The First


Taemin hadn't wanted to follow the advice of his friends - "don't cut everyone off just for him", they had said. "Don't revolve your life around him," They had said that too. But the foolish brunette didn't listen to any of that and did exactly what his friends told him not to. Now, he feels the weight of his decisions.


"What? But I thought you said you would have some time, hyung..." Taemin sounded disappointed, and his senior boyfriend could hear that. But he didn't know just how far Taemin had pushed his friends away.
"I know. I'm sorry, Taemin-ah. Let's make it another time, okay?" The younger boy's boyfriend murmured over the phone and there was nothing much the brunette could do but simply agree, as always.
"Another time," He wanted to know when exactly this "next time" would be, but he didn't want to bother his senior. After all, he knew the older man had to study for upcoming college exams just as Taemin had to.
"Sleep well," Was the final murmur from Taemin's boyfriend, and then the line went dead.


y Taemin Lucifer by Taemin4ever on DeviantArt


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feng87 #1
I enjoyed this story! 🩵
970 streak #2
Chapter 11: It is a pity that Taemin got estranged from his parents. But that happens.
At least Taemin found true love, after all.
Thank you so much for sharing.
Beau1996 1380 streak #3
Chapter 11: You really only learn from mistakes and upsets - even though they are so painful while going through them - enjoyed the happy ending and reflection 🌟
Chapter 7: Wow, finally. I was scared Taemin would reject Jinki again. Thanks for the update!
j3nk33 #5
Chapter 4: This story is great, can’t wait for the next update!!!
Chapter 3: Poor Taemin, he's so naive