Part 3







When Kyungsoo had asked Sehun out, he hadn't really thought it through how awkward it would be to end a date with his next door neighbor.


In the beginning, everything had been going well. Sehun had been working late, so they met at the restaurant, and Kyungsoo had brought a single white rose to give him. The smile Sehun sent him had made his trip to three different flower stores worth it, a million times over.


The date had been wonderfully sweet, but that was mainly because Sehun was wonderfully sweet. At first it was difficult to start a conversation, but once they got it going, it became easy. On the way back, Kyungsoo had nervously reached for Sehun's hand. Sehun had giggled a little, but allowed him to, so Kyungsoo had held his hand all the way back home, right until they reached their apartment building. There he had let go, in case they would meet one of their neighbors.


Now they were standing in front of Sehun's door, and Kyungsoo was trying to say goodbye, but it was awkward when his own door was only a couple of meters away.


“I had fun tonight.” He tried.

“Me too.” The most adorable blush tinted Sehun's cheeks. It was unreal how at the same time he could look so handsome, and so intolerably cute. “Thanks for the rose.” He added shyly.

“I'm glad you like it.” Kyungsoo said and fidgeted in his steps. “I guess we should...”

“If you want to drop by the hospital for a lunch, I'm working Sunday.”

“This Sunday?” Kyungsoo's toes suddenly felt very warm, and the warmth climbed up his legs.


“Are you sure it's okay?” He asked, trying not to sound too excited. Since he had needed a topic of conversation during dinner, he had somehow ended up asking a lot about the hospital, until Sehun had suggested that he should just drop by one day. Kyungsoo hadn't expected it to be a real invitation.

“Yes, of course it's okay.” Sehun answered eagerly. “I know everyone always says that hospital food is so bad, but our cafeteria is actually very decent. I promise.”

“Then... I would love to see where you work.”

“Really? You'll come?”

“Mmh. I'll come.”

Sehun's lips widened into the cutest, slightly crooked smile, and Kyungsoo wanted to eat him up.


Instead he settled for touching Sehun's free hand slightly (he liked touching him).

“It's getting late... so... thank you for tonight.”

“Thank you also.”

Kyungsoo cursed internally, because Sehun was so good looking, it was surreal. He cleared his throat.

“Uhm... then... good night.”

He smiled politely, and was about to turn and walk away (that awkward distance of three meters to his own door) when Sehun grabbed onto the sleeve of Kyungsoo's nice jacket that he had chosen for his date.


Surprised, he turned his head and looked back at Sehun, who muttered:

“Do you remember when I talked about... you know... taking it slow... physically?”

Kyungsoo nodded once, because he did remember.

“Well... Just in case you misunderstood... I didn't mean kissing.”


“So I mean... if you would want... I mean... if it's kissing... then it's a... then it isn't necessary to... you know... take it too slow.”


Blushing, Sehun looked down to the floor, muttering: “I just... thought you should know.”


Kyungsoo's heart skipped a beat. Several beats. Because this was being too cute.


Slowly, he took one step closer, and then another.

“So if I wanted to... bid goodnight?” He asked quietly.

Sehun nodded.


Kyungsoo's gaze dropped down to Sehun's lips, they were pink, slightly wet, and intolerably cute. So many times, he had thought about those lips and now they were right in front of him, only inches away.


Gently, he cupped Sehun's cute cheek, and then put his hand on the back of his neck, pulling him down a little, and then he reached up and kissed him.


The kiss was soft, so unbelievably soft and innocent, but it created millions of butterflies, filling up Kyungsoo's body, making him feel like he was floating.


Before he would lose control of his urges, he backed away, staring at Sehun's lips for a moment. They were wet and slightly parted, and looked even cuter, now that Kyungsoo knew how good they felt. It was so tempting to give in, kiss him again, wetter this time, deeper. Maybe get an invitation into Sehun's apartment where they could properly make out, and maybe more.


But he had promised that they would take it slow, and Kyungsoo was a man of his words.


Slowly, he looked up from the pretty lips, to Sehun's eyes that were even more beautiful, and looked back at him in a way that made Kyungsoo want to get lost in them. Just lie in bed together and look each other in the eyes forever and ever. Maybe kiss a little. And Sehun would be just back from work so he would still be wearing his scrubs, and now Kyungsoo's fantasy was getting out of control and it was time to call it a night.


“Goodnight, Sehun-ah.” He said gently.

“G-Goodnight hyung.” He answered back with a sweet smile, fumbled a bit with his keys, and waved cutely before he closed the door.


Very calmly, Kyungsoo went to his own door, but as soon as he was inside, he leaned against the wall, and pressed his hand against his heart, trying to calm it down.


He just liked him so much. Even though he had been crushing on him for weeks, it still surprised him how much he liked him.


And Sehun liked him too.


Maybe he was also standing in the entryway of his own apartment, thinking about their date, their kiss. The thought made him smile, and he took off his jacket.


After cleaning up, he went to bed.


Although Kyungsoo had promised to take it slow in reality, he had made no such promise for his imagination. So he closed his eyes and thought about Sehun in his snow white scrubs.







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I just finished reading again and I like it even more :))) such a lovely fic :33
Chapter 6: This was sooooo sweet. I can't even~
So sweet.
961 streak #3
Chapter 6: Ahhhhhh!
So sweet.
Thank you so much for sharing.
961 streak #4
Chapter 2: This is so innocently sweet.
I love how they bought flowers at the same time to give to each other. So cute.
Mistycal #5
Chapter 3: LMAO again but blushing Sehun??? I LIVE FOR THIS
Mistycal #6
Chapter 2: Apart from the obsession with scrubs, this is the cute sesoo content I needed :)
Mistycal #7
Chapter 1: Wow the supposed one-sidedness here is almost sad tho o.o
Chapter 6: oh ok.. this chapter was perfect ending of the story. they are so fluffy and sweet my heart is happy and full. thank you for sharing this:3
Chapter 6: aww the story is completed now? will miss this sesoo but def come back to reread. im gonna save this chapter for my time off work today yay :3
collin12 #10
Chapter 6: This story was super sweet and cute thank you <3