Chapter 4: Surprise

Sweet Pea

Baekhyun and Lucas were back at his office, after meeting the rest of the members. Baekhyun was glad to see the interaction that Lucas had with the others. He didn’t have to worry about them feeling awkward, since it seems Lucas is a very friendly person. 


He invited Lucas to sit next to him at the small round table by the window. He started off with a small summary of the company, even though he felt like Lucas already knew everything. After briefing him, they started talking about Lucas' responsibilities. 


“You will be accompanying me to oversee the textile production of the designs that have not been completed. Also, help me with the minor preparations for the show and assist the rest of members with what’s needed, but for now I’ll get you started with some paperwork” 


Baekhyun gave him a folder of a list that needs to be updated as his first task. He thought it would be the best to start off from something basic and also to help Lucas familiarize himself with the other departments. He enabled Lucas to work in his office just for today, just in case he didn’t understand something or had any questions. 


They spent their hours in silence, with Baekhyun working on his desk and Lucas on the round table. Sometimes Lucas threw a few questions at Baekhyun, and he was more than glad to help him. 


Lucas was attentively doing his work, but sometimes he would discreetly take a glance towards Baekhyun's way. Lucas thought he looked so adorable every time he pouted when it looked like he was having a hard time.  


Lucas wanted to start a conversation, but he didn’t know where to start from. Sure, he can be friendly but there are times, like now, where he doesn’t know how to start off. Also, because it looks like his boss is very serious when it comes to work and he doesn’t want to start at the wrong foot. 


While he was doing his work, he was also trying to think about what to say when he suddenly remembered his uncle telling him that Baekhyun had done an internship in Paris. 


‘Maybe I can start of with that’ Lucas hummed to himself in determination


Lucas gathered the courage to speak when all of a sudden there was a sound ringing in the room. Lucas brought his hand inside his pocket to check his phone but there was no sign of an incoming call, and suddenly the ringing  had stopped.


He looked up to Baekhyun talking on the phone, stumbling across the office in a hurry, grabbing his bag and sweater. 


“Lucas, I’m sorry for holding you this late, I didn’t notice that it's past 5. I’ll be heading out now, my husband is waiting for me downstairs, would you please close the door on your way out. I’ll see you tomorrow.” Baekhyun waved back at him as he rushed out the office.  


‘Husband?’ Lucas felt disheartened by the new information  he couldn’t lie that the moment he laid eyes on him, he felt intrigued. Baekhyun looked ethereal with his brown hair, cute droopy eyes, and soft pink pouty lips. And oh, his smile, that can light up the room and his honey voice. He could listen to Baekhyun talk all day. He couldn’t lie to himself that he took an interest in Baekhyun. So to learn he was married made him feel discouraged. 


“Y-yeah. I’ll do that” after Baekhyun left the office, Lucas couldn’t help but let out a lethargic sigh.


He looked towards Baekhyun’s desk and noticed a frame next to the computer, curiously he walked towards his desk. He tightly held the frame and turned it around. It was a picture of Baekhyun, with a taller man, and in the middle was a kid who looked like a perfect mixture of the two. Suddenly a tinge of jealousy creep to the pit of his stomach, but somehow also felt inciting. 


He looked at the picture once more before laying it flat on the table and left the office.



When Baekhyun exited out the building, he immediately spotted Chanyeol’s grey-SUV, he felt bad for making them wait and thus increased his pace.  

Once he opened the front door, he was greeted by an overly excited Byul, whom was sitting at the back in his baby car seat


"Papa!! Pappa!" Byul was swinging his small little legs due to the excitement of seeing his papa.


As soon as he sat down, Baekhyun turned around and reached to ruffle Byul's hair. 


"Hello, my sunshine. Papa missed you too." 


At the response of his papa Byul giggled


When Baekhyun turned back around, he was greeted by another big pouty baby. So, he extended his hand to touch his cheek and softly pecked his husbands’ lips. 


Byul complained in disgust at the sight of his parent's affection.


Baekhyun decided to tease his son, and once again gave Chanyeol another kiss 


"Ew papa, appa!" Byul complained while covering his eyes with his small hands


Both parents laughed at their son's reaction.


After receiving the small kiss from Baekhyun, Chanyeol happily turned back around to face the wheel, the engine and started driving. 


"Alright little man you can uncover your eyes now.  Let's get moving before your uncle Soo gets mad at Appa and Papa for being late...again" 


Chanyeol shivered at the thought of his younger cousin's death glare and scolding. Though he and Kyungsoo have grown up together since diapers, he was never able to get used to Kyungsoo’s demeanor, he feared his little cousin. And obviously, being Kyungsoo, he was always able to smell Chanyeol’s fear and always uses it to his advantage. 


On their way to Kyungsoo’s and Jongin’s house, both Chanyeol and Baekhyun were tentatively listening to Byul stories about his school day. 


Starting from Ms.Lim bringing snacks to celebrate one of his classmates birthday and how today's task was painting their family. Byul was sad that he couldn't show it to his parents yet, since Ms.Lim told them they have to wait for the paint to dry. But he is excited for the day to show them his family portrait.


After what seemed like 20 minutes of driving and non-stop chattering between the family. They were standing in front of Kyungsoo's and Jongin's house. They were waiting for a few minutes, until they heard someone unlocking the door. Baekyuns and Chanyeols eye grew wide, when they saw a tall individual in a black and grey suit standing behind the door frame with his arms crossed 


"Sehun?" Both Chanyeol and Baekhyun asked in harmony as they stared in confusion at the said person, who was giving both parents a cheeky smirk. They don’t recall Kyungsoo nor Jonin  mentioning that Chanyeol’s younger brother, Sehun, was also coming.  


"Uncle Hunnie!!" Byul squealed in excitement as he jumped into his uncle's arm who was now squatting to pick up Byul. 


"Umph. Hello there little Byul” Sehun took a pause to catch his breath as his cute little nephew jumped to his arm. “Hi, Baek." 


"Hi, Sehun" Baekhyun greeted back


“Sehun, what are you doing here?” asked a stunned Chanyeol


"Tsk tsk, is that how you greet your brother Chanyeol. Tsk tsk, you should learn from Byul here. Isn't that right Byul!" Byul squirmed as his uncle Sehun started to tickle him.  


"Shut it, you brat.” Chanyeol quietly replied as they all started walking inside the house. 


The instant they stepped foot on the living room of the house, a gleeful Kyungsoo appeared walking down from the stairs. “You guys finally made it”


“Uncle soo soo!” Byul excitedly greeted back as he ran towards his uncle. Whom was more than happy to pick up his nephew.


 “Where’s uncle Nini?” little Byul asked as he looked around for his other uncle. 

“He’ll be here any moment. Your uncle just went to the grocery store” Kyungsoo replied while looking down at his nephew


The moment Jongin had arrived, Kyungsoo and Sehun had gone up to set up the table, followed by an eager Byul who wanted to help after greeting his uncle. They were having stew cooked by Kyungsoo. After each dinner, they decide to break the news. 


They were talking about Jongin’s business, when all of a sudden Kyungsoo’s voice caught everyone’s attention “The reason why we called for this dinner is because we have very important news to inform you guys” Kyungsoo looked nervously at his husband, with pleading eyes. 

Jongin nodded and smiled in response, then turned to look at others, who all looked concerned “we were actually planning this for the weekend  and invite everyone else but we’re so delighted and impatient to keep on waiting-” 


“ and also because we wanted you guys to be the first to know.” Kyungsoo added. He looked at Jongin for reassurance. 


Jongin with the proudest and biggest smile he can give finally announces, “We’re expecting!”


It takes a minute for the other three adults to process Jongin words, until Baekhyun gets up from his seat and runs to Kyungsoo and leaps him into a hug. “ Omg! Kyungie! I am so happy for you both!” Kyungso lightly chuckles “Thank you Baek”.


Everyone is busy congratulating the couple and their awaiting pregnancy. Asking how far is Kyungsoo, if they got their first sonogram, and receiving some tips from the experienced couple. 

“Always make sure to massage his feet, since they can get swollen. Back messages are also very important! You listen too Sehun, for whenever you marry” Chanyeol was earnestly providing some tips to Jongin to aid his husband. While Jongin kept obediently nodding his head at each information that was provided to him, Sehun rolled his eyes when his brother mentioned about getting married, ‘As if’  


They were all too preoccupied by such significant news, that they forgot that they left alone a confused baby looking at the adults with wandering eyes, head tilted. Wondering what his uncle meant, he carefully turned sideways and slid off the chair. He waddled up to his uncle and tugged on his pants, looking up cutely with glistening eyes “Uncle Nini, what are we expecting? Chocolate cake? I luv Uncle Soo chocolate cake!” Byul beamed at the thought of eating his favorite pastry baked by his uncle. 


Everyone stopped and giggled at Byul’s innocence. Jongin squatted down to meet Byul’s eyes and ruffled his hair.  “What uncle Nini means is that, your uncle Soo is carrying a baby” Byul tilted his head in confusion. He took his eyes from Jongins to look at his other Uncle, who was just resting one hand on his tummy, but there was NO BABY. “But uncle soo is not carrying anything? Uncle Nini” all of the adults couldn’t help but laugh, at the little one’s words


“I’m sorry, Byul, what it means is you will soon have a baby cousin.” Finally understanding his uncle, Byuls eyes sparkled with excitement. 

“What, really?!” Byul enthusiastically exclaimed as he ran to his Uncle Soo and held on to his leg. “Uncle, can I play with my cousin? What about parks? Can we go to the park together?!”

 “Of course, dear” Kyungsoo replied as he lightly patted Byuls hair. “Yay! I’m happy!” Byul start beaming in excitement as all the adults watched in amusement 


“Papa! Appa! Can I have a baby brother or sister too!?”

Baekhyun’s cheeks turned red while Chanyeol started coughing, after taking a sip of his drink. They were definitely caught red handed by their own son.  While they were trying to conceal their red faces, Sehun busted out laughing, clenching his stomach. 


“Good one Byul! Come give uncle a high five” Byul innocently ran up and high fived his uncle.   


After a continuous celebration of congratulatory, the trio decided to leave once they noticed that their son was falling asleep on Baekhyun’s lap. They said their goodbyes to the other couple and Sehun, who was going to spend the night over since he was more than tipsy. And none of them felt comfortable with Sehun, driving back home.


Baekhyun and Chanyeol, who was carrying Byul, walked to the car. 

Byul turned around once again to wave to his uncle's

"Bye uncle soo, uncle nini, and uncle hun!" 

Followed by a loud chorus of "Good, night Byul". 


As Chanyeol was placing Byul in his car seat, Baekhyun sat in the front passenger seat.


"Haha, not one minute has passed and he's already asleep." Baekhyun laughed at his son's cuteness.


Baekhyun sighed in relief once Chanyeol started the car. He wanted to get home as soon as possible and lay on his comfortable bed. 


"Tiring day?" Asked Chanyeol 


"Uhum, Mr.Wong's nephew started today so I had to give him a big overview of the company" 


When Baekhyun told him about the special assignment that his boss gave him he couldn't help but feel more than happy for his husband. This had a large significance, which meant that Baekhyun's talent and hard work was recognized by the company. Thus, they entrusted him to mentor someone of high importance, but at the same time he couldn't help but worry about the safety of his husband.

Baekhyun is a sweet soul, someone with the kindest heart made out of gold. Sure, besides being a big goof-ball and kind hearted, he also knew how to stand up and fend for himself.


But being in charge of someone who is related to the company's CEO is no easy task. What if the person feels entitled just because of that sole reason? What if they tried to take advantage of his kind husband? The too many "what if.." only made Chanyeol more worried about his husband. 


"How was it? Was he nice to you? Or mean?”


Baekhyun laughed at his husband's silly questions.He looked towards his husband and noticed how hard he was frowning. 

So to reassure his husband, he placed his hand on Chanyeol's thigh and gave it a soft squeeze.


"Everything went well Yeolie, don't worry. On the contrary he was really nice. He completes the tasks with no rebuttal. So there is nothing to worry about"


"I'm glad to hear that" 


He knew he relieved his stress once he felt Chanyeol's hand intertwined with his. 


"We should go camping this weekend" 


" sounds good to me..Byul would love to go"


"Actually, I was going to ask my mother if she could take care of Byul for us this weekend"


"Sounds like it would be an interesting weekend"


After a few more minutes of driving they found themselves in front of their house. After chanyeol parked the car next to their house, Baekhyun left out the passenger and opened the back passenger seat to pick up Byul.


"Baek, I'll do it" he could see Chanyeol's dash, trying to get to the opposite side. 


"No, I'll do it. You've been carrying him the whole day" Baekhyun rebutted 


He unbuckled the seat belt and carefully grabbed Byul so as to not wake him up. He successfully brought out Byul and placed his head on this shoulder, Baekhyun slightly panicked when Byul started to whimper and stir but after a couple of seconds later Byul stopped.

When they entered their home, Baekhyun took Byul to his room and then both parents went to prepare themselves for bed.


Baekhyun arrived at his office the next day feeling nauseous. Most likely from the alcohol he consumed yesterday, it has been a while since he had a couple of drinks. He took a seat at his desk to let the small headache go away. Once he felt better, he felt the energy to start on the day. He frowned when he noticed one of his frames facing down. He picked it up and looked at his family photo, he must have accidently knocked it off when he was grabbing his items in a rush. 

“I should be more careful” Baekhyun pouted at the thought of almost breaking the frame


Lucas came in that morning reporting about the work he finished right after he left yesterday. Baekhyun overlooked his work to make sure it was correct but he noticed a few mistakes. 


“You forgot to include these and change these sections. But overall, you’re doing great.” Baekhyun gave Lucas an encouraging smile. 


That is how they spent the whole day, Lucas correcting his work and Baekhyun walking in and out of his office. By lunchtime, Baekhyun was already exhausted. He kept checking on the others working in the studio and had a long meeting with the other departments to continue their discussion in regard to the designing set. Making sure that everything was correlating, and everything is progressing as the date of the show approaches. 


Baekhyun leaned back to his chair and closed his eyes, trying to relax before expecting his friends, Jondgae and Minseok, to barge in his office again. What seemed like 5 minutes, he opened his eyes in surprise to see neither of the two; thus, he checked his phone only to find three missing calls from Jongdae. He forgot to change the ringtone volume again. Baekhyun returned the call and in a matter of seconds Jondgae answered. 

“Finally, you answered!” I’m just calling to let you know to go ahead and eat lunch. We’re still stuck at the photoshoot set.” Jongdae loudly exhaled at the other end of the line 


“Okay, if you or Minseok want anything from the cafe let me know ” Baekhyun replied as he started walking out of his office 


“Thank you Baekhyunie” Jondae cried 


Baekhyun quickly removed the phone away from his ear when there was a sudden shout calling for Kim Jongdae to get his off from the phone. When he checked his phone, he noticed had hanged up already. He’s silently praying for all of them right now as he got on the elevator. 


Baekhyun got out of the elevator and began walking towards the entrance. He stopped and looked towards the direction of the voice, when he heard someone calling out his name, it was Lucas who was jogging towards him. 


“Lucas?” Baekhyun asked confused


“Baekhyunssi. I um- was wondering if I could accompany you to get lunch? I’m still new around here so I don’t know where is a good place to eat...If you would like too, of course” Lucas timidly asked looking down at the floor. 


“Of course, let’s go,” Baekhyun smiled. 


On their way to the cafe that Baekhyun always goes to, he didn’t miss the opportunity to show Lucas the area,pointing out his favorite places to eat. 


The cafe was pretty busy since it was lunchtime, it was filled with people in their business attire. Baekhyun was focused looking around trying to find an open table, when he heard Lucas deep voice


"I found one, over there" Baekhyun looked towards where Lucas was pointing towards. It was in between two other tables and it was perfect for just two people.


"I'll place my coat to reserve the seats" Lucas stated as he took off his black coat


"Are you sure? We can use mines instead" Baekhyun looked at the expensive coat Lucas was carrying 


"It's okay, I'll be right back"


Baekhyun nodded, he walked to the line to order after Lucas left to place his coat on the chair.


Baekhyun stood in line, already decided what he was going to order. He was just waiting for Lucas to get back. 


“What would you recommend, Baekhyunssi” Lucas came to stand next to him


“Oh, um-- their sandwiches are good, also their salads, bimbamb. ..Oh yeah, their chocolate croissants are also really good!” Baekhyun continued to ramble.


“Hmm...I’ll leave it up to you. I’ll get the same thing you’re getting” Baekhyun looked him waiting for him to see if he changed his mind “I’m sure it will be good” he reassured Baekhyun 


When he reached the counter he ordered a chicken filling sandwich, lemon juice, and a small velvet cake. 


He was taking out his wallet to pay, his eyes grew wide when he saw Lucas already handing his card to the cashier. He was ready to stop Lucas halfway


“Don’t worry” Lucas chuckled at a perplexed Baekhyun “What about, next time you pay?”


Baekhyun was shocked by the action, so he just sighed and nodded


“Okay and thank you” Baekhyun half smiled


They decided to walk back to their table to wait until their food was ready. Baekhyun's hand reached out to move the chair, when he noticed another hand reach out first. Lucas, moved the chair and helped him adjust the chair as he took a seat. So far Baekhyun was awed by Lucas' kindness.


"Thank you"


"Anytime" Lucas proudly smiled 


They sat quietly, while charter surrounded them. Baekhyun thought of ways to strike a conversation, when he recalled reading that Lucas had lived in France. Somehow, Lucas must have read his mind when he asked the first question. 


“My uncle mentioned that you did an internship in Paris”


“Yeah, before going to my senior year, I got to work for Le Luv ” Baekhyun smiled while reminiscing about his past trip. It was a place filled with beautiful people and wonderful places to visit. It was an enjoyable experience. Yet, it also held dark memories, memories buried  deep inside. He clenched his hand at the single thought of it. Smile never leaving his face.


“Wow! Really, that’s amazing. I’ve heard it's difficult to land an internship there. You’re a splendid designer, Baekhyun-ssi” 


Baekhyun timidly blushed at the compliment. Although he has received plenty of praise from others, he can’t help but feel embarrassed every time they compliment his work.


“Thank you. But what about you? How was France?”


“Hmm...I lived most of my teenage years there, so the majority of my friends are there. I miss it, since that’s where I mostly grew up, but I am also happy where I am right now” 


“I understand, even if the period I was there was not that long. I understand. I felt homesick the first week, I remember crying to my parents each night. It was the first time I had been away from home, especially in another country, so I was afraid” Baekhyun giggled as he recalled those night calls. He felt ashamed of it, but his parents, Kai and Chanyeol assured him that it was okay. They were always there to answer his calls and give him the support he needed. They never left him alone. 


Baekhyun was so immersed in his thoughts that he did not notice the pager vibrating, until he saw Lucas standing up and grabbing his pager. He felt embarrassed for dozing off again. 


He had forgotten his embarrassment when a tray of food was placed down in front of him. He just needed to fill his empty stomach. 


Baekhyun thanked him for the gesture, as they started eating. Their previous talk made Baekhyun feel more comfortable to talk to Lucas. They spent their entire lunchtime, talking more than eating. Both sharing their stories, of the place they once used to live. Debating about which places were better, and the best eating places. 


Baekhyun had to hold his laughter every time Lucas shared one of his stories. How he had gotten in big trouble in school when he lost a bet to his friends and had to show up in the middle of the class with an inflatable alien custom. His parents were infuriated but his uncle had laughed about it. 


They were so engrossed in their talking that they didn’t notice that their lunchtime was almost over.  


Baekhyun felt uneasy about Lucas joining him for lunch, but now he was more than glad to have accepted for him to join him. 


For Baekhyun, this week has gone quicker than what he is accustomed to. It was probably since he had an extra hand to help with the small tasks. Maybe small but they always required a lot of time. 

It was also probably that Lucas started to join him and the duo of their lunchtime breaks. Jongdae and Minseok had taken a liking to Lucas. He was very friendly,  kind, and also had a great sense of humor. Though at times he did regret it since both him and Jongdae would get loud together, nevertheless, it was still nice to have him around. 


He also somehow knew the times he needed to unwind.At one point, he felt stressed out when there was a notice of a setback with the production team. So Lucas randomly showed up with a cup of bubble tea on one hand, and gave it to him. He felt thankful for the little gesture. And other times, he would knock and ask if everything was okay or if he needed any more help.

He honestly did not expect for him to get along with Lucas this fast, it must have been due to Lucas' friendly nature.  


When Saturday morning arrived, Chanyeol and Baekhyun woke up early to prepare for their trip. After almost an hour of packing, Chanyeol was loading up their car with their necessities while Baekhyun went to Byul’s room to pack his clothes as well. Byul was more than happy to learn that he would be spending the weekend with his grandparents.


Baekhyun was busy packing Byuls clothes onto his yellow bee bag; he didn’t notice his son waking up. 


“papa?” a soft voice called out


 Baekhyun turned around to see half of his son’s face, as the white blanket covered his little body. Baekhyun placed down the shirt he was holding and walked to sit at the end of the bed. 


“Good morning, sweetie. Did you have a good sleep?” Baekhyun asked as he removed the blanket from his face and caressed his red cheeks. 


Byul cutely nodded in response as he got up and climbed on Baekhyun’s lap, laying his head on his papa’s chest. Baekhyun smiled as his son snuggled against his chest and played with his son’s black haired. They stayed glued together, until Chanyeol’s head popped in to check on his two important babies.


 “Ah, I see someone has woken up now” he took a moment to engrave this sweet moment in his mind before continuing “I finished packing and the table’s all set up for breakfast”



After they were finished with breakfast, the house had turned into chaos. Two exhausted parents were currently running around the house, looking for a particular troublemaker. Baekhyun was helping Byul change into an orange and blue striped shirt, and just when he had looked away for a second to grab his white overalls, Byul was long gone. Now, Baekhyun was aimlessly walking around the house, with a pair of small overalls in his hand, opening every single door in the house. 

Figuring that he won’t find him on the second floor, he decided to head downstairs, where he could hear Chanyeol calling out Byul’s name. As he was halfway down the stairs, he heard a loud screech. Baekhyun’s eyes grew wide in panic, as he quickly rushed down to head to where the loud screams came from. He felt his worries leave his mind, when he noticed that Chanyeol had caught Byul, who was just laughing while squirming around his father’s arms trying to get away. Both father and son were so preoccupied playing around, that they didn’t notice an angry Baekhyun walking up to them. 


Chanyeol winced in pain, when he felt someone tightly gripping his ear


“Yah! Do you know how my soul almost left my body after hearing you both scream?!” Baekhyun scolded 


“Ow, ow...I’m sorry babe, just please let go” Chanyeol cried out, pleading for his husband to have mercy on him.


Baekhyun finally let of of him and pecked Byul’s cheek as he picked  him up


“Let go, honey” Baekhyun sweetly said to his son


“I want a kiss too” a gloomy Chanyeol sighed as he looked at his husband teasingly walking away.  


He stood up and chased his husband like a puppy with a tail in between, when his Baekhyun looked back and sent him a fly kiss. His husband sure  knew how to play around with his heart. 



It’s been a little bit over an hour now that they have been on the road. They had dropped Byul off at his grandparents house, and then went to grab some last minute things from the grocery store. Chanyeol was safely driving while humming along to the current song playing on the radio. In the first couple of minutes, they were talking nonstop, catching up with each other with their lives. But then things became silent and Baekhyun suddenly fell asleep, leaning against the car seat.


Every time of this year, Baekhyun is always busy, preparing for his shows, and Chanyeol is comprehensive about it. He knows his husband, he is passionate when it comes to his job and loves it. But now that Chanyeol received his promotion, things have become a little more complicated. Sometimes he had to stay longer in his office to meet the deadlines for his projects or review data, sometimes it required long hour trips to attend conferences, and meetings were now longer. Just like his husband, who is currently very busy with his own projects. So far they have managed to spend all of their quality time with Byul, and they always make sure that if one of them is busy the other would be able to take care of him and pick him up from daycare. Of course, their son is their number one property. But due to their hectic schedules, Chanyeol is aware that they have not spent some alone time together, which is why he suggested this little gateway. Hoping that it will delight them both. 


By the time they reached their camping sight, it was already noon. Baekhyun was abruptly woken up by the slightly bumpy road. He eventually opened his eyes and yawned the moment the car had stopped moving. He turned to his side, to see that Chanyeol had already exited out the car. Still feeling drowsy from his nap, he took time to completely wake himself up. He sat up straight and stretched out his arms, before opening the car door. When he hopped off the car, he saw Chanyeol inspecting the area. So he walked behind him and wrapped his arms around him, and nestled his head against his husband's back. He closed his eyes, when he felt a pair of hands on top of his, to savor the moment. As he took a deep breath, he smelled the fresh air, the grass, along with Chanyeol's sandalwood cologne. 


He also felt a vibration of Chanyeol chuckled by the sudden appearance of his small husband. “You’re awake now”

 Baekhyun, hummed in response while he loosened his grip, as Chanyeol turned around to face him. Suddenly, he was faced with a sturdy chest instead of his back.  


“Why didn’t you wake me up?” Baekhyun looked up to look at his husband's almond eyes. 


“I didn’t have the heart to wake you up. Also, it seemed like you needed it” Chanyeol smiled back. One of the many things that he appreciated about his husband is how he always took care of him. Even during his pregnancy, Chanyeol was always there for him, making sure that he was comfortable, getting all the necessities he needed, and always showering him with love. Though there were times when he felt bad, since he felt like he was taking advantage of his husband's kindness. He still felt content to know, he could rely on his husband. 


Baekhyun closed his eyes and winced in pain when he felt his husband pinch his cheeks


“Come on, let’s start setting up the camp”


After setting up their camp, they decided to take a stroll around the area. They spent the entire afternoon playing around the small river they found nearby. By the time the sun was setting, they decided it was the best to return back and have a small dinner.

Night had fallen and bright night stars had taken over while they were eating the dinner that both had prepared. Laughter and sweet words were exchanged between the couple. Having nights like this was something that Baekhyun has been missing. They both have been extremely busy, that they haven’t spent a lot of time together, he felt as though there was a gap growing between them. So he was glad to hear Chanyeol suggest this outing, this was something they both needed.  


While, Baekyun was finishing the last bit of his food. He saw his husband setting up his telescope. His husband always made sure to bring it along with him. This has also been his and Byul's favorite part when they go camping, looking at the moon as though it feels like you're walking on it. 


Remember when we first met?” Chanyeol suddenly questioned as he kept scrambling through his bag. Baekyun hummed in response, curiously looking at his husband. 


“Although, I could have gotten in trouble for letting the door open. I’m glad, it was you who walked through it” Chanyeol smiled as soon as he discovered what he was looking for. He connected the little speaker he brought, as he looked through his ipad. 


Baekhyun’s heart fluttered when he heard the familiar song playing. The soothing bass of Shall We echoed along with the dancing of the fireflies. 


It’s sad that tonight is fading

I want to hold on and not let go

My warm heat like this tea cup 

I’m shy and a little tacky 


His husband turned to look back at him, a soft smile plastered on his face, as he extended his hand towards Baekhyun.


Don’t, don’t hide yourself

It’s sad if I’m in a hurry alone

My burning heart like that flame

I want to give it to you, I want to stay

Don’t hurt me


Baekhyun stood up, to accept his husband's invitation. He laid his small hand on top of Chanyeol’s larger hand. A smile bloomed, as he looked at their hands intertwined, looking at Chanyeol's rougher fingers gently grasping, his slender ones. 


What shall we do about tonight?

Shall we cross the sparkling galaxy together?

In the night where the lazy streetlights are drowsy

In the night, tonight


Their eyes locked like magnets, as they were dancing to the sound of the music. Reminiscing their time together. From the time they met, their wedding, to the day their own star was born. 


So soon before we know

The stars are moving step by step

With the scent of this night carried upon the wind from somewhere

I want to be mesmerized, I want to lean on it

But why are you just smiling?


Baekhyun caressed Chanyeol’s cheek, and slightly giggled as Chanyeol leaned in further to his touch. Never breaking their gaze  


What shall we do about tonight?

Shall we cross the sparkling galaxy together?

In the night where the lazy streetlights are drowsy

In the night, tonight


He closed his eyes when Chanyeol started leaning closer to his face, feeling Chanyeol’s breath getting closer. Baekhyun hummed in content once soft lips met his.


Come into my arms

I’ll hold you tight

Please don’t hide it my dear

Come to me just the way you are


Soon those soft kisses were replaced by the sudden burst of desire. Chanyeol tightly gripped his hold on Baekhyun's hips, as Baekyun leaned his body closer to his husbands. Their kisses getting rougher 


What shall we do about tonight?

Shall we cross the sparkling galaxy together?

In the night where the lazy streetlights are drowsy

In the night, tonight


They let themselves loose for tonight. Lost in each other's warmth. 

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Beau1996 1380 streak #1
Chapter 5: This is very good - you do a good job describing family dynamics, and how lack of communication leads to all kinds of trouble - looking forward to reading more👍