okay somehow


Where Chaewon is woken up by twisting and turning and Minjoo aids a fever.


Chaewon just wanted some rest but emotions got the best of her.


Chaewon feels her turning for the nth time this evening since she's woken up and she can't help but feel a bit irritated because she's had a long day. Work was never easy as a photographer but this day was absolutely dreadful for her. Having to be outside in the ever changing weather didn't exactly help with their travel to different locations.



When she got home, Minjoo wasn't there yet. Probably because of her work as a designer. Minjoo tends to get home later than usual when there's an event coming, and in a week she will be having a line launch.

She washed off before making dinner for the both of them and once she's finished with everything she went into their room. She tried waiting for Minjoo but ended up falling asleep due to fatigue.

Chaewon heard their room's door open and she figured Minjoo was home. She tried opening her eyes to great the woman but she couldn't because she was too tired. She fell asleep against her will when she heard their bathroom door open and close.



Chaewon turned to confront the twisting girl and noticed Minjoo was sweating profusely. Her mind and body woke up entirely and checked her partner. 

Minjoo was burning up.


'Minjoo?' Chaewon tried getting Minjoo to talk but all she got were grunts and whines. She placed her hand on Minjoo's forehead and found out she was nursing a  fever.


Chaewon got up to get medicine and water when she noticed Minjoo didn't even eat the food she left out for her. 'She must've felt terrible since she got home' she thought. She heated up some leftover soup before heading back to their room.


She saw Minjoo trying to get up from their bed which caused her to rush to her after placing the tray down.


'What are doing? You need to rest!' Minjoo looked at Chaewon and smiled at her as if there's nothing wrong.


'I'm fine. You should be resting too, you had a long day too right?' Chaewon wanted to smack Minjoo so much. She's the one who's sick but she's still worrying about her. 


Chaewon flicked the younger girl's forehead and fixed her blanket, 'stop worrying about me. Why didn't you wake me up when you got home? You're sick and you didn't even eat. You need to have something in your stomach before you can drink the medicine so make sure to drink up the soup.' 


Minjoo stared at Chaewon as she was fixing the tray on their bed. Once Chae was finished, she looked at the former expecting her to start eating but she didn't move.


'Why?' Minjoo shook her head and started eating instead.


Chaewon just stared at Minjoo as she was trying to finish the soup and started to help the latter once she was finished. She got her to drink her medicine too and started to clean up but Minjoo stopped her from leaving the room.


'Just put the tray on the bathroom sink for now. Let's clean it up tomorrow instead, we should get some sleep.' Chaewon was about to argue but she saw how tired Minjoo looked and decided to just follow her. 


She hugged Minjoo once she got back to their bed, 'you shouldn't go to work tomorrow. I won't too so I can watch over you while you're still sick.'


Minjoo was already shaking her head even before Chaewon finished speaking, 'I can't. The event is in a week and I need to make sure everything is good to go.'


'You won't get to even attend the event if you're still sick to the bones. Don't go to work tomorrow and stay here. Its best for you to quickly better rather than nurse your fever until you finish with the event.'


Chaewon said it with so much conviction that Minjoo didn't get to respond and just nodded her head. Minjoo sighed before saying, 'okay, I won't go to work tomorrow. But you don't need to stay here with me, I'll be okay so you can leave me here.'


The older girl stared at the younger before scoffing, 'you expect me to go to work knowing you can't even stand up properly on your own? Yeah, no way. You're stuck with me.' Minjoo softly laughed at Chaewon and tried to get comfortable.


'I just don't want to bother you. I know you're busy too and missing a day at work will definitely hit you more once you head back.'


'Stop thinking about that for now, I can always call Eunbi and tell her to get someone else to take over the shoots for tomorrow until whenever. For now, you need to sleep.' Chaewon fixes Minjoo's blanket once more before hugging her to sleep.


'Wake me up when you don't feel too good next time, alright?' Chaewon felt Minjoo nod and saw she already had her eyes closed.

Chaewon kissed Minjoo's forehead and she felt Minjoo's arms around her tighten.



She felt Minjoo kiss her chin, 'goodnight.'


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Aw they’re so cute 🥰💗
Cuteee :((( hoping in reality they also have enough rest :')
1753 streak #3