Jiwoo Remembers Her First Kiss With A Girl

I'm So Free, Even With My Burning Wings

Jiwoo pays good attention in class, and pays even more attention when Chaewon silently puts her notebook in the middle so Jiwoo can get notes she missed from her. Jiwoo’s really good at taking notes, but when she’s distracted thinking about cute girls, her brain turns to mush. And Sooyoung was a cute girl that she was meeting in about...forty minutes. Jiwoo really needs to stop looking at her phone to check the time, but she can’t help it. She’s nervous.

“You seem nervous, are you okay?” a small voice says next to her. 

Jiwoo’s heart jumps. She turns to Chaewon. “Yeah, I’m okay! Don’t worry!”

“Is it about your hair? I think it looks really cute!”

“It’s not, but thank you! Actually, I cut it last night with a bit of help.”


“I was cutting it in the bathroom and I ran into a cute girl and she helped me cut it. I’m meeting up with her after this class.”

“Oh, so that’s why you’re dressed all pretty. Where are you meeting her?”

“ViViD Coffee.”

“I see. I hope you have fun!”

Chaewon turns back to class, so Jiwoo also has to turn back to the front and pay attention. She’s lucky she didn’t get noticed by her professor. The blonde white lady kind of scared her. Honestly, Jiwoo can’t even remember her name. She’s usually really good at remembering names, so the fact that she can’t remember this teacher’s name was a bold statement.

The class seemed to stretch forever before, but with Chaewon’s help and side comments, Jiwoo ended up surprised when the class had ended. She hadn’t even packed up her stuff, and she needed to rush to ViViD, which was on the other side of campus. 

“Good luck with your date, Jiwoo!” Chaewon said, slipping out of the lecture hall as fast as possible.

“It’s not a... date.” It was too late, Chaewon was already out of the door. And Jiwoo needed to be out of that door too. So, she shoved her stuff into her bag, zipped it up, and started running. Jiwoo had around ten minutes until she needed to meet Sooyoung, and ViViD was almost fifteen minutes away. Thankly, Jiwoo is not only gay, but has strong enough legs to make it there in seven.

So she does, and doesn’t see Sooyoung anywhere outside, and breathes a sigh of relief. If Sooyoung had seen her like this, sweaty and disheveled from running, then it would be a terrible first impression! How else was she supposed to pay for— 

Wait. Did she remember her wallet? Jiwoo swings her backpack around to her front, and starts rummaging through it, desperately looking for her wallet. Luckily, she finds it in the front pocket, with a sticky note on the front. 

You’re lucky I put this into your bag! Have fun. — Your Favorite Lippie Girl

Kim Jiwoo had been thankful for Jungeun for many, many times in her life, but this was one of the times she was the most thankful. Well, she was thankful for everything except for how she signed the note. They only kissed one time in high school so Jiwoo could tell if she likes girls or not. Only once. Despite the fact that Jungie wanted to remind her of the time they awkwardly kissed right before she was seeing a cute girl, Jiwoo put her wallet into her pocket, and checked the time. Sooyoung was supposed to be here by now, but Jiwoo didn’t see her anywhere.

It was probably a blessing, because it meant that she could make sure that she looked okay. She looked at one of the windows and used it as a mirror, fixing her bangs and making sure her white shirt was tucked in correctly, and the rips in her pants weren’t hurting her legs. Once she’s decently happy that she looks okay, she takes back out her phone and takes a few selfies to send to Jungeun. Then she checks the time, and... Sooyoung still isn’t here.

Maybe she should go inside and get them a spot? She didn’t know what Sooyoung liked to drink, so she didn’t want to order for them yet, but they could get a little booth. So, Jiwoo slips inside, and tries to find a table and—

“Hey, Jiwoo. I’m over here.”

Jiwoo turns around, and finds Sooyoung, sitting in a booth, facing the window she was looking at herself in.

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Chapter 4: Hope you update soon! It's a really good story.