Bear ✧ Friends [2 of 2]

Bear ✧ Friends
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Two days had passed and on the third day, Seulgi finally woke up. This positive news had the other members and some close friends rushing down to the hospital. 

She was still trying to grasp the situation upon waking up and finding herself attached to the needle and tubes. Her mono eyelid was trying to stay awake, she could feel the slight pain on her shins and legs. But right now, her left leg was slightly numb. 

The last memory she had was the vivid dream in the car, and Yonghoon Oppa knocked out...

Accident. looks like she’s in a car accident. She doesn’t know what had happened, or if it was because of speeding, but from her memory, the car wasn’t moving that fast. 

How is Yonghoon Oppa? Is he fine? The next thing she remembered was this as he was the last person she saw. Meanwhile, the doctor was examining her and asking her for some responses. 

Her eyes rolled around, trying to see if anybody else was there. She hoped it would not be as serious, but she was feeling slightly unconfident.

Her leg, the injury may take a long time to heal, and knowing this, she knows her career had to halt for a while. And she was having a bad feeling about it, as the left leg didn’t respond well as she tried to control it. 

The lethargicness can be felt again as the doctor took off a few tubes, and she fell into a deep sleep again. 

Jongin couldn’t concentrate on his dance practice, as he was preparing for his upcoming solo album. As the main dancer, it was rare that he couldn’t put his whole heart into dance practice, an activity he loved. The choreographer realized it and decided to end the practice early. He apologized to them as the crew had worked hard to teach him the moves and yet his mind couldn’t stop thinking of the conversation he had with the boys during that night. The crew left him alone in the big practice room, while he took a rest on the sofa. His manager ended work earlier as he assured that he could drive home safely. 

He packed his toiletries as he prepared to take a bath in the company before heading home. The practice room door opened and he turned his head.

It was Minseok, his oldest hyung. He smiled a little and went over to greet him. 


“Hey Minseok Hyung, you seldom come to headquarter now, how’s your musical preparation going on?” 


“Good, we’ll be doing weekly shows from next June to July. Is your solo coming up alright?” 


“Yeah, good. The album is scheduled to be released in July, a summer album. I can let you hear some of the demos we picked.” Jongin took out his phone. 


Among the Hyung line in the group, Junmyeon adopted his favorite child Sehun as they’re practically sticking with each other, though Sehun badmouths him whenever he can (in an endearing way). Being the other maknae, Jongin was more independent, but at times, Minseok became his listening buddy (or Hyung), as he would go to him whenever he needed any advice. 

However, this time, it looks like Minseok had something to say to him. 


“Sure, I can listen next time. But I think there are other matters we need to worry about.” His tone was slightly serious. 


“I thought we should let you know via group chat, but I heard about the small “argument” you had with Baekhyun. He told me.”


“Honestly, he was just being an idiot. And he knows that he revealed too much information.” 

Jongin shook his head. 


“No, Minseok Hyung. I understand his point. I was an , a jerk toward her, and what he said about me was right.” He admitted. 


“I always run away from her, and I think you guys all knew. I… was a coward, I didn’t know if my method of protecting her was even correct in the first place.” 


“In the end, I ruined the friendship.”

“But I had no other choice, I.. don’t want to end up ending our friendship like what I did with Soojung. Being with her… was a mistake. I should’ve never crossed the boundary. ” 


Minseok leered at him and sighed. 


“Jongin, I know you since I came into SM as a trainee, and we all have come so far since then.”


“You always had a choice, but it was whether you wanted to make it right or not.” 


“Being in love, I think that’s natural. Liking someone who is always close to you, that’s normal. You tried hard to move on, and dated a few girls since then.” 


“But amid your romance mess, you hurt your once-best friend. Dude, that’s not cool.” 


Minseok finally says out what he always wanted to comment about his and Seulgi’s ‘awkwardness’.


“Hyung, you know that night when Sehun asked me if I used to like her, I panicked.” 


“I tried to lock away these feelings, and that’s why I avoided her. Friends can’t be lovers, that’s a lesson I learned from Soojung.”


“And after all these years, I don’t know why am I still holding on to her. Why am I still unable to move on properly? Even with so many relationships with other new people I met.”


“I can never find the similar feeling I had with her again.” 


Jongin babbled out his messy emotions. Minseok can only sigh and pat his back while consoling.


“If you’re making so much effort to avoid her, fear of liking her, then use this feeling to talk it out with her instead.” 


“I’m not trying to say that you guys have to be friends or even confessing again, but I think she deserved to know what is going on with your mess.” 


“Anyway, she just woke up yesterday, but currently the condition wasn’t looking good for her. Especially her left leg. She might not be able to dance again.” 

Jongin gave an indescribable expression, as he stared at Minseok, hoping that it wasn't true. But Minseok’s melancholy expression decides everything. 


Dance. The activity that connects both of them.

► Chat photos here (twitter) : 
R.Velvet Power! 

@Username - Name 
Baerenerene - Irene - Seulgi 
Today_iswendy - Wendy 
Joy_ful - Joy 
Yerimese - Yeri 

Baerenerene: How is she now? Wendy and I are coming back to the hospital from Yonghoon oppa’s funeral. Today is the last day where the cremation will take place. 

Joy_ful: She refuses to see anyone now, including her parents. I think this is the first time I see Seulgi unnie so upset and agitated.

Joy_ful: Thank you unnies for representing us for the last day… I couldn’t imagine that the day of my photoshoot last week was the last time I saw him. I…. 

Yerimese: Thank you unnies, I’m coming to the hospital as well. Just finished recording the show, I met Jongdae oppa and Sunmi unnie in the show. They’re coming with me too. 

Yerimese: Sunmi unnie was sorry that she couldn’t visit her during the first two days as she was at Philippine for her solo tour concert. 

Today_iswendy: @Joy_ful Same, but let’s hope he will finally be at peace in heaven. 

Today_iswendy: But i missed his nagging :( 

Today_iswendy: I’m not sure if Seulgi will want to see Sunmi unnie or not as well, if she’s rejecting everybody.

Joy_ful: .... Minseok oppa and Jongin oppa came by.

Yerimese: ??? 

Baerenerene: Junmyeon says let him be. I think he still cares. 

Joy_ful: If he cares, he wouldn’t have treated Seulgi unnie as if she’s air all these years. 

Today_iswendy: I think some issue happened, the boys seems to know something but they’re not telling us 

Yerimese: @today_iswendy bribe Kyungsoo oppa pls 

Today_iswendy: Trying my best, but he’s taking the wheel. And he kind of saw our convo during the red light just now

Baerenerene: @today_iswendy don’t forget Jun and I are just behind you guys. Stop flaunting the affection pls


Sooyoung slightly bowed at two Exo members as they walked over to the private ward area. They returned the bow and Jongin met eye to eye with Seulgi’s parents. They looked appalled but tried to control their shocked expression. It has been very long since they saw Jongin in real life, not through the TV screen. 


“Samchon, Imo, how have you been?” Jongin greeted them. 


“... Jongin..sshi, We’re fine. How’ve you been? It has been around 10 years or so since we met you in real life. You know you became a big star and it looks like you forgot about us.” Seulgi’s father patted him and joked to ease the tension.


“Sorry, Samchon! Please call me comfortably. I’ve not been able to visit you… since… I kind of drifted apart with Seulgi.” 


He admitted apologetically. But Seulgi’s parents’ body language doesn't look as stiff as before. They don’t even mind that Jongin, the boy they have looked after since young, didn't visit them as much. 

Jongin’s mom is still close with them (especially moms), as they used to go for teatime while sending their kids to the trainee practices. 


“We understand, I mean this industry is harsh for you guys. I know you’re protecting her reputation.” Seulgi’s mom consoled and patted his back. 


“Jongin, and Xiumin-sshi. I’m afraid this will be a wasted trip, she’s not feeling too well, and she has been very agitated. “ Seulgi’s father‘s eyes darkened as he explained the situation. 


Minseok nodded while holding onto Jongin's shoulder too. He slightly glanced at his dongsaeng, worrying about him. 


“Let me speak to her. If it’s about dancing, I think I can get her to talk.” Jongin took a big breath and said, Sooyoung looked confused now. 


“Jongin oppa, don’t hurt her anymore,” Sooyoung spoke up. She was worried about her older sister’s condition, as Seulgi was in a fragile state. Jongin glanced at her, trying to say something but stopped. 


He can’t make any promises yet, he only nodded and turned to the room. 

► Chat Photos here (twitter):


@Username - Name 
Minseokie - Xiumin
Juncotton - Suho
Lay.Xing - Yi Xing
Baekyoon - Baekhyun
CHEN - Chen 
PCY_Loey - Chanyeol - Kyungsoo 
Kaigomdori - Kai
Sehunhun - Sehun 

Lay.Xing: I’m heading over to korea in a few days after ending my schedule here. How’s Seulgi’s condition? 

CHEN: I heard from Yerim, she’s awake but… her leg might not recover very soon…

PCY_Loey: @Kaigomdori did you go to the hospital? Sooyoung sent SOS 

Minseokie: We’re at hospital now, he’s inside her ward, i’m keeping his phone now 

Juncotton: ksoo say he shouldn’t go in. Wendy mentions that the angry bear is unstoppable…

Minseokie: too late >.< 

Minseokie: But I think he meant well for her… I talked to him just now, he…

Baekyoon: I really don’t understand what he’s trying to do. 

Minseokie: @Baekyoon Kyoong… 

Sehunhun: hyungs, don’t forget this is GC, he’s going to see it as well 

Baekyoon: I don’t ing care 

Baekyoon: He literally treats her as a stranger. Is he trying to make up some excuses to hurt her like that? 

Baekyoon: She just broke up with that face last month, and now this accident, her emotions is in turmoil 

PCY_Loey: Chill Baek, I’m angry at this as well 

PCY_Loey: But look, even I could understand from Jongin’s view. It’s really difficult. Not everybody is like Park sooyoung and I, who could still be friends after the ‘some’  

Sehunhun: ^totally exposed 

Sehunhun: It’s pretty obvious that Jongin wanted more than just friends 

Juncotton: Alright guys, let’s not fight here. Talk it out face to face!

Juncotton: I’m trying not to reply here since i’m sitting beside Joo inside ksoo’s car. But let’s just be civilised here. Don’t say hurtful stuffs that we will regret afterwards 

Juncotton: @baekyoon Baek pls 

Minseokie: Thanks Jun… He’s still inside, so far i couldn’t hear what they’re saying 

Baekyoon: … alright. Going for schedule. I’ll talk to you guys once my radio show ends 

Lay.Xing: :( 

If Singing is her first love, Dancing will be the forever love that she holds on dearly. 

Seulgi hid under the blanket while her legs were raised due to the injuries. After the devastating news she received from the doctor, her world stopped. She couldn’t bear to talk any further. She only rejects her family and members from coming into the room. She needs this silence, to prevent her unnecessary outburst. 

She really wants to let out her anger and sadness at once. 

Why are all the bad omens happening at the same time? 

Her love life, the actor #### She dated for 1 year, was found cheating with another actress. She caught them in action four months ago, while planning to give him a surprise

But that surprise was an ‘unexpected surprise’ to her instead when she found a woman’s shoes at the apartment’s entrance. Seulgi saw two bodies in the same room she spent time with him. Disgusted, she immediately left the house and never turned back anymore. Cheaters don’t deserve to have a second chance.

In the next four months, she used the precious time to prepare for her solo album wholeheartedly, pretending that she’s fine. When she’s really not. She only puts on the mask to make herself forget all the feelings she poured into that relationship. When the album was released and she started her promotion, she thought she felt better, with the love and support from the rest. 

She found the strength in this positive support, but once again, it was like she was jinxed by the broom star. She woke up one day to find her 10 years manager Oppa passed away and realizing she’s crippled and might not be able to dance anymore.

my life. Did God decide that I have sinned too much and now, everything is going to be taken away from me? 

She was bitter about her situation. I mean who wouldn’t? 

Just because of one mistake by the other driver (by drunk driving), it took away two lives. 

Yonghoon Oppa and her. Yes, she was as good as dead if she couldn’t dance anymore. She couldn’t continue to become a singer and all the effort she had put in, is as good as trash. 

Her self-hatred grew stronger, furious by the state she’s in. The angry tears just burst out and grabbed the blanket tightly. She didn’t even hear the door opening, and a once-familiar voice called out to her. 




The low throaty tone color that she could remember vividly in her dream. She released her fist and didn’t respond to him. 

All these years, they had grown apart and seldom interacted, even in official events, concerts. He dated many girls, from all kinds of occupations, including girl group members, actresses, models, or even ulzzangs (influencers). She dated a few guys from idol groups (but never lasted long), actors, and the longest she had was that cheater actor. 


At times, she will find herself asking many ‘what if’ questions. 

What if they have dated before? Will their relationship be not hanging between ambiguity and mere-stranger like now, or would they remain the same as before?


“Seulgi, I know you’re awake.” Once again, he speaks up. She remained silent, not moving an inch. 


“Seul. It’s alright, you can just listen. You don’t need to say anything to me.” Jongin glanced at the person who was completely covered by the blanket.


“I… have been late to approach you. But I know I have to say something about the situation you’re facing. Ironic, isn’t it?”


“I know I’ve been a complicated person, avoiding you whenever I can. But this time, I don’t want to wait till we… both had something happen like this and regret my whole life.” 


Seulgi didn’t react. The feelings of rage towards him had dimmed over the first few years. At first, she could not understand his actions, the distance between both of them widened further when he was dating Soojung.

She understands that her coming to the picture will be more complicated, especially with the unfounded rumors. She was aware while her conscience was clear that she had never been in a romantic relationship with him, the distance of their friendship was just slightly crossing that boundary. And it had never truly crossed beyond that. 

Awkward. She remembered herself turning to the other way whenever she met both of them in the practice room's corridors. Maybe that’s why the rumor affected her so much, her heart.  

Soon, that feeling became a rage as he seldom replied to her message anymore, seemingly cutting off their bonds over the years. She was angry at him, but the rage just went off as the years went by. She can’t stay angry for too long, she hated herself for being soft-hearted. 


“I... just want to apologize for all the mixed signals I had given. We were friends, but I ruined it. No, I don’t expect that all these years will just be forgotten by themselves. You don’t need to forgive.” 


“I know you’ll be hating me but I just want to tell you, please don’t give up now.”


“You can push everybody away, but in the end, you’ll all be alone. It’s not the end of the world yet, you still have a bright future, you still have people who are supporting you, you-” 


“Future? My future is dead when I’m a cripple. I’m a dancer who can’t dance anymore.” Seulgi blurted out her angry words, as she cut short his words. She pulls down the blanket and faces him directly, for the first time. 


Her sunken eyes met with his ever-ravishing eyes, and he continued his words, despite her outburst. 


“You’re still the brightest star I know.”


“Don’t bull with me, Kim Jongin.” Her threatening tone was unlike her usual self, being gentle and happy. 


“After all these years, you waltz into my ward to tell me that you’re sorry for ignoring me without any reason, then encourage me like how you did in the past.” The disappointment could be shown on her clearly.  


“I don’t get it, when you’re dating someone, you keep your distance. I get it, your girlfriends might be jealous, but have you even told me anything before?” 


“I find it so ridiculous. We’re just friends, why are you playing this game with me? If it’s about your fangirls and their jealousy, I understand. We can’t interact openly, but at least in private, you should have told me something?” 


“I stopped messaging you because friendship between two can only be maintained by the two of us. No point kissing your cold and keeping up with the conversation.” 


“And just when I learn to ignore your existence, you come back here and tell me not to give up.” 


“What kind of crap is this? How can you be so selfish?” She articulates every word strongly, just like letting out all her anger to him. 


Why are you the one who sees me at my lowest point and at the same time, could even lift my confidence? 

Unfair, so unfair. 


Jongin didn’t answer. His forehead creases as he closes his monolid eyes a whil

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Hello! Here's the second instalment of the same universe as wensoo fluff story. Coming up final would be Sechanjoy (Friendship OT3) Just a drabble before I continue other stories! :)


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parboni #1
Chapter 1: I love the fact that, other than for the sake of the story, how authentic you've tried to keep this with facts. With mentioning f(x) Luna's dance skills in 2008, since it lines up with her being a rookie in 2009 or mentioning Gong Seungyeon's departure in 2011 time frame.

I hv stopped reading kpop idol fanfics over years, but the SeulKai chemistry and the mystery of them going from friends to awkward colleagues keep pulling me back to what if fictions.

Most SeulKai fics are AU fics, so finding a fic that not only keeps their real characters but also addresses the awkwardness issue in the most genuine manner was like finding a oasis in a dessert.

Thank for this fic & sorry for the long comment.
candypark #2
Chapter 2: yeah I feel that's the right ending to those ups and downs in their relationship. Friends forever.
Carla_Kim #3
Chapter 2: i must hav my own imagination in the end, but its a great story.. if only u make it more chapter and can give them happy ending.. love it
Chapter 2: Come oooooon! I was waiting for them to finally get together T0T