Dancing With Your Ghost

Dancing With Your Ghost

The last time Irene slept without nightmares was years ago when Kang Seulgi was still alive with a physical body. Lay beside her and every time she woke up, she would always be greeted by her beautiful eye smile from Kang Seulgi.

Her monolid eyes have always been Kang Seulgi's charm. Like it possessed her the first time she lay her eyes on the beautiful monolid eyes of Kang Seulgi. She remembers the first time they met.

It was like a typical first meeting in a romance scene in a novel. Where two individuals, the main characters meet each other in the school hallway. Accidentally bump into each other.

Irene was busy with her books. She was known as the pretty bookworm at school while Kang Seulgi was known as the most attractive, charming captain of the basketball team.

They fell in love at first sight and it didn't take long for them to finally tied the knot as a couple. Afterward, they are unseparated. 

However, after Seulgi left, Irene never had the chance to get proper sleep. She would always get nightmares. Worse she can't sleep. She stayed awake all night. Working on her company's project or watching tv.

She develops insomnia throughout the years which leads to her own depression and skizofrenia. Because of that, she thought she would never get another deep sleep unless she was in a coma.

Up until today.

Although her body feels a bit sore, she knows she needs to wake up and go to the office right now. Or to Yeri? She can't remember actually. Screw that.

She open her eyes, trying her best to adjust with the light in her room. The moment her eyes get focus, she can vividly see somene standing beside her bed.

Wearing a white outfit. Irene let her eyes trail to the person face only to see a beautiful eye smile greet her morning. She can't help but to smile. After years has pass, this is the best morning she ever get.

"Good morning," said Seulgi.


"How are you feeling?"

"Extraordinary" Seulgi smiled warmly.

"Do you want to talk about last night?" asked Seulgi.

Right. About last night. They actually end up crying together and somehow, Irene got so tired and decided to go to sleep Seulgi actually stay and accompany her all night.

Staring at the girl sleeping so peacefully. A rare sight for her after she came back to earth. It made Seulgi love Irene even more. 

Basically, they didn't get to finish their conversation last night. It is best to talk about it and Irene agrees they need to talk about it. However, she needs to go to the office.

She needs to find out exactly what Wendy trying to do. 

"Despite how much I want to talk about it, can we wait until tonight? I'm late to the office and trust me. I'm not trying to avoid things. It just...I still need to find out what Wendy trying to do" 

Seulgi nodded meaning she understand.

"Understood. Then you should get ready. I'll wait outside" said Seulgi.

But before Seulgi disappears, Irene makes sure Seulgi gets to hear this.



"I missed you and I love you," said Irene sincerely.

Perhaps that are the most honest and sincere words she ever said to anyone this few years. Seulgi smile warmly and was about to reach for Irene's cheek only to realize she can't touch her.

She immedietly retreat her hand and put a smile to cover her disappointment.

"I love you too, Hyun and I missed you. A lot"


"Unnie, don't miss your session with-"

"I won't, Jennie. Hearing Yeri's lecture is the last thing I want right now. Anyways, what are you doing here? Aren't you having a photoshoot?"

"Will you please stop asking me why the hell I'm here? I'm your cousin for sake and for your information, I'm an idol, not a model. I have a music video coming up. This is your lunch. I know how ed up your company is right now and you will hunger yourself though you don't realize it. Gotta go, unnie" said Jennie as she storm out of Irene's office.

Irene sigh. Guess she just made Jennie angry at her.

Not that this is the first time. She will deal with Jennie later. Right now she needs to focus for her meeting with the project manager and his team before going for the meditation session this evening.

While she's gathering all the information she needs for the meeting later, a knock on the door disturb her. She groaned feeling annoyed with the sudden disturbance.

"Come in" said Irene trying so hard to not sound annoyed.

"Miss Bae. Miss Son requested to meet you right now"

WendyWhat the she wants right now?

The least thing she want right now is to meet someone that will boil her to death. That would probably what her employees want during the meeting later. To actually meet Bae Joohyun in a sane condition and with stable emotion.

To get that, she can't meet Wendy because seeing that girl will only boil her anger. With the truth that she her fiance and now she's in the second highest stakeholder owner of her company, just give her another reason to not meet with her. 

"No. Tell her I'm busy"

"But she insist, Miss Bae"

"Well then come up with something! I don't want to see her in my room. Get out!" said Irene harshly not that her assistant not used to it anyways.

However, before her Jihyo actually leave the office room, Wendy already storm inside the office only to make Jihyo eyes wide open in surprise and panick.

"Miss Son! You aren't allow-"

"You shouldn't be rude to your employee, Irene" said Wendy.

"Get out before I call the security"

"You know you can't. I'm the-"

"Shut up! Jihyo. Leave us both" said Irene since she didn't have any other choice.

Although sometimes she would yell at her employees when they unable to do their job properly, she still try her best to keep any problems related to her own privacy to herself only.

She try to protect her privacy as tight as possible that is why she told Jihyo to leave her alone with Wendy despite how much she doesn't want to see that face in her office.

But since this girl insisted and she doesn't want to make a fuss at the office early in the morning, it's best to actually let Wendy speak or just let her sit here since Irene think she has nothing to talk about with Wendy when it comes to about work.

Wendy smile mischieviously because she finally get what she wants.

"Good morning, Irene. Lovely to meet you early in the morning"

"Cut the , Wendy. I only let you in because I don't want to create a fuss in the morning and make my employees stressed. What do you want?" 

"You should actually greet me first, Irene. But well I always know you don't have that thing inside you. Ummm what's that called again? Ah! Ethics! Right. Anyways. I want to talk about my idea for your next project"

Irene hissed. She has no intention on discussing new project with Wendy. 

"I don't want to listen. End of discussion. Now get out"

Wendy sigh.

"Look. I know you hate me"

"NO! I despise you. After what you did to Seulgi, you don't get to meet me and act as nothing happened. You hurt Seulgi, your own best friend. Don't you have shame, Wendy?"

Does she have shame? Of course, she has. But she doesn't want to show it. To anybody except herself. 

She's here not to talk about that. She's here to talk about something else and she insists with this project. This project should be done by Irene not her and this is her debt.

Wendy is here to repay the debt she owns. A promise was made a long time ago between her and Seulgi. Deep inside she understands the hatred Irene has towards her.

But she remains tough and unwilling to show her true emotion. This is the only way for her to move on from Kang Seulgi. Something she has been reflecting on for the past few years back.

She takes out a book. Quite thick for a proposal but it was made by herself after few editing from the old one. The one she and Seulgi made long time ago. 

"Just think about it. Everything you need to know about the project is in here. Read it. Something may surprise you" said Wendy as she put down the book on Irene's work desk before she excuse herself by her own. 

She didn't even bother to take a look at the book Wendy gave her. The anger still invading her emotion which make it harder for her to concentrate and think straight. 

It makes her hard to breathe and wanted to throw something. Unless she want her employees to think that she's crazy, she wouldn't want to throw things inside her office which surrounded by glasses.

Maybe she need to reconstruct her office therefore, her privacy will be more secure. But for now, she need to regain her focus to attend a meeting before going to her session later. 


Seulgi POV

Being a ghost is completely what I think. Roaming around earth and no one able to see you. However, I don't have time to pity my own destiny. I have things to do.

Perhaps what Moonbyul said prior, about talking with Joohyun to reconsile our relationship, not a bad idea at all. Apparently, Joohyun open up to me more and so do I.

I wasn't planning to tell Joohyun everything but the more I think, the more I feel like she deserve to know more. She deserve to know the truth, although I know it hurt her.

At least, I know she can take it and maybe it will help her heal herself. I saw how she throw her tantrum at Wendy. Honestly, it doesn't make me feel any better.

Nor that I want to feel better. It just...to know that Irene understands me and know the truth...somehow make me feel...relieve? That I finally told her the truth...

Maybe that is because when I was alive, I was never been fully honest to her because I want to protect her. However, it appears that she's one dangerous woman.

A woman who can deal everything by herself and in her own way. I'm sure she's hurting but I know she will be okay. Just a little push to encourage her to go to Yeri's and she will be just fine. 

Other than stalking Joohyun all day, I need to find out what is Wendy up to lately. The book she gave Joohyun earlier...I know what that is. I was surprise she still keep that book.

Thought she burned it long time ago but...she keep it.

From here...I know Wendy is not at fault. She doesn't want to hurt Joohyun. She was trying to fix...everything.

She's trying to forgive herself for the past. I know it must be hard for her because her relationship with Joohyun was never been good from the beginning. 

I want to thank her. That book...I hope Joohyun opens it and read it. Then she will understand why Wendy so persistent about doing this project with her and why her company must be the one to publish it.

But for now, I would like to follow Wendy. She probably has another reasons why she came back to Korea after several years in Canada.

"Relax, Henry. I told you I came here to fix everything and I did. Look. Despite how much I hate her and.... Jealous. See? I admit it! Oh shut up, Henry! No. I'm not stupid, Henry. I'm not going to hurt her!" 

I chuckled. Seems like Wendy has change a lot. I remember she used to be so...quiet, secretive, and cold. Back then she wasn't so cheerful. However, maybe after she reunited with Henry, her cousin, I can see the blissful eyes of her.

Glad to know that.


Suddenly, my vision went back to the past. Buildings around me rupture into pieces and ashes. Dragging me back to where I belong only to hear that voice again. 

Voice I have been trying so hard to remember. The voice full of anger, hatred, and revenge. When I combine the two voice I heard on earth and in Hell, that voice...it's the same.

So it was true. It wasn't Wendy.

It was...



Third POV

The young woman closes the door behind her and sighs. After a long meeting with her employees, she can finally breathe. It was suffocating, stressful, and overwhelming.

However, she's been the CEO for a long time and this is her company. She builds this with her own money, her own sweat and so there is no room for her to complain.

If all she can do is complain about everything and critize everything, she is worth the title CEO. Anyways, she let herself rest on her chair and close her eyes for a moment.

She need to be at Yeri's place in an hour yet she doesn't feel like going. Not after her eyes accidently spotted the book Wendy gave her earlier. 

Honestly she's curious. Why Wendy so persistent about doing this project with her when obviously she know their relationship is way far from the definition of good friendship.

The curiousity is eating her alive and she know she will eventually read that book. 

Irene hissed as she grab the book and start opening the first page. She wasn't really interested until she flip another page and another page and so on. 

That's when she know she can't go to Yeri's place.

"Hi, Yeri. I know I should be going to your place right now but...cancel it. I have important things to sort of. Make it three times a week for next weeek session. Sorry"

She end the voice message and her eyes still focus on reading that book. 


Irene cameback to her apartment which dark and cold due to the heavy rain outside. She light up her apartment and she's not surprise anymore to see Kang Seulgi standing by the window glass.

Watching the beautiful scenery of rainy Seoul at night. Seems like nothing has change because in the past, Seulgi would always admire the beautiful city at night.

She wonder how was it like being in Hell and back to Earth not for her to live her life but to help someone she love the most. Someone who actually vulnerable, weak, and not worth of her sacrifice.

Tell her does she deserve to be love by someone who gave her everything? When all she did back then was doubting her own fiance. Meanwhile, the only thing the monolid girl think of was  her.

Her happiness, her security, her emotion...everything. Yet, Irene never did anything in return. 

Life is truly unfair. God is unfair. She blame God for everything that happened in the past and what happen right now. She despise God. She hate him. 

Seulgi did nothing wrong in the past. In fact she's the kindest, bravest, and innoncent girl. God is unfair. Why she ended up in Hell? What did she do wrong? 

When all she did was planning the perfect wedding for them. Planning a museum of her paintings and make charity. 

"Why didn't you tell me about the project?" asked Irene. 

The monolid girl turn around with a smile on her face. 

"I didn't get the time to complete the whole prject. It's not perfect, yet. So...I postponed the whole project" 

"Seulgi. You spent your entire life to paint me. To paint everyone you love. I'm sure you made a lot. I mean....I saw your paintings. The draft of your project and the printed paintings on that book, Wendy gave me...why?" 

It takes time for Seulgi to say something. She had a brief flashback about the past and smile sincerely. She has to admit that although she ended up in Hell, her past was truly amazing. Only two things she wish to change about her past and one of them is the reason why she was unable to c

"Joohyun. Two things I regret about my life. I wasn't honest with you fully and I know I was wrong. I should have told you the whole story"

"That's okay, Seul" 

Seulgi smile. The monolid girl always knew Joohyun is capable of forgiveness and she will always be the only person that understands her. Joohyun is the most loving, caring, patient, and kind person she ever know.

That is why she wanted to marry her. That is why her eyes only stuck with her the moment they met in the school library that day. She was busy reading when suddenly Joohyun bumped her accidently.

Both of them were bookworm. Perhaps their affection toward books is what brought them together. Yes. It was love at first sight. The more Seulgi stare at Joohyun, the more she fell inlove at her.

Remembering the past would always bring her happiness. However, the world is not a perfect place. There will be good and bad. Just like their relationship.

Sometimes storm comes after daylight. Just like how Seulgi remember that day.

Her eyes become teary as she remember that day. The day she left Joohyun. 

Irene on the other hand notice the tears Seulgi trying so hard to hold. Which make her heart ache. They have this strong connection between each other and Irene knew exactly what Seulgi thought of.

She can't help but to get teary too.

"I-I...The other...thing I regret the most...We weren't able to make it to our wedding" said Seulgi as tears start to fall but she still try her best to smile. 

That sight...Irene wish she didn't get to witness this sight because this is definetly break her heart. 


"I'm sorry, Hyun" 

"No. There's nothing to apologize for. I was late that day...I was the one-"

"No. No. You're right. God isn't fair. He took me away from you. He took away..." 

Seulgi didn't get the chance to finish her sentence because she cannot take it. She cannot hold her tears anymore and the pain on her chest. It is pure sadness.

It was not a good sight. Not the one Irene able to take it because she's also in pain. The past was so good. It was beyond perfect and their ending should be amazing.

However, it was far more tragic than they predicted and neither both of them were ready for it. 

"Do you know how bad I want to touch you? Feel you? Like the old time?" said Irene.

Irene want to hug her. She want to feel the warm hug Seulgi always gave her. But both of them knew they can't. It can't happen. 

This is the moment when they usually find comfort by hugging each other and cry together. The fact that they can't do that makes it even more sad and painful.


Her eyes are red and tears keep on falling. Irene never seen her like this before. So fragile and vulnerable. She wish she was able to see Seulgi like more in the past.

To let her know her true feelings cause sometimes Seulgi is good at hiding her own feelings. She's the most cheerful person Irene ever met and never once she saw her cried.

Perhaps she's been keeping alot inside her mind that Irene didn't get the chance to catch that in the past. Now that she finally see Seulgi crying, all she wanted to do is to hug her.

But how can she hug her when basically Seulgi is a soul now? 

"How...do we end up like this, Hyun?" asked Seulgi. 

Irene has been asking the same question too all over in her head. She knows. She knows this is not going to work but she going to do it anyways.

She takes steps closer to Seulgi. Meanwhile, the ghost remain still. Although they both know what Irene is about to do won't work, the desperation in their mind is what keeps them away from the word sane.

Yes. They are insane. Hoping there's a miracle. Which only make the both of them drop tears. 

The brunette gets closer and closer until she reach her hand slowly. While Seulgi closer her eyes not wanting to witness the desperation on Irene's face. It is too painful for her to see.

It just describe how desperate she is and to know there is nothing Seulgi can do...this whole thing is awful and Seulgi beg to just get this over.

However, she probably need to rethink about that thought after what she feel right now...on her right shoulder. 

Something really strange yet familiar at the same time. A warm touch on her right shoulder. A tear drop before she open her eyes, although she didn't have the nerve to do it at first cause she's scared.

But she did anyway. Her body tense the moment she feel the warm touch on her right shoulder. Tears drop as she open her eyes only to see how surprise Irene is just like her.

She gulped before she turn her head to look at the hand that touch her shoulder. 

On the other hand, Irene cannot hide the fact that she actually touch Seulgi. Her hand actually touch her. How? How can this happen? She's confuse and touched at the same time that it made her drop another tears.

Is...is this God works? Is he finally listen to their prayers?

Irene wasn't sure how this happen nor this is the answer to their long unanswered prayers but one thing for sure is that the person in front of her is no longer a ghost.

But a fully alive human being. 

"S-Seulgi" Irene called her.

The monolid girl remain still.

"I-I...I can touch you"



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Oct_13_wen_03 11 streak #1
update please author nim🥺🥺
927 streak #2
Chapter 12: I'm crying fr 😭😭😭
born10966 #3
Chapter 11: Seulgi is dead but she is a ghost and talk to Joohyun. How and why did she die?.
Wendy assaulted Seulgi?. Wow I'm hooked now. I can't wait for next update.
Thanks author nim.
HeinzKang99 #4
Chapter 9: its Schizophrenia Author-nim. :)
Aejoo_ #5
Will this have a good ending? I’m scared to read the angst
Chapter 1: I love the storyline also curious too who wants to hurt Irene? JENNIE? maybe I Don't know. wendy is an interesting character I hope what I am thinking of Wendy is going to happen.......🙃
Chapter 4: now im hook!! Looking forward to your updates!!
woah the forewoooord!!!
Serenity_love #9
Looks so interesting looking forward to it
the foreword is interestingg!! when are you going to continue the story authornimmm?? i'm excited to read your story XD