
the amazing adventures of spider-yooh
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yoohyeon's main job is being spiderwoman and retirement is looking real cute when her girlfriends are minji and bora.




“You can’t catch me!”


The grisly robber throws back a nasty snarl before running away from the hero.


Sighing, Yoohyeon waits on a count of twenty until she pursues the criminal.


After saving the world twice from certain destruction and devastation with her cool superhero friends, Yoohyeon quite enjoys the job of frying the smaller fish after nearly dying on her last mission. So, really, who can blame her for making a game out of the pursuit?


She even covers her eyes to give herself a challenge while she strains her ears for the man running away from her. The robber runs with heavy footsteps and haggard breaths—he could do with bi-daily workouts to train his lungs for such an event of robbing an old granny’s purse. Getting unnecessarily fancy with her chase and breaking into a slight jog, Yoohyeon slings a web to the light post a couple hundred feet in front of the robber. Landing smoothly on top of the light post, Yoohyeon can make out the panicked murmuring of the robber.


Yoohyeon revels in the bewilderment in his voice when he tries to search for her behind him.


“Up here, slowpoke! Ever considered hitting the gym, sir?”


Before the man can even blink, two web shots push him against the wall, the purse in his hands dropping. Frantically trying to shake his hands away, Yoohyeon leisurely strolls towards him just to rub it in. Picking up the purse, Yoohyeon cheekily pats his cheek and leaves a teasing remark before hanging the strap of the purse across her torso. “You make great wall decor!”


Quickly shooting a web to the terrace at the top of a building, Yoohyeon makes sure that the purse sticks to her hands when she acrobatically swings from building to building.


Even if her limbs are long and lanky, she has no problem folding herself into a ball before unraveling into a straight nose-dive to maximize her momentum in the air. Swinging her way back to the convenience store, the old granny sits patiently in the dinky yellow chairs outside of it. After handing back the purse, the granny kindly smiles at her and proudly pats her head. (Yoohyeon has to bend her knees and stoop her head so that the older lady doesn’t have to reach up on her toes).


The granny can’t see it but Yoohyeon’s smile is beaming when she reaches into her shopping bag and hands her a chocolate bar in return. Bowing gratefully and taking the treat with her right hand and her other supporting her forearm, the granny audibly coos at her politeness. Waving at her before bidding goodbye, Yoohyeon oddly feels more proud about helping her than saving her city. “Thank you, halmoni! Have a good night!”


Waiting for the granny’s ride to come to make sure she gets home safely, Yoohyeon sits perched at the top of the roof of the bank across from the convenience store. 


It’s peaceful for maybe a full minute until a dispatch alerts her. (A full! whole! minute!)


Car chases are definitely harder than chasing after a slightly overweight man. 


It takes Yoohyeon swinging around skyscrapers and cutting through a seedy alley for her to track the car. Zeroing in on the white vehicle dangerously maneuvering around the city’s traffic, Yoohyeon uses short blasts of her web to shoot herself towards the car. Acrobatically using a light post to swing herself to a higher elevation, in the split second of her height, she shoots a web that slings her to the hood of the car. 


Landing on the vehicle, she keeps in mind to practice her landing more—she could do with a better position, could afford to be more graceful with landing on her feet. Flipping to the passenger side of the car, Yoohyeon would flinch at the sight of a firearm pointed at her face if she hadn’t already knocked him out cold with a single punch, wrapped her sticky web around his arms and body, and attached him to a web shot that hung from a street light. 


Like an itch, her Spidey-Sense tingles before two gunshots ring out. Quickly flipping back to the hood of the car to dodge the bullets, she maneuvers to dismantle the criminal and hangs this one from a hanging ledge of a pizzeria.


The car jerks sloppily with the driver peering outside of his window to look for her. Sticking herself to the other side of the car, she hastily flips to the other side when the car stops swerving. And in that slight moment, Yoohyeon is able to pull the driver out of the car with a web sling. Dismounting behind the car with a flip, she sends two shots at the back of it as it continues to make its way down the street. 


Acutely aware that the vehicle is approaching a red light at nearly breakneck speed while a pedestrian crosses the street with her headphones in, Yoohyeon grounds her feet to the floor, hunkers down to bear the weight of stopping a heavy ton of metal, and strongly pulls back at the car. It takes her a few steps to slow the vehicle to a stop, the front of it just rolling to the first crosswalk line. 


Sighing in relief, Yoohyeon’s hands sit on her hips from the physical exertion. The pedestrian doesn’t even blink an eye at the vehicle stopping nearly inches away from her; she makes her merry way across the street.


From where she stands, she can make out the green glow of the Empire State Building. Swinging her way to it, Yoohyeon thinks it might be the second most peaceful place to be in New York when she sits at the very top of the building, the city buzz of cars and chatter comforting her. Lingering there for a little longer than she normally would, Yoohyeon only notices this while she’s swinging home, the clock at MetLife indicating a time of 12:47.


Normally, it takes a cab at least seven minutes to drive from the Empire State Building to Metlife. It’s a little silly but Yoohyeon takes immense pride in her own Spidey Time of two minutes and thirty-three seconds. If she hadn’t been distracted by the birds flying by her, Yoohyeon thinks she could’ve made it in two.


She has the ridiculous thought of starting a transportation side job. 


She’d call it Yoohber. 


But, then again, maybe it’s best that she doesn’t.


Uber seems like the type to sue for ridiculous copyright laws and Yoohyeon, frankly, doesn’t have the funds to deal with a lawsuit.


And her girlfriends would get awfully cross at her for getting into a mess like that.


And Yoohyeon would rather face some kind of alien invasion before facing the angry wraths of Minji and Bora.


(Yeah, especially Minji. Mostly because Bora teeters on playfully irritated and frustrated with Yoohyeon when she’s being a brat but Minji rarely ever gets mad or an

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Chapter 4: Ahhh this is so good, you've successfully made my heart ache and I can't stop crying. It's amazing as is, but I'd love a sequel if that's in the works!
1199 streak #2
Chapter 4: I'm so not okay right now 😭😭😭 my heart
Chapter 4: Is this the end?!



Thank you for writing this masterpiece, even if Yoohyeon stays alone. I enjoyed reading, hope you continue writing many more amazing stories! ❤️ Take care!
Chapter 4: This is so heart wrenching. After all the spider-yooh stories, I'm too invested in the collective happiness of all four of the Kims
Chapter 4: now I'm crying, please please let them get back together 😭
_DreamChoco #6
Chapter 3: Loving it so far
Chapter 3: The most cutest triangle-some story ever ♥♥♥ i really love it♥♥♥
Chapter 3: Did I ever mention how big a brain you have for making Yoohyeon Spidey? It's a very big brain you've got, because Yooh is exactly that dorky, slightly overzealous and occasionally clumsy neighbourhood superhero
trenat #9
Chapter 3: This is extremely cute
Chapter 2: Yup men are dangerous, but glad that spider-yooh hadn't lost her touch this entire time