16: The Former Agent

Sanguine Villus (Living as a Vampire Prequel)
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As the chopper hovers through the location of their member's location, they had seen the destruction of the place because of the bombs. Irene, Seulgi and Wendy jumped down from the chopper before they start to see the full extent of what happened.


"Someone rigged the place out." Wendy muttered as they looked around the area, "I know every well who did it." Irene begrudgingly balled her fists.


The three half-bloods starts searching for them and looked through the rubbles, Irene had been frantic, maybe this was a ruse from Hyuna. She knows every move of each agent they had deployed, something is not right at this point. "Irene, Wendy, I need your help with this-" Seulgi had already sensed something under one debris and she tries to lift it up but it was too heavy.


"Coming." Wendy shouted before running towards the taller girl before they start to lift the debris, Seulgi starts to struggle lifting before she sees Irene is thinking deeply at one area. "Irene! Need help here!" She shouted which snapped the older half-blood and went over to them, lifting up the debris they successfully turned it to an opposite direction.


A large thud came afterward but the three were shocked to see a small puddle of blood underneath, they came down to the gap and Wendy starts to take a blood sample and gets a gadget that could identify the DNA of it. Since the process is slow, the smaller half-blood looked up to the other two, "This may take a while, you two should look for clues for now."


"Can you fix the algorithms of it to make it faster?" Irene impatiently told her, but the other politely shook her head, "I can't, it might take a wrong person once I made the system faster." then she sighed. "I know you've been restless since we figured out that they were ambushed, Irene. We cannot make haste with this unless--"


"Unless what?" The older half-blood snaps as her eyes was about to go red but Seulgi gently took her shoulder and answered, "Unless you calm down and think this through..." Then Seulgi noticed that Irene has been acting fretful as days go by after she left her in her mother's house. "You've been pretty worked up."


The leader looked at the two, they were worried but none of them doesn't know what actually happened a few weeks ago. She slowly calmed down and was about to speak when her instincts felt someone was going to attack them, Irene looked around to see some unusual shadows lurking from behind. With her eagle eyes, she knew exactly they aren't the only ones.


"Heads up!" Irene told the other two as she looked upon the enemies that were about to fire their bullets on them, Wendy quickly activated the force field from her belt and made a dome of transparent shield to cover themselves from it. "We've wasted enough time to search for them, now our only lead is the blood sample." Wendy told them, then Irene prepares her bow as she retract it from her back to readied her quiver while Seulgi takes out her dual baton from her hips.


"I'll keep them distracted," Seulgi told the two before she starts sprinting from left to right to avoid the bullets and keep the enemies focus on her, since she's the strongest one, she had to lure the enemies from the two half-bloods. "I'll find their weak points," Irene said as she used the mono lens that Wendy gave them to scan the enemies' weak points, once she finds each enemies' weak points, she marked them and draws out a special arrow with a dozen of thin flying needles, she shoots up at the sky and pops, flying needles starts to fly to the marked spots of the enemies to decapacitated them.


When some of them are weakened, Seulgi starts to knocked them off with her baton then Wendy takes a rifle from her back and it slowly transforms into a bigger gun. "For the final touch!" Then she shouted at Seulgi to throw a special device in the middle of the remaining enemies, it quickly made a quick flash within twenty meters in diameter which caused the remaining enemies to stay frozen in their place.


Then Wendy pulls the trigger and a blow of supersonic boom starts to focus on to the remaining enemies. Some were thrown miles away, some of them disintegrated and some are unconscious. Three girls looked at the chaos they did to them, they all smiled before the other's device is beeping before she takes it from her waist. The blood analysis was identified to be Joy's.


"My conclusion is... Joy was injured, probably crushed by that massive chunk but..." Wendy walked through the area where they found Joy's blood, "She's not here."


Irene sighed and she shakes her head, she's losing hope on finding Yerim's tracks before she spots something sparkling from afar. She went to it, the closer she gets the more it was glowing from under the rubble. "Guys, come here." She told Seulgi and Wendy before she dug up the rubble to see one of two Yerim's knuckle gloves she used in combat. The glove is still glowing but it was in pretty bad shape, "Yerim's... but where is the other one?" Irene muttered.


Then Wendy gasped sharply, "Wait, I think I could track her gloves location." And then she took it quickly from Irene's hand. She jacked into the socket of her glove and starts to type on her small computer again, but then it couldn't track on the other glove. She groaned, "Dammit, it's no good. It seems that the glove has been jammed."


Seulgi looked around for the clues while she let the two look into tracking the piece of evidence, her instinct kicked in as she felt someone was lurking behind them. The taller woman looked around and saw someone running around her, she gritted her teeth as she draws out her baton once again. "There's another one-" As soon as she looked up, a woman wearing a black jumpsuit jumped over her and shoots her a rope launcher which it wrapped the

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making changes in some covers and plots!


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Oct_13_wen_03 11 streak #1
Chapter 15: Thank you so much author nim for update ❤❤❤
Oct_13_wen_03 11 streak #2
Chapter 14: Thank you so much author nim for update ❤❤❤
Chapter 14: Yeri T.T I really hope Jimin is ok.
Oct_13_wen_03 11 streak #4
update please author nim ^^
Chapter 12: Uh Oh Jimin and Joy meet O_O
Chapter 8: Can't wait till they all meet up.
born10966 #7
Chapter 6: Ok little by little we are getting more information of the plot. I think it's very interesting and taking form, when all the characters reunite it's gonna be epic.
Thanks for the update Author Nim
Chapter 5: Lol Go NingNing. Beat those bullies. And jeez Winter just summoning a gun at school.
born10966 #9
Chapter 5: Ohh.. suspecting that unknown vampire donor was a special or very strong one.
Thanks for the update Author Nim.
born10966 #10
Chapter 2: First time reading this story and I'm really hooked, very interesting and creative plot. I will check the other stories too. Thanks.