phones are for the weak

penpals? in this century?

Dear Minjoo,


I’m such a big fan of your work! The ideas of incorporating classical music into modern pop is something hard to pull off, but somehow— you’ve really done it well. You deserve to to be bigger, way WAY bigger than you are now. Your voice is beautiful and you’re like, really pretty too, which is a bonus. You deserve a lot more. I hope you make it big one day!


Xx, Yena.


Minjoo smiles sheepishly at the 13th letter, and the very last letter she had to open that day, blushing slightly at the words you’re really pretty, while her heart warmed at the rest of the letter. Minjoo was a small time youtuber, making music with the harp she’d been gifted from her father- and the violin she’d bought when it was 80% off. Her channel was still growing, at a mere 30k subscribers, but the people who followed her all seemed to be sweet people who enjoyed music just as much as her, so opening a P.O box was an idea she decided on after seeing a few common commenters leaving intriguing ideas and compliments within the storm of a comment section under her videos.


There were only thirteen letters, so Minjoo decides to reply to each and every one of them— to return the favour.


“Min? Aren’t you going to bed?” Hitomi, Minjoo’s roommate and best friend walks by in her silk pajamas, blonde hair tied up in a bun as she stopped by the living room.


“Yeah, just in a bit,” Minjoo waves her off and Hitomi greets a quick goodnight before walking off, leaving Minjoo alone in the living room.


The youtuber slash part time waitress grabs a pen from a cup placed on the table positioned next to the couch, neatly ripping out a few papers from her notebook before going back to sift through the letters she’d received.


For no particular reason, she feels like replying to Yena first.


Dear Yena,


Thanks so much for the compliments! I’d compliment you but I, you know- don’t really know anything about you. But you sure know how to make a girl blush don’t you? I’m sure you’re just as pretty, and you’ve got a good way with words. Are you a writer? Sorry to pry. You don’t need to reply if you don’t want to. Oh god. I’m horrible at writing letters. But just know I am SUPER grateful for the support!! And yes, the harp and violin are the only instruments I have so, had to be creative!


I’m rambling. So sorry Yena, I understand if you’ll unsubscribe after this.


Love, Minjoo.




Everyone else sends back quick thank you’s through instagram comments and through the good ol’ youtube comment section. Some with tags on twitter, some even choosing to DM her on various sites.


Except for one.


Dear Minjoo.


Oh my god! You actually wrote back! It feels like a fever dream. Your music is just so good and that TITANIUM COVER! It was amazing. You’re amazing. Did you harmonize with yourself? And you know, it’s totally fine to ramble. It’s cute. And no, absolutely will never unsubscribe. But yes I am kindof, a writer? I write songs and lyrics, not full time of course, the only song of mine that ever got released was one about not liking to brush your teeth (it was a kids song, please don’t judge- but it does have a billion views) Now I probably look like a loser in your eyes, but as soon as I release something better— you’ll be the first one to know.


And about the harp and violin- those are such cool instruments to play! All I can play is the plain old guitar, it looks cool, but it gets boring overtime.


Oh, by the way, do you do live shows? I know it’s probably too early in your channel for a tour but, with such a pretty voice I just thought you’d just have to showcase that somewhere, you know?


Xx, Yena.


“What is that?” Hitomi asks from her seat on the other couch, intensely watching Minjoo and her pile of fanmail, the former cocking an eyebrow at the giddy smile on Minjoo’s face.


“Mail, you know- the ones that my subscribers send me,” Minjoo explains, but Hitomi seems unimpressed, only pursuing her lips as she craned her neck, trying to read even a snippet of the letter that made her roommate smile like such a fool.


“Where’s that one from?”


“Los Angeles- she writes songs,” Minjoo remarks enthusiastically, and Hitomi hums understanding as she turns back to the TV, eyes continuing to focus on the How I Met Your Mother reruns that seemed to be on the run since forever.


Dear Yena,


Of course I wrote back! When you complimented me that much, it would be rude not to write a reply. And I’m glad you liked the new cover! I’m always open to suggestions if there’s anything you’d like to hear me sing. And yes! Yes I did harmonize with me, the only person I have in my house with me is my roommate, but she hates the spotlight so I don’t ask her to do anything for my youtube channel. And you know- I am totes going look through all those kiddy channels for the one about brushing teeth so I can compliment you for your work in return. I might even cover it.


Okay so I may or may not have sifted through the kiddy channels faster than I could finish writing this, and I have to ask, is it the one on Super Simple Songs, CocoMelon or Sesame street? And if it’s neither, I’m going to need you to send me a link so I can listen to it.


And the guitar, that’s so cool! it may be common, but at least it’s not weird. Imagine pulling out a harp in the middle of a street to impress a girl. So weird. Just sling the guitar behind your back and you can get people drooling over you. By people, I mean me- when I was in college I was just obsessed with those seniors who’d walk around playing the guitar in the quad. Embarrassing really. But since you told me you write kiddy songs- it’s only fair I overshare as well.


To answer your last question, no, I don’t really perform anywhere- but that’s not a bad idea really, I live in Vegas so there are tons of places to sing at, so maybe I’ll try at a local bar or something. Or maybe even the restaurant I work in! But they’re pretty high class so I don’t know if they’ll let me sing on their fancy little stage. But thanks for the idea! I kinda need the extra money.


Oh wow these are getting long.


Love, Minjoo.


Minjoo used to go back to the P.O box once a week- but after the recent letter she’d sent to Yena, the anxiousness in her had led to her coming back to the office almost every day, the man working the counter at the office looking at her strangely every time she waltzed in looking like an overexcited puppy.


“You again Miss Kim? This is a post office you know- not Facebook messenger, you’re not going to get a reply in 1 minute,”


“I know, I know, minimum wait is like- 2 days- but I’m just, very anxious you know?” Minjoo fiddles with her fingers, walking up to her box to examine the insides.


“Who’s it from, a boyfriend? Don’t you have a phone?” He asks, and Minjoo almost chokes on nothing, shaking her head aggressively.


“No, not a boyfriend- a- a penpal,” Minjoo covers, sending the mailman a sheepish smile as she unlocked the box. There was a single letter, but not from Yena.


“A penpal? In this century?” He laughs aloud, but Minjoo waves him off, trying to conjure a reason as to why she has a penpal in the era of technology and DMs.


“Yeah- I just, thought it’d be interesting to kinda like- go back in time you know?” Minjoo tries to play it off coolly, but the man just shakes his head, not exactly understanding why the girl chose such unconventional methods, but deciding not to pry any further.


“Whatever you say- your mail does pay my checks,” he says with a chuckle, which Minjoo returns, waving him, Tom, a quick goodbye before rushing off, not wanting to be late to her afternoon shift at the Italian restaurant she worked at.


She sighs as she looks at the name on the letter, placing it on the dashboard for her to read later.


She’ll check again tomorrow.


Dear Yena,


I’m actually writing this slightly in advance just because I wanted to write to you. I did it! I asked my boss at the fancy italian restaurant I'm working at if I could sing for the restaurant from time to time and he agreed! I have to put in some extra hours at work but it’s fine, I get to sing!


“Hey Min, Chaewon is here!” Hitomi exclaims, and Minjoo stands up from her study, placing her pen down.


“Just a second!”


Dear Minjoo,


Sorry for the late reply, I was a little busy with work and stuff, my roommate is also pestering me to go on a vacation, but I’m not sure, I don’t really see a reason to go on a vacation any time soon anyways.


Enough about that— I can’t BELIEVE you found the song?! It’s the cocomelon one- I’m not big enough for Sesame Street, HAH. Cover it, I dare you. April 1st is coming up, I think it would be a silly thing to do.


And hey! I’m glad you find us guitarists attractive, but you just look so gorgeous on the harp, you should watch your own videos! It’s just so elegant and calming to the eye- you have no idea. I wouldn’t mind seeing a pretty girl like you on the harp in public- ESPECIALLY if she were singing to me. That’d be like a dream. You know angels are always portrayed with harps right? You’re kinda like that, an angel.


Though it is a pretty big instrument, so it’d probably be tough to lug it around huh? Perhaps I could join one of your videos on the guitar someday, without my face though- not really a fan of on screen action.


And goodluck with the singing gig! I’m sure your boss’ll hire you as soon as you open your mouth, your voice is beautiful.


Xx, Yena.


Minjoo skims through the letter over and over again as she waited for her water to boil, grinning as she neatly folds the letter, only to open it up again, wanting to read it once more.


“Gosh Min, did you get a letter from Brad Pitt?” Hitomi comments as she saunters towards the fridge, pulling out the disgustingly coloured detox drink she seemed to be drinking almost every day, while she cocked an eyebrow at her friend.


“N-no, it’s just Yena,” Minjoo stammers slightly, even herself unsure as to why she was suddenly nervous.


“Yena? Is this the writer?” Hitomi asks, taking a seat on the chair across to where Minjoo was standing, propping herself up with her elbow on top of the kitchen island.




“She’s still sending you fanmail? She’s a persistent one isn’t she?” Hitomi comments, and Minjoo debates on whether to tell her it's because they’ve been writing to each other back and forth, and finally decides that there would be no harm in telling Hitomi.


“Well, we’ve kinda been writing back and forth,” Minjoo says with a hint of nervousness, and the woman opposite her lets out a quick ‘oh’ before nodding in understanding, opening the bottle with an effortless twist of the wrist.


“Well if you’re mailing her personally so much- why not just give her our address? That way you don’t have to waste gas going to the office every day,” Hitomi suggests like the smartass she is, and Minjoo blinks in admiration at the simple idea- how come she’d never thought of that?


“Though you could just ask for her number,” Hitomi states the obvious, but Minjoo brushes her off, quickly turning to her whistling kettle to turn the heat off.


“I don’t know, writing letters is- kinda romantic don’t you think?”


“As expected, you’ve gained an infatuation with a measly songwriter,” Hitomi rolls her eyes, but Minjoo is caught off guard, not intending to claim Yena as her romantic interest.


“No! Not like- romantic— with her- but romantic, as in it’s— a nice thing! To do- to pass time!” Minjoo’s intonation is all over the place, but Hitomi knows her friend well enough to know when to stop pushing her buttons, so she just chuckles as she walks away from the kitchen, and back to her CSI Season 2 reruns.


Dear Yena,


I’m actually writing this slightly in advance just because I wanted to write to you. I did it! I asked my boss at the fancy italian restaurant I'm working at if I could sing for the restaurant from time to time and he agreed! I have to put in some extra hours at work but it’s fine, I get to sing!


And yeah, roommates are the best (they pay the bills!) aren’t they? My best friend Hitomi, she’s got a whole full time job with a cubicle and all. Turns out there’s a real need for lawyers in Las Vegas! I mean, with everything going on here, I’m not really surprised.


And YES! You could totally be in one of my videos, maybe even a few, one day. If you’re ever in town, just drop by! Hitomi suggested this- I’ll be putting my real address on this letter, so I hope you’re not a creep.


And thank you— always strong with the compliments aren’t you? I’m sure you’ll be just as impressive as any of those guitarists I drooled over in college.


Oh, I hope you get to write for Sesame Street one day :)


P/S: Check out my new video! ;)


Love, Min.


Her kiddy song cover goes viral, and she wonders if Yena is proud of her song becoming such a hit (amongst adults and kids alike). And her wonder almost causes her to burst, choosing to do taxes and her other paperwork in the living room, where she could peer through the window and glare at her mailbox, waiting for any shadow of a postman to appear at her doorstep.


It’s when she comes back from an exhaustingly long day at work, and checks the insides of their dark green postbox. Her horrible day just becomes all the more gloomy as finds the space bare, she slowly drags herself up the mini stairs that led to their house, a home that Hitomi’s parents had secured for them, being the owners of a fancy company of lawyers that was based in Beverly Hills.


“I’m home!” Minjoo announces, seeing Hitomi in her usual spot on the couch, watching the Hawaii Five O’ reruns that showed every now and then.


“Oh hey Min, there was mail for you- I left it on the kitchen counter,” Hitomi points out, and Minjoo bolts towards the counter at speeds Hitomi hasn’t seen since their compulsory High School marathons 10 years ago.


Minjoo sifts through some subscriptions, and finally lands on the mail she’d been waiting for all week.


There are two pages stapled together.


Minjoo doesn’t remember the last time she smiled so hard it hurt her upper jaw.


“Gosh it’s like you won the lottery,”


Dear Minjoo,


First of all. You’re crazy. I don’t know whether I’m talking about how you’ve made a cover of a BABY’S song sound so angelic, or if I’m talking about the fact that you’re actually trusting me with your house address. You’re actually a madwoman Kim. You’re lucky I’m not some creep from under a bridge in San Francisco, or else you’d be in deep by now. (Or am I? Lock your windows)


Okay back to that cover- how?! HOW WAS THAT SO GOOD?! I’m a full grown adult and that put me straight to sleep. It’s a perfect lullaby. The gentle strums, that insanely gorgeous voice of yours- it’s just the lyrics kinda . AND THAT'S MY FAULT! So, if you’d agree, I’ve written you a song to sing (it’s on the back of the second paper), a lullaby of sorts- it’s just lyrics, and you can turn it into any melody you’d like. You deserve something original. That’s like- not about a 2 year old not wanting to brush his teeth.


And I’m so proud of you!! I told ya your boss would love a voice like yours. I’d love to hear you live someday, so if you’re alright with it- maybe you could drop that address too? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ . Maybe one day you’ll see me there- Anaheim to Vegas isn’t that big of a stretch.


Moving on- you are so lucky to have such a useful roommate- mine is an aspiring stand up comedian- so you can imagine the amount of times I’ve had to shoulder the bills. She really should get a part time job at the very least- but she’s got a one track mind and I’m so done trying to overtake her.


P/S: What’s the best hotel in Vegas?


Xx, super hot guitarist, Yena.


Dear Creep Under a Bridge,


To be honest, I’ve never stayed in a Vegas hotel- but it really depends, whether you want popularity, good service, cheap prices, good rates or how close it is to my place. Are you actually trying to creep on me now? But yeah, that’s the lowdown, though I’ve always dreamed of staying at the Bellagio. Big dreams. Very big dreams. I’ve seen the pictures of the the Presidential Suite and I just- fell in love. I’m rambling. Sorry. I locked my windows, btw.


And thank you! For the song- I feel like I’m exploting you! A whole song for free?! And I think I’ve found the perfect melody, so I hope it’s to your liking. (Stay tuned!) It’s a kinda lullaby? I mean people often say they hear my stuff when they’re trying to focus- or go to sleep. So those lyrics your wrote, they’re perfect for me. Thank you so much Yena. I would love to collaborate with you more in the future. You’re just amazing.


If you search up Italian American Resturant in Vegas it’s basically the first one that pops up- so good luck finiding me. Which well- won’t be hard since you have my house address- but I have yours too so— the creepiness is mutual. I may have googled it.


Oh and about your roommate- STAND UP COMEDY?! She sounds just about as fun as you are, I wouldn’t have the guts to stand in front of an open crowd much less make JOKES in front of people. I’m like- very not funny. My jokes are really lame. You should know by now, I have never made one actually funny joke through these whole pages of writings. I hope she blows up one day and you’ll never have to worry about the bills ever again. You deserve good things. Unless she kicks you out and leaves you under a bridge. Then I guess you can come and live with me.


Love, Minjoo ;)




Minjoo is waiting tables at her day job when a girl walks in with a guitar strapped to her back, earning her attention in almost an instant as her mind surges to Yena, despite knowing many a guitarist before. The woman is walking in her direction, though her eyes seemed to be darting from one point of the restaurant to another, as if she were trying to take it all in.


It was also rather an oddity that she was in the store, since it was a rather fancy restaurant— Miss Guitarist seemed to be heavily underdressed for the candlelight of the venue.


Before Minjoo can ask her what she’s doing, she greets the waitress first.


“Hi, do you serve like- coke?” She asks, her voice low and sweet, the sound speeding up the gears in Minjoo’s heart yet bringing the ones in her heart to an abrupt stop.


Pretty guitarist pretty guitarist pretty guitarist pretty guitarist pretty guitarist…


“Yes! Of course! Coke, one— diet?”


“Just a regular would do,” The woman waves her off, and Minjoo nods a bit too over enthusiastically, the guitarist smiling sheepishly at the other woman’s actions.


“Of course! You can uh- take a seat at the bar?” Minjoo’s voice almost cracks at sheer nervousness, and what she hates the most is that she can’t understand why she’s acting like such a fool.


It’s the guitar. Really. A stupid weakness on your part Minjoo.


“Yeah! I’ll uh, go take a seat, thanks Minjoo,” She says with a soft smile, pointing to a vacant seat within the bar area. Minjoo wants to reply, but she’s too caught up with the fact that she knew her name, and can barely choke out a great before the lady slips out of earshot.


Obviously, Minjoo is aware she’s wearing a tag and the girl seemed to be polite- but the way she said her name was just putting her brain into haywire—


“Minjoo! Workplace policy! Where is your nametag?!” Her manager yaps, and Minjoo malfunctions.


Do I know her?!




It was when Minjoo decided to take a stroll around the city center, did she see the coke girl again.


She was busking at the corner of an intersection with the guitar in her hands, strumming away as she played for the small mass of people that had formed around her. She had a certain passion in her eyes, one that had Minjoo captivated- frozen on her feet all the way from across the street.


When guitar girl was done with her song, they all cheered for her, the woman thanking them as she excused herself for a break. The crowd dispersed just as she picked up her bottle, downing almost the entire bottle as her eyes landed on the Kim who was still standing across the street.


The busker shows Minjoo a shy wave, one that has her turning to the person behind her, but everyone seemed to be rushing from one point to another- and they were the only two still within the continuum of time.


Minjoo points to herself, questioning the singer’s intentions, but she smiles a bit wider and nods, Minjoo making it a quick point to start waving back a little harder than usual, Miss Guitar seeming to be amused by the enthusiasm she often brought with wherever she went.


The semi-youtube sensation makes her way towards the busker, the latter finally putting down her drink, swallowing hard as she shot Minjoo a nervous smile, the air around them seeming to still as Minjoo geared up to speak to the guitarist- but she barely got her nerves to send logical signals before she spoke to her first.


“Hey— Minjoo right?” She asks, putting her guitar to the side, sliding to the edge if the bench, inviting Minjoo to sit next to her.


“Yeah! But, about that—”


“I’m Yujin, I watch your channel- Minjoo’s Classics?”




Watches my channel?!


“Y-you— OH! So that’s how you knew my name,” Minjoo finally puts two and two together, and she’s glad the pretty girl wasn’t a creep who stalked her through cities just to know her name.


“Yeah! That- never occured to me that it would be weird for you— sorry, I should’ve—”


“No! It’s fine, you’re like cute so it doesn’t matter,” Minjoo waves it off, Yujin unsure of how to respond to such blatant flirting, only able to hear her brain and heart both work in overdrive trying to find any possible line she could use to keep Minjoo’s attention.


“So, are you not from around here? I’ve never seen you around,” Minjoo takes initiative, Yujin slipping out a silent prayer of gratitude, since she wasn’t really the best with words meant to be strung into a conversation.


“Yeah no, I’m from California— I’m on a holiday, my roommate recently found out she has like- millions of dollars in the bank, so were like- staying in the Bellagio and doing fancy stuff, getting footrubs and soaking in hottubs, the usual,” Yujin says as if everything is casual, and she happened to have a constant stream of millionaire roommates that stopped by her house every once in a while.


“And you’re still trying to earn a buck? On your luxury holiday?” Minjoo questions, Yujin only shrugging in response.


“Millionaire roommates don’t stay forever,”


“I would beg to differ,” Minjoo says, thinking of her own roommate Hitomi, who probably had about a million dollars in the bank- saving it for emergencies, whenever that may be.


“Oh really? You happen to have a millionaire roommate?”


“Hitomi Honda- my best friend since we were twelve and my monetary aid since we were eleven,” Minjoo jokes with a smirk, a laugh leaving Yujin’s lips before she came up with a response.


“Honda? As in the biggest lawyers in America— Honda Optimum?”


“Yeah! Those guys- but I’ve never met anyone who recognises a group of lawyers,” Minjoo remarks. “You got any weird interests I should be aware of?”


“Nah they were just the ones you dealt with the aftermath of my parent’s divorce— a real fun time!” Yujin exclaims with faux enthusiasm, Minjoo unsure of whether to laugh or not, the confusion written on her face as she tried to conjure up a response.


“Sorry- I was joking- not a good joke to make with people you’ve just met— sorry,” Yujin apologises through gritted teeth, Minjoo finally letting out the laugh she’d been holding back from earlier.


“It’s fine, I’m just- I’ve been told that I’m not that great at reading social cues and I—”


“No! You’re great, you’re good just- it’s really just me, you know?” Yujin pauses.


“Would you like to go out for a bit?”


“At the Bellagio?”


“Anywhere you want,”




“OH YEAH! THIS IS REALLY GOOD!” Yujin yells over the plucks of the violin put on full volume, Minjoo’s original song putting Yujin to near tears from the pride in her chest on the delicacy in her ears.


Yujin and Minjoo have known each other for about four days now, with Yujin’s roommate finding all sorts reasons to extend their stay, the staff at Bellagio starting to get familiar with even Minjoo for the number of times she was just wandering around the hotel (and the near entirety of Vegas) with Yujin, enjoying foot rubs and the all in all Presidential Suite treatment.


“Are you crying? Is something wrong?” Minjoo asks, an eyebrow arched in concern as she held Yujin by the housing of her headphones, Yujin waving her off before removing the device from her head, holding Minjoo’s hands that were previously holding as she lowered the headphones to her lap.


“No, it’s just- your voice is so beautiful, and this song is just- so good,” Yujin says, trying to blink the tears back into her eyes, Minjoo flashing her an eye smile as she squeezed her hands around the headphones, Yujin feeling the light movements of her bones and the little contractions of her muscles, smiling at the woman softly before squeezing her hands in return.


“Thank you- a friend of mine wrote it for me,” Minjoo says gently, her smile growing a bit wider.


“A friend? For free?”


“Yeah, she said it was a gift, though I do feel a bit bad I— should probably get her something!” The idea dawns in Minjoo’s mind at that exact moment, and Yujin blinks at her, only watching as she shoots up, trying to pinpoint exactly where to go and what to buy.


“Um, are we going somewhere?” Yujin questions, and Minjoo nods aggressively, to which Yujin wants to wave off with a i’m tired, but Minjoo has these big puppy dog eyes that no one can resist, so Yujin takes her hand with a tired smile, and suggests a place for the ball of energy who was already dragging her away from her study.


“I haven’t been to the Venetian yet,”




Yujin and Minjoo are drinking their 3rd can of coke when Minjoo finally meets Yena.


“HEYAAA!” Yena struts through the room in joggers and a bright pink shirt, holding two different drinks on two different hands as she made her way to where Yujin and Minjoo are, the both of them sitting properly after hearing the other woman march in.


“Oh? Hey it’s Minjoo!” Yena exclaims, Minjoo blinking in confusion at the newcomer, while Yujin bites her tongue, unable to believe Yena blew her identity just like that.


“You know me?”


“Hey I know ya! Shawshank here watches your all the time!” Yena says as she sets her drinks down, only after downing one of them straight away.


“Oh? Well, that’s nice to know,” Minjoo says with a small smile, holding her hand out for Yena to shake.


“You must be Yujin’s roommate! I—”


“I’m Yena! Choi Yena- nice to meet ya,” Yena greets, and Minjoo’s eyes go wide as Yujin’s breath hitches, begging so much for Minjoo to just drop the situation and ask to go home, despite Yujin not really wanting her to go.


“Oh? Are you- Yena?” Minjoo asks, the hopeful tone in her voice causing the guilt in Yujin to triple.


“Yeah, the one and only!” Yena announces, eyeing Yujin, knowing exactly what she was doing to the guitarist.


“No, I meant like— do you play the guitar?” Minjoo asks, her tone still roaring with wishful anticipation, Yujin frozen in her spot as she listens to the exchange.


It’s not that she doesn’t want to tell Minjoo, it’s just— she doesn’t know how.


“Nah I don’t, but Yujin Ahn who lives in Anaheim, Chapman Ave, 7300, No. 43 with me totally does,” Yena says, being as straightforward as she possibly can, confusion starting to creep on Minjoo’s face.


“Do you- write lyrics?” Minjoo asks again, trying to be sure if all the information she had previously was properly connected.


“Nope, I do stand up comedy- The Yenaverse? A real good show— My buddy AYJ does though,” Yena mentions, gesturing to the red faced Yujin.


Minjoo Kim may be incredibly smart when it came to music and making music, but when it came to social cues, intonation and such communicative skills- she lacked a bit, but Yujin Ahn— that lying bastard wouldn’t want it any other way.


Minjoo Kim radiates a sort of shining energy, a positive vibe in the flesh with sunlight streaming through the blood in her veins. She was insanely positive, and her now near 100k subscribers could agree it was a radiation that probably traveled through the wifi- seeping out of their screens and into their homes, into their ears and nesting deep within their dreams.


When she decided to send Minjoo that first letter, she never expected a reply- nor did she expect the entire exchange to go through, and for her to fall slightly in love with the one woman show that was Minjoo Kim.


“Listen, Min. There’s something we need to tell you,” Yujin says after what feels like an aeon of holding her breath, Yena shaking her head at the statement.


“Not weyou- I have nothing to do with this!” Yena argues, turning around to pick up the other glass, moving back towards the door to assumably top up on drinks, but Yujin speaks up so she could get her to stay- because there is no way she could do this on her own.


“Yes you do Yena I used your name!”




5 Days Ago.


To my singer,


I’m like- in a total rush right now and I’m sorry my writing is all scrawly and weird, but I just wanted to say I’m definitely!! Definitely, staying tuned for whatever you’ve done with my words. They’ll be your words from now on, and I’m so glad you like it. You too. You’re amazing, I mean.


Yeah my roommate is all sorts of things- though reliable isn’t really one of them, she’s still a fun person to be with, and I’m glad she’s sticking with a weirdo like me.


And I think you’re fun! Maybe not… funny (I’m joking) but fun! For sure. So much energy I can feel it through the screen. You may be singing slow and and kinda sad songs, but you’re just- you’ve got these electric eyes that just buzz anyone with energy, if that makes any sense.


Sorry for the short one! I’ll make it up to you somehow.


Love, Bridge Creep.


“Hey shawshank!” Yena slips into their one room apartment clad in her ‘comedic’ wear, which was just a much much cheaper version of Beyoncé’s MetGala dress, some of the gems even peeling off from the skin tight dress.


“Hey Yena,” Yujin is smiling to herself as she rereads Minjoo’s letter after having stashed away her own, a sense of pride swelling up in her from the way Minjoo loved the lyrics she wrote- even if they were cheesy and were originally meant for a kids rhyme book instead of an actual proper song. She knows that even if she sent Minjoo an absolute show of lyrics, she would somehow be able to turn it into something stunning, a talent that probably came with being able to play the harp.


Yujin thinks that way because of how stunning Minjoo was, playing the harp. She was just sitting there, strumming the strings on that massive instrument, but no matter how massive the harp was, Minjoo always seemed to shine a bit more than the shine on the shaven wood. Her eyes, the way they were trained on the strings, the intense look she had as she focused on nothing but the music, the captivating smile she wore after she finished each video, a look of pride on her face from succeeding to play the instrument with such perfection. The way her voice pitched a note higher everytime she said her thank yous and hellos.


Stunning. Minjoo Kim was everything— but between the strums and plucks, the hums and smiles, she was simply stunning.


Yujin remembers discovering her channel for the first time, unable to find fault within the 3 minute long cover of David Guetta’s Titanium. She remembers the deep sleep she’d managed to fall into after listening to one of Minjoo’s covers, how heaven the feeling was to finally sleep peacefully after a week of nearly nonstop working. She remembers a long time never seem burst of excitement surge through her when Minjoo announced she would be taking mail, knowing she could get her message to the youtuber across, and be absolutely sure she read it.


If anyone deserved happiness, it was Minjoo Kim.


“Is that my mail?” Yena questions, jumping on Yujin’s bed to yank the mail out of her scrawny hands, the lyricist barely able to put up a fight before Yena skims through the message sent from Vegas, the woman squinting as she tried to make sense of the entire letter.


“Yena I can expla—”


“Minjoo? Who’s Minjoo? I don’t remember having an ex named— OH MY GOD?!” Yena puts two and two together, and practically throws the letter away as Yujin scrambled to pick it off the floor, Yena pointing an accusing finger at her roommate.


“This is that harpy girl you keep watching on youtube! You’ve been using my name to write your cheesy love letters?!” Yena exclaims,and Yujin is more alarmed about the cheesy love letters than the tone Yena is using on her.


“I just— you know how I’m like with girls! Pretty ones to add to that,” Yujin tries to argue, but she knows it comes out flat, Yena shaking her head at her friend’s ridiculous antics.


“Yujin! Rule number one of talking to pretty girls- don’t lie to them!” Yena groans as she crashes into Yujin’s bed, the thump causing the lyricist’s heart to jump, sighing as Yena settled in.


“So is this why you wanted to go to Vegas?” Yena questions, she’d recently found out her mother had set a savings account for her with a crap load of money (that could no longer be saved- sorry Mrs Choi) and Yena’s first thought was to go on a super 5 star trip, deciding to bring her partner in crime, resident green card and let her pick the state they’d cross over to.


“Yeah… I mean do feel bad but I just— I’m weird about this stuff,” Yujin sighs as she places her head in her hands, regretting the little lie she’d added into the letters.


“I mean you didn’t lie about everything— it’s just your name, not that big of a deal,” Yena tries to comfort her friend, but Yujin bites her lip, unsure if someone as nice as Minjoo would pass someone lying about their name.


“Yeah but- I can’t just write, oh by the way, my real name is Yujin hahaha- it’s not that simple Yena,” Yujin clicks her tongue, Yena searching for another solution in head.


“Just go there and tell her, you know her address and all, it’s not that difficult,” Yena suggests, and Yujin pursues her lip, trying to analyze each outcome of the story between her- and a really pretty youtuber.






“So, all this while- I’ve been talking to Yujin?” Minjoo questions, seeking clarity from the misty road she was on, wondering which parts of the letters were lies, and which ones were real.


“And— that’s why Yena hasn’t sent me mail in almost a week? Even after I sent that gift?” Minjoo questions, confusion written all over her face as she tries pieceall the events of the past week together.


“Yes, yes, it’s just me- I just used her name,” Yujin says. “I didn’t think that you’d reply- and I didn’t think you’d reply again and then I had no idea that I would fall in love— I MEAN- I just, didn’t know I’d get attached,” Yujin says, guilt seeping through her tone as her eyes flickered from Minjoo’s to the floor, one hand rubbing her nape as she tried to conjure words that sounded genuine, yet not too forward, as either would probably scare the poor girl away.


“I came- but I never came clean. I’m sorry Minjoo,” Yujin admits, yet Minjoo is speechless, looking to Yena, who nods in support of her friend, slightly agape as she tried to take it all in, her head slightly spinning with all the information and thoughts she had, the ones from her heart and the ones from her head clashing together in a mini war.


Then she stops to think awhile, about Yujin, and about Yena and all the things she liked and semi-loved in the both of them, some traits she hoped that they would share.


The little nose scrunch Yujin had, Yena’s knack for musical composition, Yujin’s funny walk and the way she downed coke like it was plain water (it was also a very unhealthy habit, but she’ll get to nagging her after their 3 months monthsary perhaps?), she loved the sarcastic nature of both their humours. Their love for music.


Perhaps it was nice to know, that they were both the same people after all.


“You know, I’m kinda glad I don’t have to choose between this so-called Yena and you, Yujin,” Minjoo spits out, a shy smile formed on her lips.


“S-so you forgive me?” Yujin asks, eyes glinting with an innocent hope that made Minjoo’s heart swell with all sorts of jumpy feelings, almost ready to jump on the girl and peper her with kisses.


“I do, but you’ll have to work for my trust,” Minjoo says, standing up straight in an attempt to be intimidating.


“Yes ma’am!” Yujin mirrors the actions, giving a quick salute, at which Minjoo chuckles a bit, wanting to kiss her, but also unsure if it was the right course of action- since they did just have a slight conflict just seconds ago.


“Yeah yeah you can her face Ahn I’ll leave,” Yena says, rolling her eyes as she grabbed both her glasses, walking off and out of their room, probably to get another round of drinks.


Once the door clicks behind Yena, the two are wearing matching smiles, the curved lips a mix of sly and shy, eyes travelling all over the room, trying to steal glances at each other despite being only inches apart.


“So, what’s the first odd job I have to do to earn that trust of yours Miss Kim?” Yujin asks, an eyebrow raised, a faux-cluelessness in her tone that causes Minjoo’s lips to upturn into a full smile, Yujin moving a step closer, able to feel the wisp of Minjoo’s breath on her nose, her own smile growing at the ghost touch.


“Oh I think you know,




“I promise I haven’t moved in Hitomi,” Yujin argues with the stricter woman, Hitomi cocking an eyebrow at the accountability of Yujin’s words, her arms crossed while Minjoo recorded from behind Hitomi, giggling at her friend and girlfriend’s constant banter.


“Why should I trust you? You’re practically a pathological liar,Hitomi asks and Yujin practically gasps as Minjoo bursts into laughter, Yujin raising her hands in surrender, pacing around the room.


Please? It’s been 5 months Honda,” Yujin stops her pacing to plead to Hitomi, in a way that’s meant to imitate Minjoo’s puppy dog eyes- but no way in hell were those things going to work on Hitomi freakin’ Honda.


“It’s not gonna work Yujin,” Minjoo shakes her head from behind the camera, and Yujin sighs again knowing she isn’t going to win this lawsuit for Minjoo’s attention with a ing lawyer.


They did this almost every time Yujin came over, (every month) whenever it was Minjoo’s turn to drive to whatever ‘family’ activity they had planned, and the two would squabble about who deserved to sit next to Minjoo in the car, since Minjoo would often dismiss the one sitting at the back due to her lack of hearing.


“You’re really not helping babe,” Yujin complains, to which Minjoo laughs, not making any attempt to stop them from fighting.


“Hitomi can sit shotgun today, besides- were going on a date tomorrow Yujin!” Minjoo waves the two off, stopping the recording as she shut the camera, slipping it into it’s bag on the kitchen island. “Now go get ready you too! Wouldn’t want Chaewon to wait,” Minjoo remarks quickly, chuckling as she saw Yujin defeatedly flop onto the couch, Hitomi hissing at her for sitting on her part of the couch.


“You know Min- you’re the only one not ready!” Hitomi calls out, to which Minjoo just ignores, pursuing her lips at the realisation. The latter quickly flips her laptop open, checking a few things before pressing a few buttons, smiling at the thumbnail of the video she was about to post, apart of the vlogging series in between her music and lessons on how to play the harp. This video in particular though, owned a special place in Minjoo’s heart, along with the video of Yujin’s song- Goodnight— and the one about brushing teeth, obviously.


“Right okay okay! Just let me post this new video okay?!” Minjoo shouts from her room, hearing quick okays and whatevers, the halfway youtube sensation clicking the final post button, dusting her hands off after she did, watching the bar with a warmth in her heart— a warm hum irreplaceable by anything under the multi-coloured sky;


Except maybe, a few letters from a penpal—


In this very century.


Like Any Other Youtuber, I’m Stealing Ideas (The Girlfriend Tag)

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this is probably my last fic in a long time so i made it fluffy! Thanks everybody who read, commented and etc!! For more details i placed them in the description:D


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saw this got updated, read the author comment that was made 3 years ago, got a heart attack for like a hot minute 😭😭
1761 streak #2
Chapter 1: awww i for one believe having penpals are cool even in this day and age!!
huh… the chapter was gone? 🥹
Hi author! Is this on draft status? ;-;
Chapter 1: you really have a knack in making people smile thru your works. this is so good and so nice to read, might come back here just to lift my mood up :]
snsdsoshigg #6
Chapter 1: SO CUTEEE
Chapter 1: I knew it! It was weird that it was yena writing and being the responsible one. I guessed halfway reading the fic that it would probably be yujin using yena's name. The standy up comedy part was a dead giveaway
Chapter 1: Awww thank you for this. The plot is so *chef's kiss!!
Chapter 1: I'm so worried that this will be An angst since it's jinjoo😩 I'm so happy that Minju forgive Yujin so easily, they are so cute uwu💙🤍💙🤍💙
Chapter 1: THIS IS SO CUTE WTF i cant stop smiling