My world without you

(G)-idle Neverland stories
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Warning: This is short and sad.  I'm not exactly back this is just a drabble that came to me today. I'm still hella sad and mad that Soojin is gone, as I said before she was my favorite and I find it completely unfair what happened to her. Still holding onto the hope she will return to Gidle. With that said, hope you enjoy it

Shuhua POV. Another day....
Other day I wake up without your body next mine...
I straight up and inhaled hoping to linger on your smell but your fragrance has slowly faded away from our room and our sheets.
With a sigh I stand up and walk into our bathroom, your towel hanging from the towel rail, your toothbrush still next to mine give me the fantasy you will appear and back hugged me how you used to but as I see my own and solitary reflection on the mirror sadness invade me as I realize you won't.
I took a shower, washing away these feelings that overwhelmed me as the memories of a time were you and me were happy come to my mind.
Back in my room, I look up for the clothes I will wear,  the image of you choosing my outfit every day hit me like a big wave to a distracted surfer.
As I enter the kitchen I still get the flashbacks of you cooking me my favorite dish whenever I had a ty day.
I ate in silence, nothing like the loud old me who will blabber nonsense as you listened carefully to every word I said, looking at me as if I hold the stars in the sky, giving me that beautiful shy s
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Still sad for Soojin, without inspiration cause SooShu is dead …but Suayeon is helping me to keep going.


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Chapter 55: this is so sad and painful I really hope soojin is doing fine..
1199 streak #2
Chapter 55: Oh this hurt 🤕
Zhappy #3
Chapter 3: this is just sad ngl
Chapter 1: ahh why so sad
1199 streak #5
Chapter 54: Oh my heart wasn't prepared for this, but at the same time it was kinda needed, like bringing peace to me at the same time
Chapter 54: T-T
1199 streak #7
Chapter 53: I can completely understand, because she was my favorite too, it's heartbreaking to hear she's gone
twiceonce999 #8
Chapter 52: Mishu juseyoooooong..... :D
Shushubao #9
Chapter 52: This chap was hella confusing but cute story othornim!
1199 streak #10
Chapter 51: Oh wow 😳 l😮