First date and first-

Things Unsaid
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Seungwan had done some stupid things in her life, but today's took the cake. She was so excited to go out with Joohyun and had chosen a dairy farm because she figured, cute animals. What could possibly go wrong? 

Well, she definitely didn't see this coming. Joohyun's face had turned pale white when they pulled outside the farm. She had an inkling of the older woman's distaste for animals but she didn't think it was this bad. 

"Seungwan, why did you think this was a good idea", she mumbled quietly. 

"Um, I was watching a documentary and the animals looked cute-"

"I don't like animals. They scare me"

"I know, but they're gonna be behind fences Hyun, please give it a try"

Joohyun faced her and stared hard. Seungwan could see the gears turning in her head. The little brow furrowed, Joohyun was definitely thinking hard. 

After what seemed like an eternity, she finally shook her head yes. 

"If this goes wrong I'm breaking up with you even before we go out"

"Ooh, sassy"

"Do you really want to do this right now"

Seungwan raised her hands up in defeat. She held out her hand and waited for Joohyun to catch up. She stared at her hand for a whole minute before she extended her hand and held Seungwan's hand. 

"No funny business Wannie". The ease with which the nickname dropped from her lips surprised Seungwan. Seulgi and her parents were the only people who called her by that name. But now was not the time to think about that. She had a successful date to pull off. 

After buying tickets, they entered the farm. It was called a dairy farm, but it also had a petting zoo and a cafe. It was a perfect date spot, you know, when your date wasn't terrified of animals. 

"Come on, let's go meet the sheep and cows"

"You meet them. I'll stand far and watch"

"Are you sure? They're really sweet"

"Yes I'm pretty sure"

"Hmm, okay"

Seungwan chose to not enter the fence. It felt wrong to leave Joohyun alone. So they just stood by the fence as the tour guide talked to the whole crowd.

"Hello, welcome to our farm. I'll be your guide for the day. Thank you all for coming here today. So let's get on shall we? First things first, you get to feed the calves milk. They're super hungry and will try to steal the bottle so be careful."

Seungwan saw the calf approach her and let out a giggle. 

Joohyun side eyed her, "Are you laughing at me"

"No, I would never. The calf's name is Wendy. That happens to be my English name hehe"

"Wait what? Why don't I know this?"

"It never came up in conversation Hyun, and you never asked"



"It suits you"

"So they say"

"So, can I feed the calf"


Seungwan just stood there as she saw Joohyun slowly try to approach the fence. After a minute of hesitating she finally started her task. Seungwan cackled when the calf let out a snort and Joohyun fell back

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aglaonema #1
Chapter 10: Awww
Chapter 10: It's not WenRene if they are not being silly and hilarious at the same time 😍😍
Chapter 10: They are hilarious! thank you for the update Author :)
1693 streak #4
Chapter 10: Lol so cute
misguidedangel1989 #5
Chapter 10: This update is so cute... ❤️❤️❤️❤️
WluvsBaetokki #6
Chapter 10: Thank you for the update albeit a short one but still appreciated.
baejoonism #7
Chapter 9: Everything in this chapter is so cute!! And the farm date surprisingly went well hahaha
Chapter 9: Seungwan really chose a farm for their date 😂
Thank goodness they have bunnies and hamsters in there 😂👏😂 so you're lucky Son Seungwan 😂😂

Ooppsss... They have their first kiss~~ Can they even called it as first kiss tho? 💖💙💖💙
Chapter 9: I still cant stop laughing at wendy she really chose a farm✋😭
Chapter 9: Awww, adorable...