Love From Afar

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Bae Irene is Seoul's #1 girl crush as she is the local meteorologist for a news network. She understands her appearance is what captivates viewers and her colleagues at the news studio. Maybe that is why she avoided any romantic offers that came her way. Until a class of interns from Seoul University spent time at the studio and one in particular with short blonde hair and a warm personality made her see the world in a different light.



Hello to my loyal readers I selected this story as my third outing in the many Wenrene ideas I decided to write about and thank everyone again for the support for "Torn In Two" and "Transactional Relations At The Incheon International Airport Cafe." This will be a slowburn so it may seem like the build-up will take forever but I will not include much angst this time because angst is exhausting to write. This idea came to me one morning while I was watching the local news and I thought wouldn't it be interesting to write it as a story so enjoy!


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Chapter 9: Rene, don't be jealous, this is Joy, the troublemaker in my opinion
Chapter 8: Hmm, maybe that's the way to express your feelings to each other
Chapter 7: At least it could make Irene jealous
Chapter 6: does wendy have to be that gay can't she like men too seriously here wendy doesn't look firm or authoritative she looks weak and that is very annoying to read
Chapter 5: Can't Wendy just date guys like Chanyeol or Suho
Chapter 4: Irene is really like a teenage girl when it comes to Wendy
Chapter 3: Don't worry, Irene will still be yours
Chapter 2: Gosh, Wend es using Irene's voice, you're really naughty, Wend😂
Chapter 1: I'm excited to go to Wendy and I'll meet Irene Bae
Please read Thor's story