Mistake 17

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Jjong’s Café


Sungyeol chose his fiancé’s café on purpose; it’s not like he was scared to meet Myungsoo alone, he has nothing to hide Myungsoo is a chapter he closed a long time ago. And it wasn’t a surprise to Myungsoo; the latter knew what Sungyeol is doing.

Sungjong hasn’t arrived yet at the café he had a morning school activity at Sam’s school; instead, Sungyeol met the Ajusshi who everybody missed a lot.

“Did you boys decide on a date?”

“Hmm, six months from today, we can’t wait.”

The old man chuckled, “It seems Sunggyu had a hand in choosing the date.”

Sungyeol laughed as well, “Yeah, something about not wanting to be pregnant in all the wedding pictures, but it’s actually perfect for us too we get to prepare everything.”

“God, I miss that boy, I might pass by the hospital to meet him.”

“It would make him happy.”

Just as the two were into their conversation, Myungsoo walked into the café with heavy feet. He had two options to accept his friend’s marriage and let Sungyeol move on peacefully or do the impossible to stop that marriage and be fully in Sam’s life instead of taking the step-dad role.

Myungsoo hugged the café Ajusshi missing him, he didn’t expect to meet him so soon, “I was just going to pass by the hospital to meet you and Sunggyu. I’m happy to see you again, Myungsoo; it’s been a long time.”

“Yeah, it’s been five years. I’m happy to see you, Ajusshi. Are you here to stay? Or you’re just visiting?”

“Here to stay. I can’t leave these two love birds alone they are getting married soon”, the elder smiled looking at Sungyeol, “And Sunggyu is having another baby, that kid won’t survive without me.”

“Ajusshi~~, you mean you want to make sure your number one in the new baby’s life like you did with Sam and Elle.”

“Of course!!! I’m the elder here, respect your elders Sungyeol.”

Sungyeol chuckled and bowed, “Yes, sir.”


After catching up with the elder, Sungyeol and Myungsoo took a side table to talk “Congrats, Sam told me you’re getting married.”

“Thanks, I wish you find the one Myungsoo and do the same.”

“Do you love him?”

Direct question but Sungyeol saw this coming, “Hmm, a lot.”

“What about your feelings for me? Are they gone?”

“You have no right to ask me about that.”

“Why not? Are you scared of the answer?”

Sungyeol smiled, knowing exactly what Myungsoo is doing, “You are the father of my son, so no I don’t hate you, you made up your mind and followed your dreams. To think about it you never lied to me, you clearly wanted to have a ual relationship, but I pushed to too far, I apologize.”


“Sam was not a mistake, I thought if I got pregnant, you’d stay with me and never leave me, but you left without giving me a chance to talk.”

“Hyung, what are you saying!! You got pregnant on purpose!!”

“Yes, I’m sorry.”

“And now you’re willing to marry someone else and raise our kid with him!”


“Hyung, you still love me and I lov-”

“Sshh!!! Don’t say it.”


“And you got it all wrong, I never said I still love you, I love Sungjong.”

“What if Sungjong walks away from this relationship? What will you do, Hyung?”

“You see, that’s the difference between you and your friend, Sungjong wouldn’t commit into anything then walks away, I trust him. And if he did, then I’ll try to get him back.”

“What if he doesn’t?”

“Then I won’t be with anyone else if it’s not Sungjong. I’ll stay single and raise my son alone.”

“You know Sungjong won’t marry you if I’m against this marriage!”

Sungyeol smiled coldly confusing the younger, “Wow, hanging out with Dongwoo taught you well, Myungsoo. I’m not even surprised to hear you say that.”

“I’m not like him! I care for Sunggyu and Sungjong.”

“Then be happy for them and step aside.”


“Let them be happy.”




Woogyu’s House


Sunggyu walked into the house half asleep after spending all night at a nightshift; it was the longest and busiest day ever. Having an empty house was a blessing, Woohyun was at work and Elle at school means he gets to sleep all day until they’re back.

But that wasn’t the case, Sunggyu found Mrs Nam talking to their maid at the living room about her cleaning schedule, which he knew it would end up with the maid complaining about it later. Honestly, it wasn’t the time to lose such a good housekeeper; he will soon have his baby and definitely need all the help he can get.

Sunggyu approached the elder and bowed, “Hello, auntie.”

“Oh, Sunggyu, you’re back early.”

“Hmm, I just finished a nightshift.”

Mrs Nam could see how tired Sunggyu was by just looking at his face, “Aigo, I didn’t know you’re going to be home, I’m sorry son, go and rest I’ll leave on my own soon.”

“Ani, I’ll join you for tea, I’ll be back in 10 minutes.”

“Are you sure?”

Sunggyu smiled nodding, “Hmm, make yourself at home auntie I’ll be back.”


Precisely, 10 minutes later, Sunggyu joined his mother-in-law for tea. She already prepared it and was waiting for the younger to join her, “You can lift your legs; I don’t mind.”

“That’s okay.”

“Sunggyu, dear, just do it”, the elder gestured for the housekeeper to help Sunggyu and dismissed her, “You need to take care of yourself.”

Sunggyu sighed relieved; he won’t lie; it was more comfortable to stretch his legs, “I will, Auntie.”

“So, what did your doctor say?”

“Everything is good.”

“Are you sure?”

Sunggyu smiled feeling like Woohyun’s mom had questions to ask but was too scared to ask, “Auntie, you know you can ask me anything, right?”

“I don’t want to upset you, son.”

“Don’t say that you can ask whatever you want; I won’t be upset.”

Mrs Nam got closer to Sunggyu and held his hand, “I know you were married before and got divorced, but you said you were married for six-seven years.”

Sunggyu understood the elder was trying to get to know him more, to know everything about him and be closer that’s why he didn’t mind, besides it happened a long time ago his story with Dongwoo doesn’t bother him anymore,

“Hmm, that’s right.”

“Don’t you have kids from your ex-husband?” Mrs Nam continued before Sunggyu misunderstands her, “I mean I’m sure Woohyun won’t mind raising your kids with Elle. The house is big enough to fit everyone, and we have the best lawyers we will win this case.”

Mrs Nam was trying to help him getting custody in case he had kids from his ex and were taken away from him, “I don’t have kids from my ex-husband.”

“I see, that’s good, you have Elle now, and soon your daughter will be between your arms.”


“Yes, son?”

“Don’t you want to know why we never had kids?”

“Aigo~~, I’m not that noisy all I wanted is to make sure you get your rights back that’s all.”

Sunggyu nodded, and they both looked at the TV, but it seemed Sunggyu wanted to tell her, “I was pregnant once.”

Mrs Nam turned the volume down, “Do you want to talk about it?” the younger looked at her and nodded, “Well, tell me, what happened?”

“I had a miscarriage.”

Mrs Nam got closer to the younger sitting next to him, Sunggyu never knew that Woohyun’s mom had that side of her, “You know it’s not meant to be when a miscarriage happens, it’s not anyone’s fault and certainly not yours.”

“I wish I had someone to tell me that at that time.”

“Honey~~, Sunggyu, don’t cry”, the elder wiped his tears holding his hand tight, “You were young, and inexperience things like that happen.”

“My ex-husband gave me abortion pills to get rid of the baby”, Mrs Nam covered his mouth shocked to hear such a thing!! “I just found out, after years blaming myself it turns out it’s all his fault.”

“Are you okay?”

“Ani”, Sunggyu lowered his head, “It’s been years, but I never got over it, is that okay?”

“Of course, it’s okay. Did you tell anyone about your feelings?”

“It’s been so long; they’ll think I’m overreacting.”

“Sunggyu, look at me”, Sunggyu looked up, “It’s okay to talk about it, it’s okay to remember it.”


“Yes, did you tell Woohyun about what your ex did?”


“Good, and what about your parents?” Sunggyu shook his head a no, “You don’t want to break their heart, do you?”

“Hmm, they did so much to me I can’t do this to them.”

“I understand, but I also know that parents love to know everything about their kids no matter how old they get. Don’t you think they deserve to know the truth about their son too?”


“But it’s okay to take your time too, don’t push yourself now whenever you’re ready.”

“Thank you, Auntie.”

The elder smiled warmly, fixing the younger’s hair, “For what?”

“For listening to me.”

“Call me whenever you want to talk, I’m all ears, even if it’s about my son I’m not going to take his side just because he is my son.”

Sunggyu smiled, “Woohyun Hyung will be so mad.”

“I took his side for too long, and he never appreciates it, so God sent me another son who I truly want to protect.”

Sunggyu hugged the elder happy that things were fixed between him and Mrs Nam, the elder turned out to be friendly and lovely now that she accepted him, he always thought she was cold-hearted and cared about her son only turns out she has a big heart too just like her son.


The chit chat for a while before they decided to watch TV, which ended in Sunggyu falling asleep something that made the elder relived, Sunggyu refused to leave her alone or let her go before meeting Woohyun and Elle.

Mrs Nam never stopped feeling guilty for mistreating Sunggyu all these years as if whatever he does now is a punishment to remind her of how horrible she was to him. To be able to look after him now gave her a peace of mind knowing well that Sunggyu meant it when he said that he forgave her.

The elder stayed in the house watching over Sunggyu in case he wakes up as she watched TV, she wants to make sure Woohyun is back before she leaves Mrs Nam won’t trust the housekeeper.

At nearly noon, Woohyun walked in holding Elle’s hand, the little girl greeted her grandma before she hugged her sleepy mom, who didn’t even flinch and stayed asleep.

“Everything good mom?” Woohyun crouched down to check on Sunggyu, “Why is he sleeping here?”

“Hmm, he is fine, and he ate as well, don’t worry.”

“Thanks, mom”, Woohyun hugged his mother, “Want to stay over for late lunch with Elle and me?”

“Ani~~, your dad is waiting for me. Bye, Elle.”

“Bye, nana.”

“Give nana a hug before I leave.”

Once his mother left, Woohyun tried to wake up his husband to sleep comfortably on the bed, “Princess, go wash your hand

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Chapter 4 in draft XD updating soooon


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703 streak #1
i am re-reading because I suddenly missed this fic 🥹
Chapter 18: Done reading one more time <3
Chapter 18: OMGyu!!! I love this sooo much! Thanks you, thanks you so much for your WooGyu/GyuWoo fanfics. I’m really grateful for you dedication and for continue writing WG stories. Right know you are the only one that are making WG fics, and that means so much to me. Because the fandom it getting less everyday it very difficult to found fanfics of INFINITE, that makes me very sad. I really love so much INFT and I really wish that they keep going (and also the fandom).
Please never give up in making WooGyu/GyuWoo fanfics, trust me, they still people (like me) that still supporting.
I still have to read the others fanfics of yours, so see you in another fics.
Sending good vibes and love!

Ps: because English is not my first language, I don’t regularly write comments because I feel uncomfortable. But trust me, I will always support you <3’s
yulianichang #4
Chapter 18: Greatt
Sweet_girl #5
Chapter 18: It was so beautiful 🥺🥺🎉🎉
Sweet_girl #6
Chapter 2: Okay!! I have not tried reading any fanfic till date and this being my first.. I kinda love this!!!
Chapter 18: I LOVE THIS BOOK <3 Happy ending for everyone
AndI hope eventho others lost interest with woogyu, you will still create more amazing books of them. We just need be patient Woohyun almost done with his military duty. Means new woogyu momments soon xD next sunday gyu will held a fanmeet btw <3
Chapter 18: Oops forgot to upvote 😅.... thank for the new fic. Continue showering us with woogyu fanfic and your right its getting rare nowadays but thanks to you its getting alive again 🎉
Chapter 18: Another wonderfull fic completed yes 😍... thank you very much authornim~ 🎉
m_nelson #10
Chapter 18: I read this entire thing in one day. Loved every bit of it.