๐œ๐ก๐š๐ฉ๐ญ๐ž๐ซ ๐ญ๐ฐ๐ž๐ง๐ญ๐ฒ

Chosen | Yves x Reader
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ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ๐œ๐ก๐š๐ฉ๐ญ๐ž๐ซย ๐ญ๐ฐ๐ž๐ง๐ญ๐ฒ ย 


"Time to eat."


The trip over to the kitchens was spent in silence, an awkward air surrounding us. Olivia opened and closed several times as if digging around for the right words to say-- anything to break whatever tension keeping us mute. But she fell short every time. Nothing but the sound of the heels of my feet dragging against the floor as I move lazily, my mind racing. The moment we walked into the kitchens-- room large and gold, servants bustling about with plates and scraps-- the silence is finally broken.

I look up. Ignoring the dirty glares of the kitchen maids and their distasteful grunts when she got in their way, Olivia darted out between the tables. She picks up a piece of bread and tosses it towards a man in the corner, hitting him square in the face. He turns with a scowl but all she does is grin.

"Please, ohย pleaseย my liege, spare us a crumb!" She pouts dramatically and brings her hands together in a begging motion. I cringe, face surely contorting in displeasure. The man seems to have the same idea as he scowls once more and rolls his eyes.

"You are like a bug. There is no getting rid of you." Despite his words, he picks up the apron at his side and ties it back around his waist. Olivia cheers and drops onto a stool besides his work bench.ย 

All I do is stand awkwardly. Chefs and maids eyed us with hard eyes, watching us in frustration. To be fair,ย I get it.ย I felt like I was intruding as I rock back and forth on the balls of my feet.ย 

"Please, you love me anyway. I mean where would the excitement be if you did not get to see my face? You are a boring old man, Min-sik."

Instead of responding, the man, Min-sik, rolls his eyes for a second time and turns my way. Unlike the way he was looking at Olivia only moments before, his face washes over with a kind smile.

"And who might you be?"

Before I can answer Olivia beats me to it. She reaches over the table for a chopped up carrot and takes a large bite.

"This is Y/N. Surely you have heard of her?"

His eyes widen in realisation. "Ah, yes, in murmurs." He turns back to me. "You sure have managed to make a name for yourself in such short time you have been here. It is like danger attracts itself to you like a moth to a flame."

I purse my lips. He was right. As if noticing my sudden nerves, he shakes his head and changes topic.

"Anyway, what would you like? I think I can cook up something from supper." Min-sik picks up his sharp butcher knife and pulls his carrots away from Olivia before she could take another one, ignoring her huff.ย 

I stammer, shrugging my shoulders.

"U-uh I don't know." I look towards Olivia and motion for her help. She perks up after a second and jumps to my rescue.ย 

"She will have whatever. 'Think you can handle it,ย sikkie?"

He raises his knife and narrows his eyes into slits. "How many times have I told you to not call me that?!"

Olivia raises her hands in mock surrender but there's no mistaking the sly look on her face. After a few seconds of staring the girl down, he huffs and grumbles under his breath. He turns on the spot and brings out several unidentifiable ingredients, cutting into them. Each cut seems more aggressive than the last, accentuating his words.

"I am yourย senior." Chop.ย 

"You will not need to deal with children,ย they said." Chop.

ย "You will run the kitchen,ย they said." Another hard chop. He looks up at Olivia with hard eyes for the briefest of moments.

"And here you are. Strolling intoย myย kitchen and disrespecting me while you are at it. It is a wonder I have kept my patience."

Something about this moment reminded me of my own encounters with Yves. My petulance, her patience. And before I can stop it, a soft smile crosses my face as I watch the pair.ย 

Olivia hums.

"Hm? Are you talking to me? Sorry, I was a little distracted watching an old man about-" she stops for a moment and bends over, placing her hand at level with her kneecap. "yay high having a temper tantrum-"

"Why you little-"

Before a fight could break out I reach forward and grab Olivia by the arm, tugging her off the stool.ย 

"How about we let him work in peace, hey?" She's given no time to retaliate before I'm dragging her to a nearby table, away from Min-sik. It's only when we sit down does she pull her arm out of my grip and sulk.

"I was just having a little fun, Y/N. Aish... you are turning into Sooyoung."

Without meaning to, I feel my cheeks heat up the slightest fraction.ย Yves. Even the mere mention of the girl had my heart pumping, a sweat building on my forehead. Olivia leans forward, a knowing look on her face.ย 

"But I suppose the prospect of teasing you is all the more fulfilling..."

My head drops to my hands in exasperation, embarrassed. Just what I needed. Olivia to tease me, to probe me with questions about Yves, to have me sweating bullets out of nerves. But to my surprise, she tuts, patting my shoulder.

"Do not worry, Y/N. I like you too much to be cruel."

"Thanks." I deadpan, still reeling over thought of the girl.

I wasn't sure what it was about Yves. What it was that had me cowering away like a fool whenever I heard her name. What it was that had me freezing whenever I saw her face. It almost felt like I knew her. Like she felt familiar, like a person I forgot existed. But the more I thought about it,ย I don't think I would forget someone like her so easily.

I shake the thought from my mind.

Another silence breaks out between us. The sound of Min-sik humming an unrecognisable tune as he chopped away at vegetables, maids cleaning dishes and murmuring in quiet conversation. Sparing a look outside one of the many windows I look into the dimming sky. It was almost night time. Almost time to fall asleep, wake up the next day with a headache and sore eyes... wake up and realise there were only four more days now instead of five.

The heavy feeling cementing itself in the pit of my stomach has me looking away.ย 

But then another thought enters my mind: the image of a familiar mass of blonde hair, eye dimples and full lips. I turn to Olivia with a newfound sense of purpose.

"So... how is Jungeun?"

Olivia seems almost taken aback by my question, not expecting me to mention the girls name. She ponders over her words for a few seconds before sighing.

"She is... she is okay. She has been rather disappointed over losing her title. It did not come to her easy, you know. She fought to prove herself, fought to gain the trust of her soldiers. It truly is aย waste."

And yet again the heavy feeling increases tenfold. A metallic taste rises in my mouth and I recognised it anywhere. Guilt. Noticing my internal dilemma, she offers me a small smile.

"She is not mad at you, Y/N. She knew the risk she was taking when she took you to the dungeons. It was a risk she was willing to take."

"Then why is she avoiding me?" I scan her face, looking for answers. "I haven't seen her since and it's driving me insane. You, Jungeun and Yves are the only people I have.." I trail off. "I don't want to a lose a friend. I don't like that feeling."

Olivia gives me a look of pity. But before she can open to respond, a plate is suddenly placed down on the table in front of me. Min-sik holds his hands on his hips, an almost triumphant look on his face.ย 

"I hope you like it, Miss Y/N.." He gives a sidelong glance towards the girl besides me.ย 



The man practicallyย growls. But fighting back whatever urge he had to fight her, he turns and walks away. I give Olivia a look.


Her eyes widen in confusion, feigning innocence. I pick up the spoon and toy around at the food on the plate. It looks like a soup, carrots and greens swimming in its pool.


"You are a demon."ย ย 

Olivia scoffs. "Like you are any better. All Sooyoung does is complain about you one minute then gush the next. It is really making my head spin..." She stops. Her eyes widen as if realising what she said.ย 

My own eyes blow wide.ย Yves? Gushes??


Before I can finish my sentence, Olivia is quick to react. She knocks the spoon from my grip and picks up the plate, practically forcing me to drink the soup. I cough, choking on the carrot pieces and punching my chest to regain my breath. Multiple sets of eyes snap our way in confusion but Olivia pays it no mind as she's standing quickly, pulling me up as well.

"ALRIGHT, thank you for the food we will be on our way!~"

"Olivi-" I stop myself when a loud cough springs from my throat, and a carrot flies out like a bullet. I don't miss the grimace that crosses her face but she doesn't waste a second, pulling us from the kitchen. It's only when we create a small distance from the room does she let up her pace, and I'm shrugging my arm away in shock.

"What the hell!?"

I stop walking and double over, fighting the burn in my throat. The soup was still piping hot, sending my mouth into a blaze as I puffed out air. Olivia grimaces once more, but before she can say anything I beat her to it.

"That's one way to avoid a conversation.. ing hell, you are insane!"

"I'm sorry!" She retaliates, placing a comforting hand on my back, patting me to help me regain my breath. "I panicked!"

"You just waterboarded me in soup!"

"I said I am sorry!-"


"What is going on here?" A new voice shouts, making us fall quiet instantly.

Olivia and I stare at each other like dear in headlights, eyes wide and our faces flushing pale. It felt like we did something we weren't suppose to. Like we were caught robbing a bank or setting something on fire. We turn at the same time to look at the person, sheepish smiles and all.

But the minute my eyes locked with theirs, my smile instantly washes away.

Speak of the devil and she shall come.

Jungeun looks between the two of us with her arms crossed over her chest, eyebrow quirked as she waits for one of us to answer. Olivia chuckles awkwardly.

"We were just coming from the kitchens."

"I could hear you both from down the hall. Whatever it is you were doing, you are both going to anger a few people if you keep it up." At Jungeun's words, it almost feels rehearsed when two guards approach us from behind her.

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Chapter 11 has been updated.
I did not mean to publish chapter 12 without making the edits; my apologies.


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1190 streak #1
Chapter 38: OH!? WE HAD THE BALLS!?
Chapter 7: this is AMAZING
Chapter 1: re-reading this in 2023! one of the best stories i've ever read :))
Chapter 36: daaaamn. this has lots of reference and hell of twists. this is really good. thought this was a unfinished but it was an open ending. this is really good. worth reading
Chapter 35: OHHH DAMN!
This ladies and gentlemen, is a hell of plot twist! Oh ma god, it's just amazing the way you write this fanfic, I could feel everything, as If I was living every chapter. I was so confused as Y/N.
Now that I know the truth, I want justice hahaha
Everyone forget about my existence?
You played me good, I'm running out of words...
Can't wait for more, take care!
1190 streak #6
Chapter 35: ๐Ÿ˜ฏ oh wow
veery interesting
it is mind blowing!!
Chapter 31: Oh my god kimchi!

I love double updates Ç.Ç

Trust no one, it's the only thing that came into my mind. Everything is confuse, and this feeling is amazing, because you pay more attention and create a Lot of theories...

Incredible as always, author!

Can't wait for more!

Take care~
1190 streak #10
Chapter 29: To say I completely binged read this entire thing, my jaw is on the floor