12 Days of....Something

Into The Well-known (and everything else)
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Where Seungwan counts down to 12 Days of Christmas



On the first day of Christmas my Joohyun said to me…



“An apple a day keeps the doctor away Seungwan”



Joohyun spoke as she cuts the apple into even pieces with Seungwan pouting behind her, bundled up in a comforter. Seungwan had been sick for two days and had been taking her medications thanks to her girlfriend who won’t let her get away with it.



“But I’m sick of apples Hyun”

“You’re getting better now, we’ll get other fruits soon okay? But for now, eat some apples. You wouldn’t want to be sick on Christmas right?”



Seungwan huffed and pulled the comforter tighter to her body




“That’s my baby” Joohyun smiled

“I’m only agreeing because I wanted to do you on Christmas day”






On the second day of Christmas my Joohyun said to me…



“Because both parties need to work out a compromise Seungwan. It takes two to tango”



Seungwan nodded at Joohyun’s explanation when she pointed out a couple having a small argument in the restaurant they were dining at. Seungwan, who can’t help but to eavesdrop at the couple’s conversation, were arguing about being present for their child. She knows it was none of her business but when the argument kept going, she had to whisper it to her girlfriend



“Two to tango?” Seungwan asked


“Like, the dance?”

“No, no… it’s an expression”



Seungwan titlted her head



“Like, face expressions?”

“Nooooo. Two to tango means like, compromise. Or cooperation. But yeah just a little bit like dancing too; you can’t dance without the other”



Seungwan finally nods with making the ‘O’ while she stares at the couple



“Do you think we’ll be like that in the future?”

“Mmm, depends. we have our differences sometimes but we’ll work it out. As long as we talk it out and tell each other everything, we’ll do fine”



Joohyun smiled and patted Seungwan’s cheek



“Yes, we’ll do fine” Seungwan return the smile

“You won’t hide anything from me, right? You’re going to tell me everything?”



Seungwan kissed the top of Joohyun’s head



“Of course”





On the third day of Christmas my Joohyun said to me…



“Why do you need to book three bouquet of flowers?”



Joohyun squinted when Seungwan made her orders to the florist. They were currently at the flower shop because Seungwan noticed her girlfriend was staring at the particular shop when they were sitting at the coffee shop right across the street so they decided to give it a visit.



“Oh, for some occasion in the office” Seungwan answered nervously




Seungwan bit her lower lip wishing Joohyun would stop asking questions



“Yeah, there’s like a celebration so I thought flowers would be a great gift” Seungwan averted her eyes

“But why three though?” Joohyun questioned again

“The more the merrier right?”



Seungwan smiled awkwardly at her girlfriend who was holding her own bouquet of daisies, glaring at her



“I really hope that term does not apply to our relationship”

“What?! No! Of course not, you’re the only one!”



Seungwan defended when Joohyun kept a sharp eyes on her. Joohyun can be quite scary when she’s jealous or mad



“I better be”





On the fourth day of Christmas my Joohyun said to me…






Seungwan grunted when she received a smack on the back of her head by her girlfriend



“The song is called four calling birds, Seungwan. Not call the ing crows”



Seungwan only managed to frown at Joohyun. Joohyun was not in the wrong though, when Seungwan saw few crows at the park, she started yelling at the freaking crows to let them fly to her so she could feed them some corns. Seungwan had nice intentions, but her actions says otherwise. Who wouldn’t be embarrassed when your girlfriend started yelling ‘ARKKK ARKKK’ in the middle of the park?



“I just wanted them to come to me…” Seungwan huffed

“You can just walk up to them???” Joohyun stared

“They’ll fly away”



Joohyun massaged her temple



“Fine, just… please don’t ing yell”






On the fifth day of Christmas my Joohyun said to me…



“Five Christmas socks for five members…”



Joohyun hummed as she hands the cute and newly bought Christmas socks above the fireplace, with Seungwan typing away in her phone. Joohyun assumed that it must be some work thing since the past few days she had been on private calls and coming back to Joohyun feeling all stressed up and even anxious.



“Babe? Can you pass me the tinsel?” Joohyun spoke

“Oh, sure”



Seungwan stood up and hands Joohyun the tinsel, receiving a small smile in return. Seungwan placed her phone down on the coffee table and helped her girlfriend on whichever part she couldn’t reach



“Thank you baby” Joohyun scrunched her nose, letting out a cheeky smile

“Anything for you”



Seungwan wrapped an arm around Joohyun as they stare at the fireplace, silence embracing them. Seungwan softly rubs the side of Joohyun’s arm before placing a kiss on her hair as she lets out a sigh of content. Seungwan then murmured through her girlfriend’s hair



“I love you, you know that right?”



Joohyun turns slightly



“Oh no, I have a girlfriend already…” Joohyun joked


“I’m kidding, what’s with the sudden confession hm?” Joohyun softly pats her cheek

“Can’t a woman tell her girlfriend she loves her?”

“Of course you can, but this one speaks something hidden”



Seungwan smiled



“I just want to let you know I love you so much and that I would do anything for you”



Joohyun scoffed playfully






“But yeah, I love you too. So much”





On the sixth day of Christmas my Joohyun said to me…



“Who did you call at 6AM?”



Seungwan stared at Joohyun who was currently flipping another batch of pancakes, with her back facing the latter.



“Y-you heard that?” Seungwan stuttered

“Yeah, the lack of warmth woke me up”



Joohyun accidently woke up at the sound of Seungwan talking but she couldn’t make up what the conversation was about. She didn’t want to pry so she went back to sleep


“Oh… how much did you hear?”

“Not much, I was too sleepy so I went back to sleep”

“Oh” Seungwan exhaled



Joohyun frown at the way Seungwan sighed



“Why, who was it?”

“Just some people at the office” Seungwan coughed and went back to eating her own pancake

“Why would you call them at 6 in the morning?” Joohyun finally switched off the stove and turns to face her girlfriend

“There was some important matter that needed to be discussed”

“It couldn’t wait until later?”

“Uh, not really”



Joohyun could sense that something was off but decided to let it go for now. She knows her girlfriend too well. She’ll tell when she’s ready



“Mmm, okay…”





On the seventh day of Christmas my Joohyun said to me…



“I do not have baby hands!!”



Seungwan laughed when she saw her girlfriend pout and tries to pull her hands away from Seungwan’s grasp. Seungwan had been teasing her when she saw Joohyun wears her hoodie that was a little too big for her and that only her little fingers poked out when she grips onto her mug of hot chocolate”



“Yes you do. Just look at your hands…they’re so little”

“They’re not!”

“They are. Look even your rings are small. I’m guessing it’s a size 7” Seungwan giggled but then caress Joohyun’s hand softly with her thumb

“Tsk, whatever. I don’t want to talk to you”



Joohyun pouted and turned away from Seungwan, acting all sulky and cute. Seungwan think it’s adorable how Joohyun acts so strong in front of their members and friends but when she’s in an alone time with Seungwan, she turns into this little grumpy baby who wants to be an adult so bad.



“Hyun…” Seungwan chuckled and moved closer

“No, go away”

“I’m sorry~ come on let me see your hands again”

“No” Joohyun said again



Seungwan smiled and took her girlfriend’s hand anyway and playfully gasped



“Oh no! it turned into an adult hand!”



Joohyun who couldn’t help but to snort at her girlfriend’s attempt at making her feel better, lets out a little laugh



“What a sarcastic idiot” Joohyun rolled her eyes

“Your idiot though” Seungwan grins

“True. Now gimme a kiss”



Seungwan scoffed but leaned in and gave her a soft loving peck anyway. But then she felt something slipped off of her finger



“Why are you taking my ring off?” Joohyun spoke as she pulled away

“I need to keep it to prove it to people how small your hands are”




Seungwan laughed as she receives smacks from Joohyun





On the eighth day of Christmas my Joohyun said to me…



“You have 8 messages”



Joohyun said when she picked up her girlfriend’s phone, showing it to her. She got a little annoyed due to the constant beeping distracted her from the show she was currently watching






Seungwan immediately snatched her phone away from Joohyun, making the latter frown



“Who was it?” Joohyun asked

“Oh um, it’s Seulgi” Seungwan cleared

“Yeah? What does the bear want?”



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Chapter 37: This story will be my favorite little Wenrene fanfic of all time 💖💙
Chapter 27: what a perfect couple ♥️
Chapter 24: "Shut up and hug me" or "Shut up and kiss me" are Joohyun da's signature lines and it's so adorable 🥰
Chapter 23: thankfully there is a part two
Chapter 22: Oh no, I want to know what's next 😭
Chapter 18: cute little spoon 😚🤏
Chapter 17: This last part, I wish I knew the gender of the baby huhu
Chapter 15: really like this. where wendy was tormented because of the unstable hormone irene 🤣
Chapter 12: hellrenee is so scary 😭
Chapter 10: I can't hold back this cuteness. Seungwan had to divide his attention between two babies. big baby and real baby 🤣