Convince me

Barista and TV star
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Sunggyu’s House


Sunggyu knocked on his girl’s door before he opened it to check on her, she’s been in there for too long, plus she just got here let’s say he missed her. And there she was sitting on the bed hiding her head between her knees.

“Shi-Ah~~”, Sunggyu took the edge of the bed, “Why are you upset? Come on, show me your face. I missed you.”

Shi-ah looked up pouting, “Who said I’m upset!!”

“You ran away like a teenager.”

“Appa~~, I am a teenager!!!” the girl got closer to her dad and sat next to him, “I wanted to make a surprise for you, I didn’t know you’d be the one to surprise me!”

“As if you didn’t know I know Nam Woohyun.”

“That wasn’t a surprise!!!! You took him to therapy, didn’t you?”

“How did you know that!”

“Ugh~, I knew it otherwise how are you be able to get this close to him.”

“You’re upset because of that?”

“Hmm!! That was our special thing to do together!!!!!”

Sunggyu smiled, not expecting such reaction and here he was ready to give a full explanation in case she asked about that kiss, “Wah, you are a teenager.”


Sunggyu held her hand bring it to his lap; this is the closest thing to father-daughter he could do right now, “You know no one can replace you in my heart, right?”

“Hmm, and Uma?”

The barista caressed her hand gently, more like a barely moved the tip of his fingers over her hand, “I loved your mom a lot, she was my cure. She’ll always have a special place in my heart.”

“Do you like him, Appa?”

“Why? Does that upset you?”

“I don't know,  but I want you to be happy.”

“Aigo~, when did you grow up fast!”

Shi-ah smiled as she retrieved her hand, she knows not to push her father’s limits when it comes to touching, and Sunggyu would never let go first not to hurt her feelings, so she learned to initiate it. And she was right the way Sunggyu squeezed his hands afterwards showed discomfort.

“Does that mean I have to share you with him?”

“Ani~, you’ll always be my little girl.”

“What about therapy? Can I still go with you?”

“Of course, he was just a sub until you’re back, we’ll just use him when you have school work.”

That made the teen girl smile, “So, that kiss was you accepting his proposal?”

“Y-Yah! You can’t say that to your father! What proposal!!”

“Aye~~, Appa after all these years you still blush, cute.”

“Kim Shi-Ah!!!”

“I’m kidding~~.”

“To tell you the truth, I don’t know if this is going to work or not.”

“Because of me?”

“Ani, because Appa wasn’t honest, I should’ve told him about my life sooner.”

“If he loves you, he wouldn’t care, right?”

That was the sweetest thing anyone could tell Sunggyu; his girl was comforting him “You think he loves me?”

“Hmm, it’s the way he looks at you.”

“Aigo~~, you watched too many movies.”

“So, now you like men?” Sunggyu shrugged, “Does that mean you don’t love mom anymore?”

“Shi-ah~, of course not, I’ll forever love your mom.”

“I’m sure mom will be happy if you found the one.”

“You think so?”

“Hmm, positive” Shi-Ah then stayed quiet, staring at her, dad, “Can I kiss your cheek?”

“Hmm, sure.”

The teen girl placed her lips on his cheek for a second, then backed away, worriedly. Sunggyu can fool everyone but not her she can see right through him, “Are you okay?”

He was far from being okay, yet Sunggyu managed to smile and nod, “Hmm, never been better.”

“I love you, Appa. You’re the best dad anyone could ask for.”

“I love you more, baby girl. Why don’t you take a shower? I’ll prepare hot chocolate milk for you.”

“Appa! I want an iced latte, with caramel.”

“You’re not allowed to drink coffee, and that’s final.”

“But I’m 12!!!!”

“I’ll add marshmallows to your drink.”

“I'm a barista daughter!!!”

“That doesn't change my mind, so you want those marshmallows?”

“Coffee!!!! I want coffee.”

Sunggyu rose from the bed and walked out the door, “Shi-Ah, we talked about it, no is no.”



“My god!!!! I hate you get out of my room!!!!”

“I’m already outside your room.”

All he got was scream and the door closing loudly, talking about teens mood, which was funny to Sunggyu. A minute ago, she was lovely and sweet; how did she turn into a cute monster!! Not that he wasn’t used to her moods, to tell the truth, he missed her random tantrums.



Innisfree GREEN CAFE


Sungjong walked into the café humming a song all happy when he found a girl sitting on the barstool alone in the café!

“Excuse me; we’re not open yet! How did you get in here?”

“You must be Sungjong Oppa”, Shi-ah offered her hand to shake, and Sungjong took it, “Shi-Ah, your boss’s daughter.”

“Wow, even his daughter is cute”, Shi-ah chuckled, “Nice to meet you, Shi-ah. Please allow me to make your coffee for today.”

“Hot chocolate”, Sunggyu walked in and immediately corrected for Sungjong, “She’ll have hot chocolate.”


“Good morning, boss”, Sungjong bowed, like he always does.

“Good morning, so you met my daughter.”

“Hmm, she is so beautiful.”

“Thank you.”

“Now how about that coffee?” Shi-ah whined again, “Please~~.”

“No!! Either that or go home, no coffee!”


“That’s it; go home.”

“Then you’ll have to drive me back home.”

“No problem, to the car!”

“So, uncool!”



“May I suggest a decaf coffee?” Sungjong tried to interfere with the father-daughter little argument.

Shi-ah gave her dad pleading looks, so he finally gave in, “Araso, make it half shot.”

“Thank you, thank you”, Sungjong fisted Shi-ah fist, “I like you already.”

“Me too!! Finally, someone young and fresh in the café, your dad’s friends are all old Ajusshis.”

“I heard that Sungjong.”

“Sorry, boss.”

“I’ll be at the storage take care of the place, you too Shi-ah.”

“Yes, boss.”

“Okay, Appa.”

Sungjong and Shi-ah’s laughs were cut when Woohyun walked in; the latter didn’t know if he should come or not. What if that girl kicks him out or makes a scene when she sees him? Last time he saw her, she ran off to her room angry.


“Hey, Mr Nam, boss is working at the back, let me call him for you.”

“Actually, I’m here for you”, Woohyun looked at Shi-ah, “Can we talk?”


Shi-ah and Woohyun took one of the tables to sit by and drink their drinks, Woohyun his iced Americano and Shi-ah her decaf coffee. Woohyun didn’t know how to start a conversation with a teenager; last time he was a teen was a long time ago.

After sitting awkwardly for 5 minutes, Shi-ah pushed her notebook toward Woohyun with a pen, “Can I have your signature.”


“I’m a fan.”

“Aw”, Woohyun took the pen and smiled, “Sure”, he then signed it and pushed it back toward her, “here.”

“So, you like my dad?”

Woohyun looked at her shocked, did he just get questioned by 12 years old! Is she running the conversation now! How did that happen?


“I bet you already know about his phobia, right?” Woohyun nodded, “It doesn’t bother you that you can’t touch him the way you want?”

Woohyun felt like the police integrated him not a little girl, “I don’t care, I’m willing to learn what he likes or dislike.”

“Hmm, I can tell you went to therapy with him.”


“Does it bother you that I exist? Did I ruin your plans with Appa?”

“What! No! of course, not.”

“You think I’ll accept you in our life?”


“My dad and I were doing fine, what makes you think you’re welcomed among us?”

“Maybe, not”, Woohyun tried to smile to loosen the tension, “But you agreed to talk to me; that’s a good start.”

“Aren’t you afraid I agreed to talk to you just to tell you to stay away from my dad?”

Woohyun was impressed by how smart she was, keeping up with her seemed impossible but he’s not going to give up, not now, “You love your father, I’m sure you want him to decide for himself, right?”

“Hmm, true, but aren’t you afraid I influence him?” Shi-ah rested her back to the backrest of the chair and folded her arms, “He'll listen to me; I've known him for 12 years, you're just new here.”

“You've got a point, but because you've known him for 12 years, then you won't do that to him, right?”, Woohyun decided to take the lead this time and talk, “Besides I don’t even know if your dad wants me in his life that way or not.”

“I saw you two kissing.”

“Sunggyu told me he is straight before he kissed me. I’m not even sure if that kiss meant let’s date or I’m comfortable with you.”

Shi-Ah concluded that her dad didn’t actually confess his feelings to Woohyun; that’s why her father was confused too and didn't answer her question, “Well, I guess you’ll have to figure it out.”

Woohyun sighed dramatically that Shi-ah almost smiled, but managed to keep her poker face “I guess.”

“If I let you, of course.”

“Hmm, that’s why I’m here”, Shi-ah was confused so Woohyun explained more, “To win the father I need to win over the daughter first.”

The teen scoffed, “Unbelievable, so you’re only talking to me because you want to win Appa!”

“Hmm, that’s what was on my mind at first.”

“And now?”

“Now that I talked to you, I realised that I like you too and not because you’re Sunggyu’s daughter, you’re smart and beautiful and loving and fun to be around, it would be nice if you allowed me to take part in all of this and show you the good side of Nam Woohyun the person and not the celebrity.”

Shi-ah was impressed, they always said that celebrities are picky and not friendly behind the screen unlike this one, Woohyun could get any guy or girl he wants by just pointing, but here he is sitting in front of her trying his best to convince the love of his life’s daughter. Definitely, plus point for him.

“For the records, I have a mother, and she is beautiful and amazing even though we never met.”

Shi-ah was just a scared teenager, scared to lose her dad like she lost her mother if he ever started dating anyone and Woohyun couldn’t blame her for taking such defence anyone in her shoe would do the same.

“I’m not here to replace your mom, she and I never met as well, but I heard good things about her from Hoya, which makes me wonder if I ever could be good enough like her.”

“You asked Hoya samchon about her?”

“Hmm, she is important to Sunggyu then she is important to me as well”, Woohyun then held the girl’s hand, which is something she isn’t used to doing with strangers, so she stayed still staring it, “Please give me a chance, uh?

“What if I said no?”

“Then I’ll come tomorrow and the day after tomorrow until I convince you.

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DaniaOthk #1
Chapter 5: It really seems like Howon hates Sungyeol 🥺
Oh no, it makes me want to know who the woman is. Hopefully Woohyun doesn't end up heartbroken
DaniaOthk #2
Chapter 3: I wonder if Howon likes Sungyeol 🥺
I don't know, it was very hard on him.
DaniaOthk #3
Chapter 1: It's the hair 😂😂😂😂😂
695 streak #4
still one of my faves 😭
Simran20 #5
While seeing this I realise how time flies so fast😭
Absese #6
Chapter 21: I loved it! Great job!
Simran20 #7
Chapter 21: That was another beautiful journey with you author nim. I really love how you summarize each and every one of their views in a line. Can't believe it's over but it's okay I have already start reading 'i got you'.
You are one of the most persistent authors I have come across in asian fanfic. Thank you so much author nim for all these fics. Lots of love. God bless 💙
Chapter 21: So it is the end of another great story of you.
Personally this was so healing. It had its up and downs but ultimately everything fell in to right place and as you have said this story is a light story. But I am happy that you wrote a story like this story. This had so much happiness. And communication, love, understanding, apologies. This was really beautiful. I know beautiful is a simple word but for me it has a deep meaning. So for me this story was beautiful. As always I loved this story of yours too. Much love ❤️
Chapter 20: Gosh I really can’t wait for the next update!! Their relationship is getting better and better! Meanwhile yadongs not so great so I’m really looking forward to see what happens with them
Chapter 20: Hope everything is fine with you now. ❤️
And the update. The relationship of woogyu is such a healthy one. I love reading about healthy relationships cuz we have so much of toxic relationship now in the society. So even if the fiction world is giving me a healthy relationship, I will take it.
And I love the way Shi Ah handled the things. And to see her opening up to Hyun not only because she loves her father but of the reason that she has also started loving Hyun is a major step in this process.
And yadong, a break is much needed but I don't know whether it is the right time. Perhaps it is the right time. Even though Dongwoo has shown everyone he is happy why I think it is not like that. A time off would give both of them space and time to heal their selves.
Loved the update. ❤️