a family affair.

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this will be probably different from other fics i have written.

all chapters will be marked M & TW

please read with caution. some chapters contain:



child self-harm,

childhood depression,

psychical assault,

implied domestic violence,

implied child abuse,

implied mpreg



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2437 streak #1
Chapter 8: did Soo just coerce Sehun into picking the wolf plush with telekinesis or something? coz Sehun was abt to pick the rabbit, but Kyung was pouting, and Sehun in the end chooses the wolf making Kyung happy! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA well, whatever magic that was, it was still really cute!!!

even if it was not explicitly said that Sehun was such a blessing to the family, it was already obvious with how Kyung and Jun changed... I've never read them this happy in the previous chapters and it sure translated in the way they speak, the way they interact with the family and all... it's indeed a blessing that it's Sehun who came and affected the family this way, helping in the healing the scars of Jun and Kyung's past... they're such a loving family

what a special "special" chapter!!! i love it!!!

ps. Jun patting his husband's flat !!! I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU! HAHAHAHAHA
Chapter 8: Baby Sehun has turned out to be their happiness. Ofc, he is so cute. Sehun being Soo's happiness, cos he got a baby brother to take care of and forget about his horrible past. Jun's happiness cos both him and Soo healing from their own trauma by having Hunnie in their lives. Fan's happiness cos Sehunnie completed their family by bringing happiness.

And yes Jun's right at the ending. We should accept whatever that happened in the past, and move on. Be content in our lives. Even though it hurts to remember it but the step you took for your future will make it much more bearable. Maybe you'll shed tears at night for dwelling in the past but trust me your future self is smiling and loving it's life. Damn... I've been inspired to write a quote on it! Thank you so much! ♥️
Chapter 8: Finally junmyeon and soo found their happiness. Thanks to Sehun n Yifan. Glad to see both soo n jun slowly but surely healing from their own trauma . Yay for happy ending!
2437 streak #4
Chapter 7: to think that a year ago, Soo was blaming Yifan for what happened to his family... but now, it's him who wants Yifan and Jun to get married already! HAHAHAHA I LOVE IT!!! Soo was so cool and nonchalant abt it, as if what he suggested wasn't gonna be a life changing action, but the adults were so flustered! HAHAHAHAHAHA i guess that's a testament to how happy Soo is now with their current setup, how happy he is, how happy he sees his appa is and how good Yifan has been to both of them... so happy for them! long deserved happiness finally there and they get to be a family already, and "officially" one soon!

thank you for this fic! :)
fiqahaina #5
Chapter 7: This...this...this is so gooddddd bhaaaaa i literally canttt stop smiling oh my gucciiiii huaaa im such a er for good ending!!! Thank u authornim!!!
Chapter 7: Omggggggg the ending ;;;;;;; baby Soo pushes them to their happiness ;;;;;;;;;; I'm so happy for their little family. It was really beautiful.
Chapter 7: Aaaaaaa we're here at the end ;;;;;;;; thank you so much for writing this story! I always love how well written your story! For this story, the plot little bit different from you other stories and as always the feeling from each character (especially junmyeon and kyungsoo) really deep;;;; I can feel how desperate, frustrated, panic, hurt, happy from their character through each chap;; can't wait to see your other story! Great job and hwating authornim<333
2437 streak #8
damn, he has the audacity to still neg for forgiveness, it's too late for that now! and it isn't enough for everyone he did to Jun and Soo...

Soo my poor baby! none of it was your fault! but it was very considerate of him to apologize to Yifan... he is indeed a smart child who understands what happens quickly... may they finally be happy! genuinely happy!
2437 streak #9
Chapter 5: ughh Soo, he's too young but he's thinking abt stuff like that already... he was never to blame for their family's dissolution, it was Minho who ed things up for them, idk what that man has been feeding his thoughts but it definitely isn't him! and it also isn't coz of Mr. Lawyer!!! UGHHHH

and Minho still got something to threaten Jun with??? LIKE WTF??? good thinking of Jun to call Yifan and emergency before barging into their old house, coz got crazy and if he didn't call them beforehand, worst case scenario, he could've died there! Kyungsoo too! this should be enough to put Minho in jail for now! the case Jun has can follow so that he'll rot in jail for the rest of his life!
fiqahaina #10
Chapter 5: Oh my god nakanaoasniahlqpspd im scared but i also cant waittt for next thing to happen! Hwaiting authornim.