Chapter 6

even the shadows

“Why does Ceb have three heads?” Seulgi asks out of the blue, as she looks out into the expanse of the underworld.


After their first trip, Seulgi and Irene have taken to spending time by the ridge right outside the palace. Close enough that if Irene is needed, any of her angels can easily get to her. But at the same time, far enough that they don’t need Nayeon or Jeongyeon to guard them or to hear the snickers and teasing of Dahyun and the others. Far enough that Irene, Seulgi notices, looks freer and she herself can breathe a little better.


Seulgi can still clearly picture the look of sheer panic on Irene’s face the first time she moved close to the cliff’s edge.


“What are you doing?!” Irene practically shrieks, grabbing Seulgi by the wrist, and that familiar ice cold sensation passes through Seulgi’s body.


“I just wanted to be comfortable”, Seulgi replies with a sheepish smile, as she sits on the cliff’s edge, letting her feet dangle.


From the look on Irene’s face, whatever answer she was expecting, it definitely wasn’t that. But after a moment of silence, the Goddess of the Underworld follows and sits beside her guest.


“You’re immensely lucky Jihyo is not with us.” Irene sighs.




“You know how Jihyo can be. She would have made an entire fuss out of it - flown our best chairs from the palace all by herself to make sure we were comfortable.”


Seulgi laughs as she can definitely imagine the small but strong angel going out of her way to make sure they (well, mostly Irene) are happy. Then Seulgi comments, “But I am comfortable.”


“Best of luck convincing Jihyo. She can be quite stubborn at times. But I agree, I feel at ease as well.”


Seulgi glances at Irene and on instinct, she ducks her head at the look Irene sends her way. It’s a habit she’s developed for as long as she could remember, mostly due to the weird looks the others would give her when she’d ask something strange. But with Irene, the look she would give Seulgi was… different. It was weird too, but mostly because Seulgi couldn’t understand the meaning behind it. It made Seulgi’s cheeks heat up and she couldn’t help but turn away from the attention being given to her.


Again, based on another habit, Seulgi opens to say, “Sor-”


But Irene raises her hand to cut her off, “What have I told you about apologizing for your curiosity?”


Seulgi mumbles sheepishly, “That I should not do it. That all my questions are valid.”


“Very good. Do not forget that, my dear goddess.”


“But you still haven’t answered my question.”


“I was going to, but the apology had already left your lips before I could even begin.”


“Sor-” Seulgi ducks her head again at Irene’s raised eyebrow. “I mean… please, go ahead, Irene.”


“To answer you simply, Cerberus has three heads so that he can protect me from any and every angle. He is my first guardian. Perhaps my favorite guardian of all but don’t tell any of the angels that.”


A simple answer for a simple question. Seulgi herself is satisfied with Irene’s response but when the older goddess continues to watch Cerberus in the distance as he runs around half playing and half guarding the River Styx, Seulgi is sure there is something more she wants to say.


And yes, Irene did tell her that every question she has is valid… but did it include questions about Irene herself? Seulgi has asked about the underworld, its workings, she has asked Irene about the angels (and Seulgi is pleasantly surprised at how well Irene knows each and every one of them) but never about Irene herself. Has Seulgi earned enough of her trust? Would Irene feel offended?


“What are you thinking about?” Irene asks, breaking Seulgi’s train of thought. A part of Seulgi wants to laugh at the irony of it all. How Wendy had asked her the exact same thing before Seulgi revealed her curiosities about Death, and now, Death is actually sitting beside her.


“How do you know I’m thinking about something?”


“You rarely stop at one question.” Irene smirks then raises her hand and gently presses her thumb in between Seulgi’s brows, rubbing it softly, “Your brows knot together as well.”


“Oh. It’s just… I feel like there’s more to your story. But I didn’t want to pry if it made you uncomfortable. It’s not just to satisfy my curiosity, I promise! It’s just-“


“Do not worry, Seulgi. I understand. It is true that there is more to it, I am just unsure as to where to begin.”


“When my thoughts are all over the place, which as you can imagine, happens very often, Wendy always tells me to take my time. There’s no rush and she’ll be patient. So, it is my turn to say the same to you. You don’t need to tell me right now. Only when you’re ready. I can wait.”


Irene hums in response, and that comfortable silence Seulgi has learned to appreciate envelopes the two goddesses. Looking out into the world has always been one of Seulgi’s favorite things to do, even when she was living above. When she was home in Olympus, she could see so much of the world below, and it always amazed her how so many things could be going on all at once. There were endless things to learn and to experience and it thrilled Seulgi to no end. So to be able to do it in the underworld, and to be able to sit here with no other than the queen of the realm, well, it’s definitely something Seulgi will cherish even when her time is up.


After some time, (and honestly, much to Seulgi’s surprise) Irene says, “I believe I am entitled to ask at least one question.”


“Of course! Ask as many questions as you’d like, as I have done the same to you.”


“Who do you think is the most powerful being in the universe?”


“The Mother Goddess, of course. Though, I do believe you are a close second.” Seulgi answers without even a trace of doubt.


“Me? Not my brother?” Irene laughs, “Please. Do explain. And do not worry, no one can hear you here. My brother will not know of it.”


“The King… he is the ruler of all the gods and goddesses, yes? Of all the immortal beings, of all the mortals… but his position would not exist if not for the Mother Goddess, our first queen. Without her, not only would he not be king… he would not have existed. None of us would be here.” Seulgi glances at Irene, whose eyes are now dazzling with curiosity, and an amused (and unfairly pretty) smile plays on her lips. “What is it? Why are you staring?”


“Your mind is absolutely fascinating, my dear goddess. But please, continue.”


“Then there is you, Your Majesty, the owner of an entirely separate realm that His Majesty cannot touch. Your existence goes against his, and yet, you are allowed to step on earth. You have power on land. But our King does not have any power here.”


“You surely are good for my ego, goddess Seulgi.”


“I am merely stating my observations.” Seulgi blushes then throws the questions back, “What about you? Do you agree the Mother Goddess is the most powerful?”


Irene shakes her head, “My mother is powerful, yes. Incredibly so. You are correct that she is stronger than my brother and he cannot defy her on his own. But there are three more powerful than her.”


“Three gods? Goddesses? Who??” Seulgi asks, her eyes wide with surprise.


“The Fates.”


“I thought they only dealt with mortals?”


“Tell me, what do you know about them?”


“I only know of what the people say about them. Shu, the Spinner, Yoojin, the Allotter, and Seunghee, the Inflexible. They say Shu would spin the thread of life, Yoojin will dictate how long a mortal would live, allotting the number of years and Seunghee would decide how they would die.”


Irene nods, “Though there is truth to that, the Fates are much more than defining when a human will live and when they will die. The Fates see all. They see more than Minho and his oracles can. They see the past, the present and the future all at once. The Fates, not just Seunghee, are Inflexible. In fact, there was one particular war when The Fates revealed to my brother that his beloved half-god son would die at the hands of the enemy. He was distraught, but even he could not intervene and save his son.”


All Seulgi can do is gape in awe, so Irene continues.


“The Fates are mostly silent, letting destiny unfold as it should. They speak when they know they must, but still with destiny as their guide. Before many of the gods you now know were in existence, my mother was queen, and my brothers and I were very young gods, enjoying our limitless powers and playing in the world. After her, we were the most powerful and we knew it. Together, we created various creatures and animals, mere playthings in our eyes. It was good then, and we had no worries.”


Irene sighs, and looks up at the stars above, “But The Fates knew this happiness would not last and informed our mother that a time would come when she would no longer be queen and her children would be separated from her and from each other. For centuries, she tried to defy them. At first, she made sure to always keep us together and always within in her sight but we were getting more curious about what we could do in the world, and the desire to venture out became stronger. Then out of desperation, she hid us away in a place only she knew, deep within the caves of Olympus, visiting as often as she could to keep us safe from The Fates. But, my dear Seulgi, there is no hiding from destiny.”


“Did The Fates find you?”


Irene laughs, but it is not like the melodious sound Seulgi has come to know, it’s bitter and angry. “My brother slowly grew impatient and irate at the whole situation. He hated being hidden away, he hated that we were essentially prisoners with no powers. He convinced us that our mother was doing all this because afraid of us, he convinced us that she was hiding us away because she knew she couldn’t stop us. He said that we should be the ones in power… that we could rule together. And I… and I was young and foolish and I believed him. The next time she came to visit, we ambushed her, my brothers held her down and I was the one tasked to remove the crown on her head… and when I did, I saw the pain and resignation in her eyes and realized we were making a mistake. But it was too late. Even my mother realized at that moment that the destiny she tried so hard to run away from was unfolding before her very eyes.”


“She did not even put up a fight after that. She willing gave the kingdom to me and my brothers to rule. Still keeping the family together. Or at least, trying. The King, though he was the one that initially declared that we would rule together, became selfish and paranoid. He wanted more power. He was constantly suspicious we would try to overpower and overthrow him. So, he said he would split the dominion on earth into three and we would fairly draw lots to see who would get what. I knew that our dear big brother did not see Sehun as a threat. Sehun may be quiet and brooding at times, but he never outwardly questioned our brother’s leadership. He is the safer option to have around. As soon as the lots were drawn, I already knew the Underworld was mine.


“When I first arrived, I was in complete disarray. Abandoned by my brothers. My mother powerless against it. I was terrified of what lay here, none of us have ever ventured to the underworld or even thought to do so. I was afraid of this place… I was afraid The King would try to permanently get rid of me. It was out of pure desperation and luck that I created Cerberus. I was surrounded by the darkness and together with all the anger, fear, and hurt… it manifested into the beautiful creature he is today. I made him so he could protect me… he could alert if anyone was trying to come in or to leave… When I started to build and grow this realm, it was Cerberus who had my back.”


Seulgi puts an arm around Irene’s shoulders to find that the older goddess is shaking. “I’m so sorry, I had no idea what you have been through, Irene.”


Irene takes a deep breath to steady herself, “That is all right, I would be more surprised had you known the truth. No one outside our family knows the whole story of why I am here, or of why the Mother Goddess is not our true queen. Well, aside from Yeri.”


“For what it’s worth, I know you are an amazing Queen of the Underworld. We haven’t gone far outside of the palace, but when your angels speak about you, how Kai reveres you, and how Cerberus obviously thinks there is no one else better than you, it is quite clear that only you could run this realm.”


“You really are good for my ego, Seulgi.” Irene chuckles, before leaning her head on Seulgi’s shoulder,  “But I am afraid that one day, you will realize that you have been wrong about me.”



“What do you miss most about the world above?” Chaeyoung asks as they spend time on the palace grounds, Seulgi sitting on the ground admiring the star dotted sky while Death’s angel lazily floats above her.


It amuses Seulgi how the angels (possibly unknowingly) respond to the changes in her relationship with their queen. When Irene was initially hiding herself away with her duties, the angels were accommodating, answering all her questions and taking care of her but there was a wall between them and obviously some secrets hidden especially with regard to Irene’s whereabouts. When Irene started spending more time in the palace, the angels seem to have relaxed and were more open about telling Seulgi about the different things in the underworld. And now, now that Seulgi feels comfortable with Irene (and hopefully Irene feels the same way), the angels seem to be at a different level of ease around the two goddesses.


For one, they’re more comfortable flying around Seulgi now. Seulgi suspects that they initially walked when she was around simply because they didn’t want her to feel bad that she couldn’t fly like them. But now, they do it freely, even in the hallways as they the goddess. Secondly, they rarely glance at each other now when Seulgi asks a question, as if asking for permission if it was okay to tell her the truth. They trust her, Seulgi believes, and she trusts them too. And lastly, and Seulgi’s most favorite part, is that they have also started asking her questions.


“Goddess Seulgi? Did you hear me?”


“Sorry, Chae. What was that again?”


“What do you miss most about the world above?” Chaeyoung asks again.


“Your plants and powers don’t count!” Dahyun adds, bumping Chaeyoung as she suddenly flies in.




“Shouldn’t you be up there?” Seulgi asks, watching the two angels playfully shove each other. Irene had informed her a couple of days ago that she’d be busy for a while since winter was their busiest time of year. The cold, mixed with animals in hibernation and no crops led to less food and less food meant more deaths.


Dahyun shrugs, “And leave you alone with her? Better not to risk it.”


“What’s that supposed to mean!”


“It means I’m better than you!” Dahyun teases, pulling Chaeyoung into a chokehold.


Seulgi rubs at her temples, “How does Jihyo deal with you two?”


“What’s that supposed to mean!” They shout in response.


“I- you know what, I’ll answer your question but the both of you need to settle down.”


Thankfully, they do as they’re told, and they finally relax, landing on the soft ground to sit around Seulgi.


“I miss a lot of things about the land. I miss my friends-“


“Ooohh who are they? What are they like!” Chaeyoung asks.


“Don’t interrupt her, Chae!” Dahyun scolds. “What did Her Majesty say?”


“Oh, right. Sorry.” Chaeyoung then raises her hand slowly. “Goddess Seulgi?”


“Yes, Chaeyoung?”


“What are your friends like? Are they goddesses too?”


Dahyun pats her fellow angel proudly on the back and Seulgi can’t help but smile at them. Yeri was right, these two are definitely the loudest and most childlike, but they’re the warmest of the bunch and their hearts are always in the right place. (Seulgi also makes a mental note to ask Irene if she really did give these two etiquette lessons on how to properly interrupt someone because she’s sure there’s a story behind that.)


“Yes, they’re goddess too. The Goddess of Music and the Goddess of Wine and Celebration. They’re beautiful on the inside and out. They’re also very kind, generous, patient, and very fun to be with.”


“I want to meet them!” Chaeyoung says her hand still raised in the air.


“Maybe one day, you will. I’m sure you’ll like them. They’re amazing friends and renowned goddesses. They make the world so much brighter and happier just by existing.”


“Like you!”


“What do you mean like me?”


“You make the Underworld brighter too!” Dahyun says with a big smile and Chaeyoung nods eagerly in agreement.


Seulgi can feel the heat rise on her cheeks, and her heart tightens at Dahyun’s words. But luckily, they don’t seem to notice (she’s sure they’d if they did) as Chaeyoung brings them back to topic with a, “What else do you miss?”


“The humans.”


“Oh, gross.” Dahyun grimaces.


“Sorry, Dahyun hates mortals.”


“To be clear, I don’t hate them. I just hate how some of them can be. I hate how they can be so… selfish. How so many deaths could have been prevented had they not been so spiteful, or prideful. How if they thought of their fellow mortal, maybe their fellow mortal would still be alive, you know? So many deaths because their kings send them off to kill others just like them. Or killing their brother for a better place at the table or for more riches when their own parents die. It makes no sense. And to think, the ones that do the most harm to others are the ones that beg the hardest when it’s time to be taken away.”


Seulgi nods in understanding, “Yes, you’re right. Humans can be selfish, disgusting and cruel. But I still miss them, I miss being around them because they can also be so much more than that. Have I told you about Jiwoo?”


When the two shake their heads, Seulgi asks another question, “Do you know why I’m here?”


“Her Majesty said you volunteered yourself in service and took the place of someone else.”


“Irene told you the truth?”


“Of course.”


Seulgi hums at that, tucks that information away for another time, and continues, “Jiwoo is the human that I traded places with. She’s a human child. In her and in her family, I see so much beauty and so much life. Her family is not powerful, nor rich. They live on the edge of their humble town, foraging in the forest, and planting what they can. Her mother sews for a living, mending clothes for the townspeople. Her father, her father went to fight for a king, and I agree it is senseless but he did it so he can do more for his family. So that his family could eat better and live more comfortably. Her brother is much older than she is and he is incredibly brave. He works hard to protect them, even though he himself is still a child. And Jiwoo… Jiwoo is so innocent. So full of love that everyone she meets falls in love with her bright smile. She’s so gentle and caring, that when her brother and mother have had a busy day, she will do her best to make them smile. She sings for them, or dances, or sometimes will cuddle up to them just so they can feel her warmth. It is mortals like Jiwoo that remind me that they’re not all that bad.”


“She sounds like a terrific human.” Dahyun admits.


“She is. I did what I had to do to keep her alive for a little longer.”


“I want to meet her too!” Chaeyoung says then quickly adds, “But not yet! She should enjoy your sacrifice.”


Seulgi smiles, “I’m sure you’ll like her too. Though I can’t guarantee that she’d be excited to meet you too.”



It is a couple of weeks later when Chaeyoung rushes into Seulgi’s quarters early in the day with a shout of “I HAVE AN IDEA!” and with Dahyun, and Sana following quickly behind her.


“Oh, apologies, goddess. We didn’t mean to wake you.” Sana bows at the sight of a barely awake Seulgi and her hair in complete disarray.


“No, no. It’s fine. Chaeyoung is supposed to wake me up anyway. So, what’s your idea?”


“Well, it’s Sana’s idea actually! Dahyun and I were wondering what to do because you missed your friends but we can’t bring your friends here unless they trade places with a human too and then Her Majesty has to approve of it too and who knows if she’ll let that happen. Then that idea is out and then we definitely can’t bring you up there so we thought, what about the humans? We’ve got humans here! Sure, they’re uh… dead and all. I mean… they’re still technically humans right? But I don’t know if they’re just as fun… cause they’re souls. But human souls! I mean-”


“What are you talking about?”


Dahyun rolls her eyes and steps forward, “What Chaeyoung is trying to say is that we’ll take you to Asphodel!”


“Okay! Let’s go!” Seulgi jumps off her bed in excitement, already brushing down her hair to place it in a perfect bun. “Wait, what’s Asphodel?”


“Asphodel is one of the zones in the Underworld with neutral souls. No one exceptionally bad or good.” Sana explains. “It’s the easiest and safest way for you to see mortals. Well, their souls at least.”  


“And Irene is okay with this?”


Dahyun nods, “Yes. We proposed the idea to her and she allowed as long as all three of us, along with Momo accompanies you. Her Majesty also apologizes that she cannot join us. She is with the others, directing the placement of the sudden influx of souls.”


“Sudden?” Seulgi manages to ask, but the question falls on deaf ears as Chaeyoung quickly drapes Irene’s special cloak over Seulgi’s head and Dahyun eagerly drags her out of the palace to where Momo waits for them.


With a quick argument over who’s the strongest (mostly between Chaeyoung and Momo), Seulgi allows herself to be carried to Asphodel, though she tries her best to hide her blush of embarrassment. They land in what looks like the middle of a town square, and had it not been for the translucent souls and the graying homes, Seulgi would have thought that she was on earth once more. A couple of souls turn their way when they arrive and Sana pulls Seulgi’s hood down lower with a whisper of, “Just in case.”


“Welcome to one of Asphodel’s towns.” Dahyun spreads her arms wide before taking her place beside Seulgi, with Chaeyong on the other side.


“It looks like the towns on earth.”


“Some places in the underworld are mirrors of the world above.” Sana explains.


“Can they see us?”


“Yes, they can see you too, but to them, you look like one of us.”


“Are they afraid of you?”


“Maybe?” Chaeyoung shrugs, “We brought them here, after all. So I would understand if they were at least weary of us.”


“I can’t really tell if it’s us they’re afraid of. The Underworld is the end, and it is also the beginning. Fear is a natural response to that.” Momo answers as she walks behind them with Sana beside her.


Seulgi turns to look at Momo, “The beginning?”


“The end, the beginning, a blessing and a curse. That’s the best way to describe the Underworld. Here, they are bound for eternity. It is the beginning of their sentence. If they did great deeds on earth, then they would be rewarded for eternity in Elysium. The cruel ones meet their eternal justice in Tartarus and those in between… it is up to them what they make of it.”


Dahyun nods, “There is a slight freedom here that they did not have when they were alive. You see, those who are bound to Asphodel can venture further from their towns without any of the earthly worries of pain, sickness and hunger. Some of them do, in search of their loved ones who have gone before them. It gives their weary soul something to do instead of aimlessly floating by waiting for an end that will never come.”


“What do the others do then if they do not roam?”


This time, it is Sana who answers, “It is up to them. They have an entire eternity to figure that out.”


They walk around the town, and Dahyun points at a soul aimlessly walking around alone. “Did you want to meet one of them? You can talk to that one over there. His energy doesn’t seem too bad and I think he just died so he still has plenty of his earthly memories.”


“Uh… can you talk to them for me? I don’t actually talk to humans… I kind of just… observe them.”


“Oh, wait, really? That’s a bit boring.”




“OUCH! I mean, it’s not boring at all. No, it makes sense. Gods can’t talk to humans.” Chaeyoung rambles as she rubs her arm that is surely stinging from Sana’s slap.


“Maybe it should be just me and Dahyun? He might scare himself to another death if he sees five angels approaching him.”


The other angels nod in agreement and as they are about to approach the lone soul, something else catches Seulgi’s eye.




“What’s wrong?” Dahyun asks, already frantically looking around for any sign of danger.


“Relax, Dahyun. It’s just… I know that man.” Seulgi replies as she watches a soul wander around the town square.


The rest of the angels catch up when they notice the two have stopped moving, “Why’d you stop? Did you change your mind?”


“She says she knows that man.”




“No idea.”


“Are we going to watch them now like she watches them on earth?”


“Chaeyoung, quiet.”


“Sorry, Sana.”


Seulgi watches as the man sits in the middle of the town square, his knees close to his chest and his head bent low.


“The stench of regret is rolling off him in waves.” Momo sighs, and before Seulgi can even ask, she explains, “Some humans feel such strong emotions before they die that it sticks to them even when they get here. Regret is one of the emotions that stick around the longest.”


“How long has he been here?” Seulgi turns to her companions.


“Based on how strong his energy is, I’d say a week at most.” Sana replies.


Seulgi watches the man, and even if she can’t smell the regret like her companions, she can clearly see it in the way he groans and buries his face in his hands. She’s about to walk away, when he is joined by a woman and two young men. The young men look resigned to their fate. The woman looks heartbroken as she puts an arm around the older man.


Then, it clicks.


“I do know who they are!” Seulgi gasps, “Their family has been the head of one of my patron towns for decades. What are they all doing here?”


Before they can respond, Seulgi takes off in the direction of the family amidst the calls of, “Seulgi, wait!!”


Seulgi kneels so she can look the souls in the eye, “What happened to you?”


The family huddles closer together refusing to look at Seulgi. But she can’t give up. This family has been well loved the last time she’s seen them, and for them to all end up here? What could have gone wrong?


“Please… tell me. How did you end up here?”


The man replies, “My family and I have been sentenced to death.”


“For what crime?!”


“I am the leader of a small but proud farming town. Winter has come and gone, and though the ice has fully thawed, we have nothing to show for it. Everything is dead. The townsfolk believed I did not sacrifice enough to our patron goddess. They believe the town has been cursed, and as leader, the responsibility has fallen on my shoulders. We tried everything… and out of desperation they sacrificed my family in penance hoping to appease Goddess Seulgi.”


“I would- I would never abandon you! That- that wasn’t my intention!”


Seulgi is about to reach out to comfort to him when Dahyun grabs her wrist. “Don’t. You can’t touch him. We don’t know what could happen.”


Seulgi’s heart breaks at the sight of this family, with so much more ahead of them, here in this realm because she is not around to protect them. “I- I didn’t mean it.”


“Just forget about him there’s nothing we can do,” Sana says and Seulgi is still too much in shock and lets herself be pulled away.


Her head is reeling at the revelation. She has thousands of patron towns. If all the leaders and their families were put to death… because she was not around to give food… how many humans has Seulgi sentenced to death? How many souls will live in torment and regret because of her?  


Seulgi manages to slip out of Sana’s grip and runs back to the man, kneeling in front of him once more. “Please, I am so sorry. You did nothing wrong. You were a great leader. Your people loved you. Don’t let this regret control your entire eternity.”


“Why would an angel of Death care about a mere soul?”


“I- I’m not an angel of Death. I am Goddess Seulgi.” Seulgi pulls down her hood to reveal her face and everything happens so quickly after that.


The man’s eyes grow wide in surprise and a flash of emotions cross his face before settling on an emotion Seulgi did not expect: anger. He wails and lunges for Seulgi, but the goddess is quick to react and stumbles out of the way. The family members are initially surprised at the patriarch but when they see Seulgi’s face, their faces are full of hurt and they to reach for Seulgi as well.


Luckily, a pair of hands pull Seulgi to her feet and the rest of her guards surround her just in time.


“Goddess, hood up, please!” Sana whines, but it’s too late.


“Goddess give me a chance to redeem myself! Let me prove to them I am worthy!” the man shouts, trying to get through the barricade of angels.


“Don’t hurt him!!” Seulgi pleads as Chaeyoung pushes one of man’s sons away.




“Please, Chae!”  


“Fine.” Chaeyoung grumbles as they try to move to safer location.


The family’s cries draws in a curious crowd and suddenly, there’s murmur about powers, about another being and about second chances. One soul, shouts above the crowd, how the rumors were right and something has indeed change in the realm. The souls are restless and though they are no match for four angels, their numbers continue to increase, trying to catch a glimpse of or worse, to grab onto Seulgi.  


The crowd continues to push and Dahyun spreads her wings in an effort to create more space, the other angels following her lead. “Get her out of here now!”


“Sorry, goddess.” Sana says, as she steps in front of Seulgi and pulls her close to her body, her wings pulled together as shield. Behind Seulgi, Momo wraps her arms around Seulgi’s waist, effectively keeping the goddess from any prying eyes and wandering hands.


“But what about them?”


“We’ll be fine! NOW, GO!” Chaeyoung shouts and Seulgi is lifted into the air.


They land on the balcony with a hard thud, the three of them stumbling from the impact, and it’s only when Seulgi manages to catch her breath does she realize how much danger she’s gotten them all into with both Momo and Sana’s wings in complete disarray.


They don’t even hear Irene enter at first, but the cold that quickly spreads around them is enough of an indicator to know that their queen is here.


Irene rushes to Seulgi’s side, “WHAT HAPPENED?!”


“Your Majesty!” Momo and Sana fall to their knees, “We’re so sorry. Please forgive us.”


“Where are the rest?”


“They-they’re still fighting off the crowd.” Momo answers.


Irene nods, “Tzuyu, get Seulgi to her room.”


“No!” Seulgi manages to shout as Tzuyu holds her by the arm, “I- I need to make sure they’re okay. I need to see them get home safely.”


Irene doesn’t say anything but disappears into the shadows, only to emerge from the shadows a moment later with Dahyun and Chaeyoung. The two take only a second to recover before they rush beside Momo and Sana, and fall to their knees, their heads touching the ground.


The air that surrounds them is icy but the cold disappears in an instant and Irene’s voice turns soft as she says, “What are you four doing? Get up.”


“But Your Majesty!”


“We accept whatever punishment you see fit.” Momo says and the guilt eats up at Seulgi as she imagines what Irene would do to them.


But instead, Irene slowly makes her way towards the repentant angels and she herself kneels, and pats Dahyun’s head, a signal for all of them to look at her. “Seulgi is safe. The four of you are safe albeit your feathers needing some mending. You have done your job well.”




“You were sent to guard Seulgi. You did just that. Do not blame yourself for what happened. If it is anyone’s fault, it is my own. I let you leave without thinking about the consequences. I thought having you four was enough but it seems I have underestimated these bored and resentful souls. Now please, rest. I will tend to Seulgi myself.”


“Thank you, Goddess.”


As they stand, they bow once more, “We’re sorry, Goddess Seulgi.”


“I’m sorry I didn’t listen. I gave you all such a hard time. Look at you… look at your wings!!” Seulgi is about to cry but the four angels quickly pull her into a group hug, “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to hurt you. Thank you for taking care of me.”


As they file out of the balcony, Tzuyu included, Irene silently offers her hand to Seulgi. Seulgi lets herself be led out the balcony, out into the palace hall, and into her room. It’s only when the doors close behind her does her body suddenly crumple under the weight of it all.


“Seulgi! Are you okay? Are you hurt anywhere?” Irene says, as she steadies Seulgi.


Seulgi shakes her head and simply begins to cry.


Her heart is breaking over and over again and she knows no matter how much it breaks, there is nothing she can do. Not only did she fail in her duties as Goddess of Spring, but she has let her followers down. She has let the people down.


“It’s my fault!”


“Seulgi, no-“


“No… Irene, it’s true. This… this is all my fault. I put my hood down… I- I wanted him to know that I did not leave him on purpose. I did not want him to think he was unworthy or cursed. Irene, his whole family was sentenced to death because I was not around to protect him or to do my duty! I- I was so selfish! I thought of Jiwoo but I did not think of the others! I saved one life but damned others!”


Irene pulls Seulgi close and the younger god tries to pull away in shame, but Irene only holds on tighter. “Sana already pulled me away… but… I was so selfish. I thought I could fix this. Irene, what have I done?”


Seulgi thinks about Dahyun. How she hates the selfishness of man. She thinks about The King of the Gods, and how his own selfish acts led him to be king, to leave Irene all alone in the underworld. She is just like them, isn’t she? Selfish and stupid.


“I too, have my own faults. I am eons older and should I should have thought about your offer more. I should have been smarter and thought about the consequences of having you here…” Irene says, as she Seulgi’s hair.


“No, no, no. This is all my fault, Irene. I did this… my own selfishness… I need to fix this.”


“This is not your burden to carry alone.”


Irene waits for Seulgi’s sobbing to ease up and as soon as it does, she effortless lifts the younger goddess to lay her in bed.


“Get some rest, my dear Seulgi. It has been a long day.” Irene says, as she sits on the edge of the bed, and wipes the tears from Seulgi’s face.


“I deserve to live eternity in Tartarus. I do not deserve you… I do not deserve your kindness.”


Seulgi continues to mumble her apologies, and eventually, the exhaustion of the day, both physical and emotional, begins to take its toll. Irene continues to sit beside Seulgi, gently threading her fingers through the younger goddess’ hair.


“You are not the only one who has been selfish, Seulgi. But I will do my best to make it right.”



When Seulgi wakes up, she is alone.


Not that she expected Irene to stay anyway.


Her heart is still wrapped up in guilt, but she knows there is no point in wallowing in regret. She needs to make it right, and even if she can’t do so with the humans on land, (she desperately hopes she can ask Yeri to talk to her siblings for her), she’ll do her best to help the souls she’s affected.


When she steps out of her room, she is greeted by the familiar sight of her three guardian angels.


“SEULGI, WE’RE SORRY!!!” Chaeyoung and Dahyun say as the hug Seulgi again.


“No, I’m the one that’s sorry! I put you in danger!”


“I’m just glad you’re all okay.” Tzuyu says from the side.


“You can hug us too, you know.” Chaeyoung laughs.


“I’m quite alright.”


Seulgi pulls away from the other two and quickly hugs Tzuyu. “Thank you.”


Tzuyu blinks, “For what?”


“For keeping Irene company. For keeping her safe.”


“Of course, goddess.”


Luckily, as if the universe is listening to Seulgi’s desire for repentance, she sees Yeri as soon as she steps into the dining hall. The pink haired goddess waves in greeting, but Seulgi thinks her smile doesn’t meet her eyes. (But Seulgi figures Irene must have told her about yesterday.)


Seulgi takes her place on Irene’s other side where the older goddess gives her a soft smile, before focusing on Jihyo’s report.


“We’ve found the souls that have started the riot.”


“Good. How are they?”


“They’re currently being guarded in one of the town’s homes. They cannot leave and cannot talk to the other souls. What do you want to do with them? Separate them to other ends of the realm?”


Seulgi tenses at the thought of the family being put into more pain because of her. She wants to tell Irene not to punish them, but who is she in this realm anyway?


“What about throw them in the River Styx for a couple hundred years?” Jihyo suggests again.


But thankfully, Irene shakes her head. “What do you think, Seulgi? You decide.”




“Yes, you were the one they attacked after all.”


“But they attacked because I put my hood down and revealed who I was! They’re here in the underworld because of me! They don’t deserve punishment, I do! All they did was their duty… they did it as best they could… now there’s a weight that hangs over them. First it was because they believed they didn’t do enough, now they know they did… but it still led to their death. That’s something that will stay with them for all eternity!”


“Seulgi… There’s nothing we can do about that... no matter how much we want to. They are creatures of this realm now. They abide by the rules of our queen.” Yeri says.


“I just wish I could remove their pain…” Seulgi sighs, “I wish they could forget all this.”


“Then so be it.”




“Jihyo, have them drink from the River Lethe.”


“But-“ Seulgi and Jihyo get out at the same time.


“Only enough that they will not remember why they are here and what they saw yesterday. They do not get the privilege of forgetting everything and starting over.” Irene continues, “Yes, the circumstances of their death are awful. But the fact remains, they are dead. There is nothing we can do about that. With the River Lethe, they will no longer have the regret that you feel hangs over their heads.”


“Then it is all right with me. Thank you, Your Majesty.” Seulgi nods. It wasn’t what she had in mind when she planned to make things right, but it is good enough. Irene and Yeri are right, they are dead, and they are in a realm that has rendered her powerless. At least by agreeing to this, Seulgi has some power to make up for it.


“Jihyo? Any questions?”


“No, Your Majesty. We’ll see to it right away.”


“Thank you, Jihyo.”


As soon as Jihyo leaves, Yeri opens to speak but is stopped by Irene. “Let our guest eat first, Yeri.”


“O-okay then.”


If Seulgi didn’t think that Yeri wasn’t herself a moment ago, she’s definitely thinking it now.


Yeri is talking, but it’s obvious she’s on edge. She talks about literally anything under the sun, but then, there are moments where she catches herself, glances at Irene and switches topics as if nothing ever happened.


Her plate has a single piece of ambrosia, and that in itself is weird. Yeri had told Seulgi that she loves the underworld because of the offerings of food. Plus, Yeri eats a lot so for her to play around with one piece is very unlike her.


Yeri can be restless at times, but it’s mostly due to excitement. But with the way her eyes dart all around the room, sometimes settling on Seulgi, as if urging Seulgi to hurry up, and then to Irene with questions in her eyes, signals that it isn’t excitement that’s driving her now. It’s clear to Seulgi that the pink haired goddess is nervous and that is enough to make Seulgi nervous too. She hasn’t spent much time with Yeri, Yeri only dropping by the realm a handful of times, but she knows the girl oozes confidence.


“I’m finished.” Seulgi says and it causes Yeri to slightly jump in her seat.


“Do I do it now?” Yeri asks Irene.


Irene nods once and Yeri is quickly up from her seat. Normally, the goddess would use her winged sandals even for a distance this short, but this time, Yeri walks to where Seulgi is seated and bows a full ninety degrees.


“Yeri? What’s going on?”


The Messenger of the Gods pulls out an envelope from her satchel and presents it to Seulgi.


Seulgi reaches for the envelope and hisses as her finger brushes over the seal of the King of the Gods. She looks to Irene who is holding an identical letter. The Queen of the Underworld stands, and gently places a hand on Yeri’s shoulder, mouthing a “Thank you”, before she steps forward to offer her other hand to Seulgi.


“Well, my dear goddess, it seems that my big brother is expecting us.”



Author’s Note: I think this is my longest chapter so far??? Anyway, please let me know what you think in the comments!!


ALSO: PSYCHO MOTY!!!!!!!!!!!!!



The Fates or Moirais are Clotho (the Spinner), Lachesis (the Allotter) and Atropos (the Inflexible) and the names of The Fates in this fic is from the original Be Natural singers, S.E.S.


The King of the Gods and his son that Irene mentions is based on Zeus and his son Sarpedon, a King of Lycia who fought on the side of the Trojans in The Iliad. The Fates reveal that his son will die at the hands of Patroclus. Zeus is tempted at first, he wants to bring Sarpedon back to Lycia where he left his wife and son and where he can live happily, but in the end Sarpedon dies as well. Though Hera did play a role in convincing Zeus that saving Sarpedon would cause strife among the other gods, the fact still remains that Sarpedon had met his fate.


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I'm sorry it took a while, but I hope you enjoy the latest chapter :) And do leave a comment to let me know what you think! In the time between updates I've been able to write: "long slow distance" a seulrene neozone inspired fic and "love like cinnamon" a joyrene fic so check them out too! :)


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parkjaeyoung801 #1
2024 im still here :(
Chapter 10: >_>
parkjaeyoung801 #3
Chapter 10: 2023 and I'm still here..
Chapter 10: Knock knock? Please update this if you can🙏🙇‍♀️
Oct_13_wen_03 #5
update please author nim
parkjaeyoung801 #6
Chapter 10: Gosh i miss this story so much.. I first stumbled on this story at archives then re-read here at aff.. And the feeling is still the same when i read this wonderful story..
Chapter 10: The closer they get, the sadder and more nervous I am for when Seulgi finally learns about Jennie and the relationship between her and Irene. Being selfless, I know Seulgi will back away but will Irene let her go though? Between guilt towards Jennie and love for Seulgi, which one will she choose?

I wonder if Jennie is still in the Underworld. And if she is, does Irene visit her everyday.
I had been thinking about this fic a lot. Thank god I found it because I wanna read it again 😁
Chapter 10: Author nim!! Have you seen Feel The Rhythm MV ?? It reminds me a lot of this particular fic of yours!! Which is definitely one of my favouritessss because its awesome and super well written! Hahaha anyway I’m re-reading it now cause I miss this and I enjoy it a lot xD have a good day author nim<3
2179 streak #10
Chapter 10: Waiting with respect for the update <3