Tiffany and the Perks of Having a Girlfriend

Love me the Same

When they separated Tiffany kept her eyes closed for a few seconds, her breathing much calmer than Jessica’s. Jessica was panicking, she was never the kind of person to kiss someone without their express consent, and as much as Tiffany seemed to want the kiss it was not the right thing to do. 


    “I’m sorry.”


    Tiffany finally opens her eyes, they look dark with dilated pupils, “For what?”


    “I kissed you.”


    “I am aware of that, Jess. Why are you sorry?”


    “I don’t know if you wanted to kiss me? I mean, we were talking about dating and all, but… wasn’t it sort of disrespectful?”


    “You know what? That was a little disrespectful, but I won’t hold it against you and I know how to make us even.” She said with a smile even brighter than Jessica is used to seeing.


    “How will you…” She doesn’t get the chance to finish the question when Tiffany surprises her with a kiss.


    The kiss lasts longer than the first one, turning into a full blown make out session inside Jessica’s car. When they part, Tiffany is the first to speak, “Now we are even.”


    When they get back to the house it’s already evening, time flies when you start making out in the backseat of a car. Luckily no one is around to see them so they manage to get into the bedroom without any awkward interactions. Jessica isn’t sure how things will be after the fight with her mother, if the woman did what she was asked and talked to the others it’s possible that breakfast will be quite uncomfortable.


    “What are you thinking about?” Tiffany asked, walking into the bedroom after a shower and finding Jessica in her pajamas looking at the night sky.


    “The fight with my mum.”


    “Do you think she told the others?”


    “She must have told my dad at least, but I supposed they talked while we were out and… .” She slaped her own forehead.


    “What is wrong?”


    “I told her we weren’t dating for real, if she told the others this whole thing will be a mess.”


    “Well, we were kinda fake dating when you talked to her.”


    “But now we are not,” She turns off the lights and joins Tiffany in bed, “and I don’t want to update my family on the status of our relationship.”


    “That is a problem for tomorrow.” Tiffany placed a kiss on Jessica’s jaw, making the woman take in a sharp breath, “Right now I can think of some more urgent matters for us to focus on.”




    When they got downstairs for breakfast, Wheein and Siyoung had already arrived. Jessica hugged her cousin and her husband, and introduced Tiffany to both of them. The three of them hit off quite quickly when they started talking about work, Tiffany was fascinated by Wheein’s paintings, and Siyoung’s work as a producer got her interest since she always needs new music for the shows she produces.


    Their meal was pleasant until Jessica’s parents joined. Her mother was still clearly upset over the events of the past afternoon, and her father — judging by the way he looked at them with the coldest eyes Jessica had ever seen — seemed to have taken her side.


    “Good morning, auntie, uncle!” Wheein greeted them with a smile.


    “Wheein, Siyoung, I thought you’d arrive later.” His voice showed no emotion, something that Wheein seemed to notice. Her dimple disappeared after hearing that.


    “I finished the project I was working on a bit earlier so we could get here this morning. Wheein was excited to see her cousins.”


    “Well, we are happy to see you both.” She smiled sincerely at them, but then her face turned serious again, “I assume Jessica already told you the news.”


    “Mum, don’t.”


    “Oh, I’m sorry. I am not allowed to talk to them about your so-called girlfriend?” She said, her tone dripping with anger.


    “We should go unpack our bags.” Wheein said, pulling Siyoung to follow her somewhere far from the family drama.


    “Did you have to do that?” Jessica said, getting up from her seat.


    “Jess, calm down.” Tiffany took a hold of her hand gently. 


    Her action got a calming effect until the older woman continued, now targeting the blonde, “Didn’t my daughter tell you I know about your lies?”


    “I never lied to you.”


    “Jessica, show your mother some respect.” Her father interjected, “She told me about the true nature of…” He motions at the both of them, “this arrangement of yours.”


    Jessica took a deep breath, Tiffany’s hand keeping her grounded. She sits down, pulling the other closer until their shoulders are touching.


    “You want me to show respect? Fine. Then let’s have a respectful conversation, something we should have done a long time ago.” 


    “Can you drop the act?”


    “As I made quite clear yesterday, my personal life is none of your business. I can’t do anything if the way I act with Tiffany bothers you.”


    “See? I told you she was extremely disrespectful.”


    “Stop this, Jessica. We didn’t raise a liar, show us some respect for God’s sake.”


    “You’re right, you didn’t raise a liar.” Tiffany speaks directly at Jessica’s parents for the first time, “When Chaelin introduced us she had suggested I could be Jessica’s fake girlfriend, but your daughter couldn’t accept the idea because it would mean lying to her family.”


    “I admire your commitment to the lie, but Jessica told me yesterday that she only brought you here so we would stop showing concern.”


    “I am pretty sure I told you it was so you would stop harassing me for being single, but go on.”


    “Oh, please. Your father and I only want what’s best for you, if you weren’t so stubborn you would realise that everyone needs to settle down eventually.”


    “First of all, that’s ridiculous. My relationship status doesn’t define my happiness.” She glanced at Tiffany, finding the courage to continue in her eyes, “Tiffany told you the truth, I didn’t accept faking a relationship with her, so she proposed we could actually start dating and I accepted.”


    “But yesterday…”


    “Well, the reason why we got into this relationship was so I wouldn’t be stuck in here with nothing but couples making comments on my love life, and we did keep things purely platonic until recently.”


    “What are you saying? Did you lie to your mother?”


    “I didn’t lie.” She feels Tiffany squeeze her hand in support, “After our argument yesterday, I went out with Tiffany, we talked about things and decided to date in the more conventional sense.”


    “Do you expect us to believe this?”


    “I don’t care if you believe it or not, it’s the truth.” She gets up again, but this time the action is calm, “I warned you yesterday, mum. Stop trying to interfere with my life. Now, if you excuse us, we have things to do.”


    They find Soojung, Victoria, Eunbi, and Yerin sitting in the living room. Earlier when Wheein and Siyoung left the dining room they told the girls to avoid going there, they had no idea what was going on, but they sensed it was bad.


    “I couldn’t eat because of you.” Said a sleepy Soojung cuddled against her girlfriend. “What happened?”


    “You know, mum and dad acting like they’re entitled to meddle with my life.” She sits down on one of the chairs, with Tiffany following to sit on her lap, “We had a fight yesterday about this, but she still doesn’t get it, and now dad is angry at me too.”


    “You talked to her about the bet?” Yerin asks.


    “Bet?” Soojung said, sitting up.


    “Oh yeah, they don’t know about it.”


    “Our family had a bet on my love life.”


    “What? , Jess. I’m sorry.” Victoria said in shock, “That’s really low.”


    “I’m gonna talk to them.” The cute sleepy girl was gone, Soojung now had fire in her eyes.


    “Want me to come with you?” Jessica asked her sister.


    “No, I think it’s best if I talk to them alone.”


    After Soojung left to talk to her parents, Victoria excused herself to call the pet sitter to check on their dogs, leaving the two couples in the living room. They stayed in silence, Tiffany placing occasional kisses on Jessica’s hair, while Eunbi and Yerin fought sleep hugging on the couch opposite to them.


    “If you guys are awake enough I can get my computer and show you the designs I’m working on for the wedding.”


    This was enough to get them out of their slumber, both jumping up excitedly at the mention of their wedding gowns. A couple of minutes later Jessica came back with her laptop and sat down with the engaged couple on her left.


    “Tiff, come sit here, I want you to see it too.”


    Tiffany sat down on the sofa’s armrest, left hand unconsciously reaching for Jessica’s shoulder. 


    Jessica shows the initial designs she had for both girls, she had tried to work with a concept that would show their individuality, but also complement each other. 


    “These are amazing, Jess. Thank you” Eunbi said in awe.


    “I had no idea you were so talented.”


    “You didn’t show your work to your girlfriend?” Yerin asked.


    Jessica was about to reply when Soojung stormed off of the dining room, looking back at the door right after, “Come on, no need to drag this on any longer.”


    Jessica and Soojung’s parents walked out with their heads hanging low.


    “B, Yerin, let’s have breakfast.” Both got up, seemingly eager to get out of the room, “Where’s Vic?” 


    “Checking on your children.” 


    Now it was just the four of them again. Jessica moved so Tiffany could sit properly by her side, which she did and immediately put one arm around the brunette’s waist. Jessica’s parents sat in chairs in front of them, a hint of shame in their eyes.


    “So?” Jessica said, breaking the silence.


    “Soojung talked to us and she had some good points, even if she presented them quite bluntly.” Her father said, putting a clear effort to keep his voice calm and steady.


    “I’m sorry for the things I said to you yesterday. I didn’t… I’m so sorry, my dear.” Her mother barely kept the tears at bay.


    “We had no idea we were hurting you this much. I-We both know it is not an excuse, but we are sorry.” 


    “I’m glad you see it now. I wish it didn’t have to involve all of this for you to understand basic respect, but I won’t hold it against you.”


    “Thank you, dear.” Her mother said, a small smile in her face that failed to hide the sadness behind it, “If you don’t mind me asking, is it true that your relationship is real now?”


    “Why? Are you trying to make sure you won the bet?” Jessica said in a cold tone, Tiffany squeezing her waist in an attempt to keep her calm.


    “No, no, I would never make the same mistake.” She takes a deep breath, “I genuinely like you, Tiffany. You showed unlimited support to my daughter since you got here, I am grateful for that.”


    “Thank you, ma’am. To answer your question, yes, we are indeed dating now. I mean… we kind of were before? But going really slow and Jessica thought she would get rid of me as soon as we got back to Seoul, and now…”


    “Tiff, you don’t need to get into so many details.”


    “Sorry, I got nervous.” She said, pouting slightly and Jessica pecked her lips before she could stop herself.


    “Well girls, we need to talk to the others about cancelling a certain bet.” Jessica’s father said, getting up and offering a hand to his wife, “We will make sure no one else bothers you.”


    Before leaving the room, Jessica’s mother turned towards her, “I am very proud of you, Jessica. Always have been.” Then she smiled and left.


    Jessica took a breath, her lungs filling with air that felt lighter than ever. She felt Tiffany holding her closer and melted in the hug.


    “Are you okay?” Tiffany whispered against Jessica’s ear.


    “It’s the first time she told me she is proud, at least in so many words. I know it shouldn’t matter, but it feels nice to be acknowledged.”


    “You are amazing, Jess. Look at the work you did for your cousin’s wedding without being asked to.” She pointed at the computer still opened at the coffee table, “You have the right to want your parents to be proud of you. Chaelin is so happy working with you, she wouldn’t shut up about how amazing it is.”


    “She is?” 


    “You have no idea. And trust me, I’ve met her when she wasn’t working with you, Chae is not the kind to pretend she loves her job.”


    “I’m glad she likes it, I would be dead without her.” She said, moving to look at Tiffany, “And I wouldn’t have met you.”


    “How come you were single for the better part of a decade and now you are this soft baby with me?”


    Jessica chews on her lower lip, “I guess I never got close enough to anyone to feel romantically interested? I don’t know really, it’s just that you grew on me and when I realised I had gone from thinking you were a beautiful woman who I liked as a friend to wanting to date you.”


    “Who knew the secret to dating you was just being around long enough? I’m happy I was the one to find that out.”


    “Are you sure? You are stuck with me now.”


    “Hopefully for a very long time.” Tiffany said, grinning at her girlfriend, “I still can’t believe that you are really my girlfriend.”


    “Let me change that.” Jessica said, moving to Tiffany’s lap, cupping her face and moving hers until their lips were brushing, “Can you believe it now?”


    Tiffany nods excitedly.


    “Seriously, Jess?” Soojung said entering the living room, Victoria on her side, “I finally convinced my girlfriend to join me for breakfast and this is what my good Christian eyes have to see?”


    Jessica stared at her sister, shooting daggers from her eyes to which the younger Jung only laughed, walking past them on her way to the dining room. 


    “Where were we?” Jessica said as soon as they were alone again, reaching for a kiss before the woman under her had a chance to respond.

A.N: Next chapter should be the last, but I am currently drafting another fic featuring JeTi.

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aglaonema #1
Chapter 9: 🤍
aglaonema #2
Chapter 7: Reread it
Jeti48 #3
Chapter 10: What the???!!!

How come I just found ur fic??!!
Goshhhh u make me missing my jeti so muchhh

Thanks authornim, eventho it's short but it's make my day... Love yaaa
Chapter 10: ahhh it's over...thank u coz finally updated this story, even though this is the last chapter....thanks for the story, and i'm always waiting for your new jeti story
bfewuibd #5
Chapter 10: I love this so much. This is so well written, i love how you could make this so easy to read but somehow makes me think to (not a bad thing i love it). Seriously this is one of the best fanfic i ever read. Keep up the good workkk
kjungswift13 #6
Chapter 10: I love this 🥺💜
18 streak #7
Chapter 10: This was soo fluffy I haven’t read a jeti fic in a minute so this was a good start back into them I think
Chapter 10: I read some article that snsd will appear on talk show Hang Out with Yoo. If only it can be as complete OT9😭😭
aglaonema #9
Chapter 10: ❤️💙
Chapter 10: thank u for the update