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Sung Kyu wakes up early with a tremendous headache, and as much as he tries to remember what happened the night before, only blurry images and nonsensical phrases materialize in his mind.

It is a bit difficult for him to remember dinner with Woo Hyun, but if he remembers the expensive wine that the older one ordered to celebrate the closing of bussiness. Although, after that, everything is very confusing to him, since he has no idea how he got to his room. Then, his face reddens and his ears heat up with shame when he thinks that it was Woo Hyun who took him to his room, since he could not find another explanation for what happened. His heart races at the thought that the man has seen him drunk and that perhaps he has said inappropriate things to him.

Sung Kyu becomes anguished and berated himself for his actions due to his low resistance to alcohol, but he can't do anything but implore Woo Hyun not to have any wrong ideas about him, and hope that his behavior doesn't deteriorate the wonderful boss-employee relationship they have, and the great friendship that is emerging between the two of them.

On his part, Woo Hyun has not been able to sleep because of Sung Kyu's 'confession', and it is that it never crossed his mind that the young man had such feelings for him.

He feels flattered, and at the same time in a deep dilemma, because that has moved his insides much more than he wants to accept, but he knows that he has to put his feet on the ground because he is married, and there can only be a pure and sincere friendship between him and Sung Kyu.

Still, he has no idea what he will do from now on. He cannot cut the 'ties' that bind him to Sung Kyu out of the blue, because, in addition to being his brother-in-law, he is his employee, and of course he would never be able to fire him because of what has happened. Regardless, Sung Kyu is too valuable a person for his company. However, he has no idea what to do.

Woo Hyun doesn't know if he should forget about it or face it. He doesn't know if he should let the matter spoil what he has with Sung Kyu, or act like nothing happened. The last option seems to be the most successful, besides, Sung Kyu was too drunk to remember everything he said, and that is why, finally, he opts for the firm intention of erasing that scene from his life so that everything remains the same.

At noon, the two travel back to Korea, and Sung Kyu doesn't notice anything strange about Woo Hyun's acting as they both sit next to each other on the plane. Which makes him think that he did not say anything the night before that he has to regret, otherwise, his boss would not hide his discomfort or anger, since, at that point, he knows him too well and knows that Nam is not a false or hypocritical person. So, Sung Kyu chooses to put the matter aside, as he believes that there is no point in giving so much importance to things that probably did not happen.

However, Woo Hyun continues to think about everything Sung Kyu said while drunk, even though he has forced himself to forget it and discard any feelings that he has caused him, because just having him close makes his heart

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Hello everyone! Sorry it took me so long to update, hopefully I can make it up to you in the next few weeks. Thank you for continuing to read this story.


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703 streak #1
waiting authornim 😭 i found some of your untranslated fics in wattpad which wasn’t here in aff… i wish i can read it too 🥺
khaulabear #2
Chapter 19: Thanks for the update!
703 streak #3
waiting for update 🥹
Simran20 #4
Chapter 19: Oh my god I feel so relieved at the moment....Woohyun wanted this unknowingly. Thank you so much for the update author nim ♥️♥️
Chapter 19: Finally Woohyun found out... I hope Woogyu don't deny a chance for their love just because they feel guilty. Can't wait for the next chapters!

Thank you for the update💛
703 streak #6
Chapter 19: Thank you for the update 😊 I can’t wait for woohyun to confess to sunggyu. I hope they’ll be together soon.
dgh2673 #7
where are you😭
703 streak #8
Waiting authornim 😁
Simran20 #9
Chapter 18: I wonder how much Woohyun will be hurt when he knows the truth.