The Stoner in the Woods

The Last Summer of the Boys

In terms of cooking, today was an easy day. All of the food on the menu was easy to prepare and could be done by one person alone. Kun and Renjun had planned a few days like this for the summer, so that they could have time off and help out other counselors, do something other than being locked in the kitchen all day. 

Today's was Renjun's free day but instead of taking the time to call his girlfriend or even just relax, he was going to the sixteen to eighteens cabins to help out Mark. Boy did he need it; he had been begging all of the other counselors since camp had started to help him try to make his campers civil with him. Renjun finally responded to the call; he may be tiny but he does have a talent for whipping people into shape. Today was an especially important day for Mark as well; he had to confront his campers about the weed he'd discovered them using when the counselors all played truth or dare. He had given them all a break yesterday but Doyoung and Jaehyun had insisted he do it today. He would definitely need Renjun's help. 

Renjun, Mark, and Mark's campers all sat around in a circle in the grassy meadow by the ten to twelves cabin, a serious expression on his face. Mark started by pulling a big wad of cash out of his pocket. 

"First, let me just start by saying that I'm not mad at any of you. I get it. I'm not much older than you guys anyways. The reason you can't do that is more because of the camp anyways. There are little kids here and if a parent found out any of you had that stuff, let alone got away with it...Camp Purple would be done for. It's really not about you guys at all." 

The campers all reluctantly nodded. "What's the cash for?" One of them asked with a scoff. 

"I want to know who bought the weed and how much it was. I'm gonna pay you back for it," Mark answered. The campers all looked at each other in surprise and mumbled to each other. 

Finally, the oldest one of them spoke up. "That's really cool of you, dude. So we're gonna be cool back and admit that none of us paid for this." 

"Wait, what?" Mark asked. 

"There's this guy...he hangs out in the woods," one of the campers began to explain. 

"What kind of a guy?" Renjun asked. 

"He's not a weird hobo, he's like the same age as us. He has a mustang and he just hangs out in the woods behind cabin B2 and smokes. He gives it to us sometimes." 

"For free?" Mark cried. 

"Yeah! He's really rich or something. He's got a mustang," another campers spoke up. 

Mark and Renjun looked at each other then back at the campers. Just then, the lunch bell rang. 

"Thanks guys. We'll discuss this more after lunch," Mark spoke, dismissing his campers, and they quickly ran off. 

As soon as they were gone, Mark grew wide eyed. "What the ?" 

"Right?" Renjun answered. "Actually, Sicheng told me a weird story that sounds kind of like what the campers were saying. He said that there's a guy in the woods who's been terrorizing his campers." 

"What the ..." Mark whispered. 

"We have to take care of this. What would parents say if they found out there's a guy hanging out in the woods by our camp scaring five year olds and handing out drugs?" 

Mark sighed. "Agreed. Let's take care of this ASAP." 

"You go tell Doyoung and Jaehyun and then take care of your campers. I'll go find this guy and give him a piece of my mind." 

Mark nodded. "Got it." And so they set off on their tasks. 


It didn't take Renjun long to find him. He was only about a half a mile away from cabin B2 when he came upon the guy, laying on top of the hood of an obnoxiously clean red mustang and smoking the biggest blunt Renjun had ever seen. 

As soon as this guy noticed Renjun, he blinked and sat up a little. "Are you one of those high school kids from the summer camp?" He held up a baggie full of weed. "Want some?" 

Renjun ignored him. "What the are you doing here?" 

The guy shrugged. "I'm Yangyang Liu." 

"I said, what the are you doing here?" 

This guy, apparently named Yangyang, momentarily looked astounded that his previous answer hadn't worked. "Smoking weed." 

Renjun rolled his eyes. "Why here?" 

"Why here?" Yangyang cried before sighing. "Well, my father is very strict about drugs. If he catches me, he takes a thousand dollars out of my monthly allowance!" 

Renjun had to hold back a growl; this guy really was super rich. And annoying "Just don't do it here! Stop terrorizing our camp! Seriously. You could get us shut down." 

"Come on, it's funny when those little kids scream! And the teenagers are so bored." 

Renjun glared with all his might. "Leave." 

Yangyang rolled his eyes and pulled a wad of cash out of his pocket. It looked as big as Mark's wad but instead of being a roll of ones, it was a roll of hundreds. He flipped through his cash before looking up. "How much will it take for you to leave me alone? Two thousand bucks? Three thousand?" 

Renjun sighed back. The camp could really use the money; it seemed like something new broke every day. Hell, he could really use the money, college was starting in the fall and textbooks and dorm costs were going to be a sum. But...what meant more to him, a little cash or camp? Camp, obviously, and no amount of money could save Camp Purple from a bad reputation that this kid could bring. "Yangyang, I don't want your money. I want an apology and for you to get the out of here." 

Yangyang scoffed. "The Lius don't apologize. We don't have to." 

Renjun felt like he was going to explode. He had to get this stupid kid punished, if not for camp's sake but for his own. "If you don't come pay your dues to our camp then I'll tell your father about this behavior." 

"My father? How could a person like you get in contact with my father?" 

Renjun paused and snapped a quick photo of Yangyang, blunt still in his hand before heading over to google. He simply typed in Yangyang Liu and immediately came upon information about him and his entire family. His father's business number was right there on the front page. Renjun flipped his phone around to show Yangyang what he found. Immediately his face fell. 

"Fine. What do I need to do for you to not contact him?" 

Renjun had originally planned on just asking Yangyang to leave and never come back. But now, he had Yangyang in his hands; he had the power. He could really get back at Yangyang for annoying the crap out of him. He looked down at his phone and looked through the Liu google page. Yangyang was just a few months younger than him, done with high school. Slowly, Renjun smiled. 

"You're going to come work at Camp Purple." Camp Purple was pretty broke but Doyoung and Jaehyun had already discussed getting another staffer. Maintenance and the kitchen could really use the extra help. 

Yangyang's jaw dropped. "No..." he trailed off with the utmost dread. 

Renjun nodded. "Yes," he spoke slowly. "Yes. Give me your keys; let's drive to camp. I'm not letting you drive in your state." 

Yangyang slipped off the hood of the mustang and tossed Renjun his keys, staring at the ground like he was about to cry. Renjun only let himself marvel at how nice the car was for a moment before turning the key and starting the drive to camp. 

"You're really going to make me work?" Yangyang asked. 

"Yes; it'll be good for you. Everyone teenager should have a summer job if they're able," Renjun said. 

"Summer....job..." Yangyang trailed off as Renjun pulled into the camp parking lot. He locked up the door and lead Yangyang up to Doyoung and Jaehyun's office, knocking on the door. Quickly, Doyoung answered the door. 

"Renj- oh, you found the culprit," he spoke. Jaehyun got up and stood beside him. 

"Yup. This is Yangyang. He feels really guilty about everything so he's gonna work for us," Renjun said, gripping Yangyang's arm. Yangyang slowly nodded. 

"Yes," he said hesitantly. 

Jaehyun smiled. "Oh great! I'm glad you've had a change of heart. Now that Yukhei and Jungwoo are back together and sharing a bed there's a free space in one of the counselor cabins! You can move in there. We'll have you fill out the forms later but you can get started right away!" 

"We'll send you down with Renjun to the kitchen for now. Kun had just asked for some help; he needed someone to boil the pasta," Doyoung added. 

"It's nice to meet you Yangyang! We're glad to have you on board." Yangyang just grimaced back, and the camp directors waved and shut the door. 

Renjun began to lead Yangyang down to the kitchen. "How the hell am I supposed to know how to boil pasta?" Yangyang spoke up. 

Renjun's jaw dropped. "Aren't you eighteen?" 

"I mean, yeah, but I've never even been in a kitchen before," Yangyang answered with a laugh. 

Renjun stared, frightened, at the ground. Maybe this had been a bad idea. 

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Can you do a summer au on when NCT's kids go to Camp Purple? Just a small one?
Chapter 30: The whole series is amazing and did not disappoint. Though I am sad that it is over, I know I will always come back to read them again. Thank you for such an amazing story.
Chapter 30: Hey, um, could write like another one of these summer camp au with like another amazing band? These fanfics were awesome! I read the whole summer camp series. EXO and NCT. And it just really stuck with me. For the first time, I'm feeling so sad finishing a fanfic. Maybe you can write one where NCT sends their kids to Camp Purple. That would be awesome. Anyways, I love your work.
Chapter 29: Such a wholesome chapter. I almost started crying too
DubufulKoala #5
Chapter 26: Lmao they are all wilding out
Chapter 26: Omg, why is it that despite all the different types of drunks in their friendship, they're all hilarious?
Also, Xiaojun and Kun — making out? Living for it! Altho, I hope Kun remembers it :(( I would live for a scene where Kun remembers everything and gets embarrassed when Xiaojun delivers something again, lol.
Donghyuck and Mark are hilarious, lmao and Jungwoo and Yukhei BETTER PAY FOR THAT CUTLERY — Jk, haha.
I loved this: I love this whole fic overall — you're an amazing writer!
Chapter 25: Your such a good writer! I’m sad this gonna end soon tho but, LOVE IT! ITS SO CUTE
DubufulKoala #8
Chapter 25: This story is so cute i am sad it will end but i can always re-read
Chapter 24: I’m so sad this is going to end soon cuz I love it soooo much but this chapter was amazing, as always.