The Shadow Realm

The Elzard


Seungri touched the ground and smiled sickeningly almost

"My dark element is reacting very strongly to it...indeed the Shadow Realm is the home of the Dark Shadow"

Seungri frowned remembering the ancient being "if only it hadn't escaped from my grasp..."

The potion-making professor eyed the dying and purple plants around the Shadow Realm, his body releasing shadow wisps for any beings daring to attack him. 

He was part of the council for a reason of course.

"And the one who killed the council head and his wife" 

He was arrogant for a reason

"It was saddening to see their daughter live though...but I think she could prove very useful in the future." 





A drop of purple liquid oozed and he chuckled "A perfect counter surprise for a dark elzard like him"

Truly the ingredients in the Shadow Realm are out of this world...literally.


Chaeyoung looked on, eyes narrowed but filled with concern and confusion as Jisoo slammed the door harshly and looking around suspiciously.


Jisoo wasn't listening; she was looking out at their windows before closing it shut and even closing the curtains. 


Jisoo closed her eyes and began chanting

"O Light you grant the power to heal and now let me guide you as a shield..."

Chaeyoung kept mum "Why is she summoning a light barrier? Are we under attack or something?" She carefully spread her aura around the house but felt no disturbance. She looked on at the glowing Jisoo with her hands outstretched and soon, a light sphere started manifesting around it

Either she's getting rusty, or Jisoo is hallucinating

"Maybe from the dream potion earlier? She did look shaken up after that"


Chaeyoung felt once again the warm-cold energy and soon, they were inside the case of a white sphere, acting as a shield from the outside world before shimmering out of existence, but a faint glow was still around them signalling that the shield is intact.

Jisoo wiped her sweats from conjuring the spell before finally acknowledging Chaeyoung.


Chaeyoung sighed and sat on Jisoo's bed, beckoning the older girl to sit next to her which she did come closer to the younger girl but in a different way. The younger girl's eyes widened a bit when Jisoo placed herself at her back and gave her a tight back hug.

"Jisoo, what happened in that dream potion?"

The tightening of the hug just confirmed Chaeyoung's theory

" died"

Jisoo's Dream

The light elzard opened her eyes and saw that it was night time, so dark because of a large cloud covering the moon that Jisoo has to whip out light energy all over her to see.


Jisoo stepped and heard some kind of splash, she looked down and saw..


Her breath hitched, stepping back with her body tense

A spark of electricity made Jisoo whip her head at the direction and saw multiple people paralyzed but...

Their faces were shrouded in darkness but something in her heart screams that it was people very familiar to her.

"Kill them."

A voice joined the scene

"Kill them Park."

"Park?" Jisoo thought and looked at the figure standing strong with splitters of blood around her body

The cloud hanging over the moon slowly passed by and as if it was in slow motion, the moon's light slowly revealed the standing figure with blood around her...

Jisoo distinguished her light energy in shock and shakily stepped forward


Indeed it was Park Chaeyoung; but something was different about her...

Her eyes were dark; so dark that Jisoo has to shiver from the sheer coldness and hatred it holds. Her was vastly different and it was black, not the usual dark violet that Jisoo is used to but it was...

Night black.

"What are you waiting for Chaeyoung?"

Chaeyoung seems to be struggling with something

"Don't do this Chaeyoung!"

Jisoo heard her own voice and saw her own self as well as Jennie and Lisa, battered and bruised, looking like the fight is already taking a toll on them.

"Stop it please..." Jisoo said to herself watching another version of herself shout at Chaeyoung desperately along with Jennie and Lisa.

She watched as Jennie, in a surprising speed that knocked Jisoo in surprise, launched herself at Chaeyoung whispering something to her with teary eyes.

"I said stop it Jennie!"

She finally heard Chaeyoung's voice as she harshly pushed Jennie away with a metal hand making Jisoo's sister skid along the ground but Jennie still continued standing up despite more bleeding on her bruises.

"Chaeyoung..." Jisoo heard her own self and watched how she winced at her own wounds "Please...come back to me"

Jisoo is now next to her double and Chaeyoung was definitely scarier up close; eyes shrouded in anger, a night black aura with sparks of electricity around her, and her body the most tense that Jisoo has ever seen.

"Chae..." Lisa this time was the one who talked "I need you...please..."

Lisa was openly crying at this time 

"Remember your promise..."

Chaeyoung's eyes slowly widened, Lisa's whisper of anguish was somehow enough to calm the sparks of electricity giving hope to the three girls.


Jisoo is now walking towards Chaeyoung, who clearly doesn't see her as she continued to struggle internally

"...If you can't kill them"

Another cloud is slowly darkening the area and Jisoo watched as her surroundings turns dark with only her and Chaeyoung now facing each other...along with another elegant figure behind the lightning elzard.

"I'll kill you instead."

There was no hesitation


A scrunching sound along with a burst of blood that happened to land on Jisoo's eye, reddening her vision and turning the scene in front of her splattered with gore.

Jisoo's heart stopped, her ears not hearing the shouts of anguish behind her and the pained gasp by the elzard in front of her...


The one whose almond eyes are losing their light


The one who has been with her since childhood


The one who has protected her from enemies


The one...


Her heart yearns


Chaeyoung looked down, eyes wide, not believing at all at the red hand portruding at her chest. She choked and more blood spurted out before her eyelids began to close, eyes hazing.

The figure harshly put out her hand and Chaeyoung wobbled, before slowly falling towards Jisoo, which for some miracle, was able to catch her despite being in a dream state.

"This can't be real."

Jisoo thought stoically, logic becoming her defense mechanism. 

A burst of white aura came out of Jisoo, almost turning the whole world white with how strong it was.

"If I can touch you, I can heal you." Jisoo murmured, putting her hand on the gaping hole of Chaeyoung's steadied body.


"I can heal you...."


The wound is not stitching back


"I can heal you"


Jisoo can't find any life force but still continued


"I can heal you...!"


Jisoo pushed more even if there are now tears streaming down her face seeing the shadowed eyes of her loved one


The eyes of death




Jisoo sobbed, desperately trying to heal Chaeyoung despite her own mind telling her to stop and realize that this is a dream






End of Jisoo's Dream


Jisoo just tightened the hug even further "It...It was not just a dream Chaeyoungie. It was a nightmare." 

Chaeyoung turned around and met Jisoo's hug with her own reassuring one 

"I'm here Jiisoo-unnie, and I won't let anything happen to you"

"Pabo" Jisoo shook her head and let go of the hug to glare at Chaeyoung with teary eyes

"You were the one who died!"

Chaeyoung looked at Jisoo before touching her cheek tenderly

"And me dying is equivalent to you dying as well."

Jisoo mouth dropped a bit and Chaeyoung knew to herself that she was right.

"I won't let anything happen to us, and I assure you I'm going to get stronger to protect us both" Chaeyoung said confidently "I'm not weak Jisoo, and you're not as well."

Chaeyoung grabbed Jisoo's hand and squeezed it

"We'll get stronger...together."

Jisoo trembled and nodded slowly "You're right..." 

Chaeyoung stared at her even more before standing up which made Jisoo panic a bit 

"H-hey where are you going!"

Seeing Chaeyoung simply walking away from her made her panic so much

Chaeyoung just chuckled and went to her own side of the room to retrieve something.

Jisoo's eyes widened seeing the lovable guitar that Chaeyoung is now holding.

It's been a while since she've seen that guitar at all.

"Lay down" Chaeyoung said to Jisoo as gentle as she could and the older girl followed her.

"I'll help you fall asleep" Chaeyoung's voice was sensual and even...intimate.

Jisoo closed her eyes the moment Chaeyoung strung her guitar and played a beautiful background music. Then...a voice

Slip inside the eye of your mind
Don't you know you might find
A better place to play
You said that you'd never been
But all the things that you've seen
Slowly fade away

So I start a revolution from my bed
'Cause you said the brains I had went to my head
Step outside, summertime's in bloom
Stand up beside the fireplace
Take that look from off your face
You ain't ever gonna burn my heart out

"Chaeyoung's voice has always been the best at making me feel at ease...calm" Truly the younger girl has such a golden voice and even amazing guitar skills that made Jisoo sometimes stare at her most of the time back when they were young.

The way Chaeyoung scrunches her face when learning a particular hard song, her golden voice that just melts even the deepest sadness inside of her, and those beautiful almond eyes that always shares whatever the younger girl is feeling.

This is Park Chaeyoung, expressing everything through music.

The Park Chaeyoung that only Kim Jisoo was able to see because Chaeyoung holds music as a sacred place to her heart that only those who she truly lets in gets to see.

And so Sally can wait
She knows it's too late
As we're walking on by
Her soul slides away
But don't look back in anger
I heard you say

Chaeyoung started closing her eyes; it's been a while since she last played but she hopes that this music would be enough for Jisoo to ease her for the night since the dream potion has truly shaken the older girl up,

Well, if it was Chaeyoung who have seen Jisoo get killed, she might as well have gone berserk.

Jisoo needs her

And she will always be there

Take me to the place where you go
Where nobody knows
If it's night or day
But please don't put your life in the hands
Of a rock and roll band
Who'll throw it all away

I'm gonna start a revolution from my bed
'Cause you said the brains I had went to my head
Step outside 'cause summertime's in bloom
Stand up beside the fireplace
Take that look from off your face
'Cause you ain't ever gonna burn my heart out

Chaeyoung finally opened her eyes and continued singing the chorus, her breath almost stopping seeing Jisoo looking at her with some kind of unknown emotion...something intense that it took her breath away.

So Sally can wait
She knows it's too late
As she's walking on by
My soul slides away
But don't look back in anger
Don't look back in anger
I heard you say
At least not today

Chaeyoung strummed the guitar for one last time, the note giving them a moment to appreciate each other; giving them the comfort they both needed.


Her breath hitched when Jisoo slowly started sitting up, leaning close to Chaeyoung until their foreheads touched.

"Jisoo," Chaeyoung gulped, not understanding on why was Jisoo so clingly and initiating something physical with her. She really needed to ask her unnie about this because...

It's not that she's bothered, but she's really getting confused at the signals that Jisoo has been sending her

"Jisoo I..."

Jisoo suddenly started panting and the light glow of the room shattered, signalling that Jisoo used up almost all of her energy. 

Chaeyoung sighed and put her guitar aside, grabbing Jisoo's shoulder and gently laying them together at her bed. She hugged the older girl whom snuggled to her neck in contentment.

"I'll ask her next time then..." Chaeyoung closed her eyes but not before smiling when she heard Jisoo's thankful and lovely voice

"Thank you..."

"Where are you going?" Chaeyoung asked, their elemental class with Bom has just finished and for the first time in her life, Chaeyoung has no schedule. She was planning to ask Jisoo to hang out or just chill at the hidden training room but the older girl seems to have other plans.

"I'm going to the library." Jisoo answered, fixing her books 

"For what?"

Jisoo seems quiet, as if hesitating whether or not she should tell Chaeyoung the truth...which is a first

"Don't tell me this is still about the dream potion?"

Jisoo clenched jaw was all the answer that Chaeyoung needed

"Jisoo..." Chaeyoung sighed and grabbed her shoulders while looking at her unnie's eyes "It's just a dream. It's not real and it will never be."

Jisoo never had a dream like that; yes she had nightmares but never to the point of where she could actually see and feel Chaeyoung dying on her arms.

She's a light elzard for sake! There has to be something she could do, a rare potion or even technique!

Though a potion would be easier because it doesn't really require her to practice but the ingredients would be tricky to find so where could she find what she needed...?

Jisoo's eyes darkened.

"Don't worry Chaeyoungie, I'm just going to research something. It might even help me learn more about being an elzard doctor."

Chaeyoung watched Jisoo gave her a small but determined smile, which still made her feel unsettled but she let her be.

Her eyes narrowing but a tap on her shoulder made her snap out of her thoughts. She was met with someone at least as tall as her and a grin like no other



Chaeyoung greeted her and tilted her head "What's up?"

"I was actually planning to talk to you."                     

"Is this about...?"

Lisa nodded, her face going a bit grim "'s been a while since we last talked about it; with the love potion fiasco, our Thief matches, and even training"

"Well, how about we go on a hunt right now?"

Lisa looks stunned "well...that was easy"

She thought that Chaeyoung would be needing more convincing than that but it seems that fate has other plans for them

"Jisoo-unnie not with you?"

Chaeyoung shook her head "Nope, she's busy doing something. How about Jennie?"

"Well, she still seems a bit shaken up with the dream potion thing so I think that she went on ahead" Lisa answered but to be perfectly honest, she has no idea where Jennie is. Seeing that she's not sensing her energy, might as well just assume that she's home.

Chaeyoung looked outside and saw that the sun has just started to set so maybe shadow monsters will start appearing now?

"Where do we start?" Lisa asked

"Where it all started." Chaeyoung answered before looking at Lisa with a determined gaze 

"At the academy's forest."

"Back then," Lisa started talking to Chaeyoung as they trek towards the academy's forest area "Were you...releasing your element?"


An awkward silence ensues, usually when they talk, there are a lot of disturbances or interruptions between them. They don't know how to hold a decent conversation that doesn't involve shadow monsters or Thief match strategies.

"I got too emotional." Chaeyoung continued to cut the silence "Seeing the people who made just made me so angry that they were declared as heroes, very strong and memorable enough to even seal the Dark Shadow"

Lisa's eyes softened "But they died right before you could even remember them..." She finished

They always do have that kind of connection; the one that lets them finish each other's thoughts or how connected their minds are. 

Chaeyoung clenched her jaw and nodded "I hate them, I never even thought I could hate someone who's not even alive right now. They left me with this feeling and I don't know how the hell am I going to release so that it could stop bothering me" She almost growled

"Every history lessons their names are mentioned, every memorial has some kind of statue of them, and heck even the council room have their portraits. They're well-known widely across the world for sealing the Dark Shadow so I know that I could never escape from them."

"It's...why you moved away that day right? So that I wouldn't see your element..." Lisa whispered " got your parents' elements? Does that mean you hate using them is that why you're keeping it a secret?"

Chaeyoung looked thoughtful for a moment before answering "No...I'm not that shallow. My own element is my own element, I don't owe anyting to them"

"We're here" Chaeyoung said and they were now in the small area where Jisung has incinerated a huge shadow monster. 

"Wow, dad's damage to this field has been fixed apparently" Lisa mumured and sat down at the field

"What are you doing?" Chaeyoung raised an eyebrow 

Lisa grinned "The best way for the enemy to come to you is to act like you don't know that they're into you"

Chaeyoung blinked, she hadn't thought of that...

She's used to enemies attacking her so maybe that's why.

With that, the chipmunk-like girl hesitantly sat down and with a decent distance between her and Lisa

"Oh come on Chae, don't act like we didn't have a childhood" Lisa scoffed and pat the spot next to her "Sit next to me" She almost demanded



"I said so"


Lisa huffed like a child and it almost made Chaeyoung chuckle at her, eyes softening at the small bonding moment they're currently having.


Chaeyoung grunted when Lisa suddenly plopped her head at Chaeyoung's thighs

"What are you doing now Lalisa?"

Lisa grunted "Stop calling me that..." before letting out a small 'ow' when Chaeyoung bonked her head

"What do you wanna be called then?"

Lisa closed her eyes to tink before letting out a small smile, she opened one eye and whispered softly 

"Call me like...when we were kids"

Chaeyoung lets out a small blush "But that's so childish!" She protested

"But it's you"

Chaeyoung seems to snap shut at the way Lisa is looking at her, it was almost the same as with Jisoo last night...


Lisa's heart skipped a beat, her eyes getting emotional as she answered 

"Louder Chaeyoung-ah.."

She was getting overwhelmed with emotions; years of childhood coming back to her mind as Lisa unknowingly just opened a part of her memories that she purposely blocked when they were at their enemy era.

"I missed you Lisa-yah" 

A small tear slid out from Lisa's eye and she just turned her head away but her whisper was loud and clear

"I missed you too Chong-ah"

" were smart to come to me"

Jisoo clenched her jaw "I had no choice."

"The books aren't helping you?" He said in amusement

"I don't have time, so I was hoping you could help me Mr. Seungri"

Seungri smirked inwardly, looks like he was right...

Chaeyoung is the key to Kim Jisoo

And he would have fun exploiting that

"A potion that could bring back the life force of a human being...I got to admit, that's certainly an impressive theory. Not even our current research has something about it."

This made Jisoo feel despair and anger, knowing that not even the latest research on medicines is enough..

What was she even doing here if even their potion-making professor doesn't have a clue?

"Chaeyoung would be so angry when she finds out"

"Is there any rare ingredient that could help? Maybe just the concept would be enough. A good example would be giving a light shock just like how lightning doctors used their element to immediately restart the heart."

"Hmm..the sudden rush of blood flow huh" Seungri put a hand under his chin in thought "There is a rare ingredient that can do that but it's too out of reach."

"Tell me" Seungri looked at Jisoo who gave her an immediate answer

"I don't care if I have to fly out of Korea, just tell me"

Seungri laughed "Oh don't worry, you won't be needing to. It's just here in our area actually"

Jisoo raised an eyebrow "Just in our area? How is it so rare then?"

"Because it's in the Shadow Realm."

Chaeyoung absent-mindedly Lisa's hair who seems to be enjoyiing it

"If you keep on doing that, I won't be able to help you with the shadow monsters."

Chaeyoung stopped her actions making Lisa laugh

"I'm just joking you weirdo, as if I'll let my partner get attacked" She grinned 

Chaeyoung suddenly felt a presence and tensed, Lisa seems to notice it too and immedeiately kneeled in defensive position, hand on the grass and closing her eyes.

A wave of some kind of cold energy was felt and Lisa looked around in wonder

"What...was that?"

Chaeyoung narrowed her eyes "It's...weird, it's definitely not a shadow monster but I can't shake this feeling some kind of warning?"

"What do you mean Chaeyoung?"

"It's like at that time you were almost harassed"

"Harassed? What do you mean?"

Chaeyoung looks surprise "Jennie didn't tell you?"

"Tell me what?" Lisa frowned before horror was etched on her face "Oh my God...don't tell me this was during our freshmen party? I-I was harassed?"

Chaeyoung's eyes softened 

"I'm sorry Lisa...I didn't know that..."

Lisa seems to shake slightly, took a deep breath and asked 

" me that time?"

Chaeyoung nodded "I felt that you were in I went and saved you"

"Even though...even though that we hate each other at that time?"

"I could never hate you Lisa."

Lisa's heart leaped 

"B-buf I did so many horrible things to you!"

"I'll admit that I...despise you but I could never hate you. Besides, it's in the past now," Chaeyoung said cooly "What matters is the present...and the future"

Lisa looked at her in wonder; she always knew Chaeyoung has a golden heart even when they were young...

Looking back, Chaeyoung and Jisoo never did retaliate anything that she and Jennie did to them

To know that Chaeyoung doesn't hate her like she, herself, did.

Now she felt even more guilty

"You don't have to feel guilty" Chaeyoung looked away "You were right hating me; I wasn't strong enough to help our mom and now they're dead. I wasn't strong enough to help Jisoo and now it caused a rift between their families."

Chaeyoung laughed dryly

"And my own parents are dead before I could even remember them."


"Don't you see Lisa? I'm a magnet of destroying families, a maget of destroying things" Chaeyoung clenched her fists "If it weren't for these shadow monsters, I would have continued ignoring you, continued silently helping you by the sidelines."

"B-but why?" Lisa seems stunned and a bit hurt, didn't Chaeyoung want to be her partner all this time?

"You were not only stronger because you wanted to be stronger, you got stronger to spite me, to make sure I stayed at the bottom of the food chain." Chaeyoung tilted her head to Lisa, the moonlight highlighting her features.

Lisa felt her surrounding go blank; she watched in awe on how etheral Chaeyoung looks right now. She didn't even notice it's night time.

"Has Chaeyoung always look this...pretty?"


"B-but why am I feeling like this? I mean this is so much different from missing her"


Lisa let out a quick shout of surprise "W-what?!" She stuttered now finally noticing Chaeyoung seems to be closer than ever, her fair face somehow looking a bit annoyed

"I said we should go no-"

Chaeyoung was suddenly launched away by a dark blob and made her stuck on the ground. Lisa quickly looked around and saw a large shadow monster with some kind of canon on its hands, looking quiet heavy and as it moved, it moved sluggishly.

More growls were heard and Lisa looked around and saw smaller shadow monsters, small as a child! But the way they moved, it was quite fast for a child, like they have the energy of a hyperactive child.

"Oh shi-" Lisa blasted the ground with water making her fly up when one of the smaller shadow monsters launched at her with its tiny claws. Her form glowed green and she wieled the nature around them to trap all of these shadow monsters to give her more time to formulate a plan with her partner.

She looked at the other side of the clearing and saw Chaeyoung struggling to get out of the blob. She quickly landed there and quickly asked

"What's wrong?"

Chaeyoung grunted "I can't seem to get blob off!"

Lisa held the blob and closed her eyes

"It has Earth components..."

Does this mean shadow monster have their own elements?

No time to ponder about it

Chaeyoung watched in surprise as Lisa easily distinguish the blob


"No time to explain, they're almost out" Lisa squeezed her hand and one smaller shadow monster turned into puddle as Lisa easily killed it.  The others seems to have better defenses, she thought.

Chaeyoung let out a small smirk and craned her neck, lightning sparking in her eyes

"Let's go wild."

As soon as the large monster managed to get out from the annoying grass that trapped it, Chaeyoung was immediately in front of it

"Hi" She said, before kicking it with an enhanced metal feet, sending it crashing through a few trees.

"Bye" Chaeyoung smirked before opening her hand and out came a torrent of lightning, crashing loudly to the shadow monster.

Meanwhile, Lisa was maneuvering to the horde of smaller shadow monsters; her form elegant with water and grass spiralling around her as everytime a small shadow monster launched at her, they were thrown away and a shuriken of grass instantly killed them. 

It was beautiful

Chaeyoung watched the scene with wonder and awe, it was as if Lisa was dancing and not attacking them. 

Chaeyoung quickly jumped up when she sensed another blob coming at her, she glanced behind her and saw the shadow monster slowly getting up albeit a bit weakly.

Chaeyoung closed her eyes and hummed, dark violet energy humming around her. She let out a smirk when the shadow monster let loose another blob but quickly disintegrated by some kind of dark shield that is transparent around Chaeyoung's form. 

"Face the wrath of the thunder..." Chaeyoung chanted and as soon as those words were spoken, spheres of lightning surronded the shadow monster and formed some kind of lightning pillar with its inside the monster itself.

"Thunder Strike!"

Lisa was startled to hear thunder at the sky and before she knew it, the sky let out a scream of thunder before striking the large shadow monster. She braced herself from the large explosion that came along hitting the shadow monster that Chaeyoung was fighting.

"Chaeyoung doesn't really know how to keep it quiet" Lisa chuckled. Her eyes landed on Chaeyoung's opponent and shivered when all she saw was ashes.

Lisa dodged another blow from the remaining of their opponents and shouted out

"Chaeyoung kill them with lightning!"

"Got it!"

Lisa raised her hand glowing with blue energy and slammed it on the ground


Water sprouted from the ground and managed to give significant damage to their opponents...and making them wet.

Meanwhile, Chaeyoung created pointed lightning bolts and pinned those shadow monsters to the ground, paralyzing them. She felt Lisa came up next to her, her eyes glowing green as the pinned shadow monsters were now surrounded by pointed leaves.

"Shall we?" Lisa said

Chaeyoung smirked, victory already being felt by the two of them. Her eyes glowed dark violet, making the lightning bolt spark even more and muttered

"This is for, dad"

The remaining small shadow monster let out their final screech as Lisa and Chaeyoung effectively landed their finishing blow.

"So, this is the Shadow Realm?" 

Jisoo watched in wonder seeing the forbidden area; she could already see how different the shadowm real compared to her own realm.

The dark skies with the cold atmosphere making it look ominious

A barren area which made her feel doubt that what she's looking for is here

And even the gravity was heavier than usual.

She was already feeling a bit weak since she was also weak against the dark element but...

She is also the only one who can survive in this

"Chaeyoung could as well but..."

Jisoo shook her head and said in a determined voice

"I can do this by myself...don't worry Chaeyoungie, I'll be back with ingredients that will save your life. Even when you're stabbed to the heart"

With that, Jisoo took her first step into the Shadow Realm, not knowing that another pair of eyes were watching, frowning.

That's a wrap! Life has been hectic but now things are slowing down a bit, I'm back to writing! I can't promise faster updates but I am writing futur chapters of this story and to my other stories as well. I hope you all continue supporting me and of course the highlight of the story, our girls! 

What would happen now that Jisoo is in the forbidden area? Let's find out in the next chapter!

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dianawalker0204 #1
Chapter 38: Seeing this update brightened my day! This is one of the few fics that I'm waiting on and looking forward to read every time. The world building is great and I really like how Chaeyoung's relationship with each member develops
Winter_02 #2
Chapter 38: I hope it will be chaesoo end game, cause they have each other like no one else like their bond was stronger. If chaennie or chaelisa it is something wrong like maybe consider the way they treat chaeyoung in the past like no elements but now they like puufff they like her?? Ahuh so yeah i hope it chaesoo bec. Jisoo she did not leave rosé behind or what. They trained together to be strong and protect each other.
This is like blades of light and shadow from the choices game
Intersting , gonna read it and find out
Chapter 37: tô sentindo que a revelação do elemento escuro da chae está vindo
Chapter 37: Still wanting chaesoo ending!!! Hahhaa gaaaad, i miss this story!
Chapter 37: Omg!!!!!! Welcome back!
reader555 #7
Chapter 36: im here still waiting for ud😔
Afkm_07 #8
Chapter 36: Quand est la suite ?!?! 😭❤
bety_liz #9
Chapter 36: I really enjoy how you write the story :) but I wonder what happened to jisoo and chaeyoung 🤔