Nothing like us.

Nothing like us.
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“I don’t think there’s a reason for you to be here, Mina. We broke up, remember?” Momo blocked Mina from the door who tried to enter her condo without her permission.

“Let me in, Momo. And let’s talk.” Momo smirked, it’s not like she was not going to let Mina in. She set aside to give Mina a way inside her condo.


Momo already has an idea on how their conversation will end if they talked.

This is not the first time Momo has tried to do this just to keep their eight-year relationship. This is her way, and she always win.


Momo followed Mina inside, and that’s when she noticed the big paper bag on Mina’s hand that Mina had put on the floor before she lazily seated on the couch.

Momo frowned, thinking on what it could be for but ignored when she heard Mina sighs.


“Do you want coffee?” Momo offered already walking on the kitchen area.


Mina let her, and just laid her head on the head of sofa, closing her eyes feeling so tired.

She’s been thinking on her way here on Momo’s home.


In a whole minute of silence that only both breathing can be heard from each other, Mina has decided.



“Let’s break up.”


Momo has to stop putting a hot water for Mina’s coffee, trying to process what she just heard from Mina.

Momo lift up her head on Mina, and just like earlier only Mina’s back is only she could see.


“Didn’t we break up already?”

Momo laugh it out, trying to deny the truth that she’s nervous on Mina’s seriousness stating that just now.


“This time I ain’t gonna fell on that trick, Momo.”

Mina slowly tilted her head on Momo’s direction, and Momo tightens the grip in the coffee cup, didn’t care if it is hot.


She’s scared, that Mina is being serious right now.


“I ain’t coming back to you now, Momo.” Mina said it, with so much assurance.

“W-What do you mean?” And Momo was still in denial. She just, didn’t expect this to happen actually.

“I’m tired. On you. On us, Momo.”


Mina flinched on her seat in fear and almost squeal. After Momo strongly put the cup on the table almost breaking it, and spilled the hot coffee all over her hand.


Momo sharpen her gaze on Mina, while enduring the pain of her hand. She was glaring madly on her girlfriend seating slightly far from her.


“You’re really, breaking up with me?” It’s like Momo is threatening Mina through her tone


Mina is do afraid of Momo, but Mina didn’t waver.

Right now, she has fully decided. She can’t back out now.


“Are you serious?” Momo added, hoping Mina will say no but-




Momo scoffs in unbelieved, shaking her head and started to wander her eyes around to keep her eyes not to fall for any tears.


Mina watches Momo, being so anxious right now. Momo has a habit, of hurting herself when she has too much on her mind. And Mina is doing her best, not to care about that case right now. If she did, this situation of them will never change.


“Mina…” Momo approaches Mina back on the living area and stops just on Mina’s side.

Momo was looking down on Mina while Mina was looking up on Momo.


 “Eight years! It’s been eight years and you’re just going to let go?”


Mina’s eyes started to feel heavy, so just like Momo earlier she looks away. Afraid she might just cry.


“Well maybe letting go is better than staying in this toxic relationship.” Mina told Momo not looking.

Momo snickers, grinning her teeth in so much anger.


“Are you hearing yourself Mina? You’re just going to throw everything? After many years we’ve done through together?”


“Eight years!!!” Mina didn’t hold back now and shout making Momo stunned.


Mina is just, really tired.


“Yeah, eight ing years.” Mina stared back on Momo now, letting go of her tears. She doesn’t care anymore.

“Years that I’m focusing on our relationship. Doing my best just to save us every year. And what happened now? I… don’t even feel myself anymore. I can’t see myself anymore. And I have forgotten myself already. I never wanted this. I’m too tired to take care of us every time we’re fighting like this. Let’s just, end this. Please… I can’t continue this anymore.”

Momo was taken aback, Mina begging like this. She sure is getting dumb right now. She can’t process everything and all that she knew…


“Okay…” Was she doesn’t want their relationship to end like

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Chapter 1: The ending really stung xD
Chapter 1: 😟
Chapter 1: Oouchhh 😭😭

It hurts but toxicity is a no no. I'm glad that Mina find the courage to end things. Both are hurting without realizing.
1436 streak #4
Chapter 1: That must hurt especially the paper bag, but it's for the best if the relationship is toxic
Buddygooo #5
Well threatening to break up is definitely toxic. The more years a relationship is, the more fragile yet the more difficult it is to split.