You have to be kidding me



Joohyun and Mondays didn't mix. Ever since she was little, she hated the first day of the week with such a passion, that if Monday was embodied as a person, they’d be dead. 

Mondays were just about everything that Joohyun wasn’t. They were bright, fresh, a new start to the work week after a long weekend of laze. Joohyun was the polar opposite of that. She was a criminal justice lawyer with a cold glare and a matching personality to go along with it. 

 As such, one could feel the negative aura that surrounded Joohyun on a lovely September Monday morning. Being one of her firm's most successful lawyers, Joohyun held herself to the highest standard. She was always on time, and always dressed in a crisp pants suit, or a matching skirt and blouse set, that had been freshly prepared and ironed the night before. It has always been like this ever since she joined the group of lawyers with her best friend Seulgi last spring. Even if she had only worked at the company for half a year, everyone respected her. Or feared her. Both.

However, this Monday morning was different. For some reason unknown to Joohyun, her alarm didn’t go off and neither did the four others she set in case of emergency. The Monday gods truly hated her. Cursing under her breath, the lawyer threw on the black suit she prepared the night before, grabbed her purse, and bolted out of the door of her apartment, down the stairs, and out of the building, barely missing the poor delivery man holding a wobbling tower of packages.

 Just her luck she had to oversleep today, she had to get Sooyoung to transcribe a court hearing, had to attend several meetings dealing with her new murder case, and most importantly she didn't have time to stop by-

Hyper focusing has always been a rather bad habit that Joohyun developed over her career in law school. It made her the best lawyer but also the worst functioning human being on the planet. Running through her list of tasks she had to do, Joohyun neglected to realize that she was rounding the corner of a building at a speed that propelled her to practically football tackle another body to the ground. Said person was petite, probably around five feet tall and a very small frame to match the height Joohyun quickly analyzed. Grabbing at anything she could to not eat cement, Joohyun grabbed at a pair of flailing biceps. “Huh, firm” Joohyun thought to herself.

"Excuse me?” A soft voice broke through Joohyun’s momentary exploration of the body beneath her-

 Wait, beneath her.

Leaping off the body proved to be a task that Joohyun’s motor functions couldn’t handle this Monday morning because the second she went to push herself up, her arms gave way and Joohyun pressed very flat against a soft body. Horrified, she finally collected herself enough to drag her body upright. Dusting herself off she offered a hand to the small stranger still on the sidewalk. For the first time since colliding a minute ago, Joohyun made eye contact with the person on the ground. A small blonde in a dark blue pencil skirt and complimentary white blouse was collecting the papers that had fallen out of her folders. Her eyes were cute and brown and her cheeks like the little mochi cakes they sold at the local cafe Joohyun frequented. “You know when someone offers a hand, they usually use it to pull the other person up.” Caught up in her thoughts, Joohyun hadn’t realized that the blonde was now firmly grasping her hand. With one swift pull, the stranger was back on her feet. “Have you ever considered taking on rugby as a hobby?” The blonde said.

No, and you definitely shouldn’t” Joohyun answered the girl, embarrassed. Realizing that she was wasting precious time, she sidestepped the smaller girl and muttered out “Listen I’m sorry about all of this but I have to go, try not to run into me next time or anyone else for that matter. You've managed to make me even later than I was before.” Before the shocked girl could even respond, Joohyun was already out of earshot and once again speeding her way down the busy sidewalk. 


Joohyun was rarely ever late. There was the one time, where the defendant in her case tried to drug her coffee, or the other time where her apartment building's lobby flooded so bad that Joohyun was pretty sure she saw fish swimming around, but other than that: she was never late. That’s why when credible lawyer and known hardass, Bae Joohyun, walked through the doors a whole 15 minutes late, no one dared to make eye contact. 

"Miss Bae, your meeting starts in five minutes, do you wish to have it pushed back since…” Sooyoung trailed off not wanting to aggravate the visibly frustrated woman further.

"No, just put the rundown of the trial on my desk so I can prepare for it later and please" Joohyun clenched her jaw "I didn't have time to get tea this morning, so when you have time could you get me some?” 

"Of course Ms. Bae," Sooyoung said as she closed the door leaving Joohyun to finally relax into her chair.


Being the perfectionist (and hermit as Seulgi would say) that Joohyun was, she liked to work alone. She did her research and prepared for her cases with minimal help from anyone. Which is why when she read over the summary of the case brought to her by Sooyoung, she could already feel a strong headache coming on. 

The case was a standard murder case. The suspect was a man in his mid 40's, and from the looks of it, there was plenty of evidence against him. An easy win for one Bae Joohyun. Except, it wasn't at all. Right next to her name in the section titled "prosecution lawyer(s):" was another name. 

"Son Seungwan" she mumbled to herself. Who the hell was this "Son Seungwan"? She had never heard of anyone with that name at her firm and Joohyun knew of everyone she worked with. Just because she wasn't sociable, didn't mean she didn't get dragged to every holiday party by Seulgi.

"Sooyoung" She called out getting up from behind her desk.

"Yes, Ms. Bae?" The tall brunette peaked into the office from outside where her own workplace was stationed.

"I don't usually do joint cases, why the hell am I working with a 'Seungwan'?"

"Well you see-" Before Sooyoung could reply, a jubilant bear waltzed into her office.

"I put your name on it!" Seulgi exclaimed happily while turning and kissing the side of Sooyoung's head. "You need to make new friends at the firm Hyun, and I figured the new girl would be a perfect start. Especially with a one-way case like this."

Now, Joohyun knows that murder is unethical, and she knows exactly what consequences would be in store for her if she chose to go through with it. A median of fourteen years for a single murder if she was proven guilty, but with good behavior and a previously clean record maybe she would get out earlier.

"Relax, I know she's capable. Seungwan transferred over from the Hwang firm last week, and her file is impressive, to say the least. Yeri let me read over it earlier. You can stop the little murder plot you have going on, and thank me later." The civil justice lawyer said while patting Joohyun's head. "She's pretty too." She added with a wink.

Yeah, fourteen years is worth it.

"Seulgi, there is no way that I-"

"The new girl should be here soon" Sooyoung interrupted her boss while glancing over at the translucent glass.

As if on cue, the door to her office opened and Joohyun's jaw dropped. There stood the blonde-haired woman from earlier. The same woman she sacked and then rudely brushed off.  

"What perfect timing! Seungwan, we met on your first day already but this is Joohyun and Joohyun this is Seungwan." Seulgi walked over to the shorter lawyer to guide her further into the room.

"Well, I guess it's nice to formally meet you Joohyun. Looks like we've run into each other again" Seungwan raised her eyebrow as she spoke and walked towards a stunned Joohyun.  

If this was some cruel joke that the gods were playing on her, she would like to repent for every sin she has ever committed. 

"You have to be kidding me."


Well, there's chapter(?) one done. I didn't edit this as much as I should have, but I just wanted to get something out.

I don't know if this is gonna be a continued type of story or just an open ending! 

Let me know and comment on what you think I should do! Any and all feedback is always appreciated.

Stay safe and healthy.

-Beardoodlez ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ


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Thank you guys so much for reading Mondays. Going through the comments, I'm glad I was able to cheer some of you up and that you guys are enjoying the story. It truly warms my heart <3


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Chapter 8: missing this story
Chapter 8: just found this story, apparently it's still not finished :(
Chapter 8: Just finished re-reading this one~ Will wait patiently for the next update :D
Chapter 8: I am here to re read until this gets updated lol
Chapter 8: Plz update soon author. We need Joohyun to beat that bastard's . Also need her to confess to Seungwan
Favebolous #6
Chapter 4: UHUUU
Favebolous #7
Chapter 3: Hahahahaha
Favebolous #8
Chapter 2: The three of them really pushed WenRene together
Favebolous #9
Chapter 1: Oh
Chapter 8: Joohyun gotta need little break after she win this case 😔 Ack! Seungwan is so cute~~😍😍 and oh ho I love protective Joohyun when it comes to Seungwan~

Oh yeah! Give him what he deserved Joohyun,, which is JAIL!