Chapter - 17

An Innocent Criminal
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As Jieun made her way back home, her steps were tinged with anxiety. She couldn't shake off the image of the unfamiliar officer she had encountered on the streets, and the thought of being pursued by authorities sent a shiver down her spine. She glanced around, searching for any signs of Minjae, the officer she trusted. Spotting an officer she didn't recognize, she quickly shook her head, silently communicating that he wasn't the one she was looking for. He nodded and continued on his way, providing her a momentary sense of relief.


With her heart still racing, Jieun adjusted her pace, aiming to blend in with the crowd and avoid any further encounters. She bowed politely to passersby, attempting to appear inconspicuous. After a while, when she deemed it safe, she quickened her steps, a sigh of relief escaping her lips as she finally reached the sanctuary of her home.


Jieun didn't expect Chanyeol to confront her upon her return, but when he emerged from his room with a serious expression, she knew she couldn't escape his probing questions. His tone was sharp, demanding an explanation for her sudden disappearance. "Where were you?" he asked, his voice laced with concern.


Startled by his intensity, Jieun hesitated for a moment before replying softly, "I went to the supermarket." The tension in the room was palpable, and Chanyeol's next question hit her like a gust of wind. "Why?" he nearly yelled, his frustration and worry pouring out in his words.


Caught off guard, Jieun struggled to find her voice, her cheeks flushing with embarrassment. Shyness enveloped her, making it difficult to articulate her response. But Chanyeol persisted, his relentless curiosity fueling her frustration. Feeling a surge of annoyance, she finally blurted out, "I needed to buy sanitary pads."


The confession hung in the air, both of them stunned by the unexpected revelation. Jieun immediately covered , her face turning as red as a ripe tomato. Chanyeol, equally embarrassed, felt his eyes grow warm with embarrassment. "I-I'm sorry," he stammered, attempting to compose himself amidst the awkwardness.


Jieun nodded in response, her voice barely a whisper. She turned to walk away, eager to escape the uncomfortable situation. But before she could take another step, Chanyeol reached out and pulled her closer, his touch firm yet gentle. "I'm sorry," he repeated, his sincerity evident in his eyes.


For a moment, Jieun remained silent, her thoughts racing as she processed his words. "I heard, and it's okay," she finally managed to say, her voice cracking with emotion. Her eyes remained fixed on the ground, her heart fluttering with a mix of relief and forgiveness. Chanyeol continued to speak, his words filled with regret. "I just didn't want to believe it, I guess. I should've listened to you. I'm sorry."


As Jieun stepped into their shared living space, her heart was still racing from the encounter with the officer. But Chanyeol emerged following her wearing a mockingly serious expression. "Ah, the mysterious disappearance of Jieun," he teased, his voice filled with playful sarcasm.


Jieun rolled her eyes, trying to hide her relief beneath a facade of annoyance. "Oh, please. It's not like I went on some secret spy mission," she retorted, crossing her arms in a mock display of dramatic importance.


Chanyeol smirked, leaning against the doorway with a mischievous glint in his eyes. "Who knows? Maybe you're leading a double life as a secret agent. Supermarket by day, international spy by night."


Jieun couldn't help but laugh at h

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For those you have read this story in the beginning itself, I would like to enlighten you all with the knowledge that I have edited the story into a lot more longer chapters than before and made some parts funny. Also, I have added more romantic scenes because Jiyeol deserves it. Thank you <3


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Chapter 1: It's crazy how Chanyeol's life was normal (well, his normal considering he's a famous pro-athlete) and then like his whole world flipped so suddenly and out of nowhere. It gave me goosebumps.. :O
I like the concept of this! It looks interesting :)
737 streak #3
Chapter 32: Such an amazing story! I really enjoyed reading it! ^^
737 streak #4
Chapter 31: Love is like a miracle. It can heal a person. Lovely chapter!
737 streak #5
Chapter 30: This was a very good chapter! I am looking forward to reading the epilogue!
737 streak #6
Chapter 29: True life can be difficult at times, but one must fight! Great chapter!
737 streak #7
Chapter 28: Such a sweet chapter! I am happy that the two confessed their feelings. ^^ The ending was good as well. ^^
737 streak #8
Chapter 27: It's not always easy to lighten up the mood in all situations, but Baekhyun was surely successful in it! ^^

As for Chanyeol, he is a real gentleman, there is no doubt about it!
737 streak #9
Chapter 26: Knowing that your father or mother cheated is always hard *sighs* But I wonder what happens next!
737 streak #10
Chapter 25: Chanyeol and she are just adorable! ^^