The Hunter and The Wolf

Lies Untold

The blast from the bomb wasn’t enough to knock you unconscious, but you didn’t walk away completely unscathed. Your hands and arms had little nicks and cuts decorating the skin that stung with each movement you forced upon them. The worst wound you seemed to have was on your forehead. Blood was sliding down your face and dripping into your eye. With a swipe of your sleeve, you cleared out your vision only for the blood to come rushing back.

Pushing yourself up to your knees, you glanced around to assess the damage. Alli was awake beside you, seemingly fine. The warehouse was completely leveled, only a few supporting beams here and there left standing. Lights were starting to flicker on in the distance from some of the residential areas. It was hard to tell, but you were sure you saw most of the crowds gathering around the Main Hall to watch it as the flames consumed the building. No one else was walking around the area near the warehouse. Good. That was good. Of course they would care more about that place. Hopefully that would give everyone enough time to get away.

Panic shot through you just then.


You jumped up to your feet and ran towards the place you last the wolves. The blast somehow caused them all to shift back into their human forms, perhaps from shock or just their bodies’ natural instinct to protect itself. All four of them seemed to be unconscious, but breathing.

Crouching down, you reached out to try and wake him. Then you stopped.

If you woke him up, you’d run with him. You’d go back to where the rest of the pack was, fulling integrating your life with Luhan’s. And it sounded like a blissful existence.

There was only one problem: you weren’t ready to be with him yet. Not like that. You couldn’t be with Luhan until you knew it was safe. Until you knew that you didn’t have to constantly look over your shoulder, wondering if the organization was just around the corner to destroy your happiness.

“(y/n)!” Alli came running up behind you, making you tear your gaze away from Luhan’s sleeping figure.

“Alli, keep your voice down!” you whispered harshly. You didn’t want the wolves to wake up while you were still here.

“What are you going to do?” she asked as quietly.

“I don’t know yet,” you admitted. “But let’s go. We’ll go back to the house while everyone else is worried about the fires.”

Alli nodded. “What the wolves?”

You risked looking over your shoulder, memorizing Luhan’s face. It would be a long time before you saw it again. He started to stir and you knew he’d be awake and ready to run soon. “They’ll be fine,” you said when you tore your gaze away. In a hurry now more than ever, you nudged Alli again, a little more forceful this time. “Let’s go.”

The two of you ran away from the destruction in the direction of your house. Neither of your parents were there, making this even easier. You hurried up to your room and started packing anything important that you could carry into the large duffle bag you kept stored under your bed.

“You’re leaving again?” Alli sniffed in the doorway.

Exhaling, you forced yourself to keep going. “I can’t stay. Not after this. You know that, Alli. That doesn’t mean I don’t love you. But I can’t change what’s happened.”

A sudden force hit you from behind. Two little arms encircled your waist, holding you in place.

“I’m going to miss you,” your baby sister whispered into your shirt. “This is worse than last time.”

“I know.” You were barely able to keep your own tears back. Twisting around, you hugged your sister tightly. “It won’t be forever. I don’t know when or how, but I’ll see you again. I promise. Have I ever broken one before?”

She shook her head as her face was still pressed into your chest.

“Okay, then.” You rubbed her back in an attempt to soothe her.

You weren’t just saying goodbye to your sister this time. You were saying goodbye to your entire life. Everything you’d ever known was now going to be in your rearview – close enough to see it, but never able to touch it. And yet, this was the only aspect that was breaking your heart. Because even though leaving Alli behind hurt worse than Johnny’s torture, you knew that ultimately you were heading for the life you were truly meant to live. You were never a hunter of the wolves – you were a protector. You trained inside enemy walls to learn how they thought, you just didn’t know it until now. And you would make sure that hunters never hurt your newfound family ever again.


The letter came two weeks after that night in the compound. Luhan had tried to get his life back to normal while always staying on edge, hoping that you might appear in the corner of his eye and put an end to this miserable way of living. But you never showed up. Never in physical form, anyway. You did appear in his imagination every once in a while and then in the form of a single letter.


I know what I’m doing isn’t fair to you, but I can’t come to you yet. Please know that I’m fine. I survived the explosion. I wasn’t hurt in any way beyond a few scrapes and bruises. I know you must be worried and I know that you’re looking for me. Don’t. Please, don’t look for me. Right now, I’m making sure that no other hunters will come after you and your pack ever again. I need make sure you’re safe before I come back. I couldn’t take it if something were to happen to you. Any of you.

And Luhan, I

No. I won’t say it here. It needs to be said out loud, where you can hear me and maybe I can hear it you say it. I’ll see you again. I don’t know when, but I will. Until then, please take care of yourself and live your life.



Live his life? How was he supposed to do that without you? Did you think that he could just pretend that you weren’t out there, risking yourself for him while he just sat here, waiting like an obedient puppy?

“She’s making it really hard to hate her,” Kris grumbled after he finished reading the letter.

“Are you really going to keep acting like she didn’t save your life?” Tao teased. The lucky wolf was headed out for a date with his mate, who finally knew the whole story and seemed to be taking it rather well. He had it way too easy, if anyone asked Luhan. It wasn’t fair.

“I could have handled it myself,” Kris insisted. Even Mei, who was currently happily being held by her father, laughed at his ridiculous statement. He looked at his daughter with a frown. “Traitor.”

That interaction made Luhan smile for a second, before the happy expression disappeared once again. He picked up your letter once more and scoffed. How could you asked him to not search for you?

That’s exactly what he did for two months. Every minute that he wasn’t at work or sleeping, he was searching for you, running around the forest, sniffing out any possible lead that could take him to you. There were times that he’d run all night long, reaching the surrounding towns before heading back and collapsing on his bed from exhaustion. Junmyeon started to worry and would occasionally send someone out with him, even after Luhan’s protests. When Junmyeon could catch him, that is. Most of the time, Luhan slip out while everyone else was gone or distracted so he didn’t get stuck with a babysitter. He didn’t want anyone slowing him down or telling him to turn back when he wasn’t ready.

This was something he needed to do on his own. This entire journey involving you had been something that needed to be pursued by him and him alone. He needed to take responsibility for you as his mate. That didn’t mean control you. He simply needed to make sure that you weren’t lying to him and that you really were fine. And then somehow find the balance between giving you the space that you needed and keeping you close so he knew you were safe. It was going to be a hard journey to achieve that, but first, he had to find you, then he could worry about the next step.

This particular afternoon was hot. No clouds were present to help block out the sun’s rays that were beating down from above through the branches of the trees. Even as the night was getting closer and the light was just beginning to dim, the temperature did not let up. But Luhan kept pushing through. He was going farther than he had ever gone before.

This morning, he’d left before anyone else was up, an idea hitting him as soon as his eyes had cracked open after the little sleep he’d gotten. You said you were protecting them from the hunters, making sure that they didn’t come after the pack. So that would mean you were probably staying close to the compound, wouldn’t it? He knew it would be a long run - taking most of the day just to reach the outlining forest of the hunter’s home – but he had to give it a shot. He had to see if his hunch was ri-

He skidded to a stop, his four paws digging into the dirt and fallen leaves that created the floor of the forest. His breath came in quick pants, but he wasn’t sure if that was from the long run or from the sight now standing a mere twenty feet in front of him.

The sound of his approach from behind must have spooked you. In a flash, you’d drawn your bow and had an arrow aimed at him. But as you took in your target and realized that it was him and not an enemy, you slowly lowered your weapon. Pushing himself back up to his feet, he walked towards you at an agonizing pace, inch by inch. He didn’t want you to run away. He knew you’d be angry at him for not listening and coming out here where he had a chance of being killed, but he didn’t care. His heart was happy – whole once again.

Rather than taking off, you, too, began to walk in his direction. When only a few more feet were left, you crouched down, outstretching your arm with your hand open and inviting. Luhan was quick to take advantage, pressing the side of his face into your palm.

A satisfied sigh escaped his muzzle. He closed his eyes, relieved that he’d finally found you and that you really did seem fine. No lasting injuries that he could see, save for the wrinkled scar on your wrist where your tattoo used to be. He whined at the sight of it, but you gave no explanation.

“I told you not to come after me,” you whispered in a scolding tone. But Luhan ignored you, not feeling bad in the slightest. He was with you again and he wouldn’t be letting you take off without him. This was how it was supposed to be and this was how it was always going to be. You and him, until the end of time.

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189 streak #1
Chapter 8: oh my, this part of the series is hard for me to read! I have to stop to calm my rapid heartbeat...but I love the angst!
11 streak #2
Chapter 14: Shes escaped right? Thank god the rest of them are okay tho...And I hope Kris is gonna be fine, Minseok is right, shes probably safe
Baekdreamer #3
Chapter 15: I really like the way this story was kinda inspired by romeo and juliet..and also given a refreshing take on forbidden love...thank u for writing such an awesome story..
Chapter 15: Aaww.. the OC is so brave. It took a lot of guts to accept something you've been tought to hate your whole life.
Chapter 15: Aw that was really cuteee! Thank you for sharing this story!!! I enjoyed the ease of which they found and accepted their forbidden love. The ending left me smiling~