

A story in which Irene Bae was obsessed with Wendy Son, a very famous K-pop star. Her heart desires to be the star's girlfriend, but reality always slaps her in the face making her realize how much it was impossible for them to be together. Or is it? 

What happens when she's given the chance to live in her fantasies forever? Escape reality?


Irene Bae gets a chance to escape reality and live with Wendy Son, the woman she really desires,  made possible by a full length mirror given to her by her younger sister. An unusual mirror which not just shows you your reflection, but also serves as a portal to an alternate universe. Will Irene choose to live in this dream with the one she truly desires? Or will she just accept reality as it is and let fate do it's job?


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BlackVelvet_08 #1
Chapter 2: This is so interesting! Hope you update soon
aglaonema #2
Chapter 2: Omg 💙❤️
Favebolous 14 streak #3
Chapter 2: this is interesting
Favebolous 14 streak #4
Chapter 1: OOHHHH
Chapter 2: Interesting and I love the pairings
yoo_taengoo #6
Chapter 2: Ok this is really interesting
More updates please
Chapter 2: What the...
Smollwanda #9
Chapter 2: Ohmyy its getting exciting XD
jvoreal #10
Chapter 2: This looks promising 💓