The Rash Act

The Reckless Racoon and the Tame Tigress
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"I heard you had to deal with a mad lady earlier."

Wendy laughed upon the remembrance of Irene's expression at her successful attempt of pissing the latter further. "Yeah. I scored a point for sure. You should have seen her face when I emphasised that I will be seeing Rose tomorrow."

"Thank god Rose's parents are wonderful. I wonder how they got such an irresponsible guardian for Rose," Joy remarked, with her brows drawn closer to the center, as if she disapproved the couple's decision to have Irene as the guardian. "Thank god they're the main coordinators in our school's Parent Support Group. Every single project with them is guaranteed a success. When's the next event?"

"Hmm... I think Valentine's."

"You can get Mr Sehun to be your Valentine this year," Joy remarked in jest, much to Wendy's dismay.

"Oh dear lord," Wendy rolled her eyes. "I really don't want to handle someone like him."

"What's the matter though? I mean he's handsome and tall. Seems reliable. Seems responsible." By this time, Wendy could already see the longing and dreamy gaze in Joy's eyes. She flicked her finger on her hopeless friend's forehead.

"You can date him if you think he's all that."

"Well, he's just not that into me. Which is ironic."

"How so?"

"Because if there's anyone who is invisible, that should be you. I'm tall. I can greet the sky and the clouds. Everyone can see me even from a mile away! Hell, he doesn't even need to try as hard to spot me. Plus, him talking to you would require him to bend his knees. Now that's just not healthy for his physical health in the long run, but well, men don't always make the smartest decision."

"You babble too much, Joy. I swear, your name isn't very fitting because you're far from being a joy in my life. Or others for that matter of fact."


"You need to withdraw Rose from her school. That school has ridiculous protocols, and worse, irresponsible teachers. I am extremely appalled at how Rose's been enrolled in that school for a year already."

"Rose is doing splendid under the school's care. Plus her current teacher is fantastic," Jessica replied, sipping her cup of Da Hong Pao tea, while still focused on the proposal for their company's upcoming project.

Irene couldn't help but roll her eyes. "Oh that teacher is unbelievable. She really thinks she is all that."

"How's the acquisition of the five medium enterprises? Are the owners willing to comply?" Jessica asked, shifting the topic to something more urgent.

"Two out of the five aren't willing to comply. They want a renegotiation and asked for changes to be made to the current contract. Mr Baek and Mr Han said they will not sign the contract until we change the terms and conditions of the contract."

"Hmm..." Jessica started tapping her personalised Cartier pen on her hardwood table. "Non-compliant. That's new. Is there any clause in the contract that we can amend yet still ensure it is in our favour?"

"I'll have a look through again. I'll see what I can do and I'll have it ready by tomorrow for you to see."

"Don't have to. You know what you're doing. So, once you're done with the amendments, you can have them review it again and this time, let's ensure that they have their signatures on the dotted line." 


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if you haven't, please watch Gap the Series, a thai GL drama. I live for rom-com & employee x employer drama. It's available on youtube!


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moonlight90 #1
Chapter 32: Update pls
Re-reading this one 🥺 author please comeback
Please update
Chapter 32: author come back 🥺
Natsu_byakuran11 #5
Gonna re-read this one👌👌
ShinHye24 1340 streak #6
Suddenly i want to reread these two bickering couple, i miss them
nitasuryaman #7
Chapter 32: Nice story , waiting for The next update… hehehe
Chapter 32: it's still the same. no updates yet :(
Chapter 10: this part is so hilarious 😂
Chapter 9: so cute at the end irene said "have a good rest, LOVE" L-O-V-E 🥰