The Lift

The Lift
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First Meeting 









A new semester just started and Luhan was chiling out with his friends Kyungsoo and Baekhyun in the student activity center since it was their break time. Its only the first week of class so its means they don't have much assignment and projects but after this week he is sure it will be the start of the new hell week. He was using his phone but got bored scrolling through his social media account when they weren't any new feed and nothing is interesting to him so he just put down his phone on the table. He saw his two friends are busy with their phone so he just look around activity center. 



While he was looking around one guy caught his attention. A tall handsome guy just enter the student activity center. He was who's busy looking around Luhan thought maybe he is looking for his friends. While the guy is still looking around, Luhan follow the guy every move without taking his eyes off him when the guy suddenly look his way Luhan look down and grab his phone pretending he was busy. He check him again after a few seconds he notice that the guy is walking there way. Luhan got nervous because what if the guy notice he was gawking at him. 



He keep on scrolling his phone trying act normal as he can when the guy keeps getting near him. He feels like his heart would explode with how fast it beats. He takes a peek again and that is when he saw him standing infront of their table. Luhan doesn't know what to do he just remain their stunned at this guy face he didn't thought he would see him this up close. When he was about to open his mouth someone behind his back suddenly talk. 



"Sehun over here" a guy said. The guy smile back to his friends and walk past by him. That's when Luhan release a deep breath after he heard him sit down on his friends table he didn't know he was holding his breath the whole time. Good thing he didn't get to do something embarrassing. Kyungsoo suddenly notice him. 


"You okay Luhan?" Kyungsoo said with a curious look. Baekhyun stop scrolling his phone and look at his two friends. He don't know what is happening. 


"Yeah am good" Luhan said. 


"You sure?" Kyungsoo asked. 


"Yes. Am totally good." Luhan said with a smile prove that he was okay. After confirming he was good Kyungsoo and Baekhyun get back to what they are doing. 


That day Luhan can guarantee that he was mesmerized with a guy name Sehun. And he feel so lucky cause he got to know his name too. And that was the first day Luhan ever saw Oh Sehun. Thanks to his friend who called him and to Baekhyun who choose that table. 











Secret is out






Everyday Luhan is wishing that he would have a chance to see Sehun in the hallway, canteen, laboratory or student activity center since both of them are from different courses Luhan seldom see Sehun. Its hard having a crush from different courses. Because there are a lot of reason for you not to see him everytime and that is one their classroom, two different department means different floor, three different schedules. And that's why everytime he got the opportunity to see him he would admire him secretly from afar and enjoy that moment while it last. 



He wants to keep it as a secret to himself him having a crush to Sehun. He thought he is not too obvious when Sehun is around but he got it wrong cause his two friends Baekhyun and Kyungsoo aren't blind not to notice him. Now that his two friends know his secret they would always whenever they see Sehun around and this is the reason why he want it to keep it a secret. His friends talk a lot that sometimes they would even say embarrassing stuff to their other classmates instead of keeping it as a secret. Luhan is so scared that one day his friends would spill his secret specially Baekhyun who can't shut his mouth. And since they know about Sehun, whenever Baekhyun or Kyungsoo saw Sehun they would tell it to him immediately once they meet just like now Baekhyun told him that he saw Sehun at the Canteen. Its like he hired a secret spy to look out for Sehun. 



And since the day he admires Sehun, Luhan notice that there is this one girl who always stick with Sehun. They are kinda close too so he thought maybe its his girlfriend and he won't be surprised if this is really Sehun girlfriend since the girl was pretty and Sehun is handsome they are a perfect match. Luhan make himself believe that it is okay and Sehun was just his only crush but he still cannot avoid getting hurt. At some point he wished that maybe Sehun and him could be a couple too but who is he kidding he is just a nobody so of course no one will notice him or even like him. So he know its impossible for him and Sehun to happen when the guy wont even know that he exist.











A beautiful moment or a nightmare?? 






Luhan is with his friends waiting for the elevator after they got back from their lunch. They were busy chitchatting when he noticed a group of students went near the elevator and looks like they are waiting for it too. Luhan got a glimpse of the people behind them and it just happen that one of them is his crush. 


At first he did not realize that the group of students behind them were actually the friends of his crush but then he noticed Sehun whose face he can totally recognized in a seconds. Luhan try to remain calm and stay cool. This is the first time he got near his crush at a closer distance so he don't know how to act. While he was trying to act cool his inside was totally in chaos.



He's just hope that his friend wont notice who is also waiting behind them. Because once they know he is so scared of what will happen inside the elevator. After a few minutes the elevator open up, they went inside and also the other students waiting behind them. Luhan stand in the corner away from the eyes of his friends and his crush. When the elevator was about to close their Physic professor asked them to hold the door. Baekhyun push the button to open the elevator once their professor got inside the elevator door close. So now the people inside the elevator is him, Baekhyun, Kyungsoo, Professor Zhang, his crush Sehun with his group of friends. He was praying that this elevator ride go fast and stay uneventful.



So while he was busy dealing with his own inner battle his friend Baekhyun decided to talk with their professor when the thing he's avoiding happen. Baekhyun got a glimpse who is inside the elevator. He knows that smile on his face. He was giving him a look not to do what he is thinking but who is he fooling this is Baekhyun his friend who cant keep a secret. He just close his eyes when Baekhyun said "Luhan said Hi!". 


At that time Luhan just wanted the ground to open up and eat him alive. He just want to totally disappear at the moment. He try to stay calm and act as if he didn't care and hoping his crush wont notice it but Professor Yixing suddenly decided to in and won't let this moment to just pass. 



"Who among my other students is Luhan crush?" Professor Zhang asked. Baekhyun did smile at him before pointing his finger to my crush. 


"Oh Sehun is Luhan crush?" Professor Zhang look at him with a smirk. 


"Yes Sir. Hi there from Luhan." Baekhyun said with a teasing smile. 


"Oh Sehun, Luhan said Hi to you why don't you say hi to him too." Professor Zhang said. He thought his crush would just ignore it or even just laughed about it, but no, he decided to follow what Professor Zhang asked him to do. 


"Hi Luhan!" Sehun said. Luhan just smile back at him wishing the elevator ride will end soon. After what Sehun said the teasing never stop. Luhan felt like he could melt right there because of too much humiliation. He feels like it was the longest elevator ride in his entire life. When the elevator stop he said "finally" inside his head. He let them got out first and when he knows he was the last one left he got off the elevator and went straight to the bathroom. He went inside one of the cubicle and lock the door. He wanted to shout but he can't because  that would cause some attention. He stand there trying to stay calm by deep breathing. After a few seconds Baekhyun and Kyungsoo follow him inside the bathroom. 


"Luhan I'm sorry!" Baekhyun said. 


"Isn't funny at all Baekhyun."


"I know that's why I'm really Sorry."


"Now Professor Zhang know that i have a crush on Sehun and even his group of friends. Worst case is that Sehun know it too." Luhan said getting frustrated cause he don't know how he will face them once they cross their path inside the school. 


"Luhan can you please come out now? Let's talk." Kyungsoo said. 


Luhan went quiet. While Kyungsoo and Baekhyun are talking in a hushed voices. 


"Look at what you did. You should learn how to shut your mouth." Kyungsoo said. 


"I know. I already apologize didn't I?" Baekhyun said. 


"Next time know when to open your mouth. You embarrassed h-" Kyungsoo didn't get to finished what he supposed to say when suddenly Luhan come out of the cubicle with a sad face that made Baekhyun and Kyungsoo to hug him. 


"I'm so sorry Luhan. I promise i won't do it again." Baekhyun said while hugging him. 


"Its okay now Baekhyun." Luhan said. 


They broke the hug after a few minutes. Kyungsoo and Baekhyun comforted him. "Smile now Luhan. We don't ike seeing you sad." Kyungsoo said. 


"How am I gonna face them now that they know my secret I'm sure Professor Zhang wont stop teasing me." Luhan said while looking like his about to cry. 


"Don't cry. Im sure he wont cause he will forget about it." Kyungsoo said. 


"Yeah. And your not his favourite student to tease so don't worry about it." Baekhyun said. 


"I hope you guys are right." Luhan said and released a big sigh. 


"Okay. Let's go to class now before we got late." Kyungsoo said. 


"We better leave now or else Professor Wu would punished us once we got late on his class." Baekhyun said. 


"Everything is going to be okay Luhan." Kyungsoo said before they all got out of the bathroom to go to there class. 


"Yes. Everything is going to be alright." Luhan said in his mind trying to make himself believe that everything is okay. 








A good start?!? 







Luhan was running late so he when he saw that the elevator door was about to close he shouted wait to someone who's inside the elevator thankfully that person did hear him. Once the door open he didn't expect that the person who stop the elevator was his long time crush Oh Sehun. He was thinking if he should take the elevator or just wait for another elevator to open but he was already late so he just went in. He stand just near the door trying to stay away from Sehun. Luhan was waiting for the elevator ride to end when Sehun suddenly talk.


"Hi Luhan!". Luhan cant believe it Oh Sehun said hi to him. I should said something for him not to think im snobbish "Hello Sehun!" Luhan said. He wants to scream so loud that the world would hear how his heart would explode. 


But that doesn't stop there cause Sehun keep talking to him. "Running late because of the traffic?". Sehun asked. 


"Yes". All Luhan can say cause he still can't believe what is happening. 


"Traffic is much worst these days. That you got to get up earlier than your previous waking up hours just to not be late on school." Sehun said. 


"You're right. I've adjusted my time but i guess its still not enough ." Luhan said. 


"I know what you mean." Sehun said and that made them both laugh. 


"So my floor is here. I got to go. See you around Luhan. Is was nice talking to you." Sehun said. 


"Yes, See you around." Luhan said after waving goodbye to Sehun. 


When the elevator door close Luhan internally screamed. Sehun did talked to him and he is not just imagining it. It really did happen. Luhan think that If the consequences of him being late is meeting Sehun then Luhan wants to be late all the time. Once he got inside their laboratory room Luhan didn't care if his professor scold him. He was still happy after all the earful he got. Kyungsoo and Baekhyun did look at him weirdly. 


"Luhan are you okay?" Baekhyun asked. 


"Yes never been better." Luhan said with a big smile. 


"But didn't Professor Park just scold you. You can still smile after that." Kyungsoo said. 


"Oh Kyungsoo there is no reason to be sad about. Its a beautiful day so we should just smile." Luhan said and started doing his laboratory work. Luhan is feel like floating on the air. 


Baekhyun and Kyungsoo just look at each other. Kyungsoo just shrug his shoulder and get back to what he is doing before Luhan came. While Baekhyun still feel suspicious about Luhan attitudes he is sure something good did happen. He would make sure that Luhan would spill it out later but for now he need to  get back to his assign work before Professor Park scold him too. 



After that, Sehun would greet him whenever they bump into each other. And as the day past by greeting turn into talking, talking turn into spending time during break time and then they didn't realize they are close friends now. Luhan use to admire him from afar but now he is close to his crush. 










A million dollar question. 






"Luhan what are you doing here in the lobby?" Sehun asked once he saw Luhan sitting in one of the chairs in lobby.


"Oh hey there Sehun! Class got cancelled so im here since i have nowhere to go." Luhan said.


"Where's Baekhyun and Kyungsoo?"


"Baekhyun still on the way to school while Kyungsoo is sick."


"Want to go with me? Am going to eat you can join me while waiting for Baekhyun."


"No its okay. You can go now since i already ate at home."


"You don't have to eat just be my company while i eat. And you'll only get bored here. So what do you say?" Sehun said.


Luhan contemplate if he should go or just wait for Baekhyun in the lobby. "You sure its okay if i join you." Luhan asked.


"Yes. Am so sure Luhan." Sehun said with a smile. 


"Okay. So where are you going to eat?" Luhan asked after he stand up and start walking with Sehun. 


"McDonald's since is much nearer the school."Sehun said. They continued talking while walking to Mcdonald. 


"I'll find us a table while you by your food." Luhan said after they got in McDonald's. 


"Okay. I'll just look for you." Sehun said before he went to the counter. 


After a few minutes Sehun came back carrying his food. He put all his food on the table and seat infront of Luhan. "I order a drink for you since you said you already ate." Sehun said after putting the drink in front of Luhan. 


"You know you don't have too. But thanks for this!" Luhan said with a smile. They keep talking with each other while Sehun is having his meal. When Sehun is finally done with his food the atmosphere turned serious. 


"Luhan I've been meaning to ask you this for a long time already but i know you would say that we don't know each other at all. So i think this is the perfect moment since we now know each other well and also we are close too." Sehun talked so fast as if he is running a marathon he took a deep breath before dropping the bomb."So Luhan would

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Chapter 1: this was so fluffy thank you for writing it <3 and the teasing at the elevator lol that's exactly one of the reasons why i don't tell my friends about my crushes and only give them codenames kk
Chapter 1: Aaaaaaahhh this is soooo soft, i love you now, authornim!
OP_Robin11 #3
Chapter 1: o(^▽^)o o(^▽^)o
i want more~~

thank you authornim.