The other side of the coin

I'll Still Love You.
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Many nights, with eyes that have become a bit more deeper

 You and I have spent more time

With every savored memory

 In front of the numerous times you were shown to me is Forever

 Becoming deeper without a sound

 Your eyes looking at me I want to treasure it 

Leaving my heart like I’m getting drunk

 When I look at you So beautiful 

Color that’s clearer than the long time

 You and I have become deeper with a scent

 My vintage love

 My vintage love

 Is beautiful 






Munhee had been with Baekhyun from as long as she could look back into the past. He was her everyday and later, he was her every night as well. And the girl had no accurate idea from when and how he had just become her everything. 

Whether it was the day when Baekhyun had poured a bucket of sand on one of their elementary classmates, because the other boy had stuck chewing gum on her school uniform, and ended up getting punishment from both the school and his mother?

Or it might be the day when he had given her his favorite candy for giving him a share of her favorite cookies?

Or when Baekhyun had bestowed a boy from their mid school with a black eye and a swollen jaw, because the boy had called her ugly and she ended up crying like a loser in front of the whole class? And maybe when later, he had consoled her, saying that she was the prettiest girl on whole earth? 

It might also be the time when Munhee had cooked something for the first time, and it was horrible in taste, but Baekhyun still ate the food saying that even if it tasted bad, he could eat all of it so that no one else would ever know about her failed first attempt and he would be the only one to ? But she was certain of the fact that he swallowed every bit of her inedible food so that her mother wouldn't get the chance to reprimand her as the older lady was er for perfection.

That day should also be counted when Munhee had gotten a bad scolding from her mother and Baekhyun had sang her a song for the first time? It couldn't be denied that hearing his mostly high pitched annoying voice turning in such beautiful shade of melody when he sang, it had touched her heart with unexplainable attraction. 

Or probably that night when Baekhyun gave her almost a heart attack by appearing in front of her window, saying that he would take her out to stargaze? That night was one of the most beautiful nights in her life till this date, it held a meaningful place in her heart. It was the night when she had come to realize just how beautiful the boy sitting beside her under the thousands of twinkling stars was. That he shone brighter than all those stars gleaming up at the endless sky.

And maybe all those following nights when they would either stargaze or simply talk with each other about everything and anything. Probably those time were the one which made her imagine of how it would be to spend the rest of the nights of her life with this very boy. And later, that silly imagination had become something deeper, like a prayer, a prayer to be able to given the chance of spending not only the nights, but the rest of her whole life with him. 

Also could be that unfortunate day when mother nature had bestowed her with an early period, causing stupid stains to highlight themselves at the back of her pants, marking that day as one of the most embarrassing days of her life and forcing her to just hide inside the girl's washroom of their school. That day, Baekhyun was again there for her rescue, he had tied his full sleeved shirt around her waist and had returned home just in a thin sleeveless t-shirt of his with her, eating up the weird eyes the people around them were giving him.

Or maybe that day, when on one of his birthdays in high school, he had told her that he liked her and she became so nervous that she ended up laughing at him saying that she didn't want to stick with his sassy for the rest of her life. Despite, his revelation later told her that he had just pulled a prank on her, she could never forget how her heart beated so frantically when he had said her those three words with glinting eyes. Or maybe it was just a trick of her own eyes to read more in between the lines?

They were countless, the memories of him and her, be them about something significant or something trivial. 

In fact, every small gesture from the male would tug at her heartstrings with an unknown pull. The way his eyes would be filled with adoration every time he would look at her when she would be the one doing the talking, or simply doing nothing. The way his bright smile would make her dizzy with overwhelming feelings. The way he would be ready to fight the whole world if anyone had made her cry. The way he would be caring about her every little needs and observing her every little traits, and be understanding with her regarding any kind of issue. The way he would never stop teasing her until she'd be flaring smoke from her nose, but he would be the first one to offer her his shoulder when something saddening would occur in her life. They wouldn't probably end even if she'd talk about them from dawn to dusk. 

Munhee could never conjure the exact time when she had silently given Baekhyun the whole of her heart. It was an endless maze for her, and after a certain point of time, she had completely lost the willingness to actually decipher about this matter. She didn't even know how could she end up fallen in love, which was such a foreign word in their lives when thought romantically. But all she knew that what she felt for her best friend, wasn't only friendly. She knew it this well since Baekhyun wasn't her only male friend. She had had a fair amount of male friends in her life, and the comparison between her heart's reaction towards Baekhyun and any other equally handsome male friend was like day and night. No male had ever been able to render her numb with overflowing tingles of feelings other than her supposed best friend. She was shamelessly, immensely and maybe crazily in love with her best friend.


That's why, when her mother had let her know that she'd be getting married within not more than ten days, it was as if the sky had fallen over her head and the ground had disappeared underneath her feet, leaving her vulnerable and broken in every way. The only thing she knew that it wasn't possible for her to live her life with someone who wasn't Baekhyun. But she also knew that their society and their families would never actually permit anything more than friendship between them. Even though the close bond of their families had been the reason of giving her the chance to become friends with Baekhyun, but it was also the too close bond of their families that would be the biggest rock of obstacle in between her and Baekhyun.

There was also another big factor, that what she was feeling, might be one sided. The two or three movies she had watched in the theatre, she had learned from there that in case of confession, the boys were the one who were to express their feelings first. Sure, Baekhyun had once confessed to her, but it might be just a prank, like he had said.   

Also, the fact that no matter what their feelings were for each other, they coul

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PS for Heal me readers: if yall see any tiny similarities in this story from Heal me, then do know the similarities are provided here on purpose.


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31 streak #1
Chapter 6: Awwww.... the cute babies... loved the epilouge part.. it was heartwarming but still heartbreaking... sehun..ughh.. munbaek couldn't be together cause of their own sake and mainly for those people's selfish, greedy and insensitive thoughts... but what baekhyun did was so nerve-wracking and heartwarming... baekhyun and munhee's last kiss was my favorite one.. also how it turned out after that incident was quite chaotic... aww.. thr slight similarities.. also the confession and their little lovely but still heart wrenching... eventually they got their deserved happiness and miseries in another world though..all the revelation was so shocking... it really broke my heart... but loved the way he showed his love and feelings for her and the babies unconditionally till end... became so emotional... favorite scene were baekhyun and the babies little moments and munbaek couple's short lovely moment after the incident..also the last confession part of this chapter between munbaek couple too.. TT TT TT.. I can't get enough of them... oh.. I also didn't know baekhyun wrote the script himself..omg.. TT TT TT... maybe he also read some stories too..jk..hehe.. authornim, you're the best indeed.. it was full of angsty and it brought out all kinds of emotions while reading... but loved their never ending love, care and trust for each other... thank you authornim for writing and sharing this amazing story ❤️ I'm surely going to miss them...
31 streak #2
Chapter 5: I'm a crying mess now.. couldn't stop crying... too much angsty too handle... broke my heart into pieces.. twins.. same name... similarities..TT TT TT..the revelation and promises... I thought it would be sehun and then somehow munbaek will reunite.. but heartbreaking plot twist and the ending 💔 😢 😭😭😭🤧🤧😭🤧🤧😭🤧🤧🥹🥹💔💔💔💔💔💔 at least both of them got to confess their true feelings, emotions and thoughts... also loved the conversation and confession moments... authornim successfully made me cry ...TT TT TT... I love them too much... they're one of my first and most favorite couple so far and till now.. and they'll always be my favorite couple.. I'm too speechless...
31 streak #3
Chapter 4: This was more heartbreaking 💔 😢 😞 and frustrating to know the real reason and fact.. why, just why.. it was never an one sided love from the very beginning but it was just unknown and unspoken truth that they never came to know about it.. when they did it was too late to get it right.. I really don't like munhee's mother.. that woman.. ughh... their inner thoughts, emotions and feelings were so pure, true and heartwarming.. feelings too sad for them... 😭😭😭🤧🤧🤧😭💔💔😞😞😞💔💔💔
31 streak #4
Chapter 3: It was one of most painful and hardest chapter to read.. couldn't stop crying... feeling too bad for baekhyun.. waiting room part was one of the most heartbreaking part.. baekhyun, oh no... 💔💔💔😭😭🤧🤧🤧💔💔💔💔💔😳😭😭😭😭😭😭 .. I wish he could atleast express his true feelings to her or kidnap her at the end.. not ending like these... one of the most heartbreaking ending 💔...
31 streak #5
Chapter 2: Feeling more sad while and after reading this chapter.. I wish he could atleast tell her or express his feelings to her.. she's completely unknown to this unrequited one-sided love... TT TT TT.. Feeling bad for baekhyun.. it's really hard what he was keeping doing.. ugh...TT TT TT...
31 streak #6
Chapter 1: First part was funny..hahaha.. felt bad for baekhyun..he can't even express his true feelings 😔 😪... it was too heartbreaking..munhee doesn't even know how much he loves and cares for him.. TT TT.. and those future dreams of him with munhee... 🥹😭🤧 those ladder part and ninja munhee.. yup.. oh the similarities..TT TT TT... I'm quite seriously angsty now.. 💔🤧
31 streak #7
I'm missing munbaek couple..TT TT TT...
Chapter 1: the similarities to heal me tho 😭
gogo96 #9
Chapter 6: 😭😭😭😭😭😭
bbhlove #10
Chapter 6: i got addicted to your stories authornim I love your stories soooo much especially heal me and still love you !! please continue this story 🙏