Appendix XI [OT]

Appendices [RS]
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I immediately dialled my sister’s number the moment I stepped out of the plane. I placed my phone on my ear as I headed to the conveyor to get my suitcases. The buzzing of the passengers inside the airport terminal wasn’t new to me. I got used to it so when my sister answered with a soft whisper, it wasn’t overpowered from the cacophony around me. It just became a muted background in my ears.

“Why do you sound like you just wake up? I thought you’ll be picking me up in the airport” I said as I dodge the passengers around me to get to the conveyor belt. “I just landed. Do you expect me to wait for you?”

“Help was already with you. Don’t worry” she lazily replied.

“What? Yong, stop talking nonsense. Where are you right now?”

“I’m in my bedroom. I’ll be going back to sleep—”

“Who’s picking me up?”

“No one but help is already there. Don’t worry” she said before she ended the call right away.

I stared at my phone in utter disbelief and frustration. I dialled her number again as I reached the conveyor and waited for the suitcases to be rolled out. The call only ran once before my sister decided to reject it. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath to calm myself before I dialled her number again. The call never connected this time, which made me close my eyes again as I took heavy breaths.

“Just wait until I reach the house and I’ll surely kill you, Yong” I whispered under my breath.

I was really irritated and tired from the almost eleven hours of flight. I just wanted to lie down because sleeping while being aware that there’s nothing but air below me didn’t sit right in my mind. I could barely sleep. I was just lucky that I got a seat away from the windows so I was able to ignore the altitude. And now this, what help did my sister send? Did she really expect me to carry all three of my suitcases back home?

“Ah!” I screamed when I felt a soft tap on my elbow and immediately covered my mouth when several heads turned towards my direction. I was already surprised when some stranger tapped my elbow but I was more surprised when that person turned out not to be a stranger.

Jung Wheein, who’s carrying a backpack that’s too huge for her height, a messenger bag slung across her shoulder, and a smaller bag hanging on her other shoulder, is standing right beside me. Jung Wheein, who looked like a very cute and fluffy puppy bundled in her beanie, scarf, gloves, and coat, was staring right at me with her captivating brown eyes. It’s already past winter but she gets sick from the cold so easily, so I would always remind her to wear thicker clothes or layers of clothes when it’s cold. Jung Wheein, my ex-fiancée who I couldn’t ever let go, might happen to be the help that my sister meant earlier.

“The conveyor is already moving” she said before she turned to face the conveyor. “You have three suitcases, right? Can you point them out so I could help you?”

“What are you doing here?”

“I’m here to apologize and hopefully convince you to be back together with me again. But for now, I’m here to help you with your things” she said while my eyebrows rose up from surprise.

That’s so straightforward of her.

She started jumping on her heels, like the weight of all the bags she’s carrying was nothing, as she tugged on my coat. “Quick! Which ones are your suitcases?”

I sighed heavily as I turned to face the conveyor. I’m really going to kill my sister for this. I came here to visit them just to be away from Wheein for a couple of days and now she’s here. I’m sure my sister has something to do with this.

My eyes widened while my senses were alerted when I saw my first suitcase. “That one!” I said as I pointed at it.

We hauled it out of the conveyor before I found my second suitcase. I pointed at it and Wheein reached for it right away while I gathered the first suitcase beside me. Wheein placed my second suitcase right next to my other suitcase. Then we both lifted my last suitcase off the conveyor while she flinched when I accidently pressed on her hand. And then I remembered her bloodied knuckles the night she rushed to check if I was alive or not. I whispered an apology but she wasn’t able to notice it because of the noise around the airport terminal.

I lifted the handles in my suitcases and arranged them so it would be easier for me to roll all three of them at once. “Thank you. You can go now”

“Do you need help with that?”

I shook my head and started walking and rolling my suitcases. I rolled two suitcases on my right and the other on my left. Rolling them wasn’t a problem. Walking while rolling all three suitcases at the same time, however, is very difficult. The weight wasn't making it difficult because I didn’t need to lift them at all. They’re massiveness made it awkward for me to walk, thus giving me a hard time.

“Let me help you, Yong” Wheein said, emerging on my right side.

“I’m good” I whispered, grunting as I slowly headed to the taxi stand.

She pouted at me and reached for the two suitcases on my right. She took it from me and started rolling them on either side of her, which honestly made it easier for me. She was now carrying her three sets of bags and my suitcases. She looked like she’s carrying a lot already, especially with the three sets of bags she has, so I grabbed one of my suitcases from her. I let her hold the other one as we quietly headed to the taxi stand.

The driver helped us place all my suitcases in the trunk and Wheein’s humongous backpack before we went inside and sat on the backseat. I told the driver my family’s address before he drove us out of the airport.

I leaned back on the seat and looked outside through the window. “Are you staying with us?”

“Your parents insisted but I could just stay somewhere if you don’t want me to”

My parents?! I see Yonghee is not the only person I’m killing today. I might be wiping out my whole family for conspiring against me with this.

“Stay somewhere else”

“Okay. Let me just help you with your suitcases then I’ll go find a place to stay”

No whining? No pouting? No complaints or protests? This is something new from her and I’m not used to it. It’s catching me off guard. I couldn’t say if it’s something good or bad. All I could say is that it’s foreign.

“Where did you leave Ggomo?”

There’s a soft chuckle that came from her before she said, “He’s staying with my parents. I didn’t have the time to take him because I had to rush my preparations but Byulyi took him for me. She sent me a picture when we’re still in Incheon”

My eyebrows furrowed as I glanced at her. Her eyes were trained outside as she stared at the buildings we just passed. Her eyes twinkled bright under the California sun while her smile lifted her cheeks so high. It’s a shame that the cheek that was on my side was free of her dimple. I could imagine it so deep in her cheek with the kind of smile that was on her lips right now.

She suddenly turned to face me and smiled wider when she saw me looking at her. My eyes wandered to her dimple that was in full display before I stared at her eyes again.

“How did you know about my flight details?” I asked, keeping it cool even though the urge to hold her was so powerful. I clenched and unclenched my fists to fight the urge while maintaining my steady gaze on her.

Her smile dropped a little but she managed to hold my gaze as well, which is another surprising thing. Since we broke up, she couldn’t hold my gaze for too long. She’s nervous and I know she’s afraid of me. She should be because I was mad but anger dies down. As much as I wanted to keep on glaring at her, my heart and my mind missed her so much. Despite the pain I experienced after what she did to me, it’s so stupid of me to still love her. The pain though is holding me back and keeping me in check.

“Sujeong gave them to me the night I went to her house”

Am I adding my best friend in this kill list as well? Are they ganging up on me? Do they not sympathize with me? Did they not realize that my ex-fiancée cheated on me? Was that nothing to them?

“Please don’t be mad at her” she gently whispered while my eyebrows furrowed from frustration.

“Did you force her to give it to you?”

She shook her head and said, “No. She just texted it to me. She also said that you’re not moving here and was just on vacation”

What is wrong with these people?

She looked away and stared outside once again. My eyes wandered to her gloved hands, remembering her injuries once again. It must’ve still hurt because of how she flinched and hissed earlier.

“Give me your hand”

She turned to face me, her face turning red when she got flustered. “I—Ah—Okay” she stuttered and reached her left hand towards me.

I shook my head and said, “The other one”

She retrieved her left hand and bit her bottom lip as she reached her right hand towards me.

I held her wrists and slowly pulled the gloves off her hand. I stopped when she hissed before I continued removing the glove. I placed the glove on my lap and raised her hand closer to me so I could further inspect her knuckles. The blood was already dried up but her knuckles were still red. It’s also obvious that she never treated them.

“Why didn’t you treat them?” I asked before I turned to face her

She avoided my gaze this time and just stared at her hand. Her face was slowly turning red from her blush. “I didn’t have time” she whispered before I saw her obviously gulp hard.

“Does it still hurt?” I asked while she only shook her head and pouted at her hand in response. I picked up the glove and wore it on her again, careful not to pull it too roughly. “Make sure you treat them”


I nodded at her before releasing her hand and looked through the windows. The view outside slowly turned from tall buildings and trees to houses when we reached the residential areas. Most houses around the neighborhood where my family lived consist of single-storey and two-storey houses with a backyard that’s enough to hold barbecue parties that’s common around the neighborhood.

“How was the flight? Were you able to sleep?” Wheein suddenly asked. “How about your fear of heights? Were you unaffected like when you work?”

“Flight was fine. I’m sure you experienced the same turbulence as I did since we’re on the same plane. Barely slept. It affected me, so no. Being a passenger is different than when I work”

“I was looking for you to check on you but I wasn’t able to find you. I’m sorry” she mumbled beside me.

I was saved from responding to her when the taxi pulled over and stopped in front of our house. Wheein pulled out her wallet faster than I could and paid the driver. I offered to pay her half but she brushed it off as she moved out of the taxi and headed to the trunk.

“Let me. Your hand is still injured” I said as I stood beside her and lifted my suitcases out.

She relented and just helped me roll my suitcases to the sidewalk so they wouldn’t be on the road. I lifted her huge backpack last and was surprised when it was heavier than either one of my suitcases. She lifted this so easily like it’s nothing earlier.

I passed her her backpack and helped her carry it before I grabbed both of my suitcases. I crossed the frontyard to get to the front door and glanced behind me to check if she was following. She was walking right behind me while rolling my third suitcase beside her.

I lifted the suitcases as I reached the front porch and rolled them towards the front door. I didn’t bother knocking and just turned the doorknob. As expected, it was not locked so I just pushed it open and rolled my suitcases inside. “Mom! Dad! I’m here!” I screamed as I kicked off my shoes and wore some indoor slippers.

Heavy footsteps trudged down the stairs while the door from the backyard opened. “Yong!” my Dad that was coming from the backyard and my sister coming from upstairs shouted at the same time.

Mom emerged from the kitchen bathroom and smiled when she saw me. “Yong!” she shouted as well.

The audacity of these people to make me feel so welcome when they betrayed me by contacting my ex-fiancée behind my back. They even let me endure a car ride with her sitting beside me. They didn’t even bother picking me up.

All of their eyes travelled from me to the person behind me when Wheein pushed my suitcase inside the house. She stayed by the doorstep and didn’t walk further inside the house. The smiles on my parents’ faces were even wider when they saw Wheein. Mom even walked past me to greet her first while I rolled my eyes and scoffed, hearing Yonghee snickering when she saw me.

“Wheein… Sweetie, how are you?” Mom asked as she kissed Wheein’s cheeks.

That’s right. This household loves Wheein. Even I, who should be moving on and forgetting about her, am still in love with her. I brought Wheein here one time after her graduation so she could meet my parents. She was nervous on our way here but relaxed when she found out that the Kim household loves her so much.

I already told my parents and sister about what happened. They said it was a shame because they really love Wheein for me. I did too until she cheated on me. I don’t know if they cared about their daughter’s broken heart or if they do but they still love Wheein regardless of what she did to me.

“Wow” I said dryly as I rolled my eyes again. “You really greeted her before your own daughter? Great… Shouldn’t have bothered coming here if this is the kind of treatment I get. You whine and scold me all the time for not coming here but now that I’m here… Seriously…” I muttered under my breath.

All three of them laughed out loud while Mom engulfed me in her arms. “Of course, I was just kidding, darling. I missed my baby Yong” Mom said, squeezing me in her arms and kissing my cheeks.

“I’m not a baby anymore” I grumbled as I glared at her.

“Coming from someone who became whiny when deprived of affection,” Dad said, chuckling at me as he hugged me and kissed my cheek. “How’s your flight?”

“Haven’t slept a wink”

“Ahh… So that’s why you're grumpy” Yonghee said, walking forward to hug me. “You have help. Did you decline the help?”

I glared at her while she laughed right at my face and pinched my cheek. “I’m going to kill all of you”

“You’re welcome.” She smiled and winked at me before she grabbed my suitcases. She started rolling them beside her as she headed upstairs.

“Wheein, hi. How are you?” Dad asked as he shook Wheein’s hand.

“I’m good, Mr. Kim.” She bowed at my parents, briefly glancing at me before she smiled at them. “I’d be heading now, Mrs. Kim, Mr. Kim. It’s nice to see you again”

“What? No. I told you that you’ll be sleeping here with us” Mom said, holding Wheein’s hand and guiding her inside the house.

Wheein shook her head and politely retrieved her arm from Mom’s hold. “It’s okay, Mrs. Kim. Thank you but Yong doesn’t want me to stay here”

“Well, this is not her house so she doesn’t have a say on who I bring here and who I allow to sleep here. Stay” Mom insisted while I closed my eyes and sighed heavily. There’s no way I could argue with Mom.


“No buts, Wheein”

“Stay here, Wheein. We have an extra room for you. There’s no need to spend your money on some hotel” Dad said while Wheein nodded at him right away

I mentally chuckled and stopped myself from smiling so wide. Dad loves Wheein but Wheein is still afraid of Dad. I think she’s more afraid of him now after what she did to me but they seemed to be still on friendly terms.

I grabbed my other suitcase and headed upstairs. I just wanted to lie down and sleep already. My body is dying to be laid down on soft and comfortable sheets.

“You should head upstairs already, Wheein. Yong could help you settle in the guestroom. You should get some rest too” Mom said while I rolled my eyes when she volunteered me without consulting me first.

“Ah… I still have to head out, Mrs. Kim. I lost the sim card I had before” I heard Wheein say as I lifted my suitcase and started climbing up the stairs.

“Oh, okay. Head out after lunch. Yonghee can drop you on her way to work. Yongsun can accompany you so you wouldn’t get lost”

“She knows her way around here. I’m still too tired to head out” I said.


“It’s okay, Mrs. Kim. I can manage. I don’t want to bother Yong”

“Are you sure, Wheein?”

“Yes, Mrs. Kim

I heard Wheein’s voice far away from me now when I reached the bedrooms. I rolled my suitcase to my old room and saw Yonghee coming out of my room. She held the door open for me and let me in. I rolled my suitcase in one corner where my other two suitcases were before I plopped myself on the bed. My bed relaxed as I sighed in content while my eyes closed instantly.

“Do you really hate her after what she did?” Yonghee asked somewhere inside the room.

“I don’t hate her” I mumbled, exhaustion hitting my body the moment I felt contact with the bed.

“Are you still mad at her?”

“I’m not. Not anymore”

“Do you still love her?”


“Then why are you still so cold and harsh towards her?”

“Because she hurt and betrayed me, Yong. It hurts so badly that it’s keeping me awake almost every night. I couldn’t simply forgive her after what she did”

I felt a hand brushing on my hair before I felt a pat on my back.

“Okay… Sleep well, Yong. I’ll wake you when it’s already lunchtime”

“Hmm…” I hummed before I finally fell asleep.


Around an hour past lunch, Yonghee drove Wheein to where she could buy a replacement sim card for her phone. I knew this because I watched her get inside the passenger seat of Yonghee’s car from my bedroom window. Wheein needed a new sim so her company could still contact her while she was staying here in California with us. She said that she’d still be working while still here since that was the only reason why she was allowed to leave work to come here.

I knew this because I was curious and I was determined not to talk to her the moment we’re inside the house. So I asked Yonghee. Yonghee asked Wheein when we were eating lunch. Wheein explained this over lunch and I digested everything even when I was acting like I wasn’t interested.

It couldn’t be helped though. Something in Wheein changed and I hate how I’m so curious about this. Her straightforwardness would catch me off guard. She doesn’t shy away from my glances anymore. And these are such drastic changes in one single night. She’s still shy, nervous, and gets flustered like usual but these prominent changes made it look like she’s someone new.

I’m curious and I hate it. I’m trying to figure her out but every time I look at her, I’m reminded of that night. Wounds would open up again. Questions and doubts about myself and my worth would overflood in my head. She’s a reminder of the pain and hurt I experienced that night.

I pushed myself out of bed and walked out of my room. I headed to the guestroom where Wheein stayed and started pacing in front of its door. Then I leaned my ear on the door and tried to listen to any movement. I got nothing.

I headed downstairs and glanced at the clock in the living room. It’s already almost dinner time. My eyes scanned the living room and the only person there was my Dad watching football on the TV. Mom was in the kitchen cooking dinner. The bathroom kitchen was empty and I knew this without coming in because the door was open.

I headed to the backyard and saw that no one was there. I chewed the inside of my cheek while my eyebrows furrowed from concentration. I stood in the middle of our patio with my hands on hips while I was thinking.

Maybe she has some other errands. But she said that she’ll be back after buying a new sim card? Six hours have passed already but she’s still not back. Did she get lost?

I closed my eyes and groaned before I walked back inside the house. “Dad? Can I borrow your car?”

“Where are you going? It’s almost dinner time”

“I’ll just have to run a quick errand, Mom. I’ll be back.” I jogged to the stairs and took two steps at a time. I ran to my bedroom and quickly changed. I grabbed my phone from the bedside table before I ran downstairs.

“What errand could you possibly have? We didn’t ask you to buy something for us” Mom said the moment I was back downstairs.

“Something. I’ll be back.” I grabbed Dad’s keys from the fish bowl on the coffee table before I headed to the garage. “I’ll be back before dinner!”

I opened the garage before I climbed inside Dad’s truck. I turned the engine on before I groaned in frustration when I forgot that his car uses a manual transmission. “Dammit…” I whispered under my breath and tried to rehash all the things he taught me about driving in manual. I learned how to drive using his truck but I’ve been driving my SUV for a long time. I’m already rusty driving his truck.

“Forgive me, Dad” I whispered before I shifted the gear and moved the car forwar

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Take care and stay safe always everyone!

- RedSparrow


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Betelguese #1
Chapter 51: Did you just gave a hint that u are a QoT shipper too, author-nim? Heheheng.. 🤭
Ichig02101 #2
Chapter 51: Its ok authornim..settle ur life first n when u hv a rest day u cn continue writing. U kno ur readers will wait for u. Pls take cre authornim. Hv a fantastic day,☺️
Chapter 51: You finally write again! I just finished another round of OB 😆
It’s like you know I miss you hehe

Whee really spoils Yong so much but they make an effortlessly cute couple for sure. I wanna see a mini-me version of them in case you’ll write something more about it 😆
Skye1234 #4
Chapter 51: Thank you for the story.
bsidemmmoo #5
Chapter 51: hirap maging busy tita
Chapter 46: They two are so cute, I really want a new chapter of《With Gentle Affection》 please~제발~(✧◡✧)
Chapter 50: Thanks for the special chapter. You made me want to reread everything again haha. Whee is always so cute but Yong here is the most adorable one. Stupidly in love? I agreed!
Frozen_J #8
Chapter 49: Dont cry baby wheeee
Chapter 48: I love how they are still being lovely, caring, and consistent over time no matter how many years passed. Will we see little Whee running around the house too? 🥺
Frozen_J #10
Chapter 48: Awwww this one warm my heart!