About His Friends and His Exes

No Homo?

"Hey Gyu, please remind me to go to the library later."

Mingyu slurps his noodles, "Mm for?"

"I should've returned the book yesterday, or else I pile up the fines."

"Hey, loverboys, lunch date?" Both turned their head to the sound's source.  Apparently it's Junhui (again). "Mingyu, Mina was looking for you. I should've known that you must be somewhere with Wonwoo."

"Oi, cafetaria is a public place. I won't take my date to such place." Wonwoo said, suddenly lost his appetite.

Mingyu stares at him, somewhat curious, "Then where should you take your date?"

Wonwoo took out a cig from his pocket and put the thing between his lips, didn't notice how Mingyu stare.

"I don't know," He exhaled the smoke, "As if I ever date."






"Thousand pictures on your phone and it's all your pictures together?"

Mingyu finally met Mina, right after he had his lunch with Wonwoo. Little did he told Mina about what happened on the cafetaria, about how people (or mostly Junhui) address them as gays. 

Mina was kindly listening before she asked him to lend him his phone. She scrolled his camera roll and so far she got was only their selcas together or Wonwoo's pictures.

"Uh, yeah? Because we love to selca?"

Mina gives his phone back, shakes her head. "Guess no wonder why they assumed things."

"B-but it's only a friendship picture though? You often take selcas with Momo or Sana."

"It's a different thing when it comes to guys, I supposed? You should've saved your pictures with your girlfriend or your girlfriend's pictures, no?" She squints, "You have one, right? I mean-, girlfriend?"

Mingyu scratches his nape, "I uh, just broke up."


"Uh, well."











"You canceled our date for Wonwoo?"

"But Wonwoo just had an accident, Yoon."

"Last week you canceled our date too."

"Last week Wonwoo got a fever, I-"

"I don't want to know, let's break up."




"But, Yeon, Wonwoo-"

"Wonwoo, Wonwoo, Wonwoo."

"Yeon, please listen to me-"

"Sorry Gyu, I'm tired being your number two. Let's just break up."





"No, don't."


"Let's break up."











Although he was rumored gay, he manages to had girlfriends. Girls got captivated by his charm and ignored the rumor. Not until they broke up and keep in their mind that there's only two type of guys, if it's not a jerk, then it's a gay.

Mingyu sighed.






"Anyway," He patted Mina's shoulder and said convicingly, "Girlfriend is easy to find, but a real best friend is once in a lifetime."

".. Okay? Whatever you said."











The name was Myoui Mina.

Mingyu first met her by their faculty's orientation.

He doesn't want to be that loser who wanders around without any friends, even though that’s basically what he is, because the only friend he knew was only Wonwoo, and he is nowhere to be found. 

He lets himself get sorted into a group of other first years. He was confused like a lost kid, not until he bumped into someone and hurriedly bows and apologizes multiple times. As he brings his head up, his eyes met hers.

"Hey, I said it's okay," She said, smiling. She has a genuinely friendly eyes in her small frame, and Mingyu can't stop himself from smiling back. "I'm Mina, what's your name?"

"I, uh, Mingyu."











"You know Kim Mingyu from engineering? I heard he's gay."

"ing serious?"

"The rumor said he dated Jeon Wonwoo from psychology."

"Holy ."

Mina rolled her eyes lazily as she heard those whispers. Why people can't mind their own business?

She exhaled heavily. She should've just leave from that place so that she didn't had to hear them.


".. But I was curious too.."






At the night, he opened Mingyu's contact and typed a message to him.



  • Gyu.
  • You know Jeon Wonwoo?


She didn't had to wait any long until she got a reply.



  • My bestfriend. o((*^▽^*))o
  • Why???
  • [attached a picture]
  • He single. 
  • Want me to introduce you? (。•̀ᴗ-)✧


Mina choked herself.

"Wait a minute-"

She reread the messages.

Did Mingyu just ing sent her a picture of Wonwoo?

She sighed, "This boy.."











Mina first met Wonwoo when he and Seungcheol were busking at the uni park.

"As we all know, our uni demands a higher tuition fee, and as our president's busy taking care of our country, let's just focus on other thing. The money we get will be used to buy cat foods for the stray cats around our uni. So guys, I'm Seungcheol, and this is my friend, Wonwoo, and this is our song!" The small faced guy said as he began to pluck his guitar strings and sing. On his back, another guy plays the cajon along the song.

"Jeon Wonwoo? Mingyu's friend?"

Mina passed by before he heard the familiar name and stop to observe them. 


Being called, she turned around and got an arm wrapped around her shoulder, "Did you just see Wonwoo? Perfect! That's Wonwoo, the one that plays the cajon, that's my friend! Don't worry, friend, I will introduce you two."

"Thanks but no thanks, Gyu." She said, took Mingyu's arm away from her shoulder.

His arm slipped down as he glanced at Mina, "How could you refuse Jeon Wonwoo? He's an every mothers want him to be their ideal son in law."

Mina just chuckled, "I'm not easy, boy."











Mina smiled when a memory of how she met them passing by. 

They said, Wonwoo and Mingyu are a package.

Only those people that know them know what does that means.


"Something good happened?" A familiar voice interrupted her daydream.

She coughs, then bites her lower lips, trying to hide her smile. "Am I not allowed to smile?"

"Of course you're allowed to!" Mingyu chuckled, "Just wonder what made you smile that beautifully."

"What-" Mina pinches his arm, the pinched one keep laughed even more.

They were walking through the corridor. Their class just ended and about to go home when they realized it's raining outside.

"Rain," Mingyu mumbled, stretched out his hand to feel the drop as it getting heavier. "Did you bring your umbrella?"

"Yeah, but I will wait until it stops." Her eyes wander around the sky, didn't realize a bit when Mingyu took off his jacket and put it around her shoulder. "Eh?"

"Use that so that you won't get cold." He smiled, ruffled her hair.


They parted their gaze and turned the direction to where Wonwoo stands, with an umbrella on his hand.

"Ah, I didn't bring umbrella so he might be pick me up." He turned to Mina once more, "I'll go first, then? See you later." He said, waved his hand to Mina before he ran to Wonwoo.

Mina waved her hand.






They were right.

Wonwoo and Mingyu are a package. 

You won't know Wonwoo if you don't know Mingyu, vice versa.

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