
deranged (winrina)



A/N: sorry for the late update lol i didn’t manage to convert it soon. Anyway, before you start to read, im warning you. there might be inaccuracies in this story. im afraid there might be errors too since harry potter is pretty complex and full of details, there might be some details i missed so i apologize in advance for that. and it might be harry potter au but i changed and created some few things too!


just a reminder, in case you guys got confused. you can freely ask me if you got confused. btw, i never really gave the dark lord a name so yeet! there might be some little plot holes too so oops. enjoy and pardon my mistakes!


reminder: death hallows dont exist in here.



Yoo Jimin was one of the best. That was no doubt. Everyone who witnessed her talent and potential in person would agree in a heartbeat. One would also agree the moment they heard her jaw dropping, astounding achievements when she was still a student in Hogwarts. She was the brightest among them all, and also the most cunning. And every wizard and witches knew that.


Coming from one of the famous pureblood Slytherin houses, the Yoo family — even when she was still a newly-born baby, Jimin’s name was already famous. A lot of wizards who came from the said family were all powerful, reputable people who were popular for their amazing wizarding skills known to the wizarding world. Even though they were very vicious, a lot of aspiring people still looked up to them, and feared their capabilities. Every wizard or witch that bore that noble family name was a hundred percent talented person, and so, they weren’t really surprised when Lady Yoo Jimin was a powerful, excellent witch even when she was still young.


When Jimin wasn’t still attending Hogwarts, she was already getting taught, and trained by her mother, and other notable wizard teachers so she would be fully prepared, and she would be advanced when she started attending the school. But even so, Jimin was a fast learner, and she got a natural talent in wizardry so her skills just got even sharper when she entered Hogwarts.


At first, Jimin already planned everything before she even entered Hogwarts: do not mingle with people as much as possible and only stick to Slytherin people but no to muggle-borns, be on the very top of the chain, let other people get scared of her, earn a reputation, and graduate in peace yet with full of achievements. That was her plan. Her parents didn’t care much because they knew that their daughter would never let their family down, as long as she would behave and don’t shame her family’s name, and be on the top — they would never speak a word, plus, they could trust Jimin. She was wise, and well-educated.


Her school life would definitely pass smoothly, and nicely. Jimin was certain of it.


Not until a storm came, the storm came by the name of Kim Minjeong.


Kim Minjeong. That ing brat. A muggle-born Gryffindor, double yikes. She was a troublemaker with a very thick skull, she was stubborn yet brave as a lion. Chaos always followed her everywhere. She was very clumsy, and liked to involve other people in her mess unintentionally. Though she wasn’t known when she entered Hogwarts — she was just the typical annoying freshman Gryfiindor — she slowly rose to the top because of her surprisingly sharp wit, and intellect that she herself didn’t know she had. She was an excellent witch too, definitely got a natural talent and if she would train, and use her potential nicely, she could be one of the strongest… she could be beside Jimin at the very top.


And Jimin didn’t like that. She didn’t like sharing.


Well, at the very start, Jimin shouldn’t really care much for that girl but fate really had something stored in them, and made their path cross at the very beginning of their school life story. Minjeong made her spill her drink on her new set of clothes when they were riding the Hogwarts Express on the way to the school because Minjeong was running after the chocolate frog that escaped from her grasp! It was unforgivable! She shamed Jimin in front of the students, and she ruined her shirt.


She knew that it was just an accident, and she could see the sincerity and panic in Minjeong’s eyes as she frantically muttered a series of apologies, trying to find a cloth that she could use to wipe the mess she made to Jimin’s shirt but the amused pairs of eyes from the students all around burned her. She couldn’t let this pass. She shouldn’t be the one who would suffer humiliation.


So, before Jimin could even let the softness of her heart engulf her — she already took out her wand from her robe, and casted a transfiguration spell towards Minjeong who was looking like a deer caught in the headlights, and turned her into a helpless puppy until they reached Hogwarts.


The laughter from the students as they stared at Minjeong who was a cute little brown puppy made Jimin feel better, her chest swelled in pride, giving the puppy a mocking look. Minjeong was actually surprised that time, and she was unsure of what to do so she ran away in panic and embarrassment. Jimin didn’t regret doing that move, even though she got a lot of distasteful comments that she was cruel, and bullying Minjeong after that.


“A Yoo would never dare to let themself suffer in shame. Revenge, it’s always the answer.”


Her father taught her that, and so, she wasn’t really forgiving when she was getting attacked by people when she wasn’t even doing anything bad to them. She never backed down. She would always be a bright witch in everyone’s eyes. It was bound for a Yoo to have a slightly dented reputation because they were Slytherins, and they were vicious and ruthless but feared.


After that incident, Jimin held a grudge in the very bottom of her heart. She knew she had to let it pass, and be mature since she got revenge but still, whenever she saw Minjeong — her blood would boil, and the amused eyes of people that day would enter her mind. It seemed like Minjeong came to dislike her too because she would sometimes give her a glare across the room (they were classmates). And well, Jimin never forgot to glare back — once her foxy eyes would spot Minjeong, she would instantly give dagger looks.


Jimin thought it wouldn’t go further than that though but then, rivalry sparked between them. Even though they were polar opposites, they were still excelling in the same fields. Though each of them got their own specialities, competing started to become natural for the both of them — at first, they were just fighting because of academics but soon, it became duels, it became physical.


They would sometimes hex and jinx each other. One time, they almost blew up a whole courtyard, and that was the last straw for the professors. They got heavy punishments for that, and Jimin’s parents weren’t delighted by the news that she was fighting with a muggle-born. Even though the Yoo family liked to fight, and they weren’t those common Slytherins that liked to bully and fight harshly everytime like stupid wizards who were thirsty to prove something useless. They should always be composed and collected all the time, and Jimin slowly crumbled that kind of image because Minjeong loved to irk her to the very core.


Jimin was starting to look pathetic because she always fought with a muggle-born Gryffindor who also didn’t like to back down.


Like Jimin said — Minjeong was stubborn, and annoying so she would always fight back. But Minjeong was righteous, and always had a sense of justice, that was why she was even popular among students but when it came to Jimin, her mischievous side would come out. She might not always be strategic like Jimin who liked to always calculate moves, and all — but Minjeong was always driven by determination so she rarely lost, she matched Jimin.


Even though Jimin was bitter that a muggle-born like Minjeong could match her skills, it wasn’t a whole lie because she had always witnessed Minjeong’s capabilities. Minjeong had her own ways, so did Jimin. They have different techniques, and attitudes but in the end, they were always the winners so… they were really a match, with Jimin just advancing one step ahead.


However, Jimin didn’t realize that she had started to always wait for Minjeong, and her pranks on Jimin so she could have a fight with her. Jimin would sometimes initiate because if it was constant that would be bad for her image. She wasn’t that petty.


She didn’t realize that having a glaring contest with Minjeong would be the highlight of her day. She didn’t immediately notice that she was enjoying having a fight with Minjeong all the time. She didn’t realize that she always thought of Minjeong besides her studies.


She shrugged off the blooming sensation in her chest whenever she stared at Minjeong from afar.


She only recognized some of it when she was caught stalking Minjeong by her friend, Yeji. Jimin panicked, reasoning out that she was just spotting a perfect timing to jinx Minjeong but in fact, she was just worried about Minjeong since the last hex that she threw to the latter gave her an injury. She was guilty, and she wanted to check her out.


Jimin finally admitted that she might’ve got a small, little crush on Minjeong after getting jealous over the girls that were flocking over Minjeong, and when that goddamn Gryffindor man named Yeonjun tried to pursue her. She only wanted Minjeong’s attention on her.


But it was unacceptable. To have feelings for a rival, and a muggle-born too! Jimin should be ashamed. Jimin thought that maybe it was attachment, and obsession to defeat Minjeong but the feeling was not nothing evil, it was pure, and a nice feeling like flowers blooming inside her chest, and warmth feeling spreading through her existence.


With that, Jimin was defeated to learn that she had a crush on the woman she was supposed to loathe only.


Professor Bae surely noticed her admiration but said nothing to it, only forcing them to be on good terms because Minjeong was like her little sister, and she wanted for them to get along really well.


Her whole seven years as a student in Hogwarts were something else. It wasn’t boring, it was thrilling, and that was because of Kim Minjeong.


Before their graduation, Jimin actually wanted to be close with Minjeong, and tried not to bicker with her. Well, fighting was the only reasonable thing to earn Minjeong’s attention anyway but she should be mature. Even though her family would be enraged if she would ever befriend someone like Minjeong, she knew that anger would disappear once they learned that Minjeong’s potential was out of the roof.


So, she had decided. No more fights, and be at least acquaintances with Kim Minjeong after graduating. They even exchanged polite nods with each other on the graduation day at Hogwarts.


That was probably the start of peace and teamwork for the both of them.


Jimin looked forward to their interaction soon.


But… something happened.


The Yoo Family held a small celebration party for Jimin’s graduation. Only their relatives could attend. They were all happy, and gave comments about Jimin’s achievements. They were proud because Jimin was definitely going to make the Yoo Family even powerful in the near future. They lost the Yoo patriarch and matriarch already, and Jimin could save the family. The Ministry of Magic was already offering her a high position but Jimin planned to settle her family’s affairs first.


However, the mini celebration that should be full of laughter and excitement only became a huge horror.


Jimin stood dumbfounded when she finally got home after her graduation, she was held back a little because of Professor Bae, and that bastard Headmaster Lee to talk about her future. They wanted her to take her under her wing, and said other stuff so she was held back for an hour or so but she was greeted by lifeless bodies of her family.


Every relative of hers — they were all dead, lying in the cold, hard tiled floor of the Yoo family’s home.


And there, she noticed a dark presence.


The Dark Lord. He killed her family. He slaughtered all of them because they refused to join his side, and as a punishment, he killed them all, and only left Jimin because he knew she would be very useful for him. Her potential was limitless, and the Dark Lord knew that — he had been eyeing Jimin for quite a while behind the shadows. He was the one who slaughtered her parents before too.


Jimin tried to fight back, she was burning in rage; she lost her family because of this man that should be already dead now but miraculously resurrected once again. But it wasn’t enough. She might be skilled but the Dark Lord’s powers were of a different level. He got more experience, and he got a lot of skilled Death Eaters behind him.


In the end, she was defeated, inflicting a little damage to the Dark Lord but managed to wipe off half of the Death Eaters he brought. He was delighted, amused to witness her power, and even laughed happily.


“You’re seriously strong, kid.” He said, and walked down to where Jimin was on her knees, her body gave up because of exhaustion, and the Dark Lord finally got to cast a stun spell on her. “Magnificent! Spectacular. You’re even better than I thought! I know that the Yoo family is a family full of talented wizards but you, you are wonderful! You are the strongest so far, with a lot of potential too. I will take you under my care.”


With that, the Dark Lord tried to enter her mind, and brainwash her. But Jimin didn’t let her. She was talented in Legilimency and Occlumency that even the Dark Lord himself couldn’t break into her head fully. Sensing that Jimin wouldn’t let her brain get turned, the Dark Lord was enraged.


He took Jimin to his hideout, and there, he tortured the woman until she submitted but like a true Yoo, Jimin didn’t. She would never worship anyone, submit to anyone. That was the rule of a Yoo. Never. She would rather let herself get killed. Her stubbornness just got even worse when she met Minjeong, so it was a good thing.


The Dark Lord didn’t give her up though, he knew that Jimin was the most dangerous weapon he could use so even though it was hard to break Jimin, he still tried until he was the one who would break.


After days of being imprisoned and ‘tortured’ to give in, Jimin ultimately made a plan. She was weak, and the Dark Lord didn’t have any intention to kill her. She didn’t want to be alive, and serve him but she was suffering, and she was thirsty for revenge. She needed to avenge her family. It was also a rule. Revenge was always the answer to a Yoo.


She knew she could do something. She needed to defeat this wicked man, and she was a few steps away from him. She needed to avenge her family. She would do this for them, and the whole wizarding world.


So, finally, she decided to let herself get brainwashed. But was she?


No, she didn’t get brainwashed by the Dark Lord. She made him believe that he finally got to invade her mind, and control it. As mentioned, Jimin had a talent in both Legilimency and Occlumency, a scary talent. She mastered a skill that only chosen powerful people could do, a skill that even Headmaster Lee got fooled.


It was a combination of Legilimency and Occlumency. And of a different kind of level.


She created two ‘doorways’ in her brain, and Jimin forced the Dark Lord to enter a doorway she created, full of fakeness. And the other doorway was her real mind. She got to alter another one so she could fool the Dark Lord that she got to brainwash her but her real ‘mind’ was protected, and safe. She was still sane but she pretended that she was crazy because the Dark Lord engulfed all of her brain.


It was a skill that Jimin taught herself after stumbling upon it in their library when she was still about to enter Hogwarts. A skill that even her parents couldn’t master at all. And it took Jimin years to master it, that certain skill needed a lot of concentration, and will power.


Because of that certain skill, she managed to fool a lot of people. Jimin needed to be skilled in Occlumency because for sure, a lot of wizards would try to enter her mind but she took it to a next level. Like was said, she got to fool the Headmaster himself when he tried to invade Jimin’s mind. And surprisingly, she got to do it with the Dark Lord too even though she was drained.


And there was when the deranged facade started. She needed to fit in.


Jimin knew she had to be heartless this time. She would need to make sacrifices. She needed to kill people for sure — killing was alright, she killed Death Eaters out of rage when she saw that her family was killed. But killing good wizards? Then, she wanted to deflate but in order for her plan to be successful, she needed to freeze her heart.


The Dark Lord also gave her a new name, Karina. The ruthless, unhinged, and bloodthirsty witch. Jimin perfected the ‘Karina facade’.


The plan of revenge, she would follow the Dark Lord for years, and let people finally believe that she was on the dark side to earn their trust. If she stuck around, she would learn their weaknesses and all. This plan needed her patience and everything but she would gamble, if it meant she could defeat the Dark Lord in the right time.


Through the years, Jimin followed the Dark Lord, learning a lot from him — she even became stronger thanks to him but that skill would be used to defeat him in the future. She and him teamed up to create numerous spells, and poisons that had never been made before.


It didn’t take long for her to earn the Dark Lord’s favor and she became his favorite right hand, and it gained a lot of envy but then, they wouldn’t dare to touch Jimin either because that deranged witch could kill them easily.


But when she was behind closed doors, away from everyone’s sight — she was also training herself, making other spells that would counter the dark magic she and the Dark Lord created. She was making detailed plans alone, and improving her skills to the fullest.


She would sometimes stroll around in a disguise. She would visit all the important people in her life, eye them with sad eyes from afar. And the Dark Lord thought that Jimin was just stalking them, and would gather information but the witch would just stare at them longingly.


The Dark Lord would attack in a few years, and was planning to conquer the wizarding world, so they were preparing — slowly advancing. At first, they would secretly destroy villages, kill important people of the Ministry of Magic without leaving a trace that the Death Eaters did it. Even though Jimin's heart would rage, she couldn’t do anything but to obey, and tell herself that she would avenge them all.


Finally, after five years of hiding, training, preparing, and attacking slowly — they made a huge move. They finally slowly revealed themselves to the world as a warning.


Their first move was actually giving the Headmaster of Hogwarts a ‘poison’ that would make him weak slowly, and his magic too. The Dark Lord was the one who did that to him secretly, and that dangerous spell was actually made by Jimin herself with the Dark Lord’s assistance.


And once it started to affect Headmaster Lee Sooman, they finally advanced forward. He was a threat that should be disposed of. A hindrance to their plans.


The wizarding world was in great shock when they learned the missing Yoo Jimin was alive and came back but was on the Dark Lord side, a loyal crazy Death Eater. She was the talk of the people, and she was always in the Daily Prophet, mentioning that they lost a bright witch like her. It would make her snort sadly.


Everyone knew now that she was evil, and she was a nightmare. She became ultimately feared by the wizards, they all saw how Jimin drastically changed, and how her skills even got enhanced terrifyingly. Such people couldn’t match her, every one of them couldn’t compare.


Except for one.


The battle in Hogwarts made an impact on Jimin, not only her but to everyone.


After years of yearning secretly yet deeply, Jimin finally got to face Kim Minjeong again. The deranged witch was updated with her life; from when she was still training as an Auror to the very present. She knew everything about her because Minjeong was a well-known Auror. It wasn’t surprising that Minjeong was a great warrior, and it made Jimin proud.


She also missed Professor Bae. Her favorite teacher. She was one of the people that guided Jimin, and the latter genuinely liked her as a mentor and an older friend.


When she and Minjeong fought, Jimin was feeling thousands of emotions. She didn’t hold back, that was why Minjeong had a hard time, and she was actually afraid that she might kill her but then… she was confident — Minjeong was one of a kind. Even in the most dangerous situation, Minjeong would still come out alive.


But still, she was impressed that Minjeong got to match her despite her extreme exhaustion of fighting other Death Eaters before her, and relieved that she managed to fight off her powerful spell.


Even though the Dark Lord wasn’t there to witness everything crumble, Jimin needed to intimidate them.


And in the middle of the battle, Jimin had realized — her feelings for Minjeong stayed the same. It was even starting to get stronger even though they never had contact for over five years. Her yearning for Minjeong just boosted her feelings, and the withered flower inside her chest slowly bloomed again in their reunion.


She missed it, fighting Minjeong. It reminded her of old times. But now, Minjeong was glaring at her full of hatred and rage, unlike before, the glare was just out of dislike. Minjeong’s eyes that time were intense, and she was desperate to kill Jimin, and not just defeat her. There was a pang in her chest, Minjeong didn’t know that Jimin was faking everything, and she knew she shouldn’t be sad over that but still, she was gloomy — Minjeong thought she had gone crazy, and disappointment lingered in her eyes too, it didn’t go unnoticed to Jimin’s keen eyes.


When finally, she managed to catch Minjeong — Jimin couldn’t control her feelings anymore. It exploded all over her. Everything was too much.


“You know, back in our Hogwarts days,” Jimin said, almost like whispering a deep secret to Minjeong. “I really thought, no — I treated you, I saw you as my equal, Kim Minjeong.”


The Auror didn’t react at that, remaining calm, and all. Jimin smiled at that, and continued. “You were the only one who could match my pace. You were the only one who bravely fought, and bickered with me. You were too smart, too wise, and we almost had the same grade every year. It irked me, yes, but it also intrigued me — because we were definitely equal.” She murmured, and her lower lip. “Even now, I still do think that. You managed to almost defeat me, somehow. You could block my spell, hell — the Fiendfyre, you freaking killed it. I’m so, so impressed. I thought nobody could match me except the Dark Lord. But you proved me wrong, you always proved me wrong, Kim.”


That was an honest compliment. She knew that purring a compliment would make Minjeong feel less bad after her defeat. And she didn’t manage to confess this before because she was bitter that Minjeong could match her. But that was before. Jimin wasn’t bitter anymore, she would love to share her spot with Minjeong.


Jimin lifted her both hands, stretching them to reach for the young Auror’s dirty cheeks. She felt Minjeong shivered under the touch, arching her brow a bit in confusion. She liked it. They were so close, and Jimin loved it. She wanted to be closer, the greed was starting to slip from Jimin’s grasp. The witch started to wipe the blood off her nose, lips, and chin with a charm. “You’re the good equivalent of mine, Minjeong. Always has been. My goody two-shoes counterpart.” She murmured, leaning in even closer with a wicked smile, but tone with full genuineness.


There was when she finally got to take a good look at Minjeong. Until now, she still looked so fine. Before, Minjeong had this childish aura in her but now, it almost completely vanished in her. Her face features were sharper and astonishing to look at — her eyes were ten times more intense than before but Jimin would willingly drown herself into those pools of chocolate orbs, and get lost into it.


She was taller, and her whole body was muscular after all those years of training as an Auror. Her presence got even bigger. Her charisma was out of the roof so it wasn’t surprising that she was also popular among her peers because of her good looks.


Despite the good changes, she was still the same stubborn, determined Kim Minjeong that Jimin had known and liked for years.


“I’m going to throw you to Azkaban, Jimin. Remember that. I will catch you next time.” She slurred, and it was a direct answer that this time, she finally gave up. Jimin’s heart ached. Oh yeah, she would definitely be thrown to Azkaban for doing all of those bad deeds, but she would come clean soon. Soon.


Jimin grinned, rubbing Minjeong’s cheeks lovingly to soothe and annoy her. She just liked how soft it was, she suddenly had the urge to bite it. “How sweet of you, baby,” She purred, and the Auror blushed at the sudden pet name. The pet name just came naturally, she was in her mischievous face after all. And she liked how Minjeong reacted. She would do that often. “But nope~ No Azkaban for me!” She squeaked with a giggle.


And finally, she slowly confessed to Minjeong about her feelings in a very sincere way as much as possible but Minjeong thought she was just fooling around! Jimin was so frustrated but time was running out so, to prove her feelings were sincere — she gave Minjeong a kiss. Well, she couldn’t hold back herself anyway. It had been her secret desire to taste those lips. Some nights, she would think how soft Minjeong’s lips were, and finally, she got to taste it — it was heavenly that Jimin didn’t even want to pull away.


It was her first kiss. Yes. One must be surprised. She never got romantically involved with someone through the years. She was acting like a deranged woman so no one would want her even though her beauty was topnotch, and well, she didn’t mind it anyway — she was too busy planning how to kill the Dark Lord, and training herself — and well, too busy yearning for Minjeong.


With a heavy heart, she pulled away, and bid her goodbye. Blushing Minjeong was really something else. And before she completely disappeared, she spotted that Snow followed her which made her smile. Minjeong’s raven was still fond of her — and so, she wrote a letter, and gave it to Snow, sending the raven back after giving it a kiss on the head.


Her lips were still tingling after the kiss, and she couldn’t help but to caress it while smiling like a fool as she flew away on her broom.


Now that Headmaster Lee was dead, and everything was starting to go in shambles, it was time for Jimin to finally start moving too.




“You successfully killed Sooman?” It was the Dark Lord’s greeting after Jimin went to the throne room with a big smile on her beautiful face.


Jimin let out a girly giggle. “Yes, my Lord! I even did it without magic, haha! I pierced my wand into his throat!” She reported excitedly, twirling around with a wicked grin.


The Dark Lord looked pleased at what she had done, giving her a satisfied nod from his throne, and let out a laugh. “This is great! Soon enough, we will conquer the wizarding world, and I will rule! You may rest now, dearest Jimin. You’ve done well, and for the others who didn’t come out alive, may their souls rot in hell for being too incompetent, hmph.” He said, waving a hand to Jimin to dismiss her.


The deranged witch let out a squeak, turning around as she skipped her way out of the Dark Lord’s castle — apparating to her own manor. The Dark Lord rewarded her a place where she could not be disturbed after gaining his trust that she wouldn’t do anything stupid so she was safe here.


When she finally got inside, the wicked grin on her lips slowly faded, and Jimin could feel fatigue. She slowly walked towards her room, greeting the house elf on the way, ordering her to get herself some juice.


After that, she let out a sigh — she drank the juice until it was empty before walking to the bathroom to bathe. The scenes from earlier playing in her head in replay, it made her smile a bit. She missed seeing familiar faces, too bad that she looked bad in their eyes now. Jimin really needed to explain everything to them soon, speaking of, she needed to make a visit this month since the Dark Lord didn’t have any plans so far.


She raised her arm, and spotted the huge Death Eater mark permanently tattooed on her wrist. She glared at it, her jaw was slack.


But then, her lips tingled, and the scene where Jimin kissed Minjeong flashed in her mind. Even though Minjeong was stiff, and didn’t respond back to her kisses, it was still sweet.


Instantly, her heart started to rage in happiness, and the corner of tugged upwards. Hmm, she wondered. What was Minjeong’s reaction when she read her letter? Well, it wasn’t much anyway.


Shaking her head, Jimin finished showering, and wrapped herself with a towel then dressed in more comfortable clothes, walking to her study room to continue her secret research.


The hero disguised as a villain was trying. She just hoped that it would go smoothly, the last thing she needed was to get caught so she was very detailed and careful.




Her first move was to get connections secretly. She needed the help she could get. She couldn’t defeat the Dark Lord alone anyway, she needed at least some powerful support, and she knew well where to get those supports. Hopefully, they would still trust her. Her image was already ruined anyway, and she was known to be the Dark Lord’s loyal dog.


And so, three weeks after the attack in Hogwarts — Jimin fled off in a disguise. The Dark Lord only knew that she was going to gather some information around but she was actually going to get support, and slowly backstab him. She made sure that no one was following her but as expected, nothing. The Dark Lord might be powerful but Jimin was wiser. He really trusted Jimin like this because all he knew was that she was fully under his control when in fact, he didn’t have any control on Jimin in the slightest bit.


She went to a familiar residence, and climbed to the balcony swiftly. She was wearing a dark cloak, and it was night so she couldn’t be seen by people. She spotted an open window, and a figure nearby. A smirk formed on her luscious lips.


Jimin then jumped to the said opened window and perched over the frame, readying herself to cast a shield charm because this person might really cast a spell on her out of shock and panic — and as expected, the person was so surprised that she let out a shriek, grabbing the wand on top of the table, “Confringo!” cried the woman.


Jimin silently casted a Protego charm, and the spell thrown to her lost its effect. “Relax.” whispered the witch, smiling wickedly. “It’s just me, Professor Bae.”


Joohyun’s eyes widened at the familiar voice but she still stood her guard up, her wand pointed at Jimin with full alertness. Professor Bae was still fast, but she must have been in a daze when Jimin caught her off guard; that was why she wasn’t composed at the sudden attack.


“Jimin!?” Joohyun shouted, surprised. Jimin’s smile widened, taking off her hood to reveal her face, tilting her head innocently then leaped from the window, her feet landing on the wooden floor without a sound. “Why are you here, you wicked witch!?”


There was a sting in Jimin’s heart when her favorite Professor called her that. Joohyun knew that Jimin was real, and not just someone as disguised as her. Jimin knew that because Joohyun was an expert at catching who was real or not, but then, Joohyun couldn’t still tell if she was really crazy or sane. Jimin was a great actress.


“I’m here to have a talk with my favorite professor~” Jimin sang, still wearing her crazy playful witch persona, and grinned at Joohyun who was glaring at her but never dared to make a move. It was already a sign that Joohyun would definitely listen to Jimin at least, and wouldn’t call for anyone. She knew Professor Bae well, she still held a soft spot in her heart, and Jimin would take advantage of it.


Joohyun’s eyes hardened. “We have nothing to talk about, Yoo Jimin.”


Jimin flashed a sad smile. “Oh, we do,” She whispered. “A lot…” Her facade was finally starting to break. She really missed being with a ‘good’ presence, a familiar presence, and Joohyun was already giving her comfort.


The professor was silent for a few moments, observing Jimin with a slack jaw. She was thinking, and Jimin didn’t even try to use Legilimency on her. She would never dare. Even though she was good at it, she still respected people’s privacy.


Jimin noticed that Joohyun’s tight grip on her wand tightened, and it was shaking. Hurt flashed in Joohyun’s glassy intense eyes, and Jimin’s face fell. “Professor Bae,” She softly called, her voice was serious and full of sincerity. “I’m not crazy. I’m just acting like I am insane.”


Joohyun took a deep breath. “I will call the Aurors.” She warned but she didn’t. A glint of hope lit in Jimin’s heart. Joohyun was giving her a chance, she knew.


“Please. Let’s talk. I’m going to explain from the very beginning and I need your help.” Jimin tried once more.


“Help!? You need my help!?” Joohyun yelled, the veins on her neck were popping already. She was angry. Jimin winced, she knew confrontation would be hard, and make them fully believe but she would try. “You… You disappeared five years ago, and you came back as a Death Eater! Do we need an explanation? No, Jimin! We clearly got it! You’re a slave of darkness!” She shouted, and took a step backward. Thankfully, Jimin did a spell outside so they couldn’t be heard. She knew there would be shouting.


Jimin gritted her teeth, she was breathing heavily. Words stung but she let it. Joohyun was angry, confused, and upset. She couldn’t blame her. “Calm down, alright? Give me a chance to explain. I didn’t join his side, I got forced to, okay!?” She finally dropped a bomb.


Joohyun visibly tensed, and she was heavily breathing through her nose but she didn’t do anything. “How can I believe you? You’re crazy. Get out of my house right now or I’ll call the Aurors!”


If Joohyun really wanted to call the Aurors, she already did so the moment Jimin revealed herself but no. Up until now, even though everyone thought that Jimin was deranged, and evil — Joohyun still gave her a chance. And Jimin would push it.


“Please. Joohyun-unnie. I’m begging you, hear me out first. Cast a powerful spell on me that will hold my magic if that will make you feel at ease as we talk.” Jimin whispered, even throwing her wand away, well it was actually useless since she could do wandless spells but throwing a wand was a sign of surrendering.


Joohyun’s eyes widened, and her hand started to tremble even more than her wand wasn’t even pointing at Jimin anymore. She was biting her lower lip, and conflict was written all over her face. She was considering it. Jimin hoped, and prayed that Joohyun would give her a chance to speak.


But then, a tear fell from Joohyun’s eye. Jimin’s eyes widened, her heart shattered as she stood dumbfounded in front of her professor. Now, she wasn’t expecting that. She was panicking! She was unsure of what to do! Should she just run away, and let her be? God, this was the worst—


“Even though you’re a Death Eater now. Even though I witnessed you kill our people. Even though I saw you destroy everything…” Joohyun spoke, her lips were quivering. Her eyes were full of tears. “I still trust you. I still want to hear everything about what happened to you. I still want to know why.”


Jimin clenched her fists. She averted her gaze away, chewing on her bottom lip. Joohyun truly had a golden heart. That was why she was one of Jimin’s favorite people in the world. Joohyun was the older sister she never had.


went agape when she saw Joohyun slowly lowered her wand down, letting her arm rest on her side, giving Jimin a very exhausted look — her eyes were bloodshot red, and she was hurt from the inside. Jimin let out a bitter smile for herself, everything was really ed up when she disappeared. Joohyun was surely worried for her.


The professor then nodded her head to the other chair. “Sit. I won’t cast any spell on you. Now, if you kill me on the spot. You’ll be trapped in this house, and the Aurors will get you.” She said coldly, and sat on the previous chair she was sitting on until Jimin made a surprise appearance.


Jimin let out a sigh, mixed with frustration yet relief. She dragged the chair closer, and sat — she eyed her wand on the floor, and suddenly, the piece of stick rolled towards her, and flew gently to her. She then tucked it under her cloak before fully facing Joohyun. The professor was giving her a hard look, and Jimin gulped, she didn’t know what she must be thinking. She could be plotting how to kill Jimin but then, she still trusted Joohyun with all her heart.


“Speak. Enlighten me.” Joohyun’s voice was powerful, and strict, and a shiver ran through Jimin’s spine. It was the same voice she would use on her whenever she was angry or upset that she and Minjeong fought again, and destroyed a property in Hogwarts.


With that, Jimin finally started to explain. From when she went home after the graduation and their talk about her future and met the Dark Lord, with her family members scattered around to her plans to backstab, and kill the Dark Lord to put an end to this madness. She also gave a full detail on how she managed to trick the Dark Lord from thinking that she brainwashed her and all. Every single detail, she gave it to Joohyun, and every question was thrown, Jimin would honestly answer it.


Joohyun didn’t even use Legilimens on her at all. She didn’t. Even though Jimin was open, she didn’t dare.


After explaining everything, Jimin took a deep breath, exhausted after all of that explaining and answering. However, Joohyun remained stoic. Jimin was nervous but she patiently waited, fidgeting on her seat as she played with her own fingers.


But soon, Joohyun finally took a deep breath again, and hung her head down low. Jimin was worried. However, when Joohyun looked back again at her — her eyes were soft, and she was sad.


“I believe all of your words, Jimin.”


Jimin didn’t even notice that a lone tear fell from her eye. Her lips were quivering. She was relieved. She was happy. She missed Joohyun.


“I can always tell if you’re lying. Even after all these years. I will still follow my instinct.” Joohyun added with a sigh, putting away her wand, and stood up. “Jimin. Come here, and give your favorite professor a hug. I missed you.” And after saying that, she spread her arms open for Jimin, and a small smile appeared on her lips.


Jimin in a breath, and in a flash, she hugged Joohyun, tight — she was affection deprived. No one could hug her. No one could comfort her. For five years, she suffered, and endured the loneliness and pain. She felt warm all over. And she let out a sob when Joohyun hugged her back. Everything tired her out but now that she got a hug from someone familiar, she suddenly felt nice.


They hugged each other for a few moments, and Joohyun was the one who pulled away, they then stared at each other for a second before the professor raised her hand, and smacked Jimin’s head.


“Ouch!” Jimin whined, holding her head. Well, Joohyun’s smack had gotten stronger. She pouted like a poor puppy as she looked at Joohyun helplessly who was glaring at her, her nose was flaring.


“That is for killing the innocents even though you were left with no choice!” Joohyun said, and Jimin let out a giggle, shaking her head in amusement. “But I admire you, Jimin-ah. I know that sacrifices are really needed, and one must have a very strong will to kill a comrade. You are brave yet stupid at the same time, Yoo.”


Jimin could feel her warm tears threatening to fall from her eyes again. Yes. It was such a burden. To kill people. She did not like it, and she always had nightmares because of it.


After that, they talked again but the atmosphere was lighter. Jimin was happy, and she blabbered everything to Joohyun, from her plans to her experiences as a Death Eater — also exposing top secrets like she wasn’t guilty that she killed Headmaster Lee because he was a creep. He was actually leading a secret organization that would overthrow the Ministry of Magic, and was planning to be the ruler of the wizarding world. He also wanted to conquer the whole world for power. He was also secretly leading a human trafficking business in the muggle world because he secretly hated muggles for some reasons.


Jimin got all the evidence, and showed it to Joohyun who was shocked. The professor revealed that she knew that Headmaster Lee was a weirdo, and not entirely a good person because she once caught him bullying and picking on people from the Ministry.


Soon, they got into a more serious talk about Jimin’s plan on defeating the Dark Lord. Joohyun promised that she would give Jimin every help she needed, and Jimin almost kneeled out of happiness — her plans weren’t going to be put in the drain!


“I need someone powerful, who got a position in the Ministry.” Jimin blurted out. Joohyun took a sip on her coffee.


“Kim Minjeong. She’s pretty powerful in the Auror Office. The Minister himself took a liking on her.” Joohyun answered, and Jimin’s heart skipped a beat upon the mention, her face turning red as the kiss flashed in her mind. Joohyun smirked against the rim of the cup. “Hmm. Five years have passed but still smitten over Kim?”


Jimin threw Joohyun a glare, a blush covering her whole face. “Shut.” She warned as her eyes narrowed but then she let out a sigh. “Will she believe it?”


Joohyun had fallen silent over that. Minjeong would be hard to deal with, that was for sure but she would be a huge help. And she could be the one who could kill the Dark Lord too with Jimin’s support. Even though Minjeong showed a reaction that she might be also interested in Jimin when they kissed — her righteousness would definitely outweigh it.


“Yeah,” The professor replied with an assuring smile. “We just need to make her believe. But since you got me, I think it will just need a push.”




Minjeong was in her house, playing with her wand as she stared at the wall in front of her. It had been almost a month since the Death Eaters’ attack in Hogwarts, and Headmaster Lee was already buried. The wizarding world was really alarmed and mourning over their loss. They were getting more scared each day passed — some wizards even went hiding in the Muggle world so they could avoid the crisis.


Slackening her jaw, Minjeong tilted her head, and spotted that her raven was sleeping peacefully in his nest at the corner of the window. She wanted to give Professor Bae a letter since it had been weeks since they last saw each other — she knew that she was still in great shock, and still upset over Jimin.


Speaking of. Minjeong still didn’t know what to feel. Jimin had feelings for her, and ever since their school days! She said it herself. It wasn’t just a joke to piss her off. Even though Jimin was insane, she would never just kiss someone like that because of a stupid reason, right? Right? Then if Jimin could kiss someone like her for fun then Minjeong wasn’t the first… and Jimin kissed her nicely—


A strange negative feeling bubbled within Minjeong.


The young Auror heaved out a sigh, shaking her head to collect her thoughts. She shouldn’t be thinking of that deranged witch right now. She had to find a way to go inside the office, the Head didn’t let her attend work after the fight. Surely, it drained the hell out of her but she was fine now but he still insisted that she should stay at home until there was another mess.


She couldn’t just stay in here, she was restless. She needed to do something. Maybe, train? For sure, the Dark Lord would finally attack sooner. Their attack in Hogwarts was already a great warning for his appearance. And Minjeong needed to be stronger than ever, she wouldn’t just let that evil piece of to conquer the whole world.


While she was in a very deep thought as she played with her wand — Snow suddenly woke up, tilting his head to the window, and flew to perch on the sill. The action caught Minjeong off-guard, and she felt a strange presence outside her house. Someone apparated there. Snow let out a happy croak. It must be someone familiar.


Minjeong went downstairs with Snow flying just above her, yelling, “Yay! Yay!”


She held her wand tightly, just in case. She then opened the door, and was greeted by Joohyun. “Professor,” Minjeong greeted, widening the gap of the door so Joohyun could slip in.


The professor flashed her a smile, letting Snow perch on top of her head which made her hiss a bit but let the raven. “Minjeong, hi,” She greeted back, stepping inside the house but not fully entering, staying rooted by the doorframe.


“What’s with the sudden visit? Are you alright?” asked the Auror. Joohyun gave her a tight smile, and Minjeong didn’t even notice that Snow was facing sideways, his head tilting left and right like he was observing something.


Joohyun nodded, she looked troubled. “Yes. I’m good, and well, I came here to discuss something with you.” She said, and her voice was very serious, and Minjeong blinked. The professor looked really nervous yet serious at the same time. Now, she was curious at what might have happened. “I’m currently with someone. She needs our help, and you better won’t do anything stupid.”


Minjeong confusedly tilted her head. “...Okay?” She replied dumbly and just watched Joohyun turn her back, nodding at something — at someone. And before Minjeong could ask, a figure covered by a black cloak appeared, entering the house with Joohyun.


The young Auror’s brow twitched, something was off with this… person. Their presence was familiar but Minjeong couldn’t pinpoint it. But then, when Joohyun closed the door and locked it heavily, and casted a silencing charm around the house — the person took the hood away, revealing their identity.


“Miss me?” Jimin was wearing her usual bright, wicked smile.


Out of instinct, Minjeong took her wand from the side of her pants, and swiftly casted a spell but it looked like Jimin was ready for the sudden attack, and also muttered a shield charm — giving Minjeong’s spell with no effect.


“Minjeong!” Joohyun yelled, and immediately stepped in front of Jimin, seemingly protecting her while Minjeong was already trembling in anger.


“Get out of the way, Joohyun-unnie!” Minjeong shouted, her wand already aiming at Jimin who was eyeing her emotionlessly. “I will kill that witch!”


Joohyun growled, also raising her wand towards Minjeong, and the latter was shocked that the professor would raise her wand to her so she could protect someone evil. Minjeong wanted to laugh. Was this a betrayal?


“Calm down, Kim Minjeong. I’m going to explain everything, we’re going to explain everything.” The professor said in a soft voice, and Minjeong didn’t know what to do, she was feeling angry already! She was burning in rage! Even though her heart skipped a beat when she saw Jimin again, she was still furious.


“Why are you with that deranged Death Eater, unnie? Did she brainwash you!?”


“Minjeong. No. She did not—”


“Yoo Jimin! You crazy b—”


Jimin’s eyes flashed, and casted a stun spell towards Minjeong swiftly which caught the Auror off-guard, she was busy getting angry that she lowered her guard so Jimin managed to catch her. Joohyun was also surprised when Jimin did that.


“ing calm down, Kim.” Jimin huffed, walking past Joohyun, and approached the frozen Minjeong — she reached for the arm that was raised and pushed it down before standing before her.


Minjeong gulped, feeling those intense foxy eyes on her — this time, there was no playfulness in her eyes. Jimin was deadly serious, and Minjeong couldn’t do anything, she couldn’t move because of the spell — , she was too caught up in the moment.


“I don’t want to cast any spell at all but you’re getting too much. What’s the word that you’re about to say, hmm? Repeat it.” Jimin’s voice was sultry and playful but the look in her eyes were deadly, there was a glint of hurt in them. Minjeong’s heart fluttered but the rage was piling on top of her head.


She gritted her teeth. “.”


Jimin grabbed her jaw with her hand, tightly gripping it, and Minjeong could feel Jimin’s blunt nails digging in her skin but Minjeong didn’t mind it — glaring back at the witch.


“My, my, you got a filthy mouth, Kim.” Jimin whispered, her voice was hoarse, and dripping with venom. It was one of the things Jimin hated, getting cursed at. Minjeong knew this very well. And Minjeong’s heart almost stopped when Jimin ed her face closer until their breaths were mingling with one another. “But I don’t want your mouth right now. I need your ears, and listen to what we’re going to say attentively.”


Jimin finally detached herself from Minjeong, and the latter didn’t even notice that she was holding her breath throughout, and she was beet red. A snort could be heard from Jimin, followed by a sigh as she went to the living room, and sat on the comfortable leather couch — she sat there like she owned the house.


“I won’t do anything that might harm you or anyone. Just sit down and listen. I have a lot to say. But if you’re still reluctant then let’s do the Unbreakable Vow.” Jimin offered, finally releasing the spell she did to Minjeong.


The Auror could freely move now but she did not raise her wand to Jimin, just eyeing Joohyun who was giving her a pointed, pleading look. “Please. She’s going to explain everything. Calm down, and let her speak.” Joohyun mouthed.


But Minjeong trusted Jimin. And she got a huge gut feeling that Jimin wasn’t really here to fight or anything but to talk. Gut feelings never fail Minjeong. Maybe, Jimin wasn’t crazy after all. And with one last exchange of looks with Joohyun — Minjeong finally faced Jimin.


“There’s no need for that.”


Jimin released a huff. “Good to know, baby.” Minjeong was flushed, and Joohyun held back a laugh. “Now, take a seat.” The witch turned to her, her eyes were hard but glimmering in hope.


“I have a lot to tell.”




The talk with Minjeong was a little bit smooth. There was reluctance lingering in her facial expression but she remained composed and silent, listening to Jimin, and observing if what she was saying was a whole lie but Jimin was telling the whole truth so it was up to the young Auror if she was going to believe.


She also told about her plans on defeating the Dark Lord which made Minjeong perk up. But in the end, Minjeong was not really giving a whole positive reaction, and Jimin knew that it was because she still held a grudge. Jimin killed her comrades after all, and she was guilty however, like was said, she needed sacrifices.


“Let’s do the Unbreakable Vow. The three of us.” It was Jimin who suggested it, and Minjeong agreed while Joohyun thought it wasn’t needed but this was the way where Jimin could prove that she was being honest — so, she also just agreed.


The three of them gathered in a circle, and Jimin led the vow — promising that she wouldn’t harm the both of them, and the other people who would be involved in the plan — and if she broke it, she would suffer in an unbearable pain before fully dying. Minjeong and Joohyun also promised that no word would be leaked out about the plan to others too, and they, too — would die if they broke the vow.


With that, Jimin’s heart was at ease. She couldn’t even suppress letting out a sigh after sealing the vow. Well, with this, she would slowly earn their trust once again. And she was happy that there was progress. A relieved small smile curved up on her lips.


But then, she felt a scorching gaze on her which made her snap her head in that direction. She was greeted by a pair of intense chocolate eyes. There was a flower blooming inside her chest again. Minjeong’s effect on her really stayed the same. It was almost unbelievable.


She panicked a bit so she put up her playful, crazy persona and stared back, throwing a wink at Minjeong with a smile. She looked confident but she was seriously trembling, and nervous facing Minjeong like this. Although they kissed — no, Jimin kissed her last time… she wasn’t quite sure yet where they stood. She was uncertain if Minjeong also liked her.


“I can’t wait to work with you soon. We only used to fight but now, we’ll see if we’re better off as rivals or teammates.” Jimin purred, crossing her arms as she strided closer to Minjeong who was a little bit alarmed at the sudden closeness.


There was a visible lump on Minjeong’s throat, and Jimin watched it bob up and down until she looked up again to meet the young Auror’s gaze. Joohyun was just silent at the corner, pretending that they weren’t existing as she played with Snow, ignoring the tension around the living room.


“You’re better not fooling around.” Minjeong said through gritted teeth. Jimin let out a bitter smile, leaning forward, and surprisingly, the young Auror didn’t take a step backward, staying rooted on her spot like a stubborn wall.


Jimin snickered, tilting her head. “I already did the Unbreakable Vow, and everything but you still have some doubts. Hmm, understandable. I should not be offended at all.” She said, giving her a tight smile before taking out something from her pocket, handing one of them to Minjeong. “Take this.”


Minjeong took the item, inspecting it. It was a gold coin. “A coin?”


“Not just a normal coin. We will communicate through that coin to be discreet.” Jimin said, and tossed the other coin towards Joohyun who caught the coin swiftly, checking it out before putting it inside her pocket. Minjeong’s brow twitched but said nothing after that, also tucking the coin inside her pants’ pocket.


Jimin then took her silver pocket watch, checking the time. Hmm, just on time. She needed to meet with the Dark Lord. He arranged a meeting for them in a bit. She must bid her goodbye now.


“Well, since everything is settled. I need to go now. I’m going to make a visit to Yeji tomorrow. And in two days, we’re going to visit Yizhuo and Aeri. I need support as much as possible.” Jimin said with a sigh, scratching her cheek. “And… Thank you, Professor Bae, Kim. For giving me a chance.” whispered Jimin with a blush, a little bit shy. She was not really used to saying thanks.


Joohyun gave her a soft look while Minjeong’s face remained neutral but there was a glint in her eyes. Jimin coughed then cleared after, her other persona showing up again — giving them a playful smirk.


“Time to say goodbye. If there’s something up, I will notify you. And you guys too.” Jimin said, turning to Joohyun, and gave the professor a smile then turned again to Minjeong. Her smirk had gotten wider, and boldness and confidence suddenly possessed her — taking steps forward, and well, this time, Minjeong took steps backwards until she was trapped — she could feel the wall against her back yet Jimin was ruthless. She kept striding until there was almost no space between them anymore.


Joohyun averted her gaze away with a blush, not minding them but subtly taking a peek. These two were really making her uncomfortable. She wanted to disappear but yet, she wanted to witness their interaction. She had been ‘shipping’ these two since their Hogwarts days. After all, Joohyun knew they had the spark.


“My letter.” murmured Jimin, low and sweet but poisonous. “All the words written in there. They were sincere.” Jimin’s smirk went bigger when Minjeong started to go red all over, she could even see steam leaking out from her ears. Hmm, maybe when the time was right, maybe when they finally defeated the Dark Lord — she would pursue this woman.


“Stop it,” Minjeong whispered, holding Jimin’s shoulder, pushing her away but her effort was weak. And that made Jimin chuckle.


“However, I won’t claim it today. As much as I want to have a taste. Hmm, maybe next time.” The witch said, a tone of disappointment lacing around her tone, and she almost laughed when Minjeong let out a relieved sigh. And when Minjeong wasn’t expecting it — Jimin swiftly and quickly leaned in, pressing a kiss on the young Auror’s strong, sharp jaw instead.


Minjeong jumped away like she got burned, her eyes were shaking, and her whole body was red — she looked like she got harassed. Jimin let out a giggle, raising her brow at Minjeong before finally putting the hood back to her head — she then turned around.


“See you guys soon,” And Jimin disapparated from Minjeong’s house just like that.




Soon, a week passed by quickly. Jimin finally gave Yeji a visit, and it took her hours to make her old friend calm down, and give her an explanation. Jimin even almost injured Yeji throughout because the latter was being a brat. She also had a hard time with Yizhuo and Aeri.


All of them still had reluctance in their hearts, Jimin could feel it. She shouldn’t feel hurt but she was slightly sad. However, even so, they still gave Jimin a chance, it was enough. They were always alert so Jimin would always show them that she got nothing in her sleeves for them, and she was genuine.


Gah, it was really hard to rebuild her connection with them. The horror once her plan would work — she needed to fix her image to the public. A lot of high ranking officials would surely try to throw her to Azkaban no matter what.


But soon enough, when Jimin finally gathered the people who she needed the most support from — she gave Joohyun a message to the coin that they should meet at a hiding spot for the team. They should discuss Jimin’s plans when the Dark Lord finally attacks.


Their hiding spot was just a crampy, old shack located in the middle of the Forbidden Forest that Jimin herself built secretly behind the Dark Lord’s back. Unlike other Death Eaters, she wasn’t always monitored, and freely did whatever she wished.


When Jimin apparated there, all of the members of the team were already there — some were looking grumpy like Minjeong, and Yizhuo (they weren’t still believing much but their presence inside the shack made Jimin smile), some were neutral like Somi and Minjoo, some were serious like Aeri and Yeji while Professor Bae looked a little bit happy to see her.


Without Joohyun’s help, Jimin probably failed already. She knew that Joohyun could persuade them because her influence on the others was huge so she really went to the teacher first before the others so she could obtain a little help. She was really happy that Joohyun believed her, and was very amazed because the woman was really risking a lot. Joohyun would take the blame if Jimin was just bluffing and was really crazy. Jimin was really thankful, she would definitely treat her professor some butterbeer once this of a mess was done.


“Oh my,” Jimin faked a surprise, even covering with her hand. She then looked around, checking the familiar faces out. Her old friends. Her friends who loathed her now. “Why, hello to y’all!” greeted the witch while grinning. The grin wasn’t wicked but rather a genuine happy grin because Jimin was extremely glad that she was in the same room as the people who she treasured.


Jimin witnessed how Minjeong gripped on her wand, she was ready. She rolled her eyes, they really thought it would be some planned attack of the Death Eaters. If that was the case then — she might be powerful but she couldn’t take these people all at once. They were strong in their own ways.


With that, she finally placed her playful facade away, and sighed — her eyes that were once playful and wild were now soft, and confident. She was the real Jimin, no mask or anything, not pretending at all. She still possessed this cunning, confident, and proud aura in her despite all these years.


She noticed that the people around the room became tense a bit, like they were thinking a lot except for Joohyun who remained smiling at her.


“If you still don’t trust me, then this plan won’t work at all because you guys have reluctance in your heart.” Jimin said while staring at the wall where Minjeong was leaning at. “But it’s enough that you guys still showed up. I guess it’s progress. I will do my best to prove to y’all that I’m not really the Dark Lord’s dog.” whispered the witch, suppressing a heavy sigh.


“How come you’re not getting monitored then?” It was Yeji.


“The Dark Lord trusts me.” huffed Jimin.


“How are you sure?” Somi fired back.


Jimin clenched her fists. “Because I know.” She answered through gritted teeth.


“What’s the concrete plan now that we’re here?” Jimin froze at that. The one who spoke was Minjeong. She immediately beat Yizhuo on saying anything that might lead into a heated argument.


The witch was slightly amused, she tilted her head towards Minjeong’s direction with a smile curving onto her lips slowly. The young Auror was staring at her intently, her eyes were hard but Jimin saw that the tips of her ears went red the moment she stared back at her.


“Hmm,” Jimin hummed with a seductive hint and approached Minjeong again, purposely swaying her hips a bit and she looked like a fox slowly walking towards its prey. Minjeong was immediately alarmed. “The plan…” murmured the witch, finally halting in front of the young Auror — she ignored Yizhuo who was ready to blast Jimin off with Bombarda Maxima but was stopped by Aeri and Joohyun.


She reached for the clean collar of Minjeong’s shirt, gently caressing it as her fingers moved upwards a bit until she could feel the said Auror’s skin beneath the cloth. She then pretended to properly straighten it, smirking when she felt Minjeong tensing up, and there was an obvious lump on . Hmm, she should get used to teasing Minjeong. She was absolutely liking the reactions she was getting from her. Who knew this brave, stubborn Gryffindor would be so uncomposed when Jimin was around?


She then leaned her face a little closer until the tip of her nose was bumping on Minjeong’s chin. Jimin could feel Minjeong’s ragged breathing hitting her forehead.


“You guys will find the Horcruxes and destroy them.” Jimin said a little bit louder so the others could hear it but her attention was solely on Minjeong only. She finally retracted her hand away from the young Auror who looked like a statue and leaned away. “I believe that you guys know what a Horcrux is, right?” She turned around to face them.


Joohyun gulped but nodded. Well, it seemed like everyone knew what a Horcrux was now. Hogwarts was very strict at making the Horcrux known to the students. Even a lot of people still didn’t know it until now.


Jimin smiled smugly. “The Dark Lord made a total of four Horcruxes, they are the reason why he’s still alive and powerful. You guys will destroy the three. I’m the one who will destroy the very last one. In case you’re wondering. That very last one is close to the Dark Lord. Fear not. He won’t know a thing if you destroy them. He will only know once I finally destroy the last one and kill him off.” The witch explained, taking out something from her coat; a scroll. She then threw it on the table that was in the very center of the shack.


“Everything’s in the scroll. All the details you guys will need. The Dark Lord is planning to attack Hogwarts again in a month so you guys have enough time.” Jimin added, taking a seat on the chair as she watched Aeri take the scroll, opening it then scanned it alongside Minjoo.


“How can we be sure that you’re not just using us to throw the Dark Lord and get the throne for yourself?” Yizhuo spat bitterly. Jimin was taken aback at the accusation, she had never felt this offended.


The Death Eater then turned her head towards her with a slack jaw. “I don’t want power. I only want revenge and freedom. Nothing more.” She answered, her voice almost cracked, and her hands were shaking.


No one noticed that Jimin was on the verge of crying. That she was desperate to kill the Dark Lord. That she was genuine.


Maybe someone did but she just looked away.




The Dark Lord summoned every Death Eater in every corner of the wizarding world for a meeting. Their usual meeting before attacking again. And of course, Jimin was present. She was always present, and sitting beside the Dark Lord himself because she was one of his most trusted allies.


Jimin roamed her wild gaze around, and spotted that there were a lot of unoccupied seats in the long table. Ah yes, some of them got killed and arrested the last time they crashed Hogwarts more than a month ago. She let out a snort, good for them, and soon, every person who sat with the Dark Lord would be either killed and arrested like the previous ones. Hopefully, except for her.


The witch just sat there, sneering as the Dark Lord’s voice engulfed the space, telling about his plans to conquer the world again blah blah… Jimin couldn’t care less. She was in her own world, she was thinking. Her eyes suddenly darted on the big snake slithering across the long table. It was the Dark Lord’s pet, and not just an ordinary pet.


Jimin slid her gaze on its shimmering dark scales. This snake was one of the four Horcruxes. That was why she told the others that she would be the one who would personally kill this Horcrux off. They couldn’t easily catch this one because it was practically glued to the Dark Lord.


A smirk made its way to Jimin’s lips. Her hands itched to kill this one already but she resisted the urge. She would ruin the plan she herself made for years. Now, she wouldn’t dare to ruin her own efforts.


After the meeting full of the Dark Lord’s smug blabbers, it ended soon enough. The Dark Lord then asked to talk with her alone once the rest of the Death Eaters finally made their exit from the room.


“Karina, my greatest ally,” The Dark Lord purred. He was in a good mood because of the information he got from one of his pawns. “They’re really foolish, aren’t they? They’re sacrificing Hogwarts once again. Well, that school is damaged already anyway.”


Jimin let out a girly giggle and eager nod. “Yes! Stupid, stupid! You know, my Lord. They’re purposely doing that so the fight won’t extend to the city. Less people will get involved, it may seem!” She answered with a deranged laugh.


There was a huge smirk plastered on the Dark Lord’s lips. “Hmm. I know. But alright then. We’ll give them what they want. It looks like they’re pretty confident in this one. Plus, it’s a huge win. Almost every important person in the Ministry of Magic will be present in that ‘meeting’. We’ll just kill them off first before destroying the others so nothing can stop us. They’re already flocking in one place so I won’t let that chance go.” He mumbled, playing with his wine glass then chuckled.


Actually, Jimin was the main reason why that ‘meeting’ would be happening. She asked Joohyun and the others to personally suggest and insist it to the Minister. She knew that if they wouldn’t do anything then the Dark Lord might really destroy the whole city first, and that would be deadly and bloody so she proposed that plan instead.


But if they would all fight in Hogwarts, no innocent people would die. It would be a trap. The Dark Lord wouldn’t know a thing what was waiting for him there.


So far, they have managed to destroy one Horcrux already. It was easier for them because Jimin provided them the information they all needed. It wouldn’t be long until they all destroy the remaining two, and hopefully, they would find them all before the ‘meeting’ in Hogwarts in a few weeks.


She trusted them all, especially Minjeong who was determined to destroy the Horcruxes. According to Joohyun, Minjeong was the one who persuaded them to go find and destroy the Horcruxes just a day after Jimin gave them the scroll full of details about those wicked items. The young Auror was also the one who destroyed it.


Now, she just hoped that Minjeong wouldn’t be too careless. She was so driven by determination that Jimin was afraid she might do a wrong move that would lead them into danger. But then, Minjeong could always find a way out in every danger she would encounter. That young Auror was pretty lucky in life. However, Jimin just wanted for them to be safe, still.


After their brief conversation, Jimin was finally dismissed by the Dark Lord too. She happily went back to her manor, and her facade immediately went away the moment she stepped a foot inside. With a huff, she took out the coin from her coat, and spotted that there was a message.


Horcrux. Destroyed. One left. KMJ injured.


Jimin’s heart stopped beating for a moment because of the message. Minjeong got injured in the process of finding and destroying the item? What the hell happened? Ahh, that fool.


She immediately sent a message to Joohyun’s coin, asking about their whereabouts. Joohyun answered instantly, she said that they were currently in her house.


With that, she got her cloak, and apparated to Joohyun’s house without even informing her house elf. She just found herself standing by the archway of the professor’s living room. Pairs of eyes were darted at her sudden appearance, Yizhuo almost casted a spell out of surprise but lowered down her wand when she recognized that it was Jimin.


Jimin ignored the others, just eyeing Minjeong who was slumped on the couch — her arm was bleeding, the other side of her head was too. Aeri was trying to heal her and Somi was also trying to stop the bleeding but they all looked worn out, probably from the adventure. The Horcrux they searched for was definitely a tough one.


“Jimin,” Joohyun greeted her. She looked exhausted, and Jimin could definitely tell that the professor must’ve been exhausted herself from using too much magic. It also applied to the rest of them. Some were injured but only scratches and wounds, only Minjeong was heavily bleeding. “We can’t go to the hospital or the Ministry will know what we’re up to.”


The witch sighed, approaching Minjeong and eyed Aeri. The latter immediately backed away, almost stumbling backwards but thankfully Yizhuo caught her. She shouldn’t drain herself further to heal Minjeong or else she might really black out. She also gave Somi a pointed look but the woman did not budge, still trying to stop Minjeong’s bleeding.


Her eyes twitched. “Back off and rest instead. I’ll take care of her.” Jimin said with a cold voice. She wasn’t really that close with Somi, well, they were sort of — acquaintances. The Ravenclaw woman was one year younger than the rest of all but close with them because of her connection to Joohyun, she was the professor’s cousin.


And well, it wasn’t like Jimin disliked Somi. It was just that it was known that Somi was harboring romantic feelings for Minjeong too ever since their school days.


She saw that Somi’s jaw slackened, still not moving. There was silence, and Jimin’s gaze on Somi was hard. Minjeong also noticed the tension but never said anything, just focusing on her wounds.


Somi only moved when Joohyun was the one who took the youngest away from Minjeong so Jimin could help the young Auror instead.


With that, Jimin took the matter in her own hands — she healed Minjeong. She was also a skilled healer, of course. She wasn’t focusing on that kind of field but she knew that healing was one of the most important skills to be learnt. Instantly, Minjeong stopped bleeding, and the wounds instantly closed.


Sighing, Jimin took the basin full of water and grabbed a clean towel, soaking it into the water before wringing it to get the excess water out. She then reached for Minjeong’s bloody arm, wiping the crimson liquid that was already drying and painting onto the tanned skin.


The room was silent. The others were either resting or watching them.


“You’re still the same,” Jimin murmured, focusing on wiping the blood away from Minjeong’s skin but her tone was serious. “You should be extra careful. You might be stronger and a lot more skilled than years ago but remember, Horcruxes are dangerous things, and the obstacles you must face just to destroy them are difficult and deadly. If one isn’t careful, it might lead to death.” She added and then washed the bloodied towel to the basin again — the clear water turned red, she used magic to take the redness away.


Minjeong was obviously listening but saying nothing. Jimin’s brow twitched, reaching for the other woman’s jaw, making her head turn to her so their eyes met.


The Death Eater then raised her other hand, gently wiping the blood away from Minjeong’s face while cradling the latter’s jaw. “You’re ing lucky, Kim. You always find yourself surviving until the end but it doesn’t mean it’s alright to get hurt.” She said, raising her brow to the silent Minjeong who looked like a guilty puppy. “And I don’t want to see you getting hurt by someone or something. I’m the only one who has the right to give you damage, no one else.” whispered the witch, possessiveness lingering around her tone that made everyone in the room shiver.


As expected, Minjeong turned red, averting her gaze away shyly. Jimin just huffed, still holding Minjeong’s jaw firmly but not enough to hurt. “Remember to use your head, always, and be extra careful and wise.” She reminded her, even using her index finger to point at her temple. “If you get hurt badly, you can’t fight well once the Dark Lord appears. We need you, Minjeong. I need you.”


Minjeong visibly went tense at the words Jimin threw, grumbling something that Jimin couldn’t understand at all but the cute action out of embarrassment made the witch grin but it didn’t last long, she still needed to nag at this stubborn fool.


“There was poison in your wounds. If it got seeped further in your bloodstream — in about an hour, you’re probably dead already. Thankfully, I managed to get here in time, and I know dark magic healing.” Jimin said, finally letting go of Minjeong’s face to stand up. The young Auror followed her with her eyes.


Jimin then murmured something under her breath, doing hand movements with her wand elegantly, and soon, the room suddenly glowed a bit. She looked around, and saw that the girls were wearing shocked faces then turned into slight confusion, they looked a little bit lighter.


“I did a charm to you guys. I gave you some energy. I can feel everyone’s exhaustion. Treat it as a token for risking yourselves from destroying such a deadly Horcrux.” Jimin murmured, tucking her wand back to her coat, feeling a little bit tired. Well, she gave particles of her own energy to a lot of people so it already was taking the toll on her of using this charm.


“Thank you all.” The witch said again sincerely, and shook her head before breaking out into a deranged smile again. “And that’s it. I can’t stay longer. I still have some tasks to do. See you guys real soon.” And she disapparated away from Joohyun’s house just like that.


The whole room turned silent once Jimin went away. Minjeong looked like she was lost in deep thoughts before letting out a sigh, reaching to massage her temples, not even realizing that she was smiling.


“She’s really something else.”




Another week passed by smoothly, and Jimin was left anxiously waiting for Joohyun’s update. Minjeong gave her a message on the coin earlier, informing that they were on their way to destroy the third Horcrux and this time, only her, Somi, and Joohyun would go. Jimin tried to suppress the urge to roll her eyes when she saw that Somi was with them. A green sensation spreading through her whole existence slowly. She wasn’t bitter. She was just slightly jealous but that wasn’t important.


So far, this Horcrux was the hardest and toughest to destroy because the Dark Lord made a lot of effort to protect it with a powerful dark spell.


Jimin also had a hard time studying that one. She knew all of the Horcruxes because the Dark Lord himself presented them to her before. She had never seen a Horcrux before so she was a little bit amazed and spooked but after that, she made research about it so she knew how to destroy such a stuff, and she knew the location.


They said that the Dark Lord was the wisest, little did they know — he was getting outsmarted by someone behind his shadow. Yoo Jimin, what a little traitor.


She also observed the Dark Lord these past few days. He looked a little bit tired and paler, he just shrugged it off — telling that he was pretty exhausted after dealing with some people and creating dark spells again. Ah, as expected, he didn’t know that his souls were slowly getting destroyed one by one, and soon, his snake would be the last Horcrux that ever existed. The effect on him was already showing yet he remained oblivious. Ah, the last thing he would suspect was his Horcruxes getting destroyed. He was confident that it couldn’t be found and destroyed.


Once again, Jimin found herself seated beside the Dark Lord in his meeting. He actually tasked some of the Death Eaters to create another ruckus in the city as another warning, and he was satisfied. Jimin, as usual, was one of the people who created the mess — she was always sent by the Dark Lord to lead the troupe. Heh, he was really making sure that every witch and wizard knew that the potential brightest witch of the century really turned evil and crazy.


Jimin even had to face Yizhuo earlier, and she did as little damage as possible. Thankfully when Yizhuo saw her, the Auror just clicked her tongue, and ran to the other way, killing other Death Eaters. That action made Jimin smile, and just discreetly killed her ‘comrades’ behind the smoke. They wouldn’t know that she killed those Death Eaters.


Now, well, there were other seats left unoccupied. The Dark Lord wasn’t pleased with this at all.


They all got dismissed after a few hours about finalizing the plan; just destroy and kill without mercy. That was the reminder. Next week would be a bloody fight, and next week, Jimin would put an end to this madness.




The third Horcrux was destroyed. Joohyun immediately gave her a message. And Jimin instantly visited them.


It wasn’t too fatal to the Dark Lord that his Horcruxes were destroyed, as long as there was still one left — it wouldn’t have much effect on him. Killing the last one would be the final blow that was why she warned the others to be a lot stronger because the Dark Lord’s powers were pretty much still the same.


“You guys did well.” Jimin commented with a smile. She was grateful that none of them died throughout the process, sure, most of them got injuries but they weren’t severe. It just showed that they were skilled and powerful. “And now, we wait until the meeting at Hogwarts. That’s where everything will end. The Dark Lord will be defeated and his tainted soul will be burning in the depths of hell.”


Soon, their brief meeting ended. Most of them still got some jobs to do so Jimin let them, she just wanted to express her gratitude for helping her, helping the whole wizarding community. Jimin made sure to remind them to be a lot tougher once the last battle finally happens.


Since Jimin had nothing to do, she stayed in the shack. She eyed the destroyed Horcruxes, and there was still dark energy left in it — the remains of the Dark Lord’s powerful dark spells. She was thinking of how to properly dispose of them.


“What are you going to do with those?”


Ah, yes, she wasn’t alone. Someone stayed, although her purpose was unclear to Jimin because everyone, including Joohyun — who got called to Hogwarts by other professors — left. But she silently stayed back, letting the others leave and rejected their offers that she should go back with them. Her presence wasn’t unwelcomed at all.


Jimin turned her attention back to Minjeong who was leaning against the edge of the table across from her. She was also looking at the Horcruxes. The corners of the dark witch’s lips tugged upwards.


“Hmm. Dispose, probably. I will turn them into nothingness.” answered Jimin, wearing a scowl. “Such devilish items like these should be vanished without a trace.” She added, and then closed the cover of the chest where the destroyed Horcruxes were placed. “I will deal with them later. They should be properly disposed of or the remnants might spread.”


Minjeong hummed, eyeing the chest intently while Jimin stared at the Auror.


Smiling, Jimin decided to fool around. Now, they were alone. What a nice chance, right? Hmm, for sure, they wouldn’t be alone together in the same room for a long time after this so Jimin would take the chance.


Like a stealthy fox, she slowly yet swiftly circled around the table, approaching Minjeong. The young Auror was so lost in her own thoughts that she didn’t even notice that Jimin was already walking to her side, and let out a yelp when Jimin suddenly appeared in front of her.


The room suddenly felt suffocating and small now that their proximity was so close. Jimin could hear Minjeong’s breathing that was slowly getting ragged and labored. And she liked it. She could feel Minjeong’s nervousness. Heh, what did this woman expect? Let this chance go to waste? Hmm. Jimin would make the best out of it.


Jimin gave Minjeong a bright smile but the young Auror just looked away, droplets of sweat were forming on her temples already yet the witch wasn’t doing anything yet at all. It was really fun to tease Minjeong.


“Now, I want to know why you insisted on staying with me here. Alone.” Jimin purred, raising her hand, and placed her fingertips on Minjeong’s chest, letting it crawl upwards like a walking person.


Minjeong visibly gulped, “I have nothing to do. And I thought you might need a helping hand to do something with the Horcruxes.” She answered, her voice was low and trembling.


“Oh?” Jimin was slightly disappointed at that. She pouted childishly, letting her wandering hand rest on Minjeong’s broad shoulders. “That’s it? That’s just your purpose? Well, this is upsetting.” She mildly exclaimed, taking a step closer until Minjeong was trapped between her and the table. Jimin let out a triumphant smirk when the young Auror didn’t even make an effort to push her away or get away from her grip — she was just standing there, still as a statue as if Jimin casted a spell on her.


Jimin then held Minjeong’s waist, supporting herself as she leaned in, making it seem that she was aiming for her lips but turned her head once their lips were just a mere inch away. She almost chuckled when she saw that Minjeong tightly screwed her eyes shut when Jimin’s face got closer. But the witch just settled on the side of her face — letting her red lips ghost over her cheek until it was near Minjeong’s reddening ear.


“When the battle happens. Don’t hold yourself back from fighting me. The Dark Lord will definitely pit us. He knew our rivalry history. Let’s give him a good show before I completely destroy him.” Jimin whispered, letting the tip of her nose glide over the outline of Minjeong’s ear and then gave her earlobe a teasing, gentle bite. “Once everything’s over and in order; we’ll start something anew, alright? Let me pursue you, Minjeong. I won’t hide my feelings for you, no more.” She murmured before finally leaning away, observing Minjeong’s fazed expression.


With a chuckle, Jimin was about to take a step backwards since she was afraid she wouldn’t be able to control herself anymore and would selfishly take a claim on Minjeong. Not now. She shouldn’t. When everything wasn’t still right. She promised that she wouldn’t lose control next time. She would only do it once she was free from this evil madness.


However, she felt a strong arm wrapped around her slim waist, catching her off guard and preventing her from taking steps backwards further. Minjeong held her tightly, looking at her with a hard gaze. Jimin’s heart skipped a bit. She shouldn’t lose her composure!


“Are your feelings sincere?” Minjeong asked in a hushed voice, her tone was pleading yet commanding at the same time, like she was desperate to know. Jimin tilted her head, tightening her hold around the young Auror.


With a tight, nervous smile — Jimin answered, “Are words not enough to express my feelings for you? Didn’t you get the hint at all when I kissed you before? Was all of those not enough, Min?” fired back the dark witch. Jimin was so sure she poured her utmost feelings and desires in that kiss. It was just a shame that Minjeong probably didn’t get the message at all.


Minjeong was dumbfounded a bit, her lower lip, and Jimin’s brow twitched.


“It’s not that… I,” The young Auror sighed, staring back at Jimin. “I’m just having a hard time believing.” whispered the woman.


That made Jimin smile. Well, she understood. For seven years. They were known to hate each other’s guts and always trying to fight each other off but look at them right now — there was almost no space left between them, and they weren’t glaring at each other and bickering — but rather, they looked intimate and sweet.


Jimin reached for Minjeong’s cheek, caressing it lovingly while grinning sheepishly at her which made the other blush furiously but her hold around Jimin’s waist didn’t falter, remaining firm and tight. “Well. Allow me to properly show you how sincere I am to you. Soon though.” She whispered, leaning closer once again to Minjeong.


The Death Eater pressed a kiss on the corner of Minjeong’s lips then moved her lips over to her jaw, and also planted a kiss there, even daring to nip the skin which made Minjeong extremely tense. With a chuckle, Jimin hugged Minjeong — pulling her closer to her and buried her face between her neck and shoulders.


It was warm. Minjeong was warm. And Jimin felt like she was on cloud nine. It all went better when Minjeong hugged back, equally tight as hers while she rested her chin on top of Jimin’s head.


This was what Jimin had always wanted in life. To get caged in an embrace by the person she loved. She had been craving for this all these years, and she didn’t even want to pull away.


Jimin melted in the hug, closing her eyes.


She smiled against Minjeong’s exposed skin when she felt the young Auror pressing a kiss on her crown. Maybe, there was a chance for them after all.




“Today is the day, my comrades.” The Dark Lord announced, spreading his arms like wings. There was a grin on his lips as he eyed every one of them kneeling before him. Jimin was not included, she was standing beside the Dark Lord and giggling happily.


They were currently at the hill near Hogwarts, preparing for their invasion. She could clearly see the whole school presented vulnerably — there was a shield charm surrounding the school — Protego Maxima. It looked like they still created such a defense spell to protect the school. Well, it was pretty useless. Even Jimin could bore a hole in that gigantic shield.


“Today is the day that darkness will conquer!” There was a series of yells from the Death Eaters. Jimin suppressed the urge to roll her eyes and just clapped happily. After countless of cheerings and the Dark Lord’s yells, they finally zipped their mouths shut, and faced the view where Hogwarts could be seen.


Jimin eyed the school sadly. There were a lot of memories in that school, happy and bad ones but Jimin treasured them a lot. Hopefully, Hogwarts would be rebuilt immediately once this fight was over.


In that school, hundreds of witches and wizards were currently waiting for their attack. This… would be the end of the Dark Lord’s terrorism.


“My allies,” The Dark Lord called, and Jimin readied herself, gulping the lump stuck at the back of . There was a short silence but the Death Eaters stood up onto their feets to prepare. “Attack!” He roared, and all of them yelled before flying away from the hill — surging forward to Hogwarts.


The Dark Lord raised his wand, and Jimin’s breath hitched. Now, the Dark Lord would destroy the shield with the help of others. She didn’t move, waiting for his orders. She wouldn’t contribute in this one if the Dark Lord wouldn’t say anything. They could do it anyway.


She just hoped that her close friends would survive this one. She knew there would be a lot of sacrifices but she hoped that a lot of them would live.


Jimin just watched in hidden horror as the Dark Lord started to use a powerful spell, ultimately breaking the spell gradually with the help of other Death Eaters. She witnessed how the gigantic shield charm started to wear off, and the dark witches and wizards descended to the school with a great speed, and a cry of dominance.


The Dark Lord took a deep breath when he finally broke the shield, laughing to himself after then turned to Jiminwho was silently watching with a proud smile plastered on her beautiful face. “Dearie,” He called for Jimin softly, and it made the latter shiver. “I have something to tell you.”


“What is it, My Lord?” Jimin chirped, facing the Dark Lord happily with a happy chuckle. The devil incarnate himself grinned, caressing his wand as he eyed Jimin with a hard gaze.


“I want you to be the one who will personally kill that stubborn Auror that goes by the name of Kim Minjeong,” He whispered, taking a step forward. Jimin’s grin went brighter, she had expected this already. Of course, the Dark Lord knew Minjeong — she had a talent after all.


Jimin nodded eagerly at the mention. “Yes! Please! I didn’t get to kill her last time because you told me to spare her bloody life! But now, I won’t hold back anymore,” She replied then giggled darkly. “I will show her that I’m stronger. That we’re not equal.”


And with that, Jimin also flew away — surging forward to the school, leaving the Dark Lord laughing to himself again with his snake. Her grin faded away as she descended at the tower. She eyed the ruckus below. There was a lot of mess already, there were a lot who got slain, and defeated on both sides.


She took a deep breath and tipped her witch hat, properly placing it on her head before jumping from the tower to join the fight. Her presence immediately alerted other wizards. And with a smirk curved on her lips, she raised her wand, and casted, “Incendio Tria.”


Conjuring blue flames, Jimin watched it zoom from her wand like a jet, and hit the wizard who was about to cast a spell on her too. The said wizard screamed as hot blue flames engulfed him but Jimin just looked away, unable to witness what she did to the poor man, and walked in the middle of the chaos, unbothered.


She swiftly walked, dodging the stray spells from the fights with a small smile, casting spells like, “Confringo!” and “Bombarda Maxima!” to the people who attempted to use a spell on her too.


When she entered Hogwarts, she spotted that the whole place was almost destroyed. The fight was a lot more brutal than before — last time they attacked Hogwarts, Jimin only brought those wimpy Death Eaters, and the wizards and witches they fought were just professors, and most Aurors were still under training. But now — power against power.


Jimin recognized a few wizards already, most of them were working in the Ministry in such high positions. She even saw the Chief Warlock of Wizengamot fighting in the school grounds earlier. Hmm, they really brought all of the most talented, experienced wizards here to fight.


While Jimin was busy collecting her thoughts, a wizard was actually creeping behind her, already mumbling an incantation — ready to kill Jimin off but the latter actually felt his presence already. Jimin’s senses were enhanced thanks to the self-training while still in Hogwarts, and harsh training of the Dark Lord for years.


“Alarte Ascendare.” Jimin murmured, wringing her hand as she did the wand movement. And the wizard ascended upwards in a flash, hitting the ceiling, and created a crack upon the impact. The poor wizard let out a grunt, descending down afterwards, and hit the floor with a loud thud.


And the dark witch continued making her way to the Great Hall, avoiding to fight as much as possible. Well, she also helped a few wizards struggling to defeat some Death Eaters, she would silently cast a spell to help them but it seemed like another good wizard had helped them.


She finally got inside the Great Hall, and it was a complete mess. The long tables were thrown at the side, broken, and unusable — the windows were all broken. Everything’s pretty much destroyed, and Jimin watched the fight left and right, bemused.


She spotted Yeji and Joohyun, and they were surprised to see her but she never did anything, letting them fight and defeat other Death Eaters.


“Oi, Yoo. Why are you just standing there? Help us!” One of the Death Eaters shouted as he landed beside her. If Jimin wasn’t wrong, this man was named Seungwoo.


Clicking her tongue, Jimin raised her wand, ready to cast and strike but she made sure to turn her body last second — and the Killing Curse went to him instead, instantly taking his life away. “Annoying,” She said, and turned around — she could feel the Dark Lord already. He was finally here, and joined the fight but before that, she shared a look with Joohyun.


When Jimin was on her way back to the courtyard, she got caught in a fight with three wizards. She had no choice but to fight back and out of mercy, she just gave them all — “Stupefy!” Jimin left them stunned there on their spots.


She had a hard time returning because it seemed like other Death Eaters had been defeated, and the good wizards and witches were now teaming up to defeat her. She stumbled upon ten of them before she finally got out of the school that was already grumbling from the inside and outside — soon enough, it might really fall down.


Jimin bumped into Yizhuo, and she saw that the Auror raised her wand to fight so out of instinct, Jimin reached for hers too but then, Yizhuo did not cast. She was just scowling, hesitation written all over her face.


“Yizhuo, no, I don’t want to fight you. Just pretend you didn’t see me.” Jimin thought to herself. If Yizhuo would fight, Jimin would need to fight back too.


After a few seconds of silence, as if Yizhuo had heard her thoughts — she grumbled something under her breath before running away in a different direction. Jimin let out a sigh of relief before dashing towards the courtyard.


She immediately spotted Minjeong, and her heart fluttered at the sight of the young Auror — ever since their last meeting in the shack, they never saw each other again. But then, her face went grim when she realized she was having a fight with two of the Dark Lord’s best lieutenants, Nako and Sakura. The two sisters were just below Jimin when it came to ranks.


On the other side, the Dark Lord was getting surrounded by wizards and witches but he remained calm, chuckling to himself while facing the Minister of Magic. The Minister was also composed but there were flames in his hard eyes. It appeared that they were having a conversation.


If Jimin wasn’t mistaken, the current Minister and the Dark Lord were friends before until the latter suddenly betrayed everyone, and decided that darkness and evil should conquer the world instead. But Jimin couldn’t care less about that, she was more preoccupied watching Minjeong nervously.


Even though it was two against one, Minjeong was putting up a rather nice fight. As expected from that stubborn fool, Jimin’s stubborn fool. The dark witch let out a grin, and it appeared to many that it was her usually wicked smile but she was actually proud that Minjeong looked so amazing as she tried to defeat Jimin’s comrades.


Her heart almost stopped when Minjeong took a blow — Sakura managed to cast a spell on her while Minjeong was distracted by Nako. She watched in horror as Minjeong landed on the pillar, even destroying it because of the impact — that probably hurt.


Hissing, Jimin silently casted a spell towards Minjeong. She gave her enough energy. She saw that Minjeong got confused as she lay down on the stone rubbles, feeling suddenly energized. Once again, she stood tall, and surged forward to fight back again — endlessly casting spells towards the two strong Death Eaters.


However, Jimin got distracted when five Aurors suddenly surrounded her, the tips of their wands were already emitting light. Huffing, Jimin was a little bit irked that she was disturbed. Hmm, this would be a short work anyway.


While Jimin was dealing with the Aurors, she noticed that Yizhuo and Aeri helped Minjeong defeat the two sisters. Now, that teamwork would surely knock those two off.


“Aqua Eructo!” Jimin casted, letting the jet of water zoom towards the last remaining Auror, knocking him cold. Puffing out a breath, the dark witch turned around to catch up with the fight, ignoring the numb sensation from her body. The fights kind of strained her, and she gave half of her energy to Minjeong so she was feeling a little bit off but nonetheless, it wasn’t serious.


Well, it looked like the three idiots defeated Sakura and Nako already, and now — they were helping the Minister fight off the Dark Lord who was just cackling happily as he fought back.


Taking a deep breath, she knew she had to step in now. She had to spot a perfect timing.


And soon enough, she got one; when Minjeong discreetly went behind the Dark Lord and casted, “Bombarda Maxima!” Jimin swiftly got on the Dark Lord’s side, and created a shield charm to protect him and herself.


The Dark Lord was slightly surprised at the explosion near him, and his grin just brightened when the smoke slowly disappeared, and Jimin was in sight — her wand was raised, and she just casted a shield charm before the spell could hit him.


Minjeong was shocked at her sudden appearance, she thought she could already do damage to the Dark Lord but then… Jimin appeared, and protected him like a loyal dog!


The dark witch showed no emotion as she stared back at Minjeong’s intense eyes. She slowly let her raised arm rest on her side then tilted her head, giving Minjeong a bright, wicked grin.


Everyone visibly tensed and halted their movements when Jimin meddled into the fight. It would be extreme now that the infamous deranged witch entered the battlefield to fight beside the Dark Lord.


“Karina, there you are!” The Dark Lord chirped, smiling. “You came at the perfect time, my loyal ally.” He cooed, holding Jimin’s shoulder then gave it a squeeze but he was staring directly at Minjeong who was scowling.


Jimin tilted her head, smirking. “Perfect time, yes.” She whispered with a giggle, eyeing Minjeong delightfully as she caressed her lovely wand.


“Now, isn’t this the nice time to settle who’s the stronger between the both of you?” The Dark Lord whispered, laughing happily. And Jimin nodded eagerly, chuckling. “I know you won’t disappoint me. Give me a spectacular show!”


With that, Jimin raised her wand again, pointing it to Minjeong. A grin slowly went back to form on her lips. “Confringo!” She casted.


Don’t hold back, Minjeong. Let’s give them a good show, shall we?


“Protego!” Minjeong casted, and the spell that Jimin threw to her vanished. That marked the start of their battle.


No one interfered at all. No one fought. No one. They all just watched the ex-rivals fight each other in awe. All of them didn’t move on their spots, and just watched the match happen. They watched Jimin and Minjeong cast spells alternatively.


The Dark Lord was surely enjoying the match, he was laughing so hard. And while Jimin was fighting Minjeong, she was thinking of how to kill the last Horcrux.


In the match, no one noticed it but Joohyun — the both of them were obviously holding back despite their match getting more intense.


However, after ten minutes, Minjeong took the blow. She was already tired after casting countless of spells earlier, and fighting Jimin was very draining, especially that their powers matched to the fullest. Even Jimin got tired already, she was also drained.


“Expulso!” With that curse casted after a small Fiendfyre curse, Minjeong faltered, and didn’t get to cast another shield on time — so, she took the blow. She got thrown across the courtyard because of that, and she got a huge amount of damage.


Yizhuo tried to step in but Joohyun stopped her, shaking her head firmly. One shouldn’t intervene.


The Dark Lord’s happy cackle rang around the silent courtyard. The skies were dark and gray, there were cracks of thunder from the distance but the rain had yet to come. The weather really liked to match with such a big fight like this. Or maybe, because it was dark magic.


“Strong. But still not strong enough.” Jimin’s voice intensified around the courtyard as she approached Minjeong who was trying to sit up, she was using her arms and knees to get herself off the ground, and Jimin didn’t help her. She hoped that Minjeong still trusted her. As much it disheartened her to fight the woman she loved — she needed to.


Just a little bit more, Minjeong…


“I just know how to kill such a brave lion like you. An honorable, ironic death is what you deserved.” Jimin said, followed by a laugh. The wizards and witches were alarmed but the Dark Lord didn’t let them intervene, casting a spell that would not allow them to disturb Jimin and Minjeong. This show was not meant to be disturbed by those petty people.


Minjeong panicked a bit, Jimin noticed that but the latter immediately gave her a reassuring smile. With that, she relaxed but winced at the injury she got from the explosion. She was about to stand up but Jimin mouthed, “Don’t move anymore.” So the young Auror did not, just weakly sat there while frowning.


Jimin then felt something moving on the ground, like something slithering closer to them — probably excited to witness the fight up close and mock Minjeong. A smirk made its way to Jimin’s lips, casting a spell under her breath. After that, a sword suddenly appeared on her hand — not just an ordinary sword but its the—


There were a series of gasps when they recognized the sword Jimin was holding. It was the legendary Sword of Gryffindor that had been missing for years now. Jimin was the one who stole it personally for the Dark Lord but the latter just let her keep it because he didn’t need a weapon — he just wanted to possess it because that sword was powerful, and could do many things, such as; it could destroy his Horcruxes.


Jimin unsheathed the sword, its sharp, silver blade glistening. “Killing a Gryffindor using the Sword of Gryffindor. Seems adorable, right?” She mumbled as she inspected the sword. It was well taken care of by Jimin, of course. She knew it would be handy in the near future.


Jimin ignored the shouts of incantations from all around them. It was no use anyway because of the barrier that the Dark Lord created around the two of them. She just stared back at Minjeong who was breathing heavily, there was a hint of betrayal in her eyes but the hope lingered the most — she was having second thoughts that Jimin might really kill her and what she all did was just a bluff.


But then, the Dark Lord’s snake suddenly slithered forward, circling around Minjeong while hissing — as if it was mocking her for being too weak. Jimin saw that Minjeong’s eyes widened, finally realizing what Jimin was about to do.


Jimin smiled at Minjeong again. “Now. Everything will end here!” She shouted, and shifted the position of the blade, the tip of it pointing downwards, and raised it up in the air. In the corner of her eyes, she saw the snake hissing happily by Minjeong’s side.


The Dark Lord’s reign would end here! His soul would finally get trapped back in the depths of hell, and would never be stepping back on the world again! Jimin was reminiscing about all the hardships she faced because of the Dark Lord. He was the main cause of her misery. Jimin would get her revenge today, she would save everyone from this madness.


Revenge. The thing Jimin had been desperately seeking for. It was now one step away from her. Her hands were trembling out of anger and hatred.


“Die and let your soul get engulfed by the flames of hell!” Jimin yelled, and finally swung her hand downward — changing its position last second before the tip could reach Minjeong, piercing it into the unaware snake’s head instead.


In an instant, the snake let out a loud shriek, alongside the Dark Lord who felt a painful sensation in his chest. Jimin eyed the snake squirm intensely but its head was pinned by the sword on the ground, suddenly — there was black smoke coming out from the snake, forming into skulls that looked akin to the Dark Lord himself while shouting in agony before slowly disappearing into thin air.


The ground was suddenly shaking, as if there was an earthquake — the thunder started to roar. And Jimin shivered, feeling the remnants of the dark magic around the air but relief washed over her.


“WHAT HAVE YOU DONE!?” The Dark Lord’s loud voice laced by betrayal boomed around the courtyard.


Jimin slowly turned around to face the Dark Lord who was already on his knees, agony and rage was written all over his eyes. His hand was already slowly fading like smoke. “Y-You! You secretly destroyed my Horcruxes!” He roared, and Jimin just eyed him in disgust.


“You just realized now?” Jimin whispered, helping Minjeong to stand up onto her feet before walking closer to the Dark Lord who was already getting weaker and fading. Realization struck Jimin like a huge surging boulder. It worked. Her plans worked. She was free from his madness. And she got her revenge.


“You are supposed to be on my side! You are loyal to me! You are my dog! I already brainwashed you!” The Dark Lord couldn’t still believe what was currently happening, everything was just flashing before his eyes.


Jimin sneered at him. “Hmph. You failed to control me. You didn’t get to brainwash my little head, my Lord.” She said, saying the courtesy was laced with venom. “For five years. I made you believe you got me and I became crazy and loyal to you in order to survive and get my revenge.” She then halted her steps just in front of the Dark Lord, eyeing him with utmost disgust and fury — matching his anger.


“Hmm. You got outsmarted by me, my Lord. It seems like you’re not really the wisest among them all.” Jimin smugly said, her eyes were hard and intense as she grinned devilishly at the Dark Lord who was halfway into fading.


He was silent, he couldn’t believe that a ‘loyal’ ally like Jimin managed to defeat someone like him. How could he be so certain of her? That explained the constant disappearance of the witch these past few months but he shrugged it off because he was confident that he controlled Jimin like a puppet, that she was under his spell!


“After you sent me to Hogwarts a few months ago, I reached my old friends out to give me support and help to put an end to you. And finally, I got my revenge.” Jimin whispered, well, the Dark Lord must know how she betrayed him happily. He should know that as he dies! “This is for my family you slaughtered. This is for my people. This is for me.” She whispered.


Soon, the Dark Lord finally let out one final scream of agony. Harsh wind suddenly appeared, as if there was a tornado but Jimin just stood still, her witch hat flew away along the wind.


Jimin watched the Dark Lord finally fade into nothingness with eyes full of resentment and relief.


And once the wind finally calmed down, silence took over the place. Jimin was still trembling from the adrenaline rush, still trying to sink in that the Dark Lord had been finally defeated alongside his other followers. And when it finally did, Jimin became weak — her knees buckled, and she fell on the ground, kneeling as she supported her upper body with her arms, panting harshly while tears formed in her eyes.


It finally ended. She was free. She got her revenge. She saved everyone from further madness.


Happiness spreads through Jimin’s existence like a wildfire, finally realizing everything. It wasn’t a dream. It was all real! She defeated the Dark Lord! She couldn’t help herself but to laugh while crying out of happiness. She was so exhausted but she was feeling thousands of positive emotions all at once.


She noticed that the Death Eater mark on her wrist also burned away, leaving a painful red mark on her skin but it was no longer there. She was not a Death Eater anymore because the person behind it already vanished.


She finally stood up, ready to greet her old allies but then, she was stunned when the remaining wizards and witches surrounded her, raising their wands at her. Jimin felt herself paling. Of course. She would still get punished and questioned despite all of them witnessing how she betrayed the Dark Lord, and killed him off. Hmm. Another exhausting endless explanation but for sure, the Ministry would never listen to her that fast as Joohyun and the others did.


The Minister himself walked closer to Jimin. “Expelliarmus!” He casted, and the wand Jimin was holding flew across the courtyard. It was rather a very not so useful spell because Jimin could do wandless magic but alright, if that would make them feel better.


Jimin just let out a tired sigh, sliding her fingers along her long, messy locks. She was about to say that she wasn’t insane but then, a figure blocked her sight. Her eyes widened when she realized that it was Minjeong, shielding her from the Minister.


“Auror Kim, what are you doing?” the Minister asked, his voice was angry and strained but he remained composed, raising his wand.


Minjeong took a deep breath, tipping her chin up. “I’m one of the people that helped Jimin. It’s true that she wasn’t crazy and asked for our help. I think there’s no need to raise your wands at her because every one of you witnessed that she herself was the one who killed the Dark Lord.” She explained, and Jimin smiled, shifting a bit to look at Minjeong’s face.


“And we’re still not so sure about that. Who knows, she might be plotting something after killing the Dark Lord?” One of the Aurors said, and Jimin frowned at that.


The witch was surprised when Joohyun also went beside her, and then, her other friends joined — circling around her to form a shield. She was so touched that another tear formed in her eye. Even Yizhuo, who was very against the idea of helping her before, firmly stood beside her, ready to protect her at all costs even if it meant to fight with the people under the Ministry of Magic like her.


However, Minjeong didn’t take it lightly, she growled at the Auror who said that which made them alarmed and surprised. Jimin’s heart swelled at the action, Minjeong was protecting her, defending her.


“We thought the same way before when she first approached us but I think she proved enough that she’s innocent and she did what she could do to get out from the Dark Lord’s grip! She saved all of us yet you guys are raising your wands at her!” Minjeong roared, and she was obviously shaking. Her grip on her wand was tight that Jimin was scared it might really snap into half.


Jimin’s smile widened at that, reaching for Minjeong’s clenched fist, and held it tightly. The young Auror was surprised at the sudden skinship, when she turned to her — she looked like a tamed, obedient puppy.


“No need to shout like that, baby,” Jimin whispered with a smile, chuckling gently when Minjeong blushed furiously. Even the others who heard that went tense and awkward. “I’ll handle this one.” She added, intertwining their fingers together then raised their joint hands — she then pressed a kiss on the back of Minjeong’s hand, murmuring against the skin. “You did well.”




Three months passed.


“Damn. They’re seriously persistent to lock me down in Azkaban.” Jimin whispered, stretching her sore neck, and stiff muscles. She really sat in that awful chair in the middle of the court for hours. “People in Wizengamot are seriously a pain in the . Thankfully enough, the Minister finally stepped in.”


Joohyun, who was beside her, chuckled at that, nodding along. “Yeah. After months of trying to persuade them and all. We got the fruit of our labor.” She responded then pulled Jimin into a hug. “You’re free now. Just ignore the eyes of people who don’t know the full story.”


Jimin laughed at that, nodding, and hugged the professor back equally tight as possible. They were currently in Joohyun’s house and Jimin’s temporary shelter until she finally moved to the Yoo Mansion that had been untouched and abandoned for years.


The Ministry forbade her to live in one of the mansions that the Yoo Family left until her case was still not solved. But they let her stay under Joohyun’s roof for the meantime. She wasn’t complaining much. She had wanted to be in a good presence for a long time. Being in a dark environment, surrounded by pure evil people really made Jimin uncomfortable and ty.


These past few months were hectic and annoying because the Ministry still got a hold of Jimin. There were a lot of debates whether they would freely let Jimin roam around the streets or throw her to Azkaban. In the end, it was the former thanks to the Minister’s help. He was pleased so he finally let Jimin go with few punishments but the most important thing was she wouldn’t go to Azkaban.


It was still bearable because she got her friends’ backs. They all tried their best to help Jimin to prove her innocence and all even though they didn’t see each other often. After the fight months ago, there was just a lot of mess to deal with. So yes, she didn’t see Minjeong much even though it saddened her.


Now that Jimin’s trial was over, she was less restrained.


“What are your plans now?” Joohyun asked after hugging Jimin, and dragged her away from the fireplace — they used the Floo from the court to go home, and they were too ecstatic and emotional to even go to the living room and hug.


Jimin thought of it, she already had plans but still uncertain. “Well, live in my old house. Rebuild the family’s business, I guess. Or maybe, try to be a professor in Hogwarts. Once the flames die down, that’s it. People are still reluctant about my existence. For now, I’ll rest a bit and well…” Jimin paused. Joohyun’s brow shot up.




Jimin just smiled brightly at Joohyun.




Minjeong was doing some paperworks as she let Snow fly around her spacious office. She was just recently promoted to be the Head of the Auror Office after Mr. Park died in the battle a few months ago. It was decided by the Minister himself even though they had a little bit of an argument over the ‘Jimin matter’.


She was pretty occupied these days because of her work so she couldn’t visit Jimin but she heard the good news from Yizhuo that Jimin was finally free. She only got a few light punishments, even though she used the Killing Curse for a lot of times — she was still spared after her heroic deed and saving them from the Dark Lord’s further advancement.


And well, upon hearing that news, Minjeong was even more determined to finish her work faster so she could give Jimin a hug or something — hmm, maybe she should give her a present.


However, a few minutes later, there was a knock on her door. “Who is it?” asked the new Head Auror.


“Uhm. Head Auror Kim, it’s me Kang Hyewon… someone is here to visit you, and well, she’s currently waiting for you at the lobby.”


Minjeong blinked, and let out a sigh. She then tidied her papers, and stood up, telling Snow to stay and behave in his nest. Now, who must be this woman? Maybe it was Joohyun? But then, if it was the professor, an Auror would probably lead her already to her office.


Minjeong walked down to the bullpen, seeing that her workers were whispering to each other as they took glances in the lobby. She ignored it, and just walked there, curious.


When she finally reached the lobby, she saw Yizhuo talking with someone. Minjeong approached closer while roaming her gaze around to spot the person who was asking for her. But then, when the person who was talking with Yizhuo came into view, Minjeong felt her heart stop beating for a moment. She was stunned.


It was Jimin. She was right there, standing in the middle of the lobby while having a lighthearted talk with Yizhuo, they even giggled at one another before Jimin finally noticed her presence.


Minjeong felt the world stopping as Jimin turned to her, giving her a dashing toothy grin then raised her hand to wave at her happily. Her heart was wildly beating inside her chest and wouldn’t stay put at the sight of the beautiful witch. Wow, she looked even more beautiful that day.


“Minjeong-ah,” Jimin called, and Yizhuo turned to look at the Head Auror, smirking at her before excusing herself to Jimin.


Finally, Minjeong snapped back to reality, and approached Jimin shyly. “Jimin? Why are you here?” asked the young Auror, feeling beads of sweat forming on her forehead as she could sense pairs of nosy eyes on them. However, Jimin just ignored all of those.


“To visit you.” Jimin stated the obvious, then raised her hand that was holding a bag. “And to give you this. I personally asked Professor Bae to help me get these Muggle food for you. I heard that these are your favorites.” She said, and handed the bag to Minjeong who took it with full hesitation.


But her heart warmed at the gesture, she placed the bag on the table beside them and gave Jimin a grin after checking the items inside, indeed her favorites. “Thank you. Although, you didn’t need to give me this...” She said, and then suddenly was aware of the curious, nosy eyes on them. She cleared . “Do you want to go inside my office?” She suggested.


Jimin’s warm honey orbs shifted into something darker, her gentle demeanor turned into something that made Minjeong shiver. The way Jimin gazed at her was really making her tremble on her feet.


The older witch then took a step forward closer, Minjeong was rooted in her spot like she got stunned by Stupefy. Jimin’s eyes never left hers until there was one step gap between them.


“No need, I’m just here to pay you a brief visit. I just badly wanted to see you so I finally surrendered to my desire. I’m also here to invite you to go to the Yoo Mansion after your work. I’ll be waiting for your arrival. We have a lot of things to discuss, Kim.” replied Jimin in a hushed, husky tone. Even though her voice was low, Minjeong was sure that the Aurors who got sharp hearing heard those words, and it felt like there was malice in them.


Minjeong dumbfoundedly nodded at Jimin’s words as she gulped, she was seriously bewitched!


Jimin grinned at that, showing her pearly white teeth. “Hmm. Good,” She exclaimed then walked closer until there was no gap between them, gripping on her red neck tie to pull her down a bit so she could reach for her.


The alarms in Minjeong’s head blared. She could hear some gasps from her workers, and Minjeong felt shy! Jimin was really putting a show for them. Damn her, and her reputation! She wasn’t this playful before, but because she was so used to her playful, flirty insane persona — she wasn’t shy or embarrassed to do a move on Minjeong in public. Geez! Minjeong would get relentlessly teased about this but hey… no complaints, to be honest. Minjeong was secretly liking it, it was a way for people to know that she was, well, taken by this beautiful witch, sort of.


Jimin brushed her lips over Minjeong’s firm, sharp jaw until her lips were already near her reddening ear. Minjeong shivered, feeling a lump stuck on , flowers were blooming in her chest.


“Well. I did tell you that I’m going to pursue you once everything’s settled nicely, right?” Jimin whispered, and well, she did say that. “Now that everything’s all good. This marks the start, me pursuing you, Kim Minjeong. For better terms, courting you or winning your heart.” added the beautiful witch before planting another kiss on her cheek, feeling the tip of Jimin’s tongue touching on her skin for a brief moment, and finally took steps backward, grinning at her sweetly.


Minjeong was still frozen there with her back bent a bit, watching Jimin in a daze.


“See you later, Kim.” Jimin bid her farewell with a wink then turned around, walking away from the lobby until she disappeared on Minjeong’s sight.


The Head Auror stood still, rooted on her spot. She only went back into her senses when one of the Aurors, Hyewon, cleared , and went back to do her work. Minjeong blushed furiously, grabbing the bag where her favorite Muggle food was placed, and made her way to her office — ignoring the amused stares of the workers.


The moment she closed the door of her office, Minjeong couldn’t suppress her grin any more, and happily skipped towards her desk while giggling like a lovesick teenage girl. Even Snow was confused at her sudden chirpy personality but said nothing and went back to resting.


Minjeong sat on her desk, biting the back of her palm to suppress her bright grin and to collect herself. She eyed the bag of food that was placed on top of her desk, and her heart warmed, fluttering endlessly. Jimin really made an effort to buy her Muggle food, and visit her because she badly wanted to see Minjeong! Damn it.


Oh, Merlin, Jimin didn’t even need months to court Minjeong because honestly — she had already won Minjeong’s heart. From the very beginning.




A/N: sorry for the inaccuracies if there were! i might’ve missed a detail when i was converting so whoops. please do point it out~ please be safe as always!


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lshoot #1
Chapter 2: I love it!!! So amazing!
Gyeolui #2
Chapter 2: Wonderful story, authornim 🥰🥰🥰
Jennerlor_31 #3
Chapter 2: omggg soo amazingggg i'm so wonderfull
Kannakobayashi09 #6
Chapter 2: I love this thank you author!!!
mina_sr_my #7
mina_sr_my #8
Chapter 1: easily one of the best, most well-written jmj/hp au in general!! so sooo good!
Chapter 1: you just became one of my favorite author after reading this one chapter! hoping for more this kind of stories! woo letsgoooo thank youuu
Chapter 2: Damn. when i discover your works, i immiediately read your works one by one! Your story is only just one shots but the difference from you and other authors is yours is so intense? It got me hooked by just one shots stories! I actually upvoted your stories first before i scroll down to read it bc i just know you'll blow my mind again! Seriously, I've read maybe hundreds of stories here in aff and ao3 and you author is on my top 10 fave authors. I think i've already sweept all thr stories here in aff and I have only read few stories that is on par with my standards. Are you perhaps open for commission? Pls message me if you are open for commision. 🖤