Little Did He Know


Aiden cant help but feeling a little bit happy while having the meeting with LMC Event. He remembered the moment last night when he brought Krystal to his car and just stays there as he listened to Krystal's rant about being an artist and how it stressed her these past few days as she got into a scandal indicating her and one male singer reportedly have been caught dating at one cafe in Seoul. She explained to him that the purpose of the meet up with the guy is only about discussing about their upcoming project that needs them to do photoshoot together. She also tells him that the purpose of her staying at the hotel is because she doesnt want anyone to follow her home. He acknowledge that how harsh people can be towards the artist while throwing out insults on them without minding what the artist might feel. Aiden cant help but feel sorry to her as well as the other artists experiencing the same situation as hers. Before their talk ended, he and Krystal exchanged contacts hoping that they meet each other some other time in the future. He is hoping that he can spend more time with her but he has responsibilities too and she needed to attend some photoshoot in the morning.

His brother snapped his thought as he whispered to him "Aiden-ah stay focus"

Aiden quickly shakes his head as he focusing again at whatever Ji Chang Wook is presenting about the project "So, LAJ Electrical will get the full responsibilities of the events. In sort of electrical needs, everything will goes under Mr Joong Ki's responsibilities as he will instruct his boys to fully equip the event with all of the item needed throughout the event"

Aiden and Joong Ki nodded his head as Chang Wook continues his words until the end of the meeting. "Me and these 2 gentleman will go for a site visit at the venue of the event to discuss about what is needed for the events and i hope you guys can help me in making sure that all of your task given for this project is well organized. And Suzy, please contact Mr. Sooman to ask him about the agreement on Krystal Jung being the female MC of the event. Thank you and Have a good day everyone" Chang Wook added as he motioned to leave the meeting room.

Aiden ear perked up as he hears the name of the girl he has been thinking of suddenly being mentioned in the meeting. He cant help but smile a little while following his brother to where Ji Chang Wook is.

"Aiden, what do you think about our targeted MC? Isnt she cool?" Ji Chang Wook asked him as soon as he jumped in the car with Aiden and Joong Ki hyung at the parking lot.

"I am sorry but Aiden here dont really know Korean artist" Joong Ki hyung said from the passenger's side. Chang Wook gives Aiden a meaningful smirk look as he looked at Aiden from the back mirror.

"Ah.. thats why he is so western" Chang Wook said as they drove off to the site. Joong Ki hyung continues to talk to Chang Wook about their project and the topic suddenly goes to the korean artist. Aiden choose to ignores the talk as he look outside the window from the back seat.

*Beep *Beep

Aiden's phone buzzed indicating that he got a message in. He quickly take out his phone, hoping that the most awaited person is finally decided to text him. But, as soon as he look at the screen, he cant help but got disappointed that it was actually Jung Min Noona. He opened his inbox and open up the text.

From : Jung Min Noona
- i've told my friend to meet you at the cafe in the hotel you guys are staying in by 9 o'clock. Reserved table number 12. Dont be late. Have a good day :)

He nearly forgot about the set up noona has been saying to him. He facepalmed his face in his mind due to his recklessness and type a reply to her.

To : Jung Min Noona
- Okay thanks for informing me. I wont be late 😊

Aiden keep his phone back in his pocket as they arrived at the site venue. He continues to discuss about the project with his hyungs as they walk observing while walking around the building. Completely distracted from the thought about the person he is thinking for the whole day.

But little did he knows that his phone suddenly beeped indicating theres a message in. That notifications popped up but he didnt bother to take a look at it as he assumed that it was Jung Min Noona whos texted him.

From : Krystal Jung
-Aiden, are u free tonight?

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Chapter 8: joongki can date with actress why not aiden with idol.. and he also have name in bussines so I don't see the problem here ... let them date joonki oiii... I love this... I'll wait
JoeyLiu #2
Chapter 6: Im trying my best to keep up my story.. because i am currently working and writing is what i do on my free time.. keep safe everyone.. i love u all.. haha
ingkim #3
Chapter 6: Nex please
ingkim #4
Chapter 4: Next please..
22 streak #5
Chapter 6: Huh?? This reasoning is more of n a girl side dude. This is not in man's thought,, we don't do what ifs.. We do cos we can and want it.
chandyto #6
Chapter 5: you better be,,
chandyto #7
Chapter 5: you better be,,
bluesky2275 #8
Next chapter, please and kindly don't let us hanging there.
Chapter 5: Continue pls..
larasatirobiatul_a #10
Chapter 5: Yess please