
Long Distance Girlfriend

Disclaimer : English is not my first language so I'm sorry for any grammar mistakes.

Wendy is about to sleep but then she remember that she haven't reply to her girlfriend's message yet. Damn she must be angry, she thought. Her girlfriend is so clingy, she wants all attention only for her, not like wendy is complaining anyway. She loves it. She loves it when her girlfriend is jealous. She's so cute. So sometimes wendy just until she got sulky, just for fun. Well, she will make up after with lots of kisses. But because of their condition now, she become extra clingy and wendy need to be careful and mindful to not making her worry. It's not like she can give her a kiss to make it up, anyway.

It's been 2 months since wendy comeback to Canada, her hometown. She only plan to stay for a week but her parents want her to stay for awhile cause they miss her youngest daughter so much. And being the kindest and obedient person she is, she cannot say no eventhough it lead her to fight with her girlfriend for a week long. Her parents want her to stay for 3 months and asked her to help them running the family's company. Because of that, her girlfriend is finally understand.

"Seungwan-ah, are you sleeping? What are you doing now? It's almost lunch time here. I have a lot of work since morning. So sorry i couldn't reply to your message before" - 21.50 PM EST

10 missed call from Hyunnie 💗

"Hello? Why you didn't pick up my call?" - 22.15 PM EST

"Seungwan-ah, are you okay? Please reply asap. I'm worried. It's not your bedtime yet. Where are you? Did you leave your phone on silent?" - 22.20 PM EST

"For ing sake, where are you?! I swear to god if you dont reply to me till i off from work, i will buy a flight ticket to canada!" - 22.45 PM EST

"Geez my manager asked me to comeback to office asap. I didn't even finish my lunch yet. We have a meeting. CALL ME AS SOON AS YOU READ MY MESSAGE!"  - 22.50 PM EST

Seungwan check the clock and it's already 23.30 PM "HOLY " she got a goosebumps. She then call her girlfriend right away, she must be mad MAD. But juhyun isn't picking up her call. OH i forgot she had a meeting.

"Hello babe >< I'm so sorry i left my phone in my room cause i need to charge it and my bad i set it on silent too so i didn't hear your call. I'm really sorry. You know that i love you, right? 💗 Tell me if your meeting has end. I will call you right away."

"Fiuh, i hope she understand." Just right after she send the message, Joy come in to her room. She saw wendy wear a long face while staring at her phone.

"What's wrong with your face? You guys had a fight?"

She just glance at her and sighing.

"What? Did i do something wrong?" Joy then take a seat on the edge of her bed while looking at wendy asking for an answer.

She doesn't want to answer, it's obvious anyway.

"Hello? Is anyone here? Am i talking to the wall? Oh come on, why is she mad at you? What did you do? Seriously, answer me so maybe i can help"

"I don't think you can help. If she knows I was away because I was watching a movie with you, you will never see me again, trust me" she sighed.

"Oh gosh, here we go again, a jealous juhyun. You will be dead for sure"

"Unnie. She's your unnie."

"Okay okay, juhyun unnie."

"But seriously. What should i do to make it up? I usually just give her a hug and kiss her but i surely can't do that. I was so sleepy but I'm fully awake now, knowing how mad she is."

"Ugh i don't want to hear your lovey dovey moments. So uhm how about you order a bouquet of flowers and deliver it to her office, now?"

"Oh? Sounds good! I will look it up if there's any."

"Sure, i will help you too."

After 15 minutes searching for the florists who will accept the payment with her card, she finally got it and ordered a bouquet of white roses and not forget to write some notes.


Juhyun can't focus on the meeting. She worried of her girlfriend. She can't check her phone either. Geez, when will this meeting ended.

"Okay, i think that's all for today, because it's almost our time to get off of work, you all can just go home. Thank you, see you tomorrow. And juhyun-ssi, don't forget you need to send the file by this week, okay?"

She wake up of her thought and look at her manager "Yes, sir. I will finish it before Saturday"

Oh yes finally. She then rushed to put all of her things to her bag and walk out from the meeting room. She noticed there's a bouquet of flowers on her table. She then took it carelessly. She know that flower is from Seungwan but she is still mad. She will take a look at it again later at home. So she's walking to the car while searching for her phone to check if there's any message from seungwan. She saw 1 missed call and 1 message. Sigh. She then open the car's door, throwing her bag on the right seat, and get ready to go home. She will call seungwan later at home.


Joy is sleeping beside her. She must be tired. Joy is her childhood friend. Eventhough she is 2 years younger than her, but they are getting along well. Joy is so happy when she know that seungwan is coming back to Canada even if just for a short time. She badly missed her bestfriend so much. So she insisted to sleep over for a whole 3 months at Seungwan's home. That way, she can spend more time with Seungwan. Seungwan is happy too, it's been a long time since she met her bestfriend, she misses her. That's why Seungwan do everything that Joy asked whenever she has a free time, but most of the time, she just ask to watch a movie together and cuddling in the living room, just like today. As much as she loves spending time with her bestfriend, she also worry about her girlfriend.

It's already 03.30 AM yet juhyun still not replying to her message.

"It's almost time to get off of work, does the meeting take so long? Why is she not replying yet." She really want to call her but she afraid she might disturb her. So she just staring at her phone waiting for juhyun. After 5 minutes long, finally juhyun facetime her, she answer it right away while walking to the living room, afraid that she might wake Joy up.

"Uhm... hello babe?" She stare at the phone screen, she noticed that Juhyun is already home, wearing her casual clothes and is sitting on her bed.

Juhyun goes silent. She didn't say anything and just staring at her MADLY.

"Uh hmm did you received the flowers?" Seungwan asked her carefully while observing her lover's face. But Juhyun kept silent.

"That's uhm... I'm sorry? I left my phone in my-"

"I read your message. No need to repeat the same reason, AGAIN."

"Uh... so yeah... I'm sorry. I wont do that again. I will keep my phone beside me and not set it up on silent ever again. Forgive me, please?"

Juhyun pouted. "Awww my babe is pouting. I really want to kiss that lips so bad"

"No kiss for a week after you comeback here. That's your consequence for making me worried."

"WHAT? NOOOOO THAT'S SO UNFAIIRRRR. I'm so sorry I'm making you worried but i can't resist to not kissing you, please?"

"What's so unfair? You literally away for an hour. You know i just have the free time on lunchtime to check on my phone and message you, yet you're not there."

Seungwan didn't say anything because she feel bad, she was so focus on the movie and forgot that it's juhyun's lunchtime.

"So, tell me, where were you at that time?"


"You didn't hear me?!"

"Ah oh uhmm..."

"What? Don't hide anything from me! So answer my question or i will end the call."

"What? No no no! Please don't end the call. I didn't sleep so that i can talk to you."

Oh. Juhyun just realized its almost 4 in the morning, there, in Canada. She feel bad but still mad at her "I don't care, it's your fault. So, answer me Seungwan, where were you doing?"

Seungwan knows it's not the right time to lie at Juhyun. As much as she worry Juhyun may get jealous, but she doesn't have a heart to lie at her. Not when Juhyun is this mad.

"So uhmm Joy want to watch a movie" she look at her girlfriend but her expression is so flat. She doesn't know what Juhyun thinks and it's scary her the most. "Hyun? Why are you so silent? Please say something, I'm scared."

Juhyun look at her "So, how was the movie? Is it good? You guys cuddling together on the sofa? To the point you forget that you have a girlfriend here? Waiting for your message?" .

"Oh come on, how can i forget about my beautiful girlfriend. No one can replace her in my heart. She is my everything and i hope she know that." Her girlfriend didn't say anything but she's blushing. "Awww my baby is blushing, does it flutter you?"

"Shut up and stop with your cheesiness. I don't want to hear it"

"Oh? Really? But i really want her to know how much i love her though." She smiled. "Yeay! finally my baby is smiling! You really have a beautiful smile. I love it. Well, i love everything about you." She wink to girlfriend.

"Yah! Son seungwan! Stop it now."

"Why? But you love it though haha"

"Yes, i love it so much and it makes me want to kiss you right now! but you're not here so it's torturing me!"

"Aww my baby, but you said no kiss for a week though?"

"Geez!!! If you just want to tease me then i will just end the call!!"

"Oh noo!!! Okay okay i will stop haha hyun-ah, please wait for me okay? We will meet again in a month. No, i will try to ask my parents and finish my work here so i can meet you in 2 weeks. I will work hard and do it asap, okay? Can you wait for me?"

"Hmm okay, but don't overwork. I will wait for you with respect, no need to rush if it will affect your work."
"Aw are you sure you can wait any longer?"

"YAH! that's not what i mean... but yeah, you know" She pouted again, how cute.

Seungwan just giggles "okay okay, i will come back to you as soon as possible. Just wait till the day i show up in your office without notice haha"

"Yah, don't do that. You need to tell me if you're coming back so i can fetch you"

"It's okay baby, no need to fetch me if it's on your work time. Oh by the way, do you like the flowers? And have you read the notes?"

Juhyun noticed that Seungwan is yawning and lying down on her sofa. She must be tired and sleepy yet she spend her sleep time just for her. "Hmm i haven't take a look at it yet, but i love the smell and no, i haven't read the message yet because I'm still mad" cause whatever she write, it must be melted her heart. She doesn't want to feel that. Not when she's not scolding Seungwan first.
"And are you still mad at me now?"

"Hmm maybe 10 percent left."

"How to make it gone?"

"Come here and kiss me."

"I will surely give you a kiss or two? Or wanna make a baby after? Haha"

"Yah! How can you still being greasy when you're half a sleep now."

"That's my ability and only work for you."

"Geez okay stop. Go sleep now. I will take my dinner, I'm hungry"

"What will you eat?"

"Stop asking and just sleep now. I'm sorry for taking your bedtime away. It almost morning and you need to work after."

"Don't worry hyun, I'm the boss, remember? so late for work is okay haha"

"Yah don't be like that. You need to be a good leader for them."

"Here we go my strict girlfriend"

"Tch. Go to your bedroom now. Why you sleep there?"

"Uhmm...." she's uncertain on how to answer that.

"Joy is sleeping in your room?"

"Hmm yes? Do you still allow me to sleep in my bed?"

"No. Sleep in guest room."

"Hahaha i knew it, okay okay. Oh hyun?"

"Yes? What?"

"I love you, so much"

"I love you too, silly"


"Baby girl, you're my Irene, you're my baby, you're my flower, you're my everything

Please forgive me. I love you hyun 💗

- yours"

See? Everything she writes or she say can melt her heart. I hate her. Please comeback soon.


So yeah, that's the one shot story for today! How's it? Hehe I'm still learning how to write, so it may be not good but i hope at least you enjoy the story. Thank you for reading!

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