Good Luck

Maybe I Just Want To Know You [RE-UPLOAD]

“Okay, so let me get this straight... Doyeon didn’t do her work?” Nayoung said out loud, trying to wrap her head around what her friend had just told her. “Doyeon didn’t do her work, and yet you have to stay behind after classes finish? That literally doesn’t make any sense!”

“I know,” Yoojung let out a defeated sigh. “I don’t understand it either.”

“I’m guessing you won’t be coming over to my place then?” Sohye said sadly.

It was the end of the day and classes had finished for everyone... except Doyeon and Yoojung. The day had been eventful for the girls to say the least, after their first class together Yoojung had expected Doyeon to leave her alone... However that wasn’t the case. Doyeon and her friends had become more insistent on finding out who called up the school. Even Mina had started to get onto Sohye a bit.

“I could always come afterwards? I mean, I doubt we’ll be that long anyway.” Yoojung offered with a small smile. “Plus, Nayoung’s still going. Right?”

“Yeah,” Nayoung smiled. “We just wanted to talk about today, how classes had gone with the asses.” She chuckled.

“Classes with the asses!” Sohye laughed and Yoojung and Nayoung thought that it was the first time that they’d ever heard the girl laugh so hard. Calming herself down Sohye spoke; “yes, I want to know how your classes went. And my mum’s going to make her famous pancakes that you guys love.”

“That sounds awesome!” Yoojung grinned whilst Nayoung nodded in agreement.

Nayoung turned to face Yoojung. “Where are you even meeting Doyeon? Did the teacher say a specific place?”

“No,” Yoojung shook her head. “I’m assuming we’ll be meeting outside of his classroom but I honestly don’t know.”

“Shall we walk you down there?” Sohye offered. “I want to know how your classes with the asses went,” she chuckled before turning serious. “I really do want to know.”

“Alright,” Yoojung smiled picking up her backpack from the table. “Who wants to start?”

“I hate Jieqiong so much,” Nayoung stated emotionlessly. “She said if I don’t tell her who snitched, she’d make the rest of our time working together Hell for me. So i told her that it already is Hell and she agreed. It’s the only thing we agree on.”

“Shouldn’t you tell the principle if she’s making threats?” Sohye asked, suddenly not feeling as happy as she was moments ago but feeling more concerned for her friend.

“Nah,” Nayoung answered cooly. “No point, it will just create more drama and give them more reasons to pick on us.”

“Good point,” Sohye nodded but she still couldn’t get rid of her concern.

“How was Mina?” Yoojung asked. “When I looked over at you, you seemed pretty calm.”

Sohye awkwardly scratched the back of her neck and nervously chuckled. How could she tell her friends that Mina was actually alright with her when they had such a horrible time? She didn’t want to lie though so she answered; “she wasn’t actually that bad. She did ask me if it was one of us who told our parents, but she wasn’t rude or anything.”

“Lucky,” Nayoung commented.

Sohye looked down, suddenly feeling slightly uncomfortable in this situation.

“I’m glad you had a decent day!” Yoojung smiled at her, gently squeezing her hand. “I’m happy that Mina wasn’t an to you otherwise I’d have to kick her !”

Sohye chuckled at this. “How was your day, Yoojung?”

“Awful.” Yoojung instantly replied, noticing the concerned looks on her friend’s faces, she continued. “Doyeon is an ... I mean, she literally didn’t do any work at all so now I’m in this stupid situation.” Yoojung huffed.

“I wonder why we have to work in pairs though, usually if you’re getting bullied aren’t teachers supposed to keep the students apart?” Nayoung wondered out loud.

“Exactly, that’s what I thought.” Sohye frowned. “Unless... Maybe the person whose parents called up asked specifically for us to be paired up?” She tilted her head as she thought about that idea for a moment.

“That’s actually a very good point,” Nayoung agreed whilst Yoojung just hummed and nodded.

“It’s weird though...” Yoojung frowned.

“It’s very weird,” Nayoung nodded.

“Damn Doyeon! You’re stuck with the short for another hour after classes?”Jieqiong laughed at her friend. “Only you would get yourself into this type of situation.”

“I just want to go home honestly. I can’t get into anymore trouble though, my mum would go mad,” Doyeon sighed.

“Why didn’t you just do your work?” Mina asked curiously.

“I was expecting to copy off short but because I shook her shoulder and made her scribble on her work she wouldn’t let me,” Doyeon huffed. “Did either of you manage to find out who told their parents?”

“No,” Jieqiong answered shortly. “The stone wouldn’t tell me. She was cheeky though! I told her if she didn’t tell me I’d make the rest of her time working with me Hell and she said it already is.” She threw her hands up in frustration.

“Why did you say that though?” Doyeon frowned. “Isn’t that only going to get you in more trouble?”

“Pft. Why did you shake Yoojung’s shoulder? Isn’t that only going to get you in more trouble?” Jieqiong mocked.

Doyeon just rolled her eyes and muttered “.”

“Mina,” Jieqiong turned to face the said girl. “Sohye looked comfortable with you, you didn’t seem to be grilling her for information like we all agreed we’d do,” Jieqiong narrowed her eyes.

Mina shrugged; “I don’t want her to feel anxious, nothing wrong with that.”

“Did you find anything out though?” Doyeon inquired.

“No, she told me her parents don’t even know about the bullying situation. She sounded sincere when she said it too.”

“Did you find anything out Doyeon?” Jieqiong asked the tall girl.

“No, but I’m going to.” Doyeon said with determination in her voice.

“Good. Get her to talk!” Jieqiong said darkly.

A little too darkly for Doyeon’s liking.

“Jieqiong, calm down. We’ll probably only have to work with them for a week or so,” Doyeon said calmly. “Honestly, you’re starting to scare me a bit.”

“Sorry,” Jieqiong shrugged.

“I will try to get the information though,” Doyeon nodded.

“Good luck!” Jieqiong and Mina said in sync, watching as Doyeon headed into the classroom.

“Well this is it,” Yoojung sighed. She looked in the classroom window and to her horror there was Doyeon sitting in her usual seat, playing on her mobile phone.

“You’ll be okay,” Nayoung gently put her hand on Yoojung’s shoulder. “You’ve got us, we’ll be at the end of our phone if you need us.”

“And you’re coming to my house!” Sohye butted in excitedly, before realizing the situation. “But Nayoung is right. You’ve got us.”

“Thanks guys,” Yoojung smiled and pulled them into a group hug.

“Good luck!” Sohye and Nayoung said in sync as they watched their friend enter the classroom.

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Harle_heart #1
Chapter 12: I’m interested to see where this is going. Thanks for writing this. Fighting!!
Chapter 7: Yoojung is me in this chapter ? I’m confused with the sudden changed of attitude. I was so expecting some drama but a stunned and hurt Doyeon? What’s going on O_O