Just another AU
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“Just a minute.” Mr.Bae said as he walked to the door.


“Seungwan-ah! What a surprise! Come in. And you brought cake! Is that carrot cake?” Mr.Bae asked with so much enthusiasm.


“Yes uncle Bae. I promised Joohyun that I will bake her one when she went with me to the supermarket this morning.” Seungwan explained as she was being led to the kitchen. Seungwan placed the cake on the counter when she heard thudding from the stairs.


“Dad, that’s mine.” Joohyun said from behind Seungwan when Joohyun saw her father with a knife, fork, and plate at hand.


“But.. but..”


“Dad.. You heard Seungwan unnie awhile ago, it’s mine. We can eat it together when I come back.” Joohyun explained to her father like a talking to a 10yr old.


“Fine. hmmp! Good luck on your date, Seungwan-ah.” Mr.Bae stomped away.


“No, uncle Bae. It’s not.. A date..” Seungwan smiled sheepishly.


“Don’t mind him, Seungwan-unnie. Let’s go?”


“Okay. Let’s go.”


“We’re going now, mom, dad.”


“Okay, have fun kids.” Mrs.Bae said from the living room. 


“Can I have even just a slice, Joohyun?!” Mr.Bae shouted.


Joohyun peeked into the living room and gave a stern. “No.”


Joohyun and Seungwan went out of the house and Joohyun can feel her nerves riling up again. Joohyun looked at Seungwan.


Seungwan is wearing a different button up this time, a dark green one. Skinny black pants, and her black vans.


Seungwan, like the gentlewoman that she is, once again opened the door for Joohyun and closed it once the younger girl is already comfortable sitting inside. 


Seungwan and Joohyun were quiet. Well, Joohyun is. She wants to blab away like how she is with her parents and her cousin Seulgi, but Seungwan has this calming effect on her. It’s not like it’s bad, Joohyun thought, but if she won’t be able to talk to her Seungwan unnie (oh yes, you read it right HER Seungwan unnie) how will they get to know each other.


Joohyun knows she’s pretty. Hell yes, she knows that but in the presence of HER Seungwan unnie she feels like a mere mortal. That is because like every single guy that approaches her in highschool would say how much of Goddess Joohyun is. But this moment, nope. For Joohyun it’s HER Seungwan unnie. 


Joohyun told HER (nope, she will not stop. She marked and placed a fence around it.) Seungwan unnie where the cafe is and with that Seungwan drove away.


As they reached their destination, Seungwan immediately went out from her side, which startled Joohyun, and open Joohyuns door for her. Seungwan even held out her hand to help Joohyun out of the car.


Joohyun internally(spazzing):

‘Oh please stop MY Seungwan unnie. You’re so sweet. I could kiss you.’


Joohyun outside:

Joohyun gave Seungwan a small grateful smile and uttered a soft, “Thank you, unnie.”


“That’s nothing. Is this the place?” Seungwan asked looking at the cafe’s huge glass windows, which shows it’s interior. 


Seungwan opened the door for Joohyun and Joohyun bowed a little and went inside the cafe.


Joohyun walked to the counter and Seungwan followed. Seungwan looked at the menu.


Seungwan then placed a hand on Joohyun’s lower back. Joohyun eyes widened at the contact. Hand. Warm hands.


“So Joohyun, what is the best one here?” Seungwan asked not removing her hand on Joohyun’s back.


“You.” Joohyun said in lightning speed.


“Me?” Seungwan asked confused and it shows in the girls face.


“Ah. I-I’m a.. I mean.. I a..”


Joohyun internally:

‘What the fork, Joohyun!! Speak!!’


“I w-would.. Um.. usually go for the.. Um.. strawberry frappe.” Joohyun said in a soft voice.


“Okay.” Seungwan then removed her hand from Joohyun’s back and Joohyun just noticed that she’s been holding her breath.


“One strawberry frappe for this cute lady and iced americano for me, no sugar please. Also a slice of your cake for the day.” Seungwan said to the girl behind the counter with a smile.


“Find a seat for us, Joohyun. I’ll get our orders.” Joohyun followed.


After a few minutes, Seungwan is already carrying the tray of their order to the table where Joohyun is seated. 


And Joohyun can swear on her favorite purple bunny plush toy that HER (smirk) Seungwan unnie is walking in slow motion, like those beautiful girls you see in animes. 


“Here. One strawberry frappe and dark chocolate cake.” Seungwan said as she placed Joohyun’s order in front of the very timid girl(timid right.. if only Seungwan knew).


“One ice americano and red velvet cake for me.” Seungwan then put the tray away.


“We can share with our cakes if you want, Joohyun. Joohyun? Hello?” Seungwan, yet again, waved her hand in front Joohyun. ‘This girl sure gets lost in her thoughts often.’ Seungwan thought.


“Yes! Sure, unnie.” Joohyun jolted. 


“This place is nice, Hyun. I think I’ll come here often.” Seungwan said as she looked around the place. It’s not a typical cafe with stiff chairs that will make your hurt for sitting too long, they have a few yes, but the place looks homey. 


They made it look like yo

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Chapter 5: okay I didn't expect an ending like this, but this is very funny 😂
Chapter 5: The ending seems rushing a bit... But this is absolutely cute story... Joohyun is so cute ^^
Chapter 5: 😂😂 it's a pregnant homornes we're talking in here so best of luck Seungwan 😂😂
hi_mitochondria #4
Chapter 5: Lmao 😭 that was cuuuuuute. It's the hormones ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
Riscark #5
Chapter 5: Jealous pregnant woman, good luck Seungwan kekeke
Thirdysaur #6
Chapter 5: It's so cute. The ending got me hahaha thank you for this author-nim
WluvsBaetokki #7
Chapter 5: Oooooohhhh sooooo funny and cute 😍
ReVeLuvyyy #8
Chapter 5: Hahaha lol. So it was a dream 🤣
aglaonema #9
Chapter 5: Cute