

Has it always been this difficult? A grown-up, strong, young and to be added- charming, could not get a job in a town full of people. Maybe because she only knew how to hunt.


Moonbyul stood before the Capital gate and stared at the huge door wide open. “I can’t even get a job in a small town. Can I find one in the Capital?” She looked around and spot a dining place. She went in and sat down on one of the empty platforms. “Ajumma, serving for one person please.”


She stared at the people passing by who entered the capital. Loads on the back and carts full of goods importing in the Capital. The noblemen travelled back and forth. Some were in a hurry while some were leisurely strolling by. People of different status walked in and out of the gate.


A woman served Moonbyul and told her, “Most of them are offerings for the king.”


“Oh!”, Moonbyul thought it could be true. “Thank you for the meal.”


She had been walking around from door to door in search of work. If hunting could guarantee a stable income, her feet won't be killing her right now. She wondered if Whee-in have got her job at the flower shop. She would never understand how Whee-in could get anything she want.


Moonbyul slurped in the soup mixed with the warm rice. Hunger is a strong feeling and she took no notice of her surrounding as she devoured her meal. She thumped the empty bowl on the table and the smile of victory was shown on her face. A man could only function well on a full stomach.


“Is it that delicious?”, an old man laughed.


“Master Geun!”, Moonbyul called out in surprise for she vividly remembered the person who taught her archery when she was young, Kwon Geun.


The old man laughed and sat down. “You made it look so delicious. Maybe I should grab a bite.” He ordered a serving and requested the waiter to make it as tasty as that of Moonbyul’s.


He glanced at the bow next to Moonbyul. “I see you are still hunting.”


“Well…yes.” Moonbyul shy away as she did not want to speak about her current situation.


Master Geun chuckled once more and his food arrived. He picked up the spoon and took a scoop of the soup, slurping it in. “It tastes really good.” Both of them laughed.


After he emptied his bowl, he paid for two meals. Moonbyul immediately requested her master not to do so. She still has enough coins to pay for her own meal.


“No, I should treat my only student when we see each other after a long time.” Moonbyul felt a bit embarrassed at his words.


“Do you want to say something?”, Master Geun asked. Moonbyul stared at him in confusion. “You must have something in your mind for you to sit here till I finish. Usually, you would run away.”


“It was because you were always buying me food. I am not that thick-skinned…But here we are again, you buying me a meal.”


Moonbyul sulked as she felt more embarrassed and her face heated up. Master Geun remained silent gazing at her. “How is Whee-in, by the way? Is she more beautiful than you?”


A giggle escaped from Moonbyul’s mouth. “Yes, she is.”


“Byul, you can always tell me if something is bothering you. You may not be of my blood but I think of you and Whee-in as my own.”


“To be honest”, Moonbyul looked up at her master, “I am in a bit of a situation right now.”


Moonbyul told her master about her job hunt and the difficulties she has been facing during the process. Indeed, she waited for her master to finish his meal. She knew her master was called in the Capital for some work years back. Whatever that work may be, Moonbyul wanted to follow her master’s footsteps and at least get something to feed herself and Whee-in.


Master Geun did not even think twice to give her the answer. He was a craftsman in the town when he met Moonbyul as a young teenager. But his name was known in the Capital for his skills in making weapons. So, from the order of the Queen, he was summoned to the Capital to make weapons for special soldiers.


“It is not a place for a woman to work. You won’t be comfortable working there. It is best you follow Whee-in.”


“No. Please take me in. It doesn’t matter. I will do anything. I will hammer the iron, burn the coals or cut the woods. Anything. So please, I beg you.” Moonbyul pleaded like her life depends on it.


Master Geun heave a sigh and thought for a while. “Alright. But I cannot take full responsibility for you. You will be treated as one of the helpers. I can’t give you special treatment in front of them.”


Moonbyul bowed multiple times to her master and thanked him. She promised to do her best and will not be a burden to him.


So, Moonbyul followed her master to the Capital and headed towards the place where he worked. The streets were wider than the town’s and everything was the same as in the town except it was upgraded on another level.


She was mesmerized by all the fancy shops and restaurants. The houses were also huge compared to the biggest in town. While she was looking around, her master caught her attention.


“Master? Can I ask you something?”


Master Geun nodded.


“Why were you outside Capital? Were you visiting your family?”


“Yes. It’s been so long that I haven’t seen them. I went to your place but I was told you had moved. Did you find a better place?”


“Not the best but it has what we needed. A roof above our head is a blessing.” Moonbyul smiled.


“You see, I could have taken you and Whee-in into my family. But working under a royal order does not mean I will become rich. I am no intellectual and all I have is my hands. Even if I can’t take care of you, just keep in mind I will do what is best for you.”


Moonbyul looked down on the ground and thanked her master. ‘I should not shed a tear. It’s okay. But I am so happy right now that I could cry. Is this what it feels like to have someone who cares for you?’


The two reached a house and the smell of wood burning was all over the place. The place was not so far from the Capital gate. Kwon Geun welcomed Moonbyul in.


As soon as they step in, a man in a royal soldier robe charged at them in rage. “Kwon Geun-nim. Where have you been? I told you I would come by today.”


“Calm down, Master Seokjin.” Kwon Geun ignored him and turned to Moonbyul. “Go to the back of the house. There will be a man named Cheol. Talk with him while I deal with this young man here.”


Moonbyul nodded and left. Seokjin scanned Moonbyul as she walked past him without a glance. He scoffed in disbelief, “Did she just not notice me? She didn’t even look at my handsome face.”


“You are already a captain of the Royal Army. Please stop it for everyone’s sake.”


“I could only be this free in front of you. You know I am not always this goofy with others.” Seokjin followed Geun inside the weaponry room. “I have been in this room many times but the weapons in here never fail to give me the chills every time.”


Geun chuckled and went towards a stout cupboard. He took out a rectangular wooden box decorated with a dragon carved on it. He carefully placed it on the table and opened it.


The inner part of the box was covered with blue velvet and inside it was ten silver head arrows made from the best cedar wood and turkey feathers.


“Beauty in flight”, Seokjin remarked.


Geun smiling through his wrinkled face, proudly added, “These are some of the best arrows I had made.”


Seokjin picked up an arrow to have a closer look. He praised the skills of the old man and closed the box, wrapping it with a silk cloth. He thanked Kwon Geun and both came out for Seokjin to leave.


“Have I told you? I almost killed a person.”


Geun raised a brow to Seokjin. “Now you go around killing people?”


Seokjin shockingly retreated, “Hey, I didn’t say that. I said Almost. It was my first day on duty as a captain. I needed to take a break in the morning. So, I went somewhere private and saw a person trying to run away. I don’t know why but she didn’t stop when I called her. I shot an arrow to scare her and make her stop. Fortunately, it didn’t hit her. But one thing I can’t understand is she ran towards the Witchery Forest.”




Seokjin tried to clearly remember what he saw that morning and replied, “I am sure it’s a woman. She had medium-length hair and have a slim body. She can’t be over 5’5’’. I only saw her back.”


“Maybe, it’s a witch.” Geun replied sarcastically.


“You believe in witches?”, Seokjin asked curiously. “Do you think the demented writer is also a witch? I once tried to find out who is it but there was zero witness and no traces.”


“Master Seokjin, I think you are late for your delivery.”


Seokjin looked up at the sky. The evening clouds have turned orange and the preparation of the hustle night has begun. Seok-jin apologized to Geun and hurried off from the place.


After Seokjin left, Geun came to the back of the house and Moonbyul was collecting the chopped wood. He smiled to himself as he proudly watched her from the corner.




“Your Highness, I have arrived.” Seokjin bowed at the young man in front. The crown prince sternly looked at him while being seated in the study room. Seokjin presented the wooden box to the crown prince, “This is a gift from the Queen.”


The crown prince accepted it but he did not bother to open it. “You have been running errands lately?” He ordered Seokjin to answer him sincerely. “Why would you refuse to be my personal guard? We have known each other since I was a kid. I can pay you more than your post in the army if you want and to work for the prince is more beneficial than being a captain. Isn’t it?”


Seokjin replied the same answer he gave a few days ago when the prince offered him to be his guard. “Yes, it is. And I deserved to be punished for refusing, your Highness. However, it has been my life-long dream to be a soldier. I want to fight on the battlefield and lay down my life for the kingdom. Please do not end my dream.”


The prince sulked. “It would be great to have a skilled and experienced warrior as my guard but I respect your decision. I was ahead of myself thinking you might change your mind. I am sorry. And thank you for bringing me the gift.”






The noon sun was bright and hardly anyone was out in the sun. The navy-blue robe was neatly hung and the maids were dismissed. A cool bath was prepared and rose petals with white flowers were floating on the bath.


The head eunuch distracted the guards and in the noblemen robe, the young man jumped over the wall. The head eunuch quickly returned to his post as he cursed at himself. “Why can’t I have an easy life? The Queen will kill me this time if I don’t report.”


The bath water was left untouched and the room was left with no one.

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Haze222 #1
Chapter 10: Oh no...
Astrae_17 #2
Chapter 10: NOOOOOOO.... Moonbyul...... This is really bad.... I hope things get better soon.... Unless the queen is kinda a good guy who is doing things the wrong way....

Thank you for the chapter! Can't wait for the next one! :)
Astrae_17 #3
Chapter 9: Oh boy…. This could get bad really fast. Especially with Yongsun and Hyejin going into town….I hope everyone one stays safe….

Thank you for the chapter! Can’t wait for the next one!
Astrae_17 #4
Chapter 8: Thank you for the chapter! We learned so much! I hope everything turns out well for Yongsun and Heyjin... I don't want them to get hurt....

I really enjoyed this chapter! Can't wait for the next one!
Chapter 8: Oh that's interesting. This chapter has some big revelations. I wonder then how Yongsun and Hyejin's mom and Wheein got the same symptoms as the curse. I hope Yongsun doesn't by mistake heal her and she turns against them
17 streak #6
Chapter 7: Who tf is that Writer?!
Astrae_17 #7
Chapter 7: Oh no... did someone find out about Yongsun and Hyejin? I hope they stay safe....

Thank you for the chapter! I can't wait for the next one!
17 streak #8
Chapter 6: Yo Idk why a lot of people aren't seeing this, its great!
SwaggNaMinzy21 #9
Chapter 6: aaaa loving this story smnm
Astrae_17 #10
Oooo I hope Yong is okay back in the forest… Thanks for the extra glimps of Wheebyul’s life in the village/town:) I really enjoyed this chapter! Can’t wait for the next one