Cute Cat-girl

Here Kitty, Kitty
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A/N: Well, as mentioned, I had more demon inspired au’s, and this one I couldn’t wait to try and write, the idea of a half demon cat Joohyun is too cute to pass up, so this should be fun indeed, at least hopefully it will be, everyone. Here goes, human seulgi and half demon girlfriend Joohyun


Sponsor mentions:As always, thank you very much to my sponsors. I appreciate all of you so much: fabricsoftener, AvryGeist171, royalshipper2122, DTHDHR, Bernkaset, Casti1004, jasonds,  ZombieJuhyun, 112714, falsuki, wittyadie95, Fantasiii, Km62201n, Eris78, User_name1200, Androsssss, hiraiim-trash, theRequiem78, jyrus_21, Seosunny, kingdomcomes, sleepyhead, Jewster88, InformedPuppy, Fladoodlem8, ericakate, dga214, pinkpinkypin, Moonstunt, PandaExpress69, shinneay, dmac20, Tashphobic, kiyomamoo, iamforeverlame, Mmm2392, CheezeeMyoui,  aya_ah98, bangton, blazeaf, Supergirl,  Revelsone, aya_ah98, Nyssa21, Icantstandtofly, Mooncrush22, sawyer09, taeyang729,  tinybean, RedPaint, PengusTigerClub, Shouto818, KetchupPeng, anijit, chomisus, SleepyRu, tay_84, jjlevi93,  RG_Blink, Tekiii, LOCOppl, AliyaViktoria, YANGx_, hanz316, Samlion, Normallyotp, j33200, atlastheresam, kasey_1432, Seulsbear, Karasxo, Mehrus, izujon, Chan_94, blueam, Renhye143, Queen_ren, HornedDevil, hazelpunch, Destitutefate, fakehersmile, angeljenkins,Geekspeak00. Thank you so much for being sponsors. :)


“Joohyun!” A brown-haired woman called out the name of her girlfriend. Joohyun has this odd habit of running off when she hears her name, because it’s fun to play games. Joohyun is a very playful sort of girlfriend, something Seulgi found out early on at the start of their relationship. It’s a quality Seulgi really does love about Joohyun, how playful she is. It makes for moments that are never dull around the house.




Again there’s no response, and Seulgi sighs. The brunette will probably have to search this entire house for Joohyun if she doesn’t answer her soon, and it wouldn’t be the first time since Joohyun can be quite the trickster. Seulgi stops in the middle of the living room as she gets an idea. A smile flashes over the monolid woman’s face and she knows how to get Joohyun’s attention, at least she knows one of the ways to get Joohyun’s attention.


“Hyunnie, please come out.” She says in this cute voice that alerts said girlfriend, and the next thing Seulgi knows she is being knocked to the ground by a smaller blur. She opens her eyes to see a pair of bright lavender eyes staring down into hers, Joohyun smiles down at her with pearly white fangs showing, and cute cat ears twitching lightly on her head.


“You gave up too quickly!” Joohyun complains and taps her upside the head in an affectionate way. Seulgi was supposed to join her game, and find her more seriously, not just give up and call her name in that cute way she knows the half-demon can’t resist.


Yes, that’s right. Kang Seulgi’s girlfriend is a half-demon cat named Joohyun, a beautiful woman who just so happens to be a half-demon, but who cares about any of that when Seulgi loves her, and Joohyun loves her too.


“I don’t remember agreeing to hide and seek, Hyunnie.”


“Hmph.” The lavender-eyed woman huffs in annoyance and gets off of Seulgi, she helps her human up off the floor. Joohyun, in reality, adores her cute human, who reminded her of a tiger in ways with her sharp features, particularly her monolid eyes. And as a half-demon cat, Joohyun loved anything that was like a cat too, even though Seulgi only resembled a tiger, it was good enough for her. Eventually, she fell in love with the sweetest woman, who always takes care of her, and they’ve been inseparable ever since their relationship really started.


“You’re not really mad are you, Hyun?”


The dark-haired woman doesn’t say anything, in fact Joohyun proceeds to lay on the couch, in what Seulgi refers to as her lounging position. Joohyun laid out completely, head on her arm, looking like she’s about to take a nap.



Again, no response. Joohyun longues there, running her claws against the pillows of the couch, and Seulgi has to hold back her scream hoping to hell that Joohyun doesn’t rip those pillows like she has ripped several other furnitures to shreds because of boredom, or being angry in some cases.


“Do you want your ball of yarn?” Seulgi teases and that actually makes Joohyun perk up.


“Yes!” She nods and practically glomps her to death, she runs so hard into Seulgi, who is but a human and in no way stronger than her half-demon love. Once again, they’re on the floor and Joohyun grins down at her excitedly. She is so ready for that huge ball of yarn and now she really wants it.

“Okay, that’s my girl.” Seulgi smiles back. “Now, can you let me get up, so I can get that yarn for you.”


“But you’re really comfortable.” Now she seems content with laying down on the slightly taller woman. Seulgi is always very comfortable for her, it’s why she loves to cuddle up with her at any time of the day or night, it doesn’t matter. Sometimes, the half-demon will find any excuse to be beside her girlfriend, simply to be as physically close to Seulgi as possible. 


“You’re comfortable too, Hyun. But you do want your yarn, yes?”


“Later, I want to stay like this now.”


Seulgi can only laugh a little, because Joohyun does lay down completely, and closes her eyes. The brown-haired woman wraps her arms around her and they lay together on the floor, just like they have done many times. Joohyun can still remember the early days when Seulgi would barely touch her, let alone cuddle her properly. Something, the half-demon had to explain to her that couldn’t continue if they were going to be a couple.



Joohyun paced back and forth in the living room, ears twitching on her head in an anxious manner, as she waited for her human to come home. They would certainly talk when Seulgi got here, because although they have been together for months now, Joohyun finds herself not all that thrilled with how things can be sometimes. Or rather, she doesn’t like how awkward Seulgi is with her, as in she hardly ever will hug, cuddle, or touch her, and an affectionate half-demon like her, absolutely craves the physical intimacy from her chosen person. Kang Seulgi is her chosen person, and she sure as hell better get some affection around her that involves cuddling or there will be one very angry kitty.


“How long does it take to go to work anyway?” Joohyun grumbles to herself. This is why she needs to go to work with Seulgi sometimes, that way they can both keep each other company. It can be hard being alone at home when Seulgi is at work, even though she does have television, a tablet, and things to do. Sometimes, she just misses Seulgi more than anything. Joohyun ends up on the couch, watching television, and falling asleep, so that by the time she wakes up she can hear the front door opening.


“Seulgi!” She excitedly runs to greet the monolid woman, who looks like she can fall out at any moment from exhaustion. “Oh no, what happened? Was work too much today, is it that mean boss of yours? Want me to scratch his eyes out?” Joohyun makes a motion with one of her hands as if scratching someone’s eyes out, and the way she sounds serious makes Seulgi look up right away, exhaustion fading, and the human laughs uneasily.


“No, no, Hyun, that won’t be necessary. Everything’s fine, how was your day?”


“Boring, long, I missed you.” The way it sounds very sweet coming from the dark-haired woman’s mouth touches Seulgi, as she knows Joohyun means them, and naturally she has missed her gorgeous girlfriend too. 


“I missed you too, you know.”


“Great,” Joohyun smiles, and then suddenly pulls her all the way toward the living room, which Seulgi can’t even stop anyway because the half-demon is stronger than he.


“What’s wrong, Joohyun, hey…” The next thing she knows Joohyun is pushing her hard onto the couch, and sitting down on her lap facing her. There is now a stern look on her face but she also looks rather cute because her ears are raised ever so slightly.




“Why don’t you hug me?”



Seulgi didn’t expect that to come out of Joohyun’s mouth. She almost doesn’t even know what to say and so Joohyun continues.


“Why won’t you cuddle with me, why do you always have so much space between us, I want you to hold me more.” She lets out a sigh, looking crestfallen then, ears drooping too, and that is more than enough to make Seulgi feel bad. She knows how affectionate her girlfriend is, the woman is very touchy feely, not that it’s a bad thing, because it’s not. Seulgi is simply not that used to being physically affectionate with someone, not that it’s Joohyun’s fault she is. 


“Don’t be sad, Hyun. It’s not you or anything, I’m just not used to being really touchy with someone.”


Joohyun hears what she’s saying. The half-demon herself isn’t overly affectionate with just anyone either. But because she has chosen Seulgi as her person, and that means she only wants to be affectionate with her only. Joohyun grabs her face in her hands suddenly.


“Hey, Hyun, human here remember… you’re kind of pulling on my face.”


“Sorry, Seul. But if you’re going to be with me then I’m going to need you to try a little bit more, I really like being close to you, so cuddle me or I’ll scratch you!”




She didn’t really scratch Seulgi, but her point was made well, and Seulgi did try more to be physically affectionate with her. It eventually became easier, and with time there was no more hesitance. Seulgi can feel her smiling against her, and the brunette looks down.


“What’s so amusing, hm?”


“Oh, I’m just thinking about how you were in the beginning, you could barely even touch me, now you hold me without any problems. You’ve come a long way, Seul.”


“Well, when I have the best girlfriend ever, how can I not do my best to make her happy. You’ve come a long way too, Hyun. Your temper is not nearly as bad.”


“What!” Now Joohyun is pissed, because she doesn’t have a bad temper, not at all. Okay, maybe a little, she can be a bit temperamental at times, but she is half cat demon, that’s not her fault. Seulgi chuckles and gently takes a hold of her chin.


“I said you’re not as fiery, but you’re cute so it’s okay.”


Joohyun growls slowly, showing her annoyance, still she settles back in her arms anyway. The two of them often lay like this for hours at a time, especially at night when it’s time for bed, Joohyun hardly ever sleeps too far apart from Seulgi, unless she’s in a bad mood, but those times are rare, and even if Joohyun is upset with her it never lasts long. Seulgi knows exactly how to get back into her good graces. 


“Is it nap time?” Seulgi asks while running her fingers through dark locks, noticing how lavender eyes close and open often.


“Yes, you know I need at least 9 hours of sleep a day. Not including lounge time, mini nap time, pre nap time…” Joohyun lists her usual sleep methods that have Seulgi holding back her laugh. Joohyun isn’t kidding about how much she sleeps, more times than not Seulgi will find her girlfriend lounging around in any possible place, the couch, outside, wherever a surface is. Seulgi will never forget the time she came home from work to find Joohyun literally on the kitchen table asleep, in an odd position like she was upside down but sideways too. Seulgi could only conclude that it was a cat thing for sure.


“Get some sleep, Hyun.” is what the human tells her instead, making sure she’s secure in her arms. Seulgi watches until those pretty purple eyes of hers close completely, and the raven is out like a light. Because it’s comfortable, being close like this, and Joohyun is already asleep it doesn’t long for Seulgi to start to drift off to sleep as well. Even though, originally she had no intentions of taking a nap. There’s just something about being influenced by someone else, and she falls asleep too, right there with Joohyun in her arms. 


But just like Joohyun was the first to fall asleep, she is also the first one to wake up after a short fifteen minute nap. The dark-haired woman yawns and stretches before looking down at the sleeping human she loves. Seulgi looks cute and adorable while sleeping, and that makes Joohyun smile at her. 


“Just one kiss should be okay.”


The half-demon is about to lean down to kiss her, only there’s knocking at the door, and that scares her so bad that she jumps. Joohyun might be a strong half-demon, but that doesn’t mean she isn’t easily scared of loud noises, things like thunderstorms, and other random things that are loud freak her out.


“Who is at the door!” Joohyun leaps up suddenly and makes her way to the door, to get rid of whoever it is. She throws it open so hard that it shocks the mail woman standing there with some packages. 


“Oh, it’s you…” The mail woman whispers hesitantly. She has had more than enough unpleasant experiences with Ms. Kang’s weird girlfriend.


“Oh, it’s you…” Joohyun repeats looking unamused by the mail woman, she has had a few unfortunate run-ins with the mail woman, like the time she chased the woman away from the house because she was staring at Seulgi for a few seconds too long.


“Um, is Ms. Kang….”


“Sleeping!” she cuts her off. “Ms. Kang is sleeping because I wore her out with wild and crazy , now what do you want.”


“Uh-huh, well, that is nice. I just wanted to deliver these packages and go..”


Joohyun grabs the few boxes from her hands and plasters the most neutral smile she can muster, then thanks the woman.


“Thanks, now bye-bye!” She proceeds to slam the door in her face, and the loudness of the door slamming is what wakes Seulgi up. The brunette gets up to see Joohyun walking in with the packages.


“Hyun, you didn’t scare the mail woman again, did you?” Seulgi sure hopes that wasn’t the case. Her girlfriend and the mailwoman don’t have the best of relationships, and often Seulgi has to stop Joohyun from trying to scratch, attack, and chase her. Chasing after her to scare her seems to be Joohyun’s favorite way to approach. 


“No, I was a good kitty.” She says proudly, puffing up her chest too. “You’ve got packages, Seul.”


“Thanks, girl.” She pats her ears affectionately and that earns a low and satisfied growl from Joohyun who automatically hugs her from behind so she can not only see what’s in the packages, it allows her to be close at the same time. She is curious to know what is in those packages, and she watches, while holding onto the human’s waist. The first one is a bunch of art supplies, Seulgi is actually very talented at art, and many times Joohyun will sit to watch her draw, then she’ll join in, because it gives her something to bond over with Seulgi. Joohyun finds she actually enjoys drawing too, it’s a nice thing they can do together as a couple. The second box looks to be a bunch of books, papers, and work related items that are of no interest to Joohyun at all. In fact, she is now bored enough that she yawns and rests her head onto Seulgi’s back.


“Hyun?” Seulgi speaks to get her attention. “This is for you.” She turns around to show her the final package, and Joohyun gets extra excited because it’s an assortment of her favorite-lavender scented soaps, oils, scrubs, all things she loves and she practically pushes Seulgi out of the way to hold the box like it’s the most important thing in her world.


“Lavender scented soap!”


It’s the cutest thing to Seulgi seeing her girlfriend ripping the box apart to get all the items out, and the way her eyes light up, not to mention how happy she is. Seulgi loves to see her happy, as it makes her happy in return. 


“Lavender scrub!”

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73 streak #1
Chapter 1: cutie😭
Oct_13_wen_03 11 streak #2
Chapter 1: cute🤍🤍🤍🤍
Oct_13_wen_03 11 streak #3
Chapter 1: will never get enough 🤍
Chapter 1: she's a cat right?? but i think she would scratch me if i'm cat calling her
1198 streak #5
Chapter 1: This was entirely to cute
279 streak #6
Chapter 1: ❤️❤️❤️
jacheon #7
Chapter 1: SO CUTE!!! I want to know how they ended up together huhu? Thank you for this story author-nim!! Looking for the multichapter of this lol
Chapter 1: Loved it! This has the perfect amount of fluff, humour and love that I needed! The way you portray them with Joohyun being playful and overexcited and Seulgi being teasing and calm really made me enjoy this story! They truly are soulmates! I’d give anything for this to be a multichapter but either way I love it as it is, thanks for delivering this to us! Take care ~~
Chapter 1: types in the search bar : how to be chocolate??

gaaah, this was really cute!! a huge contrast to your last fic i just read, diamonds are forever.. we all need a lil floof in our lives, and cute cat girl joohyun and cute human girl seulgi really know how to deliver.. <3