Picking Up the Pieces

"Mommy, look!" Yerim skipped towards Irene with some new craft she made in her preschool class.

Irene, who had been stressed with deadlines and possible conflict in her team, still managed to smile for the only joy in her life. "I love it, Yerimmie," she murmured and took the craft her daughter eagerly held out to her.

That had all been a dream.

Instead, she was in a children's hospital for cancer, and her daughter, only just turned five years old was sitting up in bed with one of the volunteers having the time of her life despite the circumstances. The volunteer's  KIM TAEYEON, actually the oldest volunteer at around age 30 (at the time this occurred). Taeyeon was a very popular singer in her younger days. She still maintained an OG following and went on tour locally, but decided to turn to music therapy because she wanted to help children, especially the ones in need. She loved children so much, and taught them songs and stuff. She would also perform at special events or holiday gatherings. 

So that's how Irene met her. Taeyeon was showing Yeri how to play a little ukelele because her fingers were too small and fragile for a full on acoustic guitar.

"Hi, mommy!" Yeri exclaimed. "Miss Taeyeon is showing me how to play the tiny guitar!"

Irene smiled then and watched as her daughter eagerly interacted with the volunteer. It was almost as if nothing were wrong, except for the beanie on the girl's head hiding that she had no hair due to chemotherapy and treatments.


"Mommy, you look tired," Yeri said later in the evening when Irene sat at her bedside.

"I'm fine, baby. I feel better when I am with you."

"Oh good. I'm so glad to see you. I wish I can come home." Yeri's condition had worsened and so the doctors deemed it necessary that she stay under their watch. She was doing a little better now, but the doctors seemed uneasy, unable to determine if she would overcome all the pain and suffering this time. She was supposed to pass a year ago, but she managed to surpass their deadline.

Irene wanted to believe it was going to be ok then.

"Will I get better soon?"

"Yes, my darling," Irene replied calmly even though she wasn't sure. "The doctors will make sure of it."

"I hope so. I don't like sleeping alone."

Irene her daughter's head and pressed a kiss to her forehead. "I brought you Joybear to keep you and Seulbear company when I'm not here."

Yeri's eyes brightened and she eagerly clutched onto the new white teddy bear. She already had one called Seulbear cuddled with her, but Joybear was a new addition to the family. Irene felt bad that she couldnt' be with Yeri all the time due to her work. She always visited in the  Her daughter smiled and leaned over to hug her. "I love you, mommy."


Irene awoke in tears and clutched her hands into fists when only darkness welcomed her. She sighed heavily and covered her eyes with the sleeve of her pyjama shirt. "Oh ..." Irene inhaled deeply and blinked her eyes of remnant tears. Then, she glanced to the side where Wendy was asleep curled up in a fetal position and way on the edge of the bed.

UNable to sleep, she slipped out and went to the balcony of her study for a good smoke to ease off her nerves


Irene was in a terrible mood in the morning. She slept at her desk in the study and woke with a sore neck and back. Her legs were stiff when she walked back to the bedroom. Wendy was already gone, and the bed made. She must be making breakfast by now then, Irene thought and flopped onto the sheets. She really needed a nap right now, and it was a good thing today was Saturday. Going to her office was the last thing she wanted to do.


Wendy dutifully made breakfast for Irene, first starting up the oatmeal and then the coffee so it was all done at the same time. She woke abit late this morning. It seemed Irene let her sleep in. The woman was long gone when she awoke. The spot beside her was cold so IRene must have been gone a while and did not want her to know where she was. 

The girl placed the finished breakfast and coffee on a tray and set it on the table. She glanced at the clock on the wall, wondering if she should look for Irene. Despite the recent change in Irene's demeanour, Wendy was still wary of her. If Irene did not want to be bothered, then it would very much upset her if someone disturbed her without permission. 

The food was getting cold and Wendy knew that Irene was still a bit petty about the temperature so she retraced her steps to towards the study, where one would usually expect to find Irene. The doors were wide open - the balcony doors too - but IRene was not there. She went back to teh bedroom and found Irene asleep on top of the bed, snoring softly and hugging the pillows. For once, Wendy thought that the woman looked so serene and very much resembling a sleeping goddess.

Mrs. Bae was right. No wonder so many men were interested in Irene. She was successful, rich, and flawlessly beautiful.

Wendy did not want to wake her so she grabbed a spare blanket to cover Irene's body and went to save the food in the fridge, and dump the coffee. She knew irene only wanted coffee freshly made from the brewer so there was no point in storing it in the fridge.

She wasn't sure waht to do now since Irene was always giving her something to do. Wendy glanced at the windows, which she had just cleaned only a few days ago, and the tile floor, which she mopped and polished yesterday. 

The girl roamed down the hallway to the den, which wasn't used much since Irene was so busy. There were some comfy looking sofa and sophisiticated oak furniture that held some decorations, a tray of an assrotment of alcohol and shot glasses, and pictures of Irene and a little girl. 

There was one with Irene holding a baby in her arms, smiling and gazing at the little human so lovingly - eyes that were foreign to Wendy.

IN another one, the little human was older and stnading under some autumn trees at the park with Irene.

Another one was a picture of just the daughter, must have been a photoshoot, and then in the next frame Irene and the girl very much happy together.

There was a bookshelf to the side with some texts of various subjects, and photobooks. One paritcularly caught her eye because it was a white book with golden lining. 

Wendy looked behind her and held her breath to listen for any movement that might be Irene. When she was sure the coast was clear, she picked up the book and opened the cover.

It was a photo collection of what appeared to be Irene's pre wedding and wedding photos. There were photos from college years, where she looked much younger and happier, and still as beauitful as ever. THe man she was married to, Suho, looked pretty handsome and Wendy wondered what happened to them since they weren't living together anymore. The two really did look like an ideal couple.

As Wendy flipped through the pages, Irene's transformation over the years was evident by the end. Other than aging, the happiness in her eyes were absent, and her "smile" was always tight lipped and very slight to the point you couldn't tell if she was smiling or not.

The telephone ringing startled Wendy and she nearly dropped the book in alarm. She quickly closed it and swiftly exited the den to the kitchen where she began to clean the stove to pretend that she was occupied the whole time Irene was asleep.

"Hey, Irene, thisssya gurl Joy. Just calling to let you know I'm in town and maybe we can hang out or something? Maybe we can go for a couple drinks in the weekend. Lemme know. See ya!"

The voicemail clicked off leaving Wendy in silence again as she finished up cleaning what she started. Irene must have been really tired if she did not even get up to answer whoever it was calling. Probably friend if they were on the level to be drinking together.

Wendy wasn't really sure what to do now. Irene did not permit her in most places of the house because the woman never let the girl out of her sight. She could only slide open the windows and lean her head out to get some air and a new view other than this house. Wendy leaned on her elbows and sighed watching the wind ripple the big swimming pool in Irene's backyard. There was a large garden further past, kind of like a hedgerow maze in Alice in Wonderland, it seemed. There were definitely red roses.

Maybe close to the last of the season since winter was coming.


Irene awoke to darkness and confusion. She'd had another haunting dream of her daughter and tears shed during sleep stained her cheeks. Her eyes felt swollen and her whole body ached with sadness again. 

After splashing her face with cold water, she suddenly remembered Wendy and stumbled to find her. 

She wasn't in the walk-in or the study. Irene checked the den and then the kitchen.

Irene knew she didn't give Wendy permission to roam around other parts of her large house freely and she began to feel a little irritated. She wasn't in the mood to play hide and seek, and Wendy should know better than to disobey her by now.

A cold draft caused goosebumps to rise on her arms and she looked out at the open window, the curtains floating just slightly from the wind.

Irene frowned and pulled it shut.

"Seungwan!" she yelled loud enough that her voice bounced all down the halls.

Ugh, why do I even care?

If she ran away, even better for me.

But then Irene noticed that the door to the back was unlocked, and she shoved the door open. That stupid girl, Irene walked out into the chilly air to search for her.

Wendy wasn't at the swimming pool, which was locked up for safety when Irene gave birth to her daughter, so that was out of the question. Irene searched every part that Wendy could possbily be hiding, but she always came out empty handed. Finally, the only thing left was the hedgrow maze garden, which Irene dreaded to have to search. The hedges weren't high so one could easily jump over if they had a runnign start, but the roses were thorny, which made it not the greatest idea. 

Luckily, Irene knew the hedgerows well and made it to the center where a very expensive fountain was situated in the middle of the a grass area.

There she found Wendy asleeping at the base of the fountain, curled up like a cat.

Irene's breath caught in because Yeri used to do that, and she saw her. daughter in that split second.

"Seungwan!" she barked without a moment's hesitation. "What the hell do you think you're doing?!" She grabbed Wendy's shooulder and shook her violently.


"You shouldn't roam out here, idiot! You're not supposed to!"

Wendy's eyes widened when she finally awoke and realized waht she had done. "I..I'm sorry, I just wanted some air..."

"You let the cold into my house! And you made me search all over and waste my time searching for you!" Irene seethed. "You should have just run away."


"Shut up. You're making me angry. Get in the house."

Wendy quickly scrambled to her feet and stumbled when Irene shoved her forward.

"Do you think I have time to worry over you? You should be focusing on getting better so you can leave! I'm not a charity home, and I don't want you here!" Irene continued when they got back inside. "Stop being so pitiful and get your head back on your shoulders! No one will want you the way you are now. If you want to survive, then you need to grow up and stop being weak! Got it?"

The outburst of anger cuaght Wendy off guard, and she pressed back against the wall. "Y-yes."

"Three weeks. And that's it. I want you out of here. You're lucky my mom takes pity on you, that's the only reason why I'm trying to be 'nice'."

Wendy nodded.

"get out of my sight. You're ing annoying."


Wendy locked herself in the walk-in and cried quietly. I knew it was all a facade! 

No one wants me.

Irene is ing fake.

Wendy wiped her tears and tried to think, but she didn't know how to get better faster. She tried not having the thoughts that kept spinning in her mind, but it was much easier said than done.

I really am not getting any better.



A/N: Hey guys, thanks for being so supportive and patient. It means so much to me :)

Hope y'all have a good weekend and stay safe. Thank you for upvoting and leaving comments!

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Chapter 17: What the is this Jennie me? why are you trying to get into Wendy's life? you don't have anything else in common. aaaarg I'm frustrated.
Chapter 16: Hahahha Wenbi is my guilty shipp, Eunbi's interest in Wendy is remarkable, but it won't happen...
Chapter 11: Back to square one, my God Irene How can I defend you if you treat my Seungwan so badly? TT
Chapter 9: Finally Irene starting to act like a normal person with Wendy 🙏🏻
Chapter 3: omg... their mental condition only gets worse.
Chapter 1: Starting this and I'm already distressed, they're so broken 😭
Chapter 17: Jennie underestimated Irene too much ckck
Chapter 18: Two broken soul found each other on their worst. Joohyun wasn't given time to breathe and mourn her daughter's passing. I hope she will go to therapy too just like Wendy but i get that she couldn't afford one at the moment given her position as a CEO and her always being busy. Her job become a distraction and it wasn't helping her in the slightest. She's starting to divert the what ifs or what could have done, that energy she didn't get to do for her daughter to Wendy. And Wendy being afraid of speaking up because she's afraid of the possible outcome and it's not like she has place to go. All she could ever do is obey her. I don't get Jennie's hate to Wendy, sure she cause trouble to the group but didn't she suffered enough? And besides Wendy's issue causes them to rise and be popular. If anything they're the ones who benefited from that issue while Wendy was left with nothing but a disorder. No family and friends she could ran to. A part of me was wishing that things could be better for Wendy. Maybe start as a soloist? I mean it was mentioned that she's way above when it comes to talent compared to her group. I still find it awful how no one from her group helped her. I don't know if all of them secretly hated her. I hope not. And Seungwan's parents seriously instead of lifting your child's spirit. They're one of the reasons of her suffering. I'm curious on what was irene going to do with the issue linking her being in a relationship with her. I hope she finds out who leaked the information about Wendy's whereabouts and have them pay for it. Hope the issue won't cause irene huge damage on her name too. Suho is still ed up doing that to joohyun and yerim.
Chapter 18: Thank you for the update author nim 😊
Chapter 18: Thanks for the update :D