

A shiver covered her whole body, flinching as her eyes moved to the sky that was filled with chaos. It was worse than the day she got shipwrecked. The clouds fought with each other, clashing continously and rain falling from it's wounds. Another lightning bolt struck the sky, webbing through the grey and gloomy clouds. Eunbi always hated storms: not only because of the shipwreck but because of the smell. Yes, perhaps it was weird to focus on the smell yet it was the only thing that Eunbi could notice in a rainstorm.
The smell of rain was interesting, nevertheless it gave Eunbi a terrible headache. Pounding against her skull. Even attempting to sleep through a storm to get rid of that stupid headache.

However, that changed when she met Yewon. Now that she thought of it, Eunbi hadn't had a headache in a long time... until now. Even when Yewon saved her that day, no headache. But that's due to thinking about Yewon rather than the storm. That didn’t matter anymore. It's back. The pounding in the back of her head, stronger than ever. Yes, Yewon took up most of her thoughts now but she still felt that pulse.

Yet something felt off. Wrong, almost...That shiver in her body told her so. But what was wrong? Right now she was comfortable, laying on the couch with Yerin; cuddling with the girl as she snored softly. Must be nice to sleep in the rain. Eunbi had to admit, the sound of the rain pittering and pattering against the windows weren't so bad compared to the smell.
Can Yewon hear these noises? The ones that sound so pleasing to the ear yet so dissonant.


Where was she? Did she still wait?


Eunbi's stomach churned, flipping everytime the sound of thunder reached her ears.


Please be safe. 


Eunbi wanted her pleads to be heard.


She shut her eyes, desperate to rid of the name ringing in her ears. Her headache felt like it was reaching a crescendo, groaning and fidgeting in her spot. A gasp escaped , eyes shot wide open as her heart jumped at the sound of lightning hitting terribly close. That gut feeling in her was still there. She wanted it gone.


What was it? Was it the world telling her something? Was the world telling her to do something?
Was it Yewon?

Yewon, Yewon, Yewon. Why was she on her ing mind? Eunbi held her head in her hands while standing up, slowly sliding Yerin off of her. She paced around the room as rain slowed down; now tapping on the windows. The low light from the fireplace flickered softly, threatening to go out. Running a hand through her turquoise hair, Eunbi stared out the glass. Her eyes followed the raindrops racing each other. And somehow, she could relate to it: that she was racing against time. Time? The thought suddenly came to her head, stomach churning and flipping. Yewon... maybe she really did need her help. But Yerin's promise... she couldn't leave the girl and if Yerin found herself alone in the house, Eunbi wouldn't want her to panick. Yewon. She was important too. The mermaid held a special place in her heart where Yerin couldn't reach.

Eunbi looked back at the older girl who was snoring on the couch. A drop of rain splat onto the window just as a thunder clapped in the air. Letting a breath escape from between her lips, Eunbi clenched her fist.

"I'm sorry."

Throwing on a rain jacket and boots, Eunbi pulled the hood over her head and ran out the door. She didn't realize it until now but the rain was heavier than she expected. Droplets continously hit her head like golfballs and drenched her clothes. But Eunbi couldn't care less. Feet splashing against the puddles, water sent up into her rain boots even causing the inside to get soaked. Didn't matter. All Eunbi was worried about was Yewon. Cold air hissed at her cheeks, grimacing as a branch flew into her face, barely making a mark.

Yewon. I'm coming. Just wait for me.

As the hood fell from her head, Eunbi's damp hair ran in the wind as she splashed towards the shore. Everything was soaked, to the point where you could say it was flooding. Water glided off the rocks and added to the ocean and the sand had tiny craters where the rain had fell. Eunbi looked around frantically to find any signs of life. Any for goodness sake. Her heart started to fall into her stomach. . Yewon could've been out in the sea by now. But she couldn't be. According to her intuition.
Slipping past the rocks, Eunbi dragged her cold and shivering self under the stone arch. The only area where it hadn't been completely wet. She layed her back against the rocks, breathing heavy as her arms fell to the side.

Yewon was here. She had to be. She would be here, Eunbi knows it. How much she regretted everything. Eunbi only wished she didn't make that promise with Yerin. Deep down inside her heart, Eunbi wanted to see Yewon even while Yerin was with her. Deep in her heart, Eunbi wanted Yewon to be the one next to her. Laughing, joking, even occasional kisses. Kisses? Maybe kisses were a bit too much. Or maybe it wasn't. After all, Eunbi already shared a couple with the mermaid so what's the harm if she really did kiss her? They never kissed... officially though. The only actual time they kissed was when Yewon was trying to bring her back to life. Scratch that, there was... one time they kissed... and it was the only kiss they ever had while both of them were conscious.

Eunbi took a deep breath, finally standing up as she did what she came to do. Pulling the hood back over her head, Eunbi stepped out into the rain. The droplets echoed in her ear, slowly walking around as her eyes looked for any signs of movement. Though luckily, the rain was clearing up and clouds were rushing in the sky; desperate to get away. Light peeked out from behind the gloom causing Eunbi to look at the sky.

It was beautiful really. A rainbow had formed, brightening up the mood. But Eunbi could beg to differ. The rainbow had not made her happy, not until she found Yewon; however, she couldn't deny that the sun glistening on the sea was breathtaking..

"someone... help..."

Huh? Eunbi's ears perked up at the plead. What was it? Her heart pumped like crazy, leading herself into the unknown just from the voice inside her head. It was too late to back out now, not when Yewon still needed her. Yewon. It was definitely Yewon. It had to be. Eunbi started to feel a sickly feeling. , if Yewon really was... hurt, then what would happen? She wouldn't be able to bare it if she saw Yewon in that state. Picking up the pace, Eunbi ran in the wet sand, sinking down the grains; as if it was quick sand that she'd be stuck in forever. But Eunbi didn't care. She didn't care if she had to be stuck in oblivion just to find Yewon.


There it is again. The voice calling out to her. They were almost like whispers in her ear, caressing her sides as she ran to find her. Her voice felt so close yet so far away. Eunbi wanted the voice to say her name again. It made her feel so euphoric, so... happy; just like the rainbow in the sky. The voice was recognizable no doubt but Eunbi needed to see who was saying it. She needed to see Yewon say her name out of her own mouth. Her lips moving so flawlessly and so lucious... the pink tint of them and how it looked so kissable. Kissable? Not again... She couldn't think of Yewon like this, no! But she could. I mean, it was her own thoughts and no one would hear it... right?

As Eunbi shook her head, she passed through a few big rocks, even climbing on top to get past them. A dock caught her eyes. The colors were washed out, a grey brown as it creaked in the cold wind. It looked as if it could break any second. Just like Eunbi. Without Yewon, she felt like breaking in half, emotions split into a person who she didn't embody.

Eyes searching, Eunbi in a sharp breath. Time stopped- everything stopped as her eyes found the girl she was looking for. Yewon's once bright and beautiful self was washed out on shore. Her metallic scales grey and dull, her skin covered in sand. No... this couldn't be real right? As much as Eunbi wished to find Yewon, she never wished for her to be like... this. Clasping her hand over , Eunbi ran over to the motionless girl. In the process her feet slipped, tripping over nothing as her face fell into the sand. Even with the stinging feeling and sand in , Eunbi couldn't stop herself. She couldn't stop her heart from tearing and breaking.

"Ye- Yewon! Yewon, please wake up... don't- don't die... please don't be dead..." Eunbi whispered, dragging herself towards her body. swelled up, unable to speak the words she wished to as she held the girl in her arms. Yewon looked in pain... not just emotionally but physically. Her face contorted into a expression that Eunbi would never think Yewon to have on. It hurt to see her like this. Her once pink lips now mixed in with her skin though still looking as lucious as ever.

"Yewon... yewon please... please- I- I can't... I don't want you to die..." The words croaked out from the back of , tears dropping meaninglessly on the mermaid's cheek. Sand dug into her skin, eyes wet with tears as Eunbi layed her forehead against hers. Soft pleads slippedout of . There weren't any words to describe what she was feeling. Only that stupid ing headache that came with the rain. Why was it that she felt worse when the sun was finally out and a rainbow was there? Why was it that Yewon made her feel like this? Why was it Yewon who she had to fall in love with?!


That was it.

Eunbi didn't believe before, , she denied it! Everything caught up with her... everything, her sins of refusing to love Yewon just because she was a mermaid. She'd always thought Yerin was the one for her, Yerin the one to care for her everyday until death. And then Yewon came into her life. Like a light in darkness. Eunbi humanized into a place of abyss and Yewon walking in like an angel. An angel ready to save her from this dark place. The dark place that Yerin kept her in. It wasn't to say that Yerin was apalling, no, but she was... possessive. Wanting for Eunbi to stay with her at all times: even ing telling her to stay away from Yewon! Eunbi loved Yerin so very much but asking for her to stay away from the girl crossed the line.

And it was her emotions. Her emotions got in the way of this spiraling concept. But Eunbi couldn't let the darkness take away her light. Instead she walked closer to it, closer to Yewon.

She needed her to wake up. It was the only way she'd actually get out.

Eunbi opened her red eyes, breathing in what seemed like water. Her body floated though not feeling wet... she felt... at ease, calmed as the currents brought her along. Various fishes swam beside her, glowing different colors while seaweed danced and the coral reef thrived. The currents suddenly stopped, bringing her to a place where she thought she'd never see. Houses piled up at the bottom of the sea, neon lights brightening up the area. And then there was a house, a small one that was built with white sandstone. A wave of warmness engulfed her entire being, smiling as a younger Yewon swam towards her just as she exited the house. 

The girl looked up with a curious look. "You're a human... but how are you here?" Yewon said, voice completely altered to fit her childish persona.

Eunbi didn't know the answer to her question and just patted her head. She never knew Yewon could look cuter than she already was- not to say Yewon wasn't cute just more... mature I guess. But even with that, the same glint was in her eyes, shining like there was no tomorrow. That same look of curiousity and enchantment. Like she was a magical creature to Yewon's eyes. But she was still the same girl that Yewon saved from the ship wreck. She was still the same girl who Yewon had fallen in love with.

"Yewon..." The name slipped too easily out of , surprising the younger version.

"Yes, Eunbi?"

Beautiful. Absolutely breathtaking. The said girl loved the way Yewon said her name. She couldn't say why but it just did. It just... clicked with her, making her heart dance with the seaweed and the fishes.

"Wake up... please wake up." Eunbi took both of Yewon's hands, holding them tight together before pulling her into a hug.

Yewon chuckled softly and patted her back.

"Please Yewon... I love you..."

Finally. Finally she was able to say the three words. The three magical words that bonded hers and Yewon's hearts together, the words that bonded them together.

"Say it again..."

"I love you."


"I love you."


"I love you, Kim Yewon."

Eunbi opened her eyes, her chest clogged. A pair of soft lips were on hers and a hand interwined with her shaking fingers. Eunbi tightened her hold on the girl in her arms, craddling her like a baby. Yewon's lips never felt so good. She never imagined it to taste like this, to taste sweet and salty with tears. Bringing her free hand up, Eunbi cupped Yewon's cheeks before deepening the kiss. Though their lungs soon screamed for oxygen, parting away and pressing their foreheads together. Eunbi's lips lingered around Yewon's, desperate to kiss them once more.

"Yewon... Yewon..." She whispered. 

She hummed in response as she gave Eunbi a light kiss before a small laughter escaped her lips, "Yes, Eunbi?"

Whooping in joy, Eunbi smiled brightly, showing off her pearly whites as she pumped her arms in the air,

"Oh my god! Yewon, you're- you're really awake!"

"I am..." Yewon's voice was tired, eyes still drooping even with the happy smile that plastered her lips.
She was very much awake but felt dead inside. The pain still webbed throughout her whole tail, crackling like the lightning that was once in the sky. Everything felt sore and Yewon could barely move herself. And it wasn't like she could ask Eunbi for help considering that she was a mermaid that lived in the sea. She needed Eunha.

Sensing the dull look in the latter's eyes, Eunbi held her cheeks softly before kissing her forehead, "Are you okay?"

She only responded with a small nod and closed her eyes. It felt comfortable to be held in Eunbi's arms like this, despite the constant pain; though Yewon's tail started to feel more numb than pain. Perhaps she was getting too used to it. How long had she been in this state anyway? Hours? Days? At least Eunbi was here to guide her through.

"Yewon... you're hurt aren't you?" Eunbi's eyes flickered with sadness and regret, holding the mermaid closer than before, "I'm sorry... I'm- I'm so sorry..." Choking back on her words, it felt as if the wind was taken out of Eunbi, struggling to find her breath.

"it's not your fault... i was stupid to go out in this- mm- this weather." Yewon coughed as her eyes lids starting to bat against each other.

A million of knifes stabbed into her heart, one after another, just from the sad tone of her voice. All Eunbi was pleading was for Yewon not to close her eyes. What would happen after that? Her... death? Not now, Yewon couldn't die now. Please. She couldn't. It wasn't possible. Eunbi's once lit up life would now succumb back to the dark. Yewon couldn't die in her arms. She wouldn't be able to bear it. Yewon couldn't die. Don't close your eyes. Please. Tears ran down Eunbi's cheeks causing the mermaid to swipe at it with her thumb.

"don't cry... once i'm saved, eunha will help me. don't be sad eunbi." Yewon smiled lazily. She brought the girl's face down, kissing her lips gently.
"i don't want you to cry for me."

Eunbi shook her head as she let herself take a deep breath. burned, scorched as she breathed in the air that Yewon was breathing. Lips that once touched Yewon's now turned dry. Eunbi's chest clogged and nodded softly.

"someone will come for me sooner or later... yuna will tell sojung and everything will be okay..." Yewon reassured her,


"But what? Yewon... I don't want you to say it." She already knew the words behind it, eyes welling up in tears once more.

"i might never be able to see you again eunbi... it's risky enough for me to go up to meet you but now that yerin knows-"

"Yerin? What about Yerin?" Eunbi cut her off causing Yewon to place a finger on her lips.

"calm down... like i told you, everything will be okay."

The words were starting to make Eunbi angry, her veins popping out of her skin as she furrowed her eyebrows. She clenched her fist and punched the rock next to her. Despite the pain, her eyes were still full of fury and disappointment.

"Why?! Nothing's going to be the same- nothing is going to be okay! I can't just forget you Yewon. I can't! I'll hide you if I have to- I'll take you away for myself so no one else can find you!" Eunbi exploded,
"Don't leave me like this! Don't... don't leave me alone."

A soft smile formed on Yewon's lips, feeling as bright as a summer flower though contained the sadness of rain, "eunbi..." She called out helplessly.

"I love you Yewon and I won't let our bond break just because of the risks." Eunbi was stubborn after all, eyes flaring in determination.

Words were going in and out of Yewon's ears, smile turning into a frown. She didn't think Eunbi would be this difficult, hell, she didn't expect her to fall in love with her. As much as Yewon loved the girl, she needed to let her go. They weren't meant to be. A human and a mermaid. It just wouldn't work. A human and another human should go together, like Yerin and Eunbi. Yerin and Eunbi. Oh . . Oh no.

"what about yerin?"

Yewon's voice seemed like an echo to her ear, refusing to hear her name. What about Yerin? The useless promises they made? No. Yerin was more than that, of course but Yewon was everything.

"She's a friend."

"but don't you love her?" Yewon's eyes curved in sadness, "you shouldn't have kissed me... what will yerin think?"

Eunbi just wanted her to stop. She just wanted Yewon to be with her, not mentioning any names. Just her and Yewon.

"Yewon, I'm here with you; just let me-"

"let you what? eunbi..." Yewon closed her eyes, head shifting away. As much as she wanted to get away from Eunbi, the feeling that magnetized her was still there. A connection. 

"we shouldn't have fallen in love."

"we shouldn't have fallen in love."

The words that Eunbi thought were destroying. It destroyed her. From the inside out, she started to crumble into the sand she was laying in. Her body felt like grains, slowly being ground up by Yewon's words. Eunbi's heart fell to the bottom of the sea, eyes widening as her head moved from side to side.

"Don't ing say that." Eunbi flared in anger, "Don't ing say that to me ever again." Fire ran wild in her blood, igniting the unknown flames that were extinguished from the rain. She hated to hear it. She hated to hear Yewon say those words. She depised it. Eunbi grit her teeth as Yewon's face curved into confusion. How could she not be mad? After all, Yewon just said that they shouldn't have fallen in love. But didn't that mean the feelings were mutual? So why? Why?

"Eunbi... you know it's true. Even if we did love each other there is no way for us to really be together." Yewon confessed.

And to be honest? Eunbi couldn't deny the truth. Yewon was right, no doubt but she didn't want to believe. The truth hurt. She didn't want to be away from someone she loved. All she could think about was why were there mermaids? Why couldn't Yewon just be a human? The continous questions hurt her mind, clutching her head angrily. Maybe there was a way. If there are mermaids perhaps there was a way to give Yewon legs. To give Yewon the opportunity to finally be with her.

"Does it matter...? Does it really matter?" Eunbi swallowed the burning saliva in , trying to hold back her emotions like a dam. But she knew it was going to break eventually; letting all of it's water spill from that tiny crack that would just break into a bigger hole. And Eunbi knew that was when she herself would break. Everything would be fallen apart.

"Can I still love you even if we're not meant to be?"

she doesn't want that does she Eunbi?
Isn't it obvious? Yewon was planning this from the start, she was trying to manipulate you.

"Eunbi, listen to my words. Yewon is not good. She doesn't want you, she never planned to befriend you."

"Yewon's just using you Eunbi! Think about it, why else would she save you? For all we know, Yewon could be plotting something against you. Against us!"

Her familiar voice, echoing in her mind like a sub woofer. It boomed creating that terrible headache. Yerin's words stuck in her mind ever since she said it. Eunbi had been trying to deny it, trying to push off the possibility... but maybe she was right. Maybe Yewon really did use her. The remains of her heart grew into a bundle of flames, setting fire to her already crushed heart. It hurt. It felt like she was in hell, just rotting there until she died.

Answer me Yewon.

The silence between the two grew heavy, air tense and dripping with rigid creaks of the dock that was breaking.

Say something. Anything.

Yewon only kept quiet, eyes refusing to look Eunbi straight in the eyes.

ing say something to me!

Eunbi opened but shut it closed once she realized Yewon was crying. Muscules stiff, Eunbi bit her lip as wind slowly blew out the little flame in her heart. Or did it? Wasn't wind known to just make fire grow? Maybe, maybe not. Eunbi didn't know.

"that'll only hurt you in the end." The mermaid cupped Eunbi's cheeks, rubbing it softly. It made the latter reassured, calm, and relaxed. Or it was supposed to. The words had an opposite effect on her, wind whipping harshly against her fire. Why was it like this? Why was it that Yewon refused to love her? Yeah, perhaps a human and a mermaid weren't meant to be; but who ing cares?! Eunbi could love whoever she wanted to, so why was she listening to Yewon's words as if she was going to do them?! Everything was so ing dumb, she wanted it to end.


"You should just leave me here, Yuna will come soon and Yerin would be worried... right?"

Not ing Yuna again. Eunbi didn't need to hear others names when Yewon was laying hurt in her arms.


"Eunbi, please. I need you to go now."

Stop it.

"You'll be fine without me, you have Yerin."

Stop it.

"Let go of me Eunbi, just live your life and I'll live mine."

Stop it.
Stop everything.

Time froze, Eunbi's eyes filled with an emotion unbeknownst to Yewon. But she could feel the fear spidering up her spine as Eunbi's nose flared and a fist raised in the air. As time resumed, her fist landed on a rock, wincing as her skin broke and blood welled up around her knuckles The extra sand only seemed to dig into her skin, desperate to break it and hurt Eunbi even more.

"Shut the up!" Eunbi screamed, pushing Yewon off of her as she stood to her feet. "Shut up, shut up, shut up!" Pacing around the dirty shore, Eunbi held her head in her hands, screaming silently for Yewon. For Yewon? No. It was not for Yewon. Eunbi was yelling at Yewon.

"Are you just playing with my feelings? Did you make me love you so you could just leave?" She took in a sharp breath, preparing herself for Yewon's answer that she knew.
, Eunbi hated that she could already guess. She hated that Yewon played her like this. She hated that Yewon was looking at her with somber and not even a pinch of guilt or regret. She hated how her emotions were spiralling like a tornado. She hated what Yewon made her feel.
She hated Yewon.

But she didn't.

Eunbi's heart was broken.

What was the reason?

Yewon. It was always Yewon.

"You know what, you." Eunbi spat, watching how the girl's face smiled before falling into relaxtion. As if she wanted this to happen.
" you Yewon."

It hurt more than she thought. For the words to come out of yet it rolled so easily off her tongue. Words that Eunbi didn't mean. Actually, she would say the opposite if Yerin's hand wasn't over . She would take Yewon in her arms if Yerin wasn't holding her back. Hell, Eunbi would kiss her if Yerin's lips weren't on hers. Why did it seem like everything was about Yerin? How the girl took her over and pulled her away from Yewon.


"Don't even ing speak to me! I don't want to hear your voice," Eunbi gulped down her emotions, mouth moving to the words. Only to the words, no feelings.

"Goodbye Yewon, I hope you have a good life without me."







one more chapter! :D

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Eighthmoon #1
Chapter 4: Heyy thor I'm new reader. Your story is amazing, but my Umb heart wants them to be together. So please give us the sequel, pleasee
ledakaa #2
Chapter 2: Please make a sequel, I love the story
Chapter 4: Hold the up. Is this the end? Wait for real? Holy okay... So everyone is depressed, Yerin is still insane, we’re not sure Yewon’s alive and HwangBi is a sad child. Seems like a lovely’s ending! Damn. Normally I wouldn’t have a problem with angst but come on man. This deserves a sequel. Ya can’t just leave it like that! Especially not after revealing Yerin and Yuju had a thing. That’s spicy! There’s so much loose ends?? I just wanna know what happens to everyone tbh.
Chapter 4: Aww it ended already? :'( sequel pleaseee i want a happy ending for them ㅠ.ㅠ
Chapter 3: <span class='smalltext text--lighter'>Comment on <a href='/story/view/1422860/3'>broken</a></span>
Do u hear that...that's my heart umb heart can't wait for the last chapter authornim!!!
Chapter 2: Your story is very good XD
Oh no yewon :( sinb please save her :(