The Deal

29 Days of Pursuing Mr. Do
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1 The Deal    

Yunhee couldn’t wait to wear her Prada dress tonight.

She kept thinking of how amazing she will look while the orchestra hung softly in the air, caressing her ears. She crosses a leg over the other and leans farther against the strappy back of the beach chair, feeling the warmth of the sun adore her skin. 

If she closed her eyes tight enough, she could hear the sound of the water running in the pool. The chirping of birds. The breeze at the end of summer.

“Huh... You finally lost it, Noona.” 

Yunhee lifts her sunglasses elegantly and finds her eighteen years old annoying brother towering over her. Slurping like the animal he is from his juice bottle with a hand shoved in the pocket of his bermuda.

She grimaces at the sight before she puts her sunglasses on and lays back. “What do you want?”

“My mom called for you.” 

“No, she didn’t.”

“Yes, she did.” He countered back. “You would have heard if you didn’t keep blasting this old music and imagining this crappy backyard some villa-.”

Great. He ruined her mood now.

“It’s called classic music and this is a Vivaldi, now scram away.” She dismissed him with a hand.

“Mom!” He yells as he hurried away. “Noona said she won’t come!” 

“Ya!” Yunhee swings her legs off and chases after him back into the house and into their living room/ kitchen, where her mom was busy cutting cake and placing it in a container.

“Yunhee, come here.” 

Staring in the direction her brother scattered too, which was the front door, Yunhee decided he wasn’t worth the effort as the door slammed shut behind him.

“Yes, mom?” She slips off her glasses and folds them, placing them on the counter.

“I need you to take this to the new neighbors.” Her mom places the lid and presses it down.

Yunhee groans. “Why didn’t Jun take it? He literally just went out.”

“He is studying with his friends.”

Yunhee gaped at her. Does her mother think that her brainless son genuinely studies? Please, His textbooks were brand-new.

As if her mom read her mind, she replied. “He is going to become a senior, so cut him some slack and be nice to him.”

Yunhee rolls her eyes. “Well, I am busy too.”


She leaned against the counter. “I told you, I am heading over to Sunny’s party.”

Her mom tilts her head to the side. “Isn’t she the girl you poured a drink on in front of everyone because she started a rumor about you, then she swore that she will kill you?”

Her daughter nodded, smiling at the remembrance of the sweet memory where she humiliated Sunny in front of their classmates. “I learned to keep my enemies close.” 

Plus, Sunny would probably be boiling when Yunhee shows up at her house and she didn’t want to miss that reaction.

“Well, passing this over to the new neighbors wouldn’t take longer than five minutes.”

Yunhee huffed. “Can I do this later? I promised to go over to help Heemi get ready.”

Her mom sighed. “Just promise me you won’t forget.” 

“I won’t!” Yunhee smiled before she hurried over to her room. 

“I will leave it in the fridge!”


Exiting their small squeaky gate, Yunhee found huge trucks and a crazy amount of workers unmounting furniture down to the big house in front of them.

“Ugh,” She crossed her arms around her chest and eyed it with despise. The neighborhood was slowly turning into a rich one, where across from her the modern houses were more than just one story, included swimming pools and garden while their side was made of one-story old houses and front yards smaller than those pools.

With a glare, she strolls by it and mingles farther into the rich side, swinging the shopping bag where her knee-length black dress rested and color-matched Chanel crossbody rested. They both belonged to her thrifted fourteen pieces Yunhee rewarded herself with the past months. There were also some cheap mules she stole from her older sister before she went away.

Heemi had lived two blocks away. And despite them being close friends and lived close, they had barely met this summer. 

While Heemi was busy with her internship, Yunhee had spent the past year mingling her way through the crazy amount of part-time jobs.

But that’s okay, Yunhee assured herself. This party was a chance to bond together. Especially when Yunhee was returning to school after two months. 

The thought made her sing happily all the way to her friend’s house.

All this hard time has actually paid off.


“Sunny hadn’t stopped glaring at us ever since we entered,” Heemi commented as they stood around a circular table in the spacious backyard of Sunny’s house. It was decorated nicely, waiters were roaming around passing drinkers and appetizers.

Yunhee ran her gaze subtly until it landed on the short-haired subject across the yard, sending her daggers with her eyes. Alongside her friends.

“I don’t care. She is probably mad I am going to steal her thunder.” Which Yunhee was bound to do. 

She was finally returning to the university after a whole year. So Sunny’s grand summer party was a preview of her glorious comeback.

Her entrance alone, with her chin tilted higher than everyone else and confidence she learned from watching Mean Girls and Clueless too many times, made heads turn around. She saw the boys swoon as she flipped her hair.

“So, how the internship going?” Yunhee asked, sipping from her glass.

“Intense. The firm had been stocked with cases.” Heemi replied, excitement buzzing through her lips and Yunhee had to bite back the envy of how cool it sounded. She replies with a nod and a wide smile. 

Her friend eyed her wristwatch, which happened multiple times in the past hour.

“Is something going on?” Yunhee asked.

“Well, my parents are having this important dinner with the son of one of his late friends.”

“The one who owned the hospitals or something?” 

“Yeah. Apparently, his son moved to our neighborhood today and mom is expecting me to be back before six.”

Yunhee hummed, it was still early. But she placed her glass down and shoved her hand through her beg handles until they rested in the inside of her elbow. “Let’s go then.” The party was boring anyways.


“Let's go back home.”

Heemi shook her head awkwardly. “Oh... It’s okay. Jongin is picking me up.”

Yunhee paused. “.. Jongin?” 

A tint spread through her friend’s cheeks as she looks down, toying with her fingers. “Yeah... we actually..” Heemi leaned closer shyly. “Started dating a while ago.”

“Jongin-sunbae. The college’s ace. The one that has offers piling up on his doorstep. You mean that Kim Jongin?” Yunhee repeated, dumbfounded.

Her cheeks colored in a deeper shade of red, Heemi nodded, biting her lower lip.

“Oooo~ Look at you girl!” Yunhee exclaimed, nudging her arm with her elbow.

“Ugh! You look good together! But if he does anything wrong, just tell me and I am ready to make someone life’s miserable anytime.” 

Her friend laughed. “I wil— Oh, there he is.” She raised a hand and waved towards the handsome guy who entered with a bunch of his friends. The meant guy waved back. “I will see you sometime soon, hm?”

Yunhee forced up a smile. “Yup. Go on.” She wiggled her eyebrows, yearning a shy “stop” from the other before she walked away and went to embrace Jongin, sharing a kiss and earning a few sneaky woos from his friends.

The smile fell off her face the moment Heemi turned her back. She was happy for her, no doubt, but she tried to tell herself not to be hurt by the fact that one, she didn’t introduce her to him, and two, that her friend didn’t tell her she has been dating. 

It was a major thing, right? If Yunhee has anything big happening in her life she would have told her right away, but Yunhee was way too busy and obsessed with herself to be with someone else.

But she would have gushed over it and screamed frantically and spent the night together on what will Heemi wear to the first date together. 

They have drifted slightly apart, Yunhee admitted as she looked away and gulped down the rest of her drink. 

But no worries. She can fix it. 

Now that she quit all her jobs and was free for the rest of the break there was no need to stress over it.
It was one of her rules and Yunhee went by five rules exactly:

One: MONEY is happiness.

Two: NEVER cry. 

Three: NEVER stress. It meant pimples.

Four: NEVER, ever, pity yourself.

And five: NEVER buy new clothes unless you have enough money. To which why half of her closet was a hand-me-down and the other was from second-hand shops. 

Yunhee shrugs and decides to spend the rest of the night and give a chance to the people who wanted to speak with her.

Speaking of which, where her fans at? She needed to show off this bad boy of a dress.

“Oh! All hail Queen Yunhee!” 

She turned around to find Minseok, her senior from the computer engineering department, heading towards her with a toothy smile and a bottle of beer in hand.

Okay, not him. When she meant fans, he was excluded.

She greeted uninterested, picking off a glass from a passing by waiter. “Oh, Sunbae, Hi.”

“I just wanted to stop by and tell you that your laptop might need a little bit more time,” He said as he stood opposed from her. 

Minseok referred to her slightly broken laptop, the one she was also handed down from her older sister. 

For the context, Jun had dropped it in a fight, (like it hasn’t been through enough already), and it turns out that taping it together won’t fix it.

So she handed it over to Minseok, who usually fixed her laptop every time it acted up for 20,000 won. 

Heemi was always against it though.

“If it was fixed, why does it stop working every single time? I am sure he is doing something so you keep bringing it every time.”

Yunhee knew it might be true. But she had no other choice, and Heemi wouldn’t understand when she had the latest model of both a desktop and a laptop.

But since he came up to her, it means that he need more money this time.

Yunhee placed down her glass in a sigh and unclasped her bag.

“How much?”


Yunhee snapped at him. “What? That’s too much.” She hissed, glancing around and makes sure no one was close enough to hear her financial statement.

Minseok shrugged and sipped from his drink. “It’s basically broken this time.”

Yunhee groaned. She didn’t have that amount in cash, but she had in her savings account. 

She had refrained herself from consuming any money of her savings but she needs her laptop back if she actually wanted to go back to school.

She groaned and brought her phone out. “I will send it over. What is your account number?”

Minseok spilled it out before she pressed okay.

Bye, bye, sweet money.

-The request has been declined.-

Frowning, Yunhee shifts on her feet and tries again. Only to get the same message. She tapped to see her balance and she almost dropped her phone when she saw the zeros lined up together.

“Is something wrong?” Minseok lowered his bottle in concern.

No. Nothing was wrong. Except that she was basically living her worst nightmare. 

“I... I need to make a phone call.” 

Her bank account was accessible only by her parents. 

Which meant one thing.

They are the ones who drained it out.



“Your older brother needed money. He is going through hard times.”

“I went through hard times making this money as well,” Yunhee replied, annoyed as they sat underneath the low table. “I was supposed to pay for school’s year, mom! I can’t even take a loan because I already did the first year and if I can clearly remember, you gave the rest to him again!”

“I know,” Her mom admits with guilt. “But how about... how about taking another gap year?” Her mom suggested softly and Yunhee huffed miserably.

“You could work in the shop!” Her dad added hurriedly. “Remember how fun it was?”

Yunhee lips only slumped down further and she rested her head on the wooden surface

It wasn’t fun. 

But Yunhee didn’t want to break her father’s heart by admitting she wished her friends didn’t advance in their studies while she stayed a whole year working part-time jobs.

“Can’t we ask Jinyoung-Oppa for the money back?” She argued, hopefully. “Please?”

She can’t work another year. Especially when she told everyone to expect her ruling the hallways of law school next semester. God, she even decided what she is going to wear the first day.

Her parents shared a worried glance. “I told you. Jinyoung is going through... a bit of rough batch.” Her mom mumbled slowly. “We had no choice. He was being chased by thugs.”

Yunhee scoffed. “Let me guess, he still gambles right?”

Both of them look down in shame and that’s confirmed her suspicions. 

She groans. Yunhee was on the verge of breaking down and she did the only thing she was able to do.

She picked herself up and walked to her crammed bedroom, ignoring her parents’s call to cheer up as she slammed her door.

She dropped her bag on the ground alongside her shoes then threw herself on her unmade bed. 

A minute passes by.

She sighs and forces herself up, picking up the handbag and placing it neatly on her bedside table, caressing it apologetically. Yunhee was mad but she wasn’t going to take it out on her babies.

She plumps herself back on the mattress.

Again, her dream was drifting further and further away.

And Yunhee gets it. She wasn’t their favorite child. She wasn’t the only daughter and not the last child either. But that was her own damn money.


She remained motionless for a while before taking out her phone. There were a lot of messages that she swiped away. 

She needed to upgrade her resume and search for few jobs. She clicks on the app for jobs, the exact one she swore she will never open again. 

Well, jokes on her. It turns out hard work didn’t pay off so she needs to work harder.

The first ad that pops up was about a babysitter and she furrows her brows when she finds the address was exactly the house in front of her. 


The paycheck was generous for such a job but babysitting was time-consuming and the conditions were ridiculous. Who summons a babysitter at night?

She also didn’t like children, so no. After scrolling through more jobs, Yunhee slammed the phone back on the table and closed her eyes with a groan.

She just wasted a whole year of her life. And now she was going to waste another.


After locking herself for three hours, Yunhee was starved enough to finally give up her stubbornness and have lunch at 8. P.M. Especially when no one cared enough to drag her out or make it up for her.

So she was determined to stomp her way to the kitchen, get food, and stomp back to her room.

She steps out of her room, scratching her stomach, to find that Mrs. Lim, their ten-years long neighbor was in the living room with her mom, making Kimichi together in a wide laundry bucket.

“Oh, you are up! There are some leftovers in the microwave.” Her mom said, too cheerfully for a leftover.

Yunhee bowed to Mrs. Lim then nodded as walked into the kitchen and pressed the start button then leaned against the counter lazily. 

“Did you hear what happened with Jiyoung? She received a huge settlement from the court. She is basically rich and going to move out soon.”

“Omo!” Her mom exclaimed. “Lucky her~.”

Her mind still with the woman who got a settlement. If that was her, she would have lived happily ever after.

Yunhee sighed dreamily at the thought. 

Marry a rich man, divorce him and get that sweet money.

Wait. She straightens her posture. That wasn’t a bad idea, despite she always dreamed to be a single-rich aunt, a divorced crazy and rich aunt wasn’t a bad title.

The problem is, where to find a rich man?

“Speaking of divorce, the new neighbor, I heard he has a son. He must be divorced or something but he currently has the hospital chain underneath his name.” Mrs. Lim sneakily said, though there was no one to hear their gossip but yawning Yunhee, who half her attention turned to them.

“No wonder he bought the house in front of us.” Her mom replied. 

“Wait. Who moved across from us again?” Yunhee leaned against the counter that separated the kitchen from the living room, highly interested.

“Ah~ Apparently, his name is Do Kyungsoo, some kind of surgeon. His father, who owned the Do Hospitals passed away few months ago.” Mrs. Lim explained.

Yunhee nodded slowly, reminded of the dinner Heemi spoke about. Then her eyes widened. T

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xoxoteah #1
Chapter 2: Thanks authornim for this updates! This is really a fun story! Im looking forward to it! 🤩🤩🤩
Chapter 2: OMG you're back!!!! Yeonhee is such a fun character. She reminds me of Rebecca Bloomwood from the Shopaholic movie. I love her..
I'm so happy that you decided to continue this story. Thank youuu <333
Chapter 2: OMG you're back!!!! Yeonhee is such a fun character. She reminds me of Rebecca Bloomwood from the Shopaholic movie. I love her..
I'm so happy that you decided to continue this story. Thank youuu <333
Chapter 2: OMG you're back!!!! Yeonhee is such a fun character. She reminds me of Rebecca Bloomwood from the Shopaholic movie. I love her..
I'm so happy that you decided to continue this story. Thank youuu <333
Chapter 2: OMG you're back!!!! Yeonhee is such a fun character. She reminds me of Rebecca Bloomwood from the Shopaholic movie. I love her..
I'm so happy that you decided to continue this story. Thank youuu <333
Chapter 1: Oh myyy i am actually falling into this story huhu so fun and i like kyungsoo and oc character here! Fighting for you and this storyy:))
1882 streak #7
she's such a mood and so funny, gosh! and her goal is realistic too 😂 ngl, i would do that if i have a hot neighbour like doh xD and omg, ksoo tho!! I LOVE HIM SO MUCH AND HOW HE'S NOT BUYING HER SHIETS AND AT THE END OF THE DAY HE GETS FLUSTERED BY HER WORDS EVEN THOUGH HE DIDNT WANT TO GOSHHH THIS IS SO CUTE LIKE 💖💖😭😭😭✋🏻 p.s; yujun is such a sweetie, i love him <333

i had a great read!!! thank you so much for writing this great fic for us! although just one chap in, i'm really in love with this story, uwu ♡
Chapter 1: HELP COLAAA I WAS LAUGHING SO HARD???? @#$%^& HSDFHDSHS omg yunhee is genuinely so funny i love reading her she's so great??? the way she's so blunt when it comes to wanting money and she's just like hire me wait no marry me wait no adopt me wait no pls i just want ur money!! is that so much to ask for???!! pleaes kyungsoo is also so funny in his own way, his reaction to her proposition had me laughing so hard omg?!?!?! IM SO EXCITED FOR THIS FIC I CAN TELL ITS GNA BE SUCH A FUNNY RIDE PLEEEASEE I'M IN LOVE W YUNHEE SO MUCCHHHHH!!! THANK U SM FOR WRITING THIS WTF????
Chapter 1: Man, Yunhee is just plain crazy! She's someone I would never dare become. But I love her already! She's a lot of fun! And she's very brave. She knows what she wants and she plans how to get it, and she's not being a hypocrite about it.

Kyungsoo is still a mystery, but he seems like the strict and perfectionist kind of man. And the last thought of her by him made me curious. So Kyungsoo already met her? But why then didn't Yunhee recognize him? So maybe that's the reason why Kyungsoo moved her to a bed instead? I found that rather strange. Usually someone aloof, like I assume he is, will just let her be on the couch until she wakes up.

Anyway I really love this story. I like the other Kyungsoo story where he is a firefighter too! I'm looking forward to how both stories develop!
Chapter 1: I LOVE THIS!!! This is so cute!! I really don't know if i love Yunhee or hate her. Hahaha. She's hilarious. And Kyungsoo is giving me the daddy vibe so much. LoL.
Can't wait to read the next chapter <3