You're a lifesaver


The rest of Joohyun’s weekend was relatively calm.  She had gotten home from her impromptu get to know session with Seungwan and spent the rest of her day ignoring the thousands of texts that Seulgi and Sooyoung bombarded her with. 

"You were blushing when she left."

"Hyun, can I have the leftover mochi?"

"Joohyun, Seulgi wants to know if she can be expecting god babies soon."

"Hey Joohyun, it's Seungwan! Thank you for spending your morning with me! See you Monday!"

That last text she had gotten a couple of minutes ago and Joohyun didn't know what to do.  Does she respond right away? Does she just like the message? Why is she even thinking so hard about this? 

After a perfectly acceptable time of ten minutes, she decided on keeping her reply short and sweet and hopefully, not awkward at all.

"Hey! I had a nice time too. See you Monday!"

Joohyun had written up at least 50 solid case reports and speeches in the past 3 months alone. Yet somehow, one ten-word text message left her completely drained. Talking to pretty women was hard.

Hanging out with Seungwan was nice and for the first time, Joohyun was looking forward to going to work on Monday.


Okay, Joohyun lied. Mondays still . 

After a weekend of lounging around and reading, going to work was always a pain. Joohyun would never say she hated her work. Quite the opposite. Something about locking away horrible people and knowing she was doing the world a favor always managed to get her out of bed no matter the day. However, this didn't change the fact that Mondays .

The window that Joohyun had left open overnight allowed the cool air from outside to seep into the apartment. Rolling over in bed to turn off her alarm, Joohyun saw a familiar name popping up on her screen. 

"Good morning Joohyun! I got an early start today so I grabbed you some tea from the cafe!"

Mondays suddenly a little bit less. 

The office was as quiet as it usually is on Monday mornings. Joohyun was usually one of the first people in the building and today was no exception. Greeting the other early risers that had already begun their work, she walked towards Seungwan's office and gently knocked on the door.

"Come in!" a gentle voice sounded from inside. Joohyun opened the door and stepped into the spacious office. 

Seungwan hadn't had much time to decorate, but it was already more welcoming than Joohyun's own office ever felt. A large standing desk stood in the center of the room with a Harvard Law degree framed on the wall behind it. There were a few plants scattered around on shelves that filled up the empty wall space. On the sidewall, the morning sun beamed through a large window that cast a golden glow on Seungwan's face. 

When Joohyun entered, the shorter woman immediately rose from her place behind her desk to greet her. "Morning Hyun, I got your tea for you," Seungwan said as she passed off the cup.  "Take it as a little thank you and apology for Saturday." 

Maybe it was that Joohyun was still a little sleepy, or maybe it was the cold from outside still freezing her brain cells, but before she could catch herself, a reply was already leaving . "It's okay, I enjoyed our date." The hand that Joohyun was reaching for the tea with froze. Joohyun froze. 


From the thousands of words that Joohyun has added to her vocabulary over the years, she just has to pull out this one. What was Seungwan gonna think? Joohyun isn't interested in her like that. She was just trying to get to know her very beautiful and funny coworker. That's all she was trying to do. 

"Friend date you know? That's what it's called these days. Co-workers getting to know each other session," Joohyun stuttered out and internally cringed at her own words. She could feel her face and ears heating up, turning the color of the flower on Seungwan's desk. Realizing that she was only digging herself a deeper hole, Joohyun grabbed the cup of tea out of a smirking Seungwan's hand and her heels. "Thanks for the tea and the frate! Friend date!" She called over her shoulder and slipped out of the office.

The red-faced lawyer didn't stop speed walking until she was safely inside the walls of her own office with the doors closed. Frate? Seriously Joohyun? She slumped down in her chair holding her face in her hands. Joohyun was about to indulge in a self-made pity party when there was a knock on her door. Without waiting for an answer her secretary's cheerful face popped in. 

"Morning Ms. Bae! I just wanted to let you know that you have a meeting with Mr. Park at 10, and then a meeting with Ms. Son right after," Sooyoung said. Another pair of footsteps could be heard stopping right in front of her door before a much shorter girl appeared with her head under Sooyoung's. 

"Good mooooorning Ms. Bae," Yeri dragged out with a smirk on her face. "I scheduled you and Ms.Son for a meeting around 12:30 if that's okay with you?"

"Yerim, that's when my lunch break starts," Joohyun answered. Everyone had the same lunch break in this wing of the office, Seungwan and Yeri included. Surely the secretary knew this having worked here for over two months now.

The smirk on Yeri's face grew as she answered. "Oh, I know. Sooyoung and I figured it could be another 'frate' for you and my boss." With a wink, the tiny secretary disappeared leaving a laughing Sooyoung and an even more red than before Joohyun behind. 

"You yell when you're embarrassed. Did you know that? I'm surprised half of the office doesn't know about your 'get to know session'."

"I can still fire you Sooyoung." She knew it was an empty threat, but Joohyun still needed to save at least some of her pride. 

"Seulgi would never let you," Sooyoung said, almost fully closing the door. "Besides, who else would help Yeri set up frates?" The door shut, and all she could hear was the sound of two annoying demons cackling in the hall.


12:30 could not come around any slower in Joohyun's opinion. All morning she was dealing with Mr. Park, a nice young man who worked in the lower level of the firm. The meeting was scheduled to finish fifteen minutes ago, but she was still in Bogum's office. Before he could start yet another riveting story about his divorce cases, Joohyun decided she had had enough.

"I would love to hear more Bogum, but I have to excuse myself. My lunch break is due to start and I have a busy schedule coming up with my new assignment." She said getting up and opening the office door.

Not taking the hint, Bogum rose with her and made his way to the door as well. "That's perfect timing, I'm also on break right now. Why don't we head down to get lunch at the Greek place around the corner? My treat of course."

Bogum was nice, he truly was. But Joohyun was gay, truly gay. Before she had the chance to politely decline, someone cleared their throat outside. "Unfortunately Mr. Park, I have to apologize on behalf of Ms. Bae. We have a lunch date scheduled today," Seungwan said plastering on a sickeningly sweet smile. Holding her hand out to Joohyun, she stepped closer to them. "Ready to head out Hyun?" 

At that moment, Joohyun ascended. A pretty girl saving her from going out with a guy? Yes, please. "I'm sorry Bogum, maybe next time?" 

Breaking his glare that was directed at Seungwan, his eyes softened when they met Joohyuns. Gross. "Of course, you know where to meet me," He said adding a wink for good measure. He looked like he wanted to say something more, but Seungwan was quicker. 

Grabbing Joohyun's hand and interlacing their fingers, Seungwan tugged her out of the office and down the hall. "Sooyoung told me where to find you." God bless Park Sooyoung for once. "I'm sorry if I overstepped. You looked miserable towards the end so I figured..." Seungwan trailed off glancing Joohyun's way.

"Thank you, Wan." She said squeezing the blonde's hand. "You're a lifesaver."

"Wan?" Seungwan questioned.

"Well since you called me Hyun, I figured I'd return the favor."

Seungwan's face erupted into a smile as she pulled them out the door. "So, the Greek place around the corner? My treat of course."

Joohyun rolled her eyes at Seungwan's mockery of Bogum and let herself be pulled towards the restaurant. She was thankful that Seungwan was nice enough to save her from having to awkwardly deny Bogum's advances. He had been hitting on her for quite some time and it was getting to be exhausting. At least for now, thanks to her savior, she could enjoy her lunch-

Wait. Her lunch date.

Did Seungwan say date? Oh my god, she said date. Is this a date? This can't be a date. Coworkers and friends all go on dates too, this isn't any different. Joohyun's little existential crisis was cut short when she was towed into the small gyro shop behind Seungwan. The place was Joohyun's favorite. It was the spot where she first celebrated her job with Seulgi, and also the place where she first met Sooyoung officially as Seulgi's girlfriend. 

She felt a little squeeze on her hand and then Seungwan unwrapped their fingers letting go of her. "Order what you want, I was serious when I said my treat," Seungwan said, as they walked up to the register. A rebuttal was about to leave when Seungwan just shook her head. "Just order, you can pay next time." Next time? Were lunch dates- frates going to be a regular thing? Joohyun went for a simple Gyro with a side of Greek salad and waited for Seungwan to finish her order. Now that she wasn't distracted, Joohyun finally had the time to look at Seungwan. She was wearing a cozy burgundy sweater that was neatly tucked into a tight black pencil skirt. Her hair was done in light waves that cascaded down her shoulders and back. She looked pretty. Anyone with eyes could see that. It wasn't just a Joohyun thing, she reassured herself. 

They grabbed their plates after Seungwan paid and made their way to a table near the back corner. Seungwan was the first to break the silence. "Listen, I do want to apologize for interrupting. I think I ruined your chance of getting a date with the firm's-" she shuttered audibly "hottest commodity." 

The underwhelmed and borderline disgusted look on Seungwan's face was hilarious. Her nose was scrunched and drawn down in a pouty frown. Cute Joohyun thought to herself.  "Seungwan, it's okay I wasn't interested anyway."

"But he's the hot talk of the office-"


"And he has decent hair I guess-"



"Seungwan I'm gay."

"Oh." Seungwan stiffened up and Joohyun almost thought she made a mistake. She knew Seungwan was gay herself, but maybe she wasn't that accepting of others. "Well, I should've seen that coming when you visibly grimaced each time Bogum stepped within five feet of you." Seungwan tried to hide her smile but failed once she saw the deadpan look on Joohyun's face. "For what it's worth, I'm gay too. Glad I'm not alone in the office."

"I know."


"Uh, I know it's-" Joohyun gestured trying to buy herself time "-nice to not be alone. Seulgi, Sooyoung, and Yerim aren't so straight either." Nice save Joohyun. Good job. 

"Oh, I knew about Sooseul on the first day of being in the office. They aren't exactly quiet about it." 


"Yeah, it's a cute ship name. Yerim coined it," Seungwan said, glancing at Joohyun while taking a bite of her food.

"Of course she did." Joohyun rolled her eyes and laughed along with Seungwan. 

Before Joohyun knew it, their lunch break was over and they had to go back to the office. Seungwan had mentioned that she had to go down to the courthouse to talk to one of the family members of the victim, so she couldn't work alongside Joohyun for the afternoon as they had planned. She was about to say her goodbyes when the shorter lawyer interrupted her. "I don't want us to get off track with our work. Why don't you come over to my apartment tonight and we can discuss stuff there?" Apartment. Seungwan's apartment. She would be alone. With Seungwan. In the other's apartment. Keep calm Bae Joohyun, it's just for work. Not trusting her brain to put together words, Joohyun just nodded. "Great, I'll text you my address. It's a date," Seungwan winked. "Or a frate if you want."

Joohyun watched as Seungwan skipped out of the company's doors.



Chapter 3! Not gonna lie, this one was a bit harder to write since I already had a plan for chapter 4 but needed this one to get me there. 

I'm gonna drop my twitter so if anyone has any questions or stuff, my curiouscat is on there too!

Thank you for reading and leaving comments! I appreciate them all.

Stay safe and healthy!!!

-Beardoodlez ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ  

@ wenrenehye on twitter ᵔᴥᵔ











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Thank you guys so much for reading Mondays. Going through the comments, I'm glad I was able to cheer some of you up and that you guys are enjoying the story. It truly warms my heart <3


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Chapter 8: missing this story
Chapter 8: just found this story, apparently it's still not finished :(
Chapter 8: Just finished re-reading this one~ Will wait patiently for the next update :D
Chapter 8: I am here to re read until this gets updated lol
Chapter 8: Plz update soon author. We need Joohyun to beat that bastard's . Also need her to confess to Seungwan
Favebolous 14 streak #6
Chapter 4: UHUUU
Favebolous 14 streak #7
Chapter 3: Hahahahaha
Favebolous 14 streak #8
Chapter 2: The three of them really pushed WenRene together
Favebolous 14 streak #9
Chapter 1: Oh
Chapter 8: Joohyun gotta need little break after she win this case 😔 Ack! Seungwan is so cute~~😍😍 and oh ho I love protective Joohyun when it comes to Seungwan~

Oh yeah! Give him what he deserved Joohyun,, which is JAIL!