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Baekhyun and Chanyeol have been together for 2 years. But they've never done long distance.

They promise to make it work.

Only, they realise they can't keep all their promises.


"I'll call at 12? That should be the perfect time for both of us?" Baekhyun chirps and Chanyeol nods before realising the other can't see him.

"Yeah- that's great Baek. Actually look, I'll be honest, I got invited out by my dorm buddies. So, maybe raincheck on the call?"

Baekhyun slumps, "Yeah of course, Yeol- you go have fun" 

This was like every romance novel or every 'does long distance work?' article he had ever read. Except this was real life- his life.


Meet the Characters:

DAILYEXO — Baekhyun - 190726 Exoplanet #5 - The EXpℓOration...

Byun Baekhyun: Architecture with Photography student. Perfect at juggling many things at once- but prefers to be tucked in bed watching movies or playing games. Loves Park Chanyeol with all his heart. Reads articles to justify his feelings and to calm his anxiety. Despises the idea of long-distance. But it's Chanyeol. 

EXO PLANET #4 - The EℓyXiOn - Day 1 - CHANYEOL. | Chanyeol ...

Park Chanyeol: Music Composition and Production major. Dreams big and usually achieves everything he wants, so he ships himself of to the US to do just that. A y boy even if he doesn't see it. Loves Byun Baekhyun with all his heart. Is aiming to get The Boyfriend of the Year Award. 





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1114 streak #1
Chapter 1: This was so sweet ;-;
ctskyn276 #2
Chapter 1: Awwwwww.. I'm so in love with this one shot. That you for this fluffy story.. Both Chanyeol and Baekhyun are just soooo freaking adorable.
myung-yeollipop #3
Chapter 1: aaahhh i'm so glad everything is fine in the end. i was scared what Baekhyun was thinking is true, but what a relief that it's just a misunderstanding..
Chapter 1: I love love love this. We need more of these happy long distance aus.