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Eunha's nightmares were getting worse every single night.

More than once, Yerin found herself running to the bathroom as fast as she could the second that Eunha's cries broke through the air. She was thankful that both Yuna and SinB were deep sleepers. She would feel terrible if she disturbed their sleep in any way. It felt weird to not be in school, but Yerin didn't regret it, SinB's excuse for her working perfectly. But it was upsetting just how distressed Eunha was at night, the mermaid refusing to sleep sometimes even with Yerin beside her. But sleep would creep up on her as always, even if it was interrupted later on in the night by her nightmares.

Here she was, week two of her hearing Eunha's cries coming from the bathroom, breaking her out of her sleep. But this night was different, the siren's cries even more distressed and pain filled than she had ever heard before.

"....Yerin?" Yuna's groggy voice spoke from beside her. "Is....Is that Eunha again?"

"Get back to sleep." Yerin whispered, crawling out of bed. "It's okay. I'll take care of her."

Yuna nodded, returning back to sleep within moments. Yerin patted the tired girl's head before running off, glancing into SinB's room to make sure the redhead was still fast asleep. Entering the bathroom, Yerin caught sight of Eunha's trembling body, her mermaid tail splashing water onto the floor. 

"Eunha." Yerin gripped at Eunha's hand, trying to break the siren out of it. "Eunha."

The hybrid didn't respond, her cries continuing as if she couldn't hear Yerin's voice or feel her touch. This was bad.

Yerin climbed into the tub, not caring that she was fully clothed in a pair of sweatpants and a t-shirt that she liked to sleep in. The lukewarm water started to soak the articles of clothing, the blonde kneeling over Eunha's distressed body. 

"Eunha..." Yerin's voice cracked, unable to help the tears from spilling down out of her eyes. Seeing Eunha in this state so often was getting to her. The mermaid still didn't reply, her voice strained as her cries continued on. Yerin desperately wrapped her arms around the girl, her clothing completely soaked now.

"Eunha....please...." Yerin held her close, the water splashing around her as Eunha continued to twitch. "Come back to me. Please."

Eunha's breathing was ragged and weak, her eyes opening and looking around the room frantically as if she had no idea where she was. Yerin continued to hold her. The only thing keeping her calm being Eunha's hands that were gripping at her back, as if the mermaid was on the edge of a cliff and Yerin was the rope keeping her up. 

"Eunha." Yerin repeated, her eyes blurry with tears. "Please.....I love you."

That statement left frequently in her normal life, but this time it felt different. Not just to Yerin but to Eunha as well, the words breaking through Eunha's panicked mind.

"I love you." Yerin repeated again, closing her eyes just as tightly as she was holding the mermaid, not noticing the dim blue light starting to form in the bathtub water. 

"I love you so much. So please....come back to me. I don't want to lose you. Ever." Yerin said, Eunha's breathing starting to return to normal, the mermaid hybrid clinging to Yerin even tighter. The light had increased, a burst of blue light flashing in the dark room before vanishing. Neither girl had noticed it, too focused on each other's presence. But the change was obvious once Yerin's eyes opened again.

Eunha's mermaid tail was gone, replaced by a pair of slender legs that were dotted with blue scales that dipped in and out of her skin like the ones on her neck.

Yerin blinked, her mind going blank at the sight. Was this real? Or was she just imagining it? Eunha opened her eyes, looking up at Yerin in confusion. It was only when Yerin's hand touched the scales on her leg that the hybrid realized what had happened, blue eyes widening at the sight and sensation.



SinB's bedroom door was kicked open, Yerin tracking water into the room as she ran to the girl's side, not caring how soaked her clothes and hair were from the bathwater.

"SinB!" Yerin yelled, pushing at the redhead's shoulders. "SinB, I need you to wake up right now!"

"Yerin....." SinB groaned, glaring up at Yerin with a grumpy expression. "We have to go to school later. Can't this wait?"

"Cancel your classes today." Yerin said firmly, water dripping off of her shirt and hair. SinB stared up at her like she was looking at an alien.

"....Why are you soaking wet?"

"It doesn't matter." Yerin pulled at SinB's hand, trying to get her up faster. "I need you to get up."

"What's going on?" Yuna yawned, standing in the doorway as she was woken up by the sound of Yerin practically screaming at SinB to get up.

"It's Eunha!"

Yuna and SinB seemed to wake up out of their morning haze fully once the name was spoken, fear entering SinB's eyes.

"What's wrong with her? Is she okay?"

"Is she okay?" Yerin laughed, giddiness in her tone. "She's better than okay. Just look!"

SinB and Yuna glanced at each other for a few seconds, Yerin running from SinB's side and past Yuna so she could lead them into the bathroom. The pair followed, stopping in their tracks once Yerin flicked the lights on.

"......What?!" Both Yuna and SinB exclaimed at the same time like Yerin had earlier, Eunha staring up at them from the bathroom floor, her new legs sticking out of the fluffy bath towel that she was currently wrapped in. It was unbelievable, SinB and Yuna unable to pry their eyes away from the scales scattered along smooth skin. 

"No way." SinB was the first to kneel down, touching Eunha's leg to test if it was real and not some sort of half asleep illusion. The hybrid's leg twitched at the touch, Eunha squeaking softly.

"I..." Yuna stuttered. "....I'm gonna call out sick from school today."

"Me too." SinB said, her eyes never leaving Eunha. Eunha was still in shock, testing out her legs by moving her feet slightly.

"Do you think she can walk?" Yerin asked, wanting to get out of the cramped and messy bathroom, water still dripping off of her. 

"I don't know but lets get you changed first." SinB finally turned her head, standing up to pull Yerin along. "You're gonna get sick if you keep those clothes on."

"I don't care about that." Yerin pushed SinB away lightly, trying to get out of her grip.

"Nope." SinB's grip was firm, pulling Yerin out the door. "Besides, I need to get Eunha something to wear too. Both of you are soaked."


Switching Yerin's wet clothes out for fresh, warm ones didn't take too long, both SinB and Yerin eager to get back to the transformed Eunha's side. Yerin had given up a pair of black shorts and a light gray sweatshirt from her own collection of clothes, slipping them on Eunha after making sure the mermaid hybrid was dry. Eunha was still uncertain, not making any move to get up or test out her new legs aside from wiggling her toes a few times.

"We won't let you fall." Yuna said encouragingly, holding out a hand for Eunha to take. 

"We promise." SinB chimed in, taking Eunha's other hand.

"If it gets to be too much, we can stop, okay?" Yerin positioned herself behind the short haired girl. Eunha nodded, letting all three girls help her up to her feet, her legs wobbling like a newborn baby deer's. Yerin kept Eunha propped upright from behind, SinB and Yuna gripping the hybrid's hands as tight as they could so she could get her balance. 

"That's it." Yerin smiled, watching as the shaking in Eunha's legs slowly stopped. 

"Do you want to try moving forward?" SinB asked, looking up at the mermaid's nervous eyes.

"I....I don't know." Eunha mumbled, still not confident that she could remember what walking was like after spending a year with a tail instead.

"We'll take it nice and slow." Yuna whispered, gently pulling Eunha's hand. Eunha let out a scared squeak, closing her eyes and moving one leg forward.

"That's it!" Yerin grinned, SinB and Yuna's faces lighting up as the mermaid hybrid took another step forward. Growing more confident, Eunha took another few steps forward, the trio leading her out of the bathroom and into the living room. Eunha's walking had started to speed up, re-finding the familiar rhythm and balance that she had lost so long ago. 

"How about we try having you walk on your own?" Yuna suggested. 

"Are you sur

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Surprise! A new story is here already! Since the holidays are coming up im not sure how often ill get to update but I'll be sure to do so as much as I can!

also keep an eye out for a prequel fic for I'm Not Alone Anymore sometime in the future!!<3


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Chapter 12: Yet another completed work from you! Thank you so much for sharing these with the world. It always brings a smile to my face to read a new chapter. I just love how soft your stories are. I love it so much huhuhuhu
_NightDrive #2
Chapter 12: This is so cute ( ᵒ̴̶̷̥́ _ᵒ̴̶̷̣̥̀ ) thank u for the great story~ Can't wait to see more in the future, ur a great writer :3
Mysn123 #3
Chapter 12: Omg this is so cute author,thank you for this story even tho i would like to see more chapters lmao
Chapter 11: ohhh i wonder what the gift is 🤔
Mysn123 #5
Chapter 10: I know maybe this isn't the right time but i really would like to see jealous eunha when yerin talk to her other friends outside from gfriend member lmao,its gonna be really uwu
_NightDrive #6
Chapter 10: Awwww its so cutee (-̩̩-̩̩͡_-̩̩-̩̩͡) i really hope the bad ones wont ever find her.... :(
Chapter 9: aaa eunha finally opened up to them! it’s so nice it probably means she trusts all of them fully now ☺️
Mysn123 #8
Chapter 9: The way i was reading seriously but then sowon said "it was the best decision that this group of idiots has ever made" then i lose it lmaoo
_NightDrive #9
Chapter 8: Uaa this is so cutee ^_^ one of the stories I always wair for :3 thank u for the great story~
Mysn123 #10
Chapter 8: sinb's gesture is simple but so meaningful...really hope can get bestfriend like that lmao...