A New Beginning


Chanyeol knows he doesn't deserve it, but all he wants is a chance to explain.

Baekhyun knows he shouldn't want it, but all he wants is closure.


Chanyeol knows he doesn't deserve it, but all he wants is a chance to explain.

Baekhyun knows he shouldn't want it, but all he wants is closure.


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Chapter 3: There's so much here. I'm glad for Baek to be able to let those things out to Chanyeol. And I hope he really listened well
Beau1996 1480 streak #2
Chapter 3: A lot to unpack in this update - we try to find something or someone to blame when someone tries suicide but really it's an attempt to gain peace - I think a lot about Jonghyun's last words...
Beau1996 1480 streak #3
Chapter 2: When you have never experienced depression, it can be hard to understand that your own mind becomes your worst enemy! Lots of healing needs to happen for both our boys!
Chapter 2: Wow. I want to say "how about those apples" to Chanyeol. But I think Henry's betrayal and realization of what happened to Baek is enough
Chapter 1: Whew. That was heavy. But I really need to know what happens. And what happened 5 years ago.