to make her stutter. To be honest, no one has ever made her feel like this. A complete puddle. Every time Eunbi looked at her made her heart stop and her body melt into the sea. The feeling was blissful even if her body really did melt.

"You're cute." The words slipped out of , hiding herself in her knees as Yewon's face turned a brighter color of red. Seeing her reaction made her heart beat faster, immediately smiling at the sight. Yewon's smile triggered something in her whole being, like a line of dominos. She couldn't explain it even if she wanted to but it was good.

Really good.


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Eighthmoon #1
Chapter 4: Heyy thor I'm new reader. Your story is amazing, but my Umb heart wants them to be together. So please give us the sequel, pleasee
ledakaa #2
Chapter 2: Please make a sequel, I love the story
Chapter 4: Hold the up. Is this the end? Wait for real? Holy okay... So everyone is depressed, Yerin is still insane, we’re not sure Yewon’s alive and HwangBi is a sad child. Seems like a lovely’s ending! Damn. Normally I wouldn’t have a problem with angst but come on man. This deserves a sequel. Ya can’t just leave it like that! Especially not after revealing Yerin and Yuju had a thing. That’s spicy! There’s so much loose ends?? I just wanna know what happens to everyone tbh.
Chapter 4: Aww it ended already? :'( sequel pleaseee i want a happy ending for them ㅠ.ㅠ
Chapter 3: <span class='smalltext text--lighter'>Comment on <a href='/story/view/1422860/3'>broken</a></span>
Do u hear that...that's my heart breaking...my umb heart can't wait for the last chapter authornim!!!
Chapter 2: Your story is very good XD
Oh no yewon :( sinb please save her :(