The Time That We Don't Have

Forever Doesn't Last

  It was hot inside the elevator. It was unbearable. Almost as repulsing as the opaque brown eyes looking at the door impatiently. The sweat rolling down Joy’s temple, however, wasn’t because of the season heat.

  She kept nervously looking at the woman, her heart pounding, and no matter how she looked at it she was stunning. The sad part? She didn’t look as nearly beautiful as she used to and that made Joy’s heart ache every time she looked at the woman.


 -Joy, if you have something to say, just say it.

The velvety voice Joy was so accustomed to… was now painfully harsh.

 -Well, it’s winter and I’m sweating bullets, do you know why?

 -If this is another one of your games, I’m not in the mood to-

 -Do you know why?

 The woman sighed in defeat.

 -No Joy, I don’t know.

 -Because I can’t stand looking at you stare at that door as if it just murdered your family!

 -Then stop looking.


 Both knew that this conversation had more to it than what was on the surface, but none of them dared to touch such a fragile wound.


 -Irene, please. It’s just an elevator malfunction, it’s not your fault if you get there late!

 Joy desperately wanted Irene to relax, but it was no easy task.

 -Joy, you know how I hate wasting time. 

 -Then stop looking at the door like that! Your eyes may make people kneel, but it won’t make the elevator work!

 -Would please stop with that! I have a meeting to attend! Of course I’m annoyed at the elevator, I have all the right to be! 

 Irene said with her voice two octaves higher and a pout on her face.

 -I never said you didn’t, I just don't want the door to melt with your flaming eyes, it would make things even more difficult.



  Joy loved moments like this, it reminded her how perfect things used to be. She prayed it would be like that forever, but apparently no supreme religious figure felt like attending to an atheist's wish.


  Everything changed.


  Slowly and almost unnoticeably, but every time Joy would visit her memories, she would realize how far from perfect everything was. 

  Suddenly the elevator started running again. Irene didn’t smile nor showed a sign of relief if anything she looked even more tense. Joy wasn’t really nervous, but she was growing more concerned about Irene’s condition.

  A long sigh escaped her lips, thankfully the doors opened, and the office’s deafening sound prevented Irene from hearing it.


 -I’m trusting this to you.

Irene whispered on Joy’s ears before trailing to the private room the meeting was taking place in.


“Alright, it’s your time to shine, boss Joy.” She thought before letting out an excessively loud whistle.


 -Okay everyone! Stop messing around and do business! Time is money and I suppose none of you want less numbers on your bank accounts so… MOVE!


  All the employees started to work immediately - not because Joy shouted at them, but because her presence meant Irene was around. She was merely the spokesperson. 

  In fact, Joy didn’t even work there. It was simply her “part-time job” which she only signed up to because she knew Irene needed help but wouldn’t admit.

  The office workers weren’t very happy to have an outsider giving orders to them, but thanks to her charisma, Joy was able to come around it. Everyone understood that she was only there to say what their boss wanted to but didn’t have the time or patience to do so. That, however, doesn’t mean some employees didn’t like her or didn’t acknowledge her authority, but Joy figured that was not her problem and that if Irene wanted a spokesperson that people respected, she should hire a secretary. Of course, Irene refused, after all, “she doesn’t need that, she is fine on her own.”


 -Stubborn brat.

Joy mumbled under her breath.

 -Is there something wrong Miss Park?


  A girl not much older than Joy appeared. She had some - a lot - of papers on her hand and a worried expression. She was probably the only one in the entire office who wasn’t even a tiny bit bothered by Joy’s position, coincidently, she seemed to be the closest to Irene in the company.


 -No Wendy, it’s fine…

-It definitely doesn’t look like so.

 -Wendy just give me those papers and go back to your desk please, I’m not in the mood.


 Joy was clearly exhausted and given that the woman is generally the most up-beat person in the office, Wendy decided to give her some space and not question further.


 -Sorry, I didn’t mean to intrude. Here are the new contracts that Miss Bae should revise and sign.

 Wendy said awkwardly.


  Joy simply took the papers and nodded. 

  She headed to Irene’s desk where she had the perfect overview of the office, but instead of supervising as she was supposed to, she decided to invest her last drops of energy on her actual job. Which always got some stares out of the employees.

  She couldn’t blame them. While they were doing “office things”, she was painting on a very large canvas with pastels. There was a clear difference in their line of work and after being there for so long she just gave up on trying to hide it.

  Maybe that made some people question her authority a bit more, but there was not much they could do. Also, she wasn’t bothering anyone, she was just working, silently and not making a mess like how she does in her studio.

  Around lunch time, Irene got out of the private room, she seemed stressed and drained. That was because the meeting had nothing to do with her work, but instead something way more important.

  Joy quickly ran to her as soon as she saw the woman. Irene looked like she could faint at any moment, making Joy panic. She was so desperate to get to Irene that she failed her step and stumbled on her feet, falling face first directly on the ground. 


 -And then you ask me why my employees don’t take you seriously…

 -Shut up! I just tripped on my feet, it could happen to anyone!

Joy said while practically kissing the ground, her voice muffled.

 -Just get up.

Irene chuckled.


  Everyone was looking. Not because of Joy’s dramatic fall - well that too - but mainly because of Irene’s smile. It was uncommon for her to show her teeth in a friendly manner like that, in fact it was so rare that most newer employees never saw it. For the long run seniors - like Wendy for example - however, it was just a normal Monday of Joy being a walking disaster and Irene being amused by it.

  That doesn't mean it wasn’t strange at first. Wendy remembers how she kept months wondering how Irene and Joy ended up friends in the first place. They were completely opposites. 


  Yet they were perfect for each other. 


  Wendy can tell that by how the office atmosphere changed since Joy came in, Irene would laugh more frequently and have normal working hours making everyone feel freer and more relaxed.

  But there were some rare occasions where both of them seemed stressed about something which no one else knew about. Today was one of those moments.


 -My nose hurts - Joy whined - I think I broke it, maybe I should see a doctor.


 -You just fell on the ground, what could a doctor possibly do about that?


 -I don’t know… make me feel better?


 -Yeah, good luck with that - Irene scoffed - Sometimes not even doctors can help you, Joy.


  Irene wasn’t angry, irritated, or annoyed. She was just… sad. She didn’t have as much time as she thought.


  Joy could tell from Irene’s words that whatever happened in that meeting, wasn’t good news. She always worried about her friend’s condition but now...she was afraid of how much time available for her to be concerned there was.


 -Irene… the meeting…




 -Is everything all right?


 -… all right? Is everything all right? IS EVERYTHING ALRIGHT? - Irene’s voice filled the office, drawing attention to them - SINCE WHEN HAS ANYTHING BEEN ALRIGHT? SINCE WHEN JOY?......Since when did I have the time to be all right?


 Without Irene noticing, tears streamed down her face and now she couldn’t contain them anymore. Joy hugged her the tightest she could while trying to stop her own tears from falling down. Joy couldn’t let her see them, she needed Joy to be strong for her.

  It didn’t take long for whispers to form around the office. Maybe people were starting to get used to seeing Irene smiling, maybe it wasn’t that weird for her to laugh every now and then anymore. But this? Not even the oldest employee, the closest person to Irene in the company, had EVER seen one single tear form on her eyes. 

  Wendy was astonished, to say the least. The sight of an ever so fragile Irene clinging onto Joy while letting her tears roll down… it was unimaginable. But it was happening right in front of her eyes.

  For Joy, on the other hand, wasn’t the first time… and it wouldn’t be the last… leastwise she hoped so. If there was no other time, that meant……. NO! There would be another time! This wasn’t the end yet, it couldn’t be…


 -Irene - Joy tried to hold her tears - How much time do we have?


 -……About 3 years…… And that’s being optimistic...

Irene said in between sobs.


  Joy was horrified. “THREE YEARS? THAT’S IS TOO LITTLE” she thought. The day she was afraid of was coming, and every day it got closer… it felt more real.

  But as much as it broke her… it motivated her.

  Irene needed help now more than ever! She deserves the best three years one could have, and Joy would give that to her.


  It was a promise.

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Justheretoreadd0309 #1
Chapter 3: Thank youuuu so much for telling us, you are a great writer i'm sorry that you are having a hard time :(
Chapter 3: it's okay author-nim, thank u for telling us. you did a good job author-nin
Velstarxx #3
Chapter 2: Take your time and dabble around!!! I love your writing as it is too ☺️☺️ Thank u for this chapter!!’ Could feel how irene has certain(?) feelings towards joy but is suppressing them!!! do hope Irene will be okay, thnak u for this chapter!!!!! Love joy’s character as well. Someone who is so dependable and headstrong in caring for her loved one
Chapter 2: Nnnooooo Irene
Justheretoreadd0309 #5
Chapter 2: Omg the angst😭😭 but yup i love it
Chapter 1: what will happen?? is it angst??
Justheretoreadd0309 #7
Chapter 1: Oh wowww i liked this, i love angst so irene is dying or something?