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~21 Year Ago~


It wasn’t a common encounter for the people of that small coastal town to witness a nobleman from the capital to be travelling across their humble market, but this much loved and respected magistrate sent from the capital had been used to chose his way through the crowded market streets for his past few years of service.

Hoping he might end up being a help to someone in need, which happened quite often.

Lord Byun Joonho smiled and nodded at the folks who parted and made way for the three horses, carrying him and his two personal guards. Among the heads that bent down with bows of respect, he saw many grateful faces of those who had received his help, and of those whom he had done justice.

Yet that evening, the nobleman’s eyes travelled past those faces and landed on a certain small figure by a shop corner.

Entirely unaware of the high official’s arrival, and clutching onto the rice ball he had received from some kind hearted shop owner, was a little boy of around six or seven years of age.

Curled up in that corner, in his torn away garments those were somewhat loose on his tiny figure.

The little eyes widened in horror when a nobleman with broad shoulders and silk robes on them crouched in front of him.

Petrified that he’ll be accused for stealing food, once again.

But what he received was a gentle smile.

“What are you doing here little one? Are you here with someone or are you lost?”

The boy was too terrified to answer.

“He was abandoned in this market a few weeks ago My Lord.”

The shop owner lady who had given the boy a rice ball had stepped forward, answering with a bow. “He’s been hanging around this area since then.”

The boy flinched in fear when the nobleman raised his hand to wipe the dirt off his cheeks. “What’s your name young man?”

He just blinked, and no words came out.

“He says he doesn’t have a name My Lord. Nor does he have any family. Must have been travelling with a troop of gypsies.”

Thoughtfully, Lord Byun stared at the small face for a long while.


“Want to come and live in my house?”


This time the boy was too surprised even to blink.

“I’ll give you delicious food and new clothes to wear…so will you come and live with us?”

* * *

“My Lady, all the physicians we’ve been bringing here says the same thing.” The maid said while watching the magistrate’s wife calmly embroider a new dress. “They say it will be easy for you to conceive a baby if you adopt one. They say seeing and having a child around the household always bring luck for a baby…”

“But we need to find a child for that shouldn’t we?” the lady asked with a smile. “Oh…Lord Byun is already home today.”

Her husband entered through the gate and got off his horse, and took down the little stranger who had been sharing the saddle with him.

Nervous, the boy hid behind his robes.

“My Lord…” the lady made her way to her husband, eyes widened with surprise. He smiled in return, and pulled the little boy forward to be introduced.

“I found whom we needed Inseo. He’s going to live with us from this day on.”

Understanding his thoughts, and more than willing to accept whom she had received, the lady knelt down in front of the boy. “What should I call you dear?” she asked, holding his tiny hands in hers.

“Baekhyun.” Lord Byun answered. “That’s what I want to call him. Byun Baekhyun. Who will be my eldest son.”


* * *

“Lord Kim revealed to His Majesty that Master Baekhyun’s father is a traitor.”

Gayeon’s mother sank to the floor hearing the maid’s words. “What… what in the world is Junmyeon thinking? What really is going through his head to accuse his soon-to-be in laws for treachery???”

Gayeon looked at her mother, and back at her maid. “Is that all you know Hyunjoo? Anything else?”

“Lord Kim looked…absolutely white when he strode into the Royal Assembly Hall. I asked one of the palace guards and he said Lord Byun has been caught conspiring with some other high officials to dethrone his majesty.” The girl shuddered at her own words. “He said they’ve been trying to bring some other prince… Prince Jeong-”

“Prince Jeonghoon?” the lady asked. And the girl nodded quickly. “That was the name my lady. He said they have been plotting to kill the King and bring that prince to the throne.”

“Why him…Lord Byun of all people…” the lady looked at Gayeon. “He’s the one who had been protecting His Majesty from that rogue-like prince for years! Your father, and him…those two almost gave their lives to bring the current King to the throne while Prince Jeonghoon was rebelling down south.”

“They say Lord Kim had found evidence that exactly proves Lord Byun’s guiltiness.”

“Evidence? What evidence had oppa found?”

“Some parchments…documents of plotting they say. Written in Lord Byun’s handwriting and they’ve been found from his own mansion. Also they say boxes of gold and silver were sent to his mansion from down south.”

Gayeon gripped her skirts and stayed still, unable to comprehend the situation and its consequences, while her mother started bothering Hyunjoo for more information.

* * *


Baekhyun bellowed at the soldiers whom were throwing out just anything and everything they could lay their hands on, along their search for more evidence against the minister, per the higher-ups’ orders. Just like it had happened everywhere else, the neat and luxurious mansion was turning into an entire mess with the nonstop search going on.

Afraid that her son might lose the last bit of patience he had in him and will throw himself at the soldiers, his mother was clinging onto his arm tightly, not letting him move from the spot he stood at. And another little figure, a girl clad in a dainty pink dress with a face turned just as pink with all the crying, was clinging onto his robes, hidden behind him and shaking in fear.

His eight year old sister, Byun Inhyun.

The grabbing at his robes made Baekhyun turn around and look at the little one, and a protective palm placed itself on her cheek instinctively. “Under whose orders are you leading this search Captain Seo?”

“His Majesty.” The said captain, a close subordinate of Baekhyun’s father, turned around from the mansion’s doorstep to answer him. “I’m sorry Master Byun, but the evidence found this afternoon has been too important to be neglected. Hence his Majesty ordered a second round of search.”

“What rubbish evidence…” Baekhyun muttered through gritted teeth, only to be hushed by his mother. “This is Lord Byun we’re talking about Captain! Not just anyone but the King’s closest disciple!!!”

“That’s why this is a bigger issue young master.” The captain answered right back. “And it’s Lord Kim Junmyeon who revealed this. The King’s next closest disciple.”

Hearing that certain name for the umpteenth time that evening, the blood left in Baekhyun’s face entirely drained off. “Why would Kim Junmyeon accuse father for treason?” he turned to face his mother. “Why would he?”

“He wouldn’t Baekhyun-ah…” the lady shook her head frantically. “There must have been a mistake…”

“He wouldn’t right?

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Chapter 24: I seriously loved this story. The characters are just amazing!! I loved jongin ,he is just so chill and kyungsoo was just a thing to laugh at . After lot of hardships baekhyun and gayeon got together. Thank you for the story ❤️
Chapter 24: I’m so in love with them in this story… I loved the plot, I can’t accept that it already ended 😭😭😭💙 Thank you for writing!!
Chapter 24: Finished reading it!❣️ Finally everyone is happy, junmyeon is so smart! Jongin also managed to get a real job, I hope the villagers would be fine without him. Gayeon and baekhyun are finally together without any worries! I hope kyungsoo is happy too! Thanks for writing this!
Chapter 23: Chapter 23: Everything is worth it in the end! Good job byun
Chapter 21: Chapter 21: Aw kyungsoo is so lonely and innocent :( I hope he will find someone for him soon
Also good luck to baek!
Chapter 16: Lmao master kyungsoo is so easy to fool 🤣
Chapter 15: Sjsjxbxbajajz they kissed!! But the ending :(
Chapter 3: Oh god I felt so sad when he started crying :'(
Khahani #9
Chapter 24: All the hardships worth at the end
Merryqueen #10
Chapter 24: Aww it's end😭
Author nim can you please make season 2. It will be very good to see this two marry and having a child please if you can consider writing season 2 thank you